
Marketability Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"The demand score is absolutely ridiculous at 127. That is the highest demand on the entire list for engineering degrees."
"Nostalgia is a powerful thing, but people were starting to realize it could also be pretty profitable."
"Dead in publishing essentially means that something isn't sellable. There isn't a market for something. There's not a consumer readership who wants to buy something."
"It looks like an actual crate that you could pick up and purchase at the store."
"Functionality and the form factor can make or break your product as well as can the price."
"Equip yourself with skills that people are willing to pay for."
"Replayability is actually one of the most important selling points for games these days..."
"You can be talented and you will not get anywhere. There are people like that. But you're also marketable as well. I'm marketable because I do what gets me to that X, which is my being myself, like being real, being real. Yes, being yourself."
"Black Panther has put the icing on the cake, saying we are marketable people."
"Coming up with a really good packaging for a product is the thing that makes it stand out and that is very valuable to potential employers."
"Cody rhods finally pins Roman Reigns he defeats the corporate machine trying to hold him back he drains more life out of the bloodline and he proves that he is box office in every way."
"Having played it now... the concept kind of sells itself."
"I just wanted to have people have that response of 'I don't care, that's electric, that thing's badass. I would buy that.'"
"The truth is not easy to sell. The trust is not sexy."
"He's very easily marketable to literally everyone."
"If you make a good enough game, it won't need any promotion. It will sell itself."
"Jazz doesn't sell? A lot of those classics are still selling after many years."
"You could sell this as a Switch game, and no one would know."
"There's no other product I can think of in this price range that sells itself like a Tesla does."
"Leverage an ever-expanding set of valuable and marketable skills."
"Efficiency, convenience, these are all going to be sales points."
"A big company that needs to make a buck is not going to take a risk and make something weird that they're not certain is going to sell."
"This is a product that I would consider to be a winning product."
"Find the thing that you like to do, the thing that people are willing to pay you for, and the thing that you are good at."
"Don't let a single job in a single company control your outcome build your skills make sure you're marketable throughout the marketplace."
"Paula Abdul was seen as marketable because of her deep olive skin tone and her ambiguity."
"This design as is would be good to upload to Teespring and Redbubble."
"No one can be us, no one can be our voice, no one can be who we are and you are what sells, you are your brand."
"Can't sell out if nobody wants to buy your stuff."
"You want to design the t-shirts or whatever it is that you're selling you want to create designs that you know people are actually going to buy."
"Good design actually sells cameras. Yeah, the GX 8 is practical, you know, I love it. But when you put them side-by-side, this really is a classier camera."
"You want purely basketball is Shay Gilis Alexander if you want box office appeal is going to be Anthony Edwards."
"Accessibility should then drive demand for Tesla buyers considering this longer loan."
"He's adorable, yes he's marketable, and he feels like he carries the legacy of Yoda."
"Designing a race car is very different from designing a road car, a road car has to sell. A race car doesn't really have to sell."
"Now this is going to sell, alright. This is going to sell for millions. Thousands even."
"Good dope sells itself wherever I put my work at."
"Greg Hardy fight with Allen Crowder was not great right it was not high level MMA but that fight is highly marketable."
"Mitch is a machine, he's extremely smart, he's the most marketable athlete right now."
"I think this will blow people away the way that Lord of the Rings did 20 years ago and the way Star Wars did 40 years ago." - Brian Clement
"I think the first thing it speaks to is this Will Smith is still a bankable movie star." - John Campea
"If you're in the business of selling your opinions, then you have to have opinions that are marketable and there has to be an audience for them."
"Anything Harley-Davidson branded is going to do really well."
"The goal at this point is for you to be marketable and for people to fight over you."
"Sometimes great cars are just downright unsuccessful."
"It can go from a design that sells to a design with a zero percent probability of selling."
"The ramblings of a crazy man turned into a terrible TV movie then refined into a marketable movie. That's the perfect way to describe it."
"I think she's got a great mindset with a lot of these things she's thinking creatively she's thinking outside of the box she's obviously found a market for something that she has that she could sell and capitalize on."
"That one's going to be a big seller this year."
"...your ability to become irreplaceable in the marketplace will set you apart... in order for you to get to the next level you need to be the best at what you do need to be Irreplaceable."
"It's very marketable to be unique and fully realized as an individual."
"He's the hottest property out there."
"Everything about this build is super simple to do, and I definitely think that it would sell."
"Don't try to dim that part of yourself down and deny that you're sexual because it might make you more marketable to somebody who's looking for a wife."
"These are some of the cute Graphics that are available on Creative Fabrica that I think would sell really well right now."
"The more you apply yourself, the more you learn about those Technologies, the more you do to make yourself smarter and more knowledgeable in these niches, the more marketable you're going to be."
"This isn't just good, this is marketable."
"The days of selling CDs and everything, all that shit's over, man. You just have to find new ways to make your music and your craft and your art marketable."
"Anything more unique from Ugg will sell for good money."
"I think there's a target market for this that's really going to love this but I don't feel like this product is universally appealing to a lot of people."
"Because you're the best of something doesn't mean you're marketable."
