
Music Genre Quotes

There are 463 quotes

"The emo genre, much like others before it, produced a wide range of music that many people hold close to their hearts even to this day."
"I really like the emo rap sound. It's musically has its own thing and has a mood to it."
"I love this. This is 'Bang Bang' again, just like the Ariana one. Pop rap is so fun."
"I remember when someone actually brought up the term grunge to me, and I got it somehow attributed with that, even though I've made lots of records that don’t sell anything grungy at all."
"Rock will never die, but it puts things into perspective."
"Breaking Benjamin is like the definition of background early to mid 2000s nu metal."
"They take away your equipment and force you to play an entirely different genre for a while."
"It's next to impossible to do a truly critical look at CCM and not include evangelical Christianity."
"Hip-hop is more than just music, it's a culture, a language, a way of understanding each other."
"The beauty about hip-hop is that it can take on different genres and sounds."
"Hip-hop has been served in a greasy brown paper bag and it was time to serve it on a silver platter."
"Hip-hop is the love of my life, it's the reason both of us are standing here, the reason why this entire War show is happening."
"Dope that hip hop has transcended all genres, ethnicities, genders."
"The height of bossanova's popularity on the international stage."
"There's a lot of emotion, a lot of early 90s angst."
"Hip-hop is not just music, it's literally a lifestyle of the world."
"This album is for rap fans, it's for hip-hop fans."
"Nevertheless in the last decade hip-hop has effectively become one of if not the biggest musical genre period."
"Vaporwave has always been unbelievably interesting to me."
"With his death, I believe that SoundCloud rap as a whole passed away with him."
"Nostalgia is what stunted the growth of grime."
"I think it's fair to say that almost all of us are intrigued by the gangster rap lifestyle."
"Kendrick is the last of a dying breed of conscious rap, where he's bringing conscious rap to the mainstream in a way that is not there now."
"Pusha T, one of the greatest coke rappers out there of all time."
"If you like punk rock, you've got Screwdriver, they're punk rock, kinda."
"Drake is not a rapper rapper and we all know this."
"Dungeon synth was slowly leaving the dungeon that gave it birth, exploring a world of shining castles, bejeweled dragons, and singing bards."
"Knights of Vrol aim for a mysterious new world or a kingdom among the stars, pushing the boundaries of what dungeon synth is and can be."
"Progressive music is cool and it certainly adds a lot of fun, interesting stuff to the palette of what rock can be."
"When you think of gangsta rap, you think of NWA."
"There was never a calculation that we had decided that this music is grunge."
"Vaporwave came out of this generation's desire to express their hopelessness."
"Vaporwave is inexorably tied to a discussion of the detritus and forgotten artifacts that capitalism leaves in its wake."
"Hip-hop puts a spotlight on street urban communities."
"Thrash was the speed and the aggression, just how concise it all was. It was so focused, it was being good at your instrument, being fast and just kicking ass."
"It's difficult to call us just 'P-pop' because we're not just there."
"Battle rap is the main mover and shaker of culture today."
"Synthesizer pop, where technology meets creativity."
"I don't know if we'll ever see a full-on resurgence of the genre like we did in the late 2000s, but without the doubt, the genre has brought up some legit classics."
"This is fire. It's bigger than just a drill."
"Hatsune Miku is an icon, whether you listen to Vocaloid music or not."
"Music influences everyone's ease. Drill influences young boys the way it does."
"If there was no drill music, do you think that's going to reduce the crime rate?"
"It's not just rap, it's a lifestyle, it's a culture, and it's for everybody now."
"Black metal really was like shockingly new and fresh and different."
"Reggaeton is now a popular genre in and produces artists from countries including Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, and the Dominican Republic."
"Metal fans should be happy that metal is a reference in any cultural artifact."
"Lyrical hip-hop isn't going away, it's timeless."
"George's impact on the vaporwave scene and how he has grown from it has been absolutely beautiful to watch."
"We were hell bent to make a rock album because people were so mean to us."
"That drill music is authentic. It's street real."
"Kanye making gospel isn't something that's new to him because gospel music has always been influenced by black people."
"Dream here's the dream guys: sewer pop #sewerpop."
"I don't know if I love thrash but I love the way Metallica pulls it off."
"We're tackling prog metal, something I'm very excited about."
"Prog metal may be the only genre where if you're a mental case it's a good thing."
"I think disco can still be a valid genre today."
"Alternative is a culture, it's a lifestyle, it's a set of Aesthetics not just a sound."
"I really believe that heavy metal will probably outlast this century and maybe outlast us."
"Less of a pop album and more of an art album."
"First of all, let's talk about exactly what I mean when I say metalcore."
"It's turned Generation Z into metal heads literally overnight."
"Blues is a good man feeling bad but it's also good good feelings as well."
"Let's let ska exist on the landscape of genres alongside the other ones."
"It's such a vibrant style of music because it's there aren't a lot of rules about what they did."
"Country music for me, because I grew up in Ohio."
"New metal isn't dead; it's true metal like Korn and Slipknot."
"We are thrilled that wizard Rock has returned."
"So, this is not like a punk type of thing. It is not. Not even a little bit."
