
Investment Confidence Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I'd much rather invest with a higher degree of confidence that over the long term, I'll be right."
"If I had a high conviction trade, I would be open to putting 50 to 100% of my portfolio in that trade."
"It's not a big deal if you have a portfolio full of really good companies."
"It would make me a lot more comfortable to go heavier on crypto if tether just disappeared."
"If the story hasn't changed, you can buy even more."
"I know I'll make my hundred dollars back and then some on this pile here."
"I think he's ready for it. It's a huge buy for me as well."
"Make money while I'm sleeping, no guessing when investing."
"Given all these factors and especially a lot of the stuff that we've heard you know seen play out over the last month over the last couple of months, it is probably my highest confidence investment."
"I like this as an asset... I think it'll be alright."
"The smartest money in the world is betting on Tesla."
"This one is the real deal top to bottom and they have your back unequivocally."
"XRP is one of the only coins I believe will not return to levels where it is now."
"I definitely think this bull run is nowhere close to being over."
"I'm still very, very bullish at current prices."
"Including Apple as a significant bet in my portfolio is one that I'm pretty confident of."
"Even if it drops a little bit, I'm so confident in Doge for a long time."
"The fundamentals of Bitcoin still strong as ever."
"That's why I was bullish on it because they had code audits they had total value locked."
"Never panicking is ultimately if you've got strong hands, if you're a stable person, then you will make money trading cryptocurrencies. It's that simple."
"I think it's durable... It will be part of the investment arena for years to come." - Rick Rider
"This is a stock I could hold forever, no doubt."
"I think Tesla's in the best position to capture that upside, and I'm invested in that. So for me, that's the win."
"I personally would place more money in XRP but that's me."
"If your money is with us then your career will go boom."
"So long as you buy at a price you're comfortable with... I don't think you could lose out in the long run."
"If you're holding XRP, then you're holding your own empire in your hands."
"This asset class is a sure thing... But hang around till the very end I'll tell you why I still remain very bullish on Bitcoin."
"No rational investor stays up at night obsessing over the fact that their shares will go to zero if there's a quantum computer attack."
"Elon Musk purchasing Tesla stock: a huge vote of confidence for the company."
"Fundamentals still looking good for Bitcoin."
"I'm positive on AMD, positive on Amazon, positive on SNDL, and positive on the market's outlook."
"I am confident in my ability to make great Investments."
"AMC, I'm still liking it over $7.40, over $7.50 if that holds, I'm feeling pretty confident about it."
"If Bitcoin went down to a hundred dollars, I would still believe in it because of the technology."
"I wouldn't bet against Nvidia long term for sure."
"I've never been more bullish on bitcoin in my life than I am right now."
"this stock's an easy money stock... they're just going to sell off their alliance business... it's just in a really really good place."
"This investment reflects our belief that bitcoin is a dependable store of value and an attractive investment asset."
"The S&P 500 was up over 12 percent for 22 out of the last 40 years, I'm not betting against the American economy."
"Bitcoin holding above 60,000, which is great."
"There's no such thing as a bad decision when you're investing in Elon Musk."
"Why am I so confident that my position worth around 1 million plus dollars right now is going to be worth over $10 million here in the near future? That's what this video is for."
"I'm just so 100% convinced that I'm going to likely double up my money in the stock over the next couple of years."
"Dividend investing also gives me confidence when it comes to investing because I'm in the driver's seat and I'm making the decisions."
"I have complete confidence in this well Diversified fund that they'll be able to grow their dividend payments over time."
"I've never lost a dollar on a piece of real estate."
"Confidence in your investments comes from knowing what you own."
"I'm willing to take that risk, and I think it's going to pay off very handsomely."
"This helps you to therefore invest with a bit more confidence."