"These were done in France... they're really fun... they sell pretty well."
"who says female super teams don't sell you couldn't prove it by us"
"This is a product that you can basically sell to any niche."
"...you could take an old design, you could modernize that for modern sensibilities, and it would sell in today's market."
"They're usually my number one seller every single time."
"I really see this being something that a lot of guys would love to have."
"This painting, I think, is the best here in every way. I mean, it's really unique. I think it's very sellable."
"You need to build more than a personal brand. It has to be something that's sellable."
"Any skill that you can use in another field, in another area, anywhere in the world, bro, people will pay money for it."
"The key to having relevant marketable C skills is to not only know the C language but also know the frameworks, technologies, and concepts associated with being a C programmer."
"Woodstock's such an iconic name that I feel like it would always sell."
"I absolutely love how this turned out, definitely a sellable one, and I think one that will get snatched up pretty quick."
"I mainly pick this up because of the print, anything with like stars or celestial kind of prints sells great."
"Can't you put stuff in there that other people will want?"
"I don't know, I feel like people do that [__] to like look marketable, okay? But it's like, oh, that's just not my aesthetic I feel that and 100 at least you know."
"The bigger the problem something solves makes it easier to sell."
"We're not gonna be picking two different species or different locales and trying to cross them to create something new that's going to sell. What's going to sell is something that came out of nature looking unique."
"It's not what you like, it's what the customer will like."
"Items like these are hot sellers, easy to build, and can fetch high prices."
"If you did win a career award and it is on your CV, put it in here anyway. Make it obvious, highlight that you have this award and that will make you very marketable."
"Finding really cool unusual stuff, I think that's gonna sell."
"Finance and accounting are two skills that are always going to exist. They're very, very marketable degrees."
"The big selling point potentially is in fact the non-locking blade, the fact that this is the only full-size leatherman multi-tool that you can legally carry in the UK and lots of Europe suggests to me that this could be a bestseller."
"They want that shoe to be in more than just one season, the pro model. They don't want a one and done pro model."
"I think you're gonna sell lots and lots of these."
"Even if Legendary Tales is a 9 out of 10, it does not move the needle for a potential buyer most likely."
"The style and material of this piece is very true to the typical style of this brand, so I knew that it would sell well."
"This right here, I think is much more mass appealing, this is gonna be a good seller for them."
"One of the greatest females in the business you can put any type of bull on a Brangus influenced cow and you maximize heteros you get environmental adaptability and then you get a very efficient profitable animal in all markets and most of all accepted by all buyers out there."
"You want it to make sure that it's good that it tastes actually good and it's something that people really want."
"You've got the magic, kid. You're likable and you're marketable, and in this business, that's a great combination."
"He's captivating to watch. He's fun, he's expressive, he has all of those things. He's very marketable."
"It's just the best project for a beginner and it's very sellable, very very sellable."
"I think there's definitely a market for this product."
"I think that it's a marketable skill I think that there's businesses out there that are just looking for people that have that initiative to learn about that not just the trade itself but how you remain safe in that."
"Etsy success is driven by search volume."
"Fitness and health: one of the most lucrative niches online."
"Their success established Vegas as a viable market for pro sports."
"Your product, the uniqueness of your product, might drive the value."
"So if you can learn how to create explainer videos, you can offer this to clients or apply to jobs where different businesses want a fun and unique video to promote their services."
"It's a very popular and lucrative skill to learn and have."
"People will pay you for your coolness."
"This one's going to sell, no doubt, for sure."
"They're gonna have a market, I mean really across the league but more like specifically within this offense."
"I love it when an item that I don't have to do much at all with is already sellable."
"Your chances of getting a job increases if you're picking a technology which most of the market uses."
"Sellability is the ability to sell a piece of property that you have."
"Your product needs to be great or else nobody's going to buy it, and nobody's going to want to promote it if it's not a great product either."
"Having a CPA license really does make you more marketable."
"Designs have to be buyable, meaning they have to look good enough to be purchased."
"The sweeter the cabbage, the better it will sell."
"That is really good, I think they can sell all that they sold that year around."
"Let me know in the comments in the live stream if you would buy these."
"Just the keywords 'mommy and me' or 'matching set' is super trendy, they get lots of searches every single day."
"You want to create something that's fresh, that's interesting, that people are drawn to and that they want to buy."
"That's my job; I design things that people want to buy."
"It's all marketability at the end of the day."
"If you can sell, if you can raise revenues, if you can drive revenues in a company... you will be in demand."
"He was ridiculously marketable, people were talking about KD all over the place."
"One of the things I look for to know that a product is marketable is that there's a real value proposition that is clear, it's distinctive, it's compelling."
"It needs to have power struggles, reasoning, suspense, action, comedy and the like in your story. That's what sells!"
"The resale around here, you know, it flies off the shelf, especially if it is updated."
"Spider-Man's going to sell well regardless."
"One of the best ways to increase marketability and in turn profits is making sure that what you're offering can't be found or replicated elsewhere."
"Investing in yourself... can improve your ability to earn income or more income, or make yourself more marketable."
"Every single item on eBay has a 100% sell through at a certain price point."