"Trap music changed the course of living for our families forever."
"If white people just decided they didn't want to listen to rap anymore..."
"His contributions to Electronica and role as a cultural Ambassador for Mexican electronic music will be remembered and cherished."
"Butt rock songs are catchy and memorable, but they're also heavy."
"Butt rock choruses are declarations of power."
"Butt rock choruses are sheer, cathartic releases."
"Butt rock has always been obsessed with confidence and spectacle."
"Traditional gospel bass lines... all those churchy black gospel songs."
"This is the best version of what bro country could be."
"Dance Gavin Dance: the idealized version of the plaid shirt and Telecaster math rock guy."
"It would be cool to have a little metal revival minus the life-ruining stuff."
"That's why the Kendricks and the J Coles will always be who they are. Whether they don't make music like Lil Baby and Lil Durk, they have music that lives on forever."
"World is now a popular gang who plays a huge part of drill history."
"Tyga is definitely a really fresh look at the genre as a whole."
"Body Count is an industrial lover's playground with a blend of goth and metal."
"Listening to 93 [__] hard rock radio. Nothing but hard rock, hard dudes playing hard rock and they are rock hard."
"After surviving its time in the spotlight, it seems that vaporwave will only continue stronger than ever."
"Luxury rap was born from art, history, and thoughts on European lifestyle."
"Testament has been the most consistent thrash band over the last decade and a half."
"The only socialist rapper known... Infinity knives... king cobra."
"Lady Gaga, you know, I had only known her as a pop dance artist at that point."
"I don't think that Rocket 88 is rock and roll, but I think Rocket 88 is R&B."
"Metalcore itself is alive and well... it just went back to the roots."
"If afrobeats does get the Forefront like it's getting interestingly, it has all the other genres embedded inside of it."
"Black metal is one of the last true genres of Outsider music."
"Death metal made a very big lasting impact not just on metal and underground music, but on pop culture in general."
"Modern death metal is defined by the subgenres and fusion genres that helped grow death metal into the modern age."
"Hip-hop is really anti-establishment, the heart of hip-hop is supposed to be anti-establishment."
"It's very very hip-hop based and my favorite part is it's like 90s hip-hop bass from like the biggie lyric references to how there was an actual 90s like rap break in the second verse."
"Lupe Fiasco, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common, and others are the moving force behind conscious rap."
"Hip-hop is not over, okay? Our culture is deeper than that."
"Another very important thing about skate rock is the ability to annoy the other half of the population."
"What a crazy idea you know... the Beatles never would have done Punk."
"They were to pop for rock but to rock for pop and they were still super successful."
"I personally feel like Stormzy and the second wave of grime music in the UK was a massive influence on the rebrand of what was originally called chavs."
"Let's have a little bit of Steve Shives death metal, shall we?"
"K-pop isn't just pop music, it's a culture of its own."
"Freestyle music did it, it just died one day. It was like when you have a pair of clothes hanging in the house that you like stylistically, then all of a sudden one day you're like 'I wore this?'"
"Hip-hop has counted for a while gotta gotten to be a staple in the ground."
"Creating club future nostalgia was really something that happened because of the time that we're in."
"Every artist that's a Christian does not have to overtly make Christian music that's good."
"Hip hop is gonna stay here. His ways won't come this way. Hip hop is gonna stand the test of time."
"Hip-hop is much larger than...race and socioeconomic background...it's music, an art form, a culture."
"Blue album holds this important historical place in the slacker rock genre..."
"It's important for us to keep real R&B music alive."
"I had this title of Drill Matic in my head. I was going to give Drill Matic to Dirk. I felt like Dirk was Drill Matic."
"Emo rap definitely has a future if Juice WRLD keeps coming out with songs of this quality."
"The track 'Krautrock' is a slab of psychedelia utilizing distortion and feedback... before erupting into a drumbeat."
"Drum and bass is the music for the millennium."
"I'm completely convinced that hip hop is the foundation of our society."
"if you like IDM but with more of like a jazzy twist"
"If this was a Griselda album cover, it would have been considered a masterpiece."
"Hip hop is the most influential genre of all times."
"Boston always been hip-hop man yeah for sure in the bulldogs."
"I love traditional Japanese music, this represents the genre and every way."
"A certified classic right the album that got so many people into metal core that kind of created the whole lane for like pitchfork metal or hipster hardcore."
"Progressive rock isn't exactly the most outsider friendly genre."
"Honestly when it comes to this super emotional kind of white boy bedroom pop R&B stuff where you're singing you're rapping you you've got some slightly messy production he's sounding pretty good."
"K-pop is one of the most revolutionary genres of music in the world and I bloody love it."
"That's the foundation of bossa nova, Brazil."
"Hip-Hop stays interesting for a longer period of time."
"We're really passionate about R&B music."
"The whole point of the genre is to play discordant, deliberately weird, jarring kind of stuff that's basically the exact opposite of what anybody would call accessible or easy to listen to."
"Mathcore kind of managed to sneak into the edges of mainstream culture."
"What was behind math core's rise, fall, and rise again, and what is the lasting legacy and impact of math core today?"
"Math core is 100% no question a product of the hardcore scene."
