
Political Agreement Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Democrats and Republicans...agree on like 95% of the major things."
"I said, I know, I'll get involved in policy. So then I get deeply into policy and I find out, huh, what do you know, behind the closed doors, there's reasonable agreement across both sides about what are the policies to solve our most pressing issues; there's just no political will."
"They should be welcomed for saying I disagree with so much of what Joe Biden does but at least he supports the basics that the country is founded on."
"The woke left and the right actually agree on so much."
"Even if they don't agree with every prescription that I have... fundamentally we believe in the same things."
"We just need to worry about the next few years and suddenly we have a vulcan mind melt with Pelosi myself and Jayal Paul all saying the same thing."
"There aren't many issues that will get 60% or 70% of Americans voicing their support."
"I think Joe Biden and Muriel Bowser are absolutely right."
"I agree with Bernie Sanders on one thing only. It's okay for a cat to have a little salami."
"We've won the ideological battle - the American people agree with virtually our entire agenda."
"It's a deal that's gonna result in achieving real gains on border security."
"We've reached an agreement to extend the debt ceiling through early December, and it's our hope that we can get this done as soon as today." - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
"Joe Manchin and Democrats finally agree on a bill to spend billions on climate, energy, healthcare, and to cut the deficit."
"Democracy, it's like the only thing we have bipartisan agreement on apparently." -
"The American people overwhelmingly agree with him."
"America first on every single level, I totally agree with you on that and I think that's what the American people want."
"Van Jones is totally correct... that is correct."
"The treaty of compliance was signed between the lords of Zannah and the representatives of the Emperor with the approval but barely disguised anger of the Fabricator General."
"We need a real agreement that deals with the pain, suffering, and death being experienced by the American people."
"Bernie Sanders is a leftist, yet what he is saying is the sort of thing that I, a conservative person, could agree on."
"We now have an agreement on the major issues."
"The fact that they can agree on anything tells you how big of a problem this has become."
"The American people already agree with the non-interventionists already agree."
"I can't support Trump like that, only I agree with Trump on a few things."
"There are lots of Democrats and Republicans who agree with each other on the big issues."
"Someone that you agree with 80% of the time is not 20% your enemy."
"I agree with the President on that, but I don't accept it as a norm."
"The reality of it is Andrew Yang and I agree on certain things which is third party is the answer."
"I think that's, you know, that marching with Black Lives Matter, I would completely agree."
"Fair elections, safe elections, elections free of intimidation. That is something that all of us, regardless of political ideology, should say yes to."
"Rare AOC move, I don't like AOC but like this is one of the things that unites America."
"If the American people can no longer agree on who's actually won an election, if they can no longer agree on the rules of democracy, then your democracy is finished, isn't it?"
"It matters because at the heart of the Belfast Good Friday agreement and the reason it's endured for a quarter of a century is equal respect for the aspirations and identities of all communities and all its three strands."
"It's hard to not feel some level of optimism over this announced agreement."
"Congratulations by the way to the pro-gun left... there's one thing we can agree on."
"Deal done, signed sealed, a 3.5 trillion recon is a done deal."
"Senate reaches deal to avoid government shutdown."
"If you agree with me 80% of the time, great, if you agree with me a 100% of the time, you need to get your head checked out."
"Here's your daily update... Democrats have finally reached a deal on a stimulus provision to lower prescription drug prices."
"You know, sanders is really happy with the statement. He says, the president-elect is exactly right that this is not the time for austerity politics."
"The point: the framework for the government funding bill has been agreed to by top negotiators. It's expected to be done by December 23rd."
"It's pretty amazing to watch virtually everyone in Washington, Republicans and Democrats, repeat precisely the same number on one of the most critical problems that we face, and that number is 11 million."
"I also take Nancy Pelosi's word for it. Never thought I would say that statement. But when's the last time Nancy and I agreed? This might be the one and only time Joe Biden bringing the country together."
"We're almost the only ones in town who are both agreeing that the government is what it is."
"The INF treaty did sharply reduce the danger of war."
"The Windsor framework means that this agreement can command the support and consent from communities right across the spectrum in Northern Ireland."
"It's the right agreement for Northern Ireland and it's a way for our United Kingdom to move forward together."
"What matters now is that we end the uncertainty for businesses, for citizens, and actually deliver on the deal the Prime Minister has negotiated."
"I tend to agree a lot more with socially liberal positions."
"Democrats and Republicans have seldom agreed on anything... until now."
"Leaders in Congress have approved a deal for the next stimulus package."
"Once they've come to an agreement, they sign a coalition contract, and then the Bundestag elects the chancellor."
"It ensures Northern Ireland's place in our UK internal market."
"The Windsor framework is about making sure that Northern Ireland gets the full benefit of being part of the United Kingdom."
"The Windsor framework restores the delicate balance inherent in the Belfast Good Friday Agