
Identity Verification Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"MFA...is something I know, something I have, something I am."
"I think the most powerful change that Twitter could make today is there are two classes of users: people who are verified real world identity, and people who want to stay anonymous."
"You do not have to give your ID, so how can they demand me to produce ID?"
"The verified is obviously that's huge it's the revenue stream as well as a means of identifying that it's a real person."
"You don't really think like, 'show me your [__] birth certificate.'"
"Ultimately, you can't not sign contracts with your legal name."
"His identity was confirmed by fingerprint evidence."
"No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote."
"It's basically your DNA proves that you are you. That's your identity."
"How can you actually know that you are speaking to the real person via email?"
"Tick Tock becomes Tick Tock like after dark basically for adults and stuff and you have to you have to provide identification of some kind or something to be allowed to use it."
"Even though we can see people but at least we can verify their identity talk to them over face time it's still a risk because you're meeting a stranger."
"Crystal Hawks, if that is your name, please type your Roblox name in the chat for me."
"If you have your driver's license or state ID added in your wallet application you can now share your ID information in applications that require your identity and age verifications."
"Creating a digital signature to verify identity without exposing the private key."
"Every person on the internet on every platform should be tied to a driver's license or a social or social security number so anything they say could ultimately be tracked back to them."
"Somebody's gonna come through and forward and it's not going to be who they say that they are."
"I'm gonna prove to you that I actually work for Epic. That's research and say yeah."
"Apple face-recognition blamed by New York teen for false arrest."
"If it looks like a duck and it acts like a duck, it's probably a duck."
"A lot of security boils down to two questions: who are you, and what should you have access to?"
"I think it's good to make sure that everyone who's voting is who they say they are."
"The polls of those in favor of ID are always overwhelming and they're always across races and across parties."
"I am still labeled as Rebecca Allen Mendel... this lady has the audacity to tell me that's not you... I said I got married a couple years ago, it is me I promise."
"Vietnam to require social media users to verify identity. No matter on local or foreign platforms." - Voice of Vietnam newspaper
"Authentication is the process of verifying users are who they actually say they are."
"So, if you see someone in your field of vision, in your mind's eye, or externally a spirit, you can throw light at them to see are they who they say they are?"
"Be cautious of anyone claiming to be from a utility company but unable to provide a legitimate ID; they may have ulterior motives for wanting access to your home."
"I could have shown them an Illinois driver's license saying that I live just down the road on the south side of Chicago and they would have sold me that assault rifle with the extended mag."
"Authentication is who you are, authorization or access control is what you're allowed to do."
"We are validating every connection to make sure they are who they say they are."
"Passports are already terrible at confirming somebody's identity because passports last for 10 years. No one looks the same in their photos after 10 years."
"Each one of us is forced to have an identity card that anyone can look up."
"Authentication is the process of checking if you really are the person that you claim to be."
"Authentication just says this is me; this is who I am."
"How did the attacker establish identity to the system?"
"Authentication refers to the process of proving you are who you say you are."
"When we log in with the username and password, we are verifying who we are, and that is authentication."
"Proof of identity is an important part of an application to become a permanent resident."
"We're going to be doing facial recognition or facial verification."
"Giving that bouncer your ID that you know is yours and knowing you're hundred-percent gonna get in."
"To gain access to these resources, we need some way to validate that we are really who we say we are."
"Authentication is about verifying the identity of a user, knowing the user is who they say they are."
"Speaker verification is not just about access control; it's about authenticating identity in a myriad of applications."
"Financial regulators around the world enforce KYC requirements to ensure that identity information is collected and verified."
"Authentication is the identity of the user or protagonist who wants to use the system."
"On the communication links, we need a way to know who's actually making the call."