"Excellence is easier to sell, whatever it is you do excellently, it's going to move faster."
"We need to list items that people will actually search for."
"Make sure you add more tools to your toolbox because that's going to help you become more marketable."
"They're really quick to make and they're a good seller too because they're great for kids all the way up to your 80 90 year olds."
"There's just something really fresh and original that they know they can sell, that they know will connect to the readers."
"You have to have something that the people will love."
"Zion Williamson is one of the most marketable players in the league, one of the most marketable athletes in the world."
"Jeff Hardy is just more marketable."
"We prefer to find products with low seasonality."
"It's a very unique package in today's market, and I like it for that."
"They're building trucks that people want, they're building trucks that people are going to buy."
"What's important is to write good stories that sell."
"What was already a great and very desirable product is even better."
"Is there anything in this world that couldn't be sold?"
"If Volkswagen came out with like a cool retro bus for half that money, I think it would be an absolute hit."
"We could sell costume jewelry, like this stuff sells."
"Each additional chunk of education that you get -- if done well, if you're getting good value -- is going to enhance your marketability."
"If people will buy a book about a cat who's wearing a hat, then this will be a bestseller."
"The recorded music industry was driving musicians to have their own voice that could then be marketed."
"I love this little dachshund, and little dogs sell really well in salerooms."
"Before you give up, figure out how to make things people want to buy."
"We're keeping it simple, concise, and very attainable, launching those products that are high in demand with low competition."
"It's kind of a unique proposition, one of the reasons probably why it sells so well."
"Design value will sell at the end of the day; a desirable design in a good niche will sell."
"Beauty products are selling throughout any season, which is fantastic."
"This house is going to sell in a blink because it needs nothing."
"This phone would fly off the shelves if they just do some of these upgrades we talked about."
"This does not look like a spare parts model at all; it looks almost like something that could be sold."
"Do you think these Little Cuties would sell? Absolutely."
"A good product would sell itself."
"The whole aspect of constantly improving yourself so to make yourself more marketable."
"If you want to get into making money by selling your photos to image libraries or publishers, always shoot with enough room for text at the top of the frame as this is what editors and designers often look for in an image."
"I have a skill that people can't take away from me and it's marketable everywhere I go."
"The importance of having a product that stands out."
"Will it sell? That's too much there, a lot of people daydream and they will say, 'Oh, that'll really go down well'."
"The heat treatment allowed them to take all this rough that they couldn't use before, heat treat it, and now turn it into a marketable gemstone."
"It's not just what looks good on the model; it's what can be sold and will look good on the average person."
"I was pretty certain that if I could make it work, people would be interested in it."
"Is the content good enough to hold up to now? If the answer is yes, then people will still buy it."
"A lot of what makes a person marketable is relatability."
"It's arguably the best looking MPV you can buy."
"Look at that, gorgeous, totally sellable."
"Nearly everyone has a marketable skill, whether it's designing, editing, or petting dogs."
"This device has a longer shelf life and it's likely to sell a lot more over the long run."
"There's a high demand for this skill."
"I think that you have a character that is marketable; I think that people will love watching you more."
"If you learn it, it's a very marketable skill to learn Linux."
"Sometimes the truth isn't marketable; sometimes the truth is hard."
"This would be considered an evergreen Niche which means it will sell all year round."
"Modularity opens up new opportunities for innovation and getting it to market quickly."
"It's very simple, very basic, very easy, and I think it'll sell quite well out of craft fair, especially during the summer times."
"A basket is very versatile, so I think that is something that again would sell well at a craft fair."
"If it's a great product, strangely enough, in America they'll watch it."
"He's already shown to have All-Star capabilities and marketability."
"Being yourself is important, but if you want to just ride the wave, there's certainly a market for that."
"...this case about two damaged individuals who somehow found each other, fell in love, a mad passionate love, and then together they became extraordinarily marketable..."
"It's something that you would see in any store and have a great retail value."
"Honestly, if you can offer close to the same performance in a gun that looks pretty much the same but has some Turkish flavor to it, for a lot less money, you've probably got something that's going to sell like hotcakes."
"He's marketable, the kid's extremely marketable."
"I'm telling you, you should finish this one day 'cause people will buy that."
"If you have a good skill on Spark, there is definitely a very valuable skill right now in the market in terms of big data processing."
"Picking up a second language makes you very marketable."
"Develop skills and expertise, things that are going to be valuable in the job market."
"No matter how good you think your game is, what ultimately matters is if people want to buy it or not."
"It's all about proving that you have a product and offer that people actually want."
"The broader the product is and the more people it has the potential to help, the more brandable it is."
"This does not look handmade to me, this looks like something you would buy at a store."
"I'm going to keep my eye on this one because honestly, these sell."
"She's unbelievably marketable, kids love her."
"I want to publish books that people actually want to buy."
"Boost replacement insoles... if they were to produce a boost insole anywhere between 20 and 40 dollars, I think people would buy that like crazy."
"It's just so complete and so many units, you know, they may have this or they may have that, but you just don't find all the features in a single product out there in the marketplace typically."
"We focused on something called marketability, which is a bit different from marketing."