"Wouldn't it actually be kind of cool to start playing super weird, obtuse, deliberately complex, difficult music as a reaction to punk?"
"Math core was a really refreshing counterpoint to all that; it was a little bit left of center and challenging, kind of kept you guessing but still aggressive and pissed off and heavy."
"Math core is anything but dead; it's actually stronger than ever now, it just lives on the internet."
"Although math core in one sense may not be putting up the kind of mainstream numbers that it did in the 2000s, it actually lives on in many, many other ways and is arguably more alive than ever."
"I think this resurgence, I guess, whatever you want to call it, the new wave of deathcore is really cool."
"Black metal initially was meant as a rebellion against death metal."
"They are pretty neutral, they do rock music very well."
"Hurt feelings are what fuel emo music."
"Metal music was now a part of the mainstream."
"This is girl jeans emo and Hawthorne Heights I would say was, I don't know, I feel like people slept on how big this song was."
"This is emo rap, another artist in the genre that obviously people know because he's super famous unfortunately also dead but I feel like people in the Rock World don't really give Juice WRLD as much credit as they should."
"Trap Music: a turning point, it showed the world what was going on in the South."
"They definitely have the memo about Metal being popular again."
"Nerdcore is real music. It's not a gimmick or a lesser form just because of its subject matter."
"Vaporwave was such a big trend on YouTube back then."
"The Quest for the sickest riff is over. That's what '90s death metal was. It was the Quest for the sickest riff, and everybody was in competition."
"Actually, Rock and alternative music in general is actually as strong as it's been in a really long time."
"Fear Factory: pioneers of that kind of riffing."
"They just do pirate metal. It's brilliant."
"Grime is one of those contenders for Grime as a 140 plus tune."
"50 years of hip-hop... it'll stick around forever."
"Hip-hop is everything to me... it's my life, it's my DNA, it's my soul."
"If stoner metal's guitar tone is based on smoke, sludge metal's guitar tone is based on tar."
"Hyperpop: the most stimulating brain scratching, stem-friendly music."
"The music's called garage; it's a club music. You can't keep a good thing down."
"It's amazing even at Heavy Metal they went, because you know, America."
"Who would have thought that politically charged heavy metal and network television don't mix?"
"Hip-hop is completely an American thing. It's the foundational black American creation. Let's be very clear."
"Surf rock is great because the progressions are fairly simple, it's usually just kinda 12 bar blues patterns."
"It's come a long way... it's the most innovative, inventive, and incandescent form of metal on the scene."
"Blur is at the top of the Britpop sort of albums."
"R&B ain't dead but never severely injured."
"Classic heavy metal as only Judas Priest can do it."
"Hip hop has become so big, it does encompass white people."
"This album to me is that perfect Middle Ground of the sort of energy and aggression and song structure of hardcore with the heaviness and precision and production of metal."
"Tomb of the Mutilated defines brutal death metal."
"I want to start a new genre of music and they said what do you mean and I said well it's called gaypop and they were like what that and I was like it's like K-pop right but it's gaypop."
"The lines between Revival and the all-encompassing label of indie rock began to blur."
"If you wanted to study Neo Soul, just study Soul."
"Neo soul is just a compilation of all of these guitar ideas from Jazz, gospel, R&B, soul, and Blues."
"I'm a rapper from Melbourne, pan, representing hip-hop, rap, my hood, my culture."
"Drill as a genre, for me, it's helped a lot of people come out of that environment."
"Various forms of what we would now call country music influenced the new genre."
"They formed as a black metal band from Austria during this time in the early 90s black metal was only a big deal within Europe."
"The Band reshaped the music genre."
"That if you like AOR melodic rock, they're the real deal."
"It's daunting when you think about what has happened in the name of black metal, but it's something we never set out to purposely develop or instigate."
"Black metal is definitely the darkest and most extreme metal subgenre."
"Sugar Wounds often gets described as grind gaze which I think is a very accurate term."
"... trying to be too cute for its own sake. You know, any metal, you know, power pop, you know, modern-day power pop maybe, all right?"
"Hip Hop is peace, love, unity, and having fun."
"House music is not just pump up, it can be soulful."
"It's official. I've become a metal Boomer."
"If the shoe fits, wear it. I am indeed a metal Boomer."
"The cover was very much Punk inspired and punk music was played very loudly during the photo shoot for Die Lit."
"Both in genre of music as well as in the ultimate image and branding of the band, so to speak."
"If you're into E standard thrashers, drop C hardcore riffs, and dudes whose hands are already on fire because they haven't played guitar in three weeks, you're in the right place."
"The catchy melodies, the 808s, the beats, the hooks, oh my goodness, I love rap. Rap is the foundation of music."
"EDM's not dead, bro. It's not dead. Drugs and butt cheeks, let's go dude!"
"I would say traditional Doom is more about clean vocals."
"I always argue that Incubus is not a new metal band and should not be included in the list of new metal bands."
"We're a Christian hard rock metal band and this is a big help."
"K-pop is enjoyable to people who enjoy the dynamic of group performers over solo ones."
"I think this song is just an example of why people can stop saying that R&B is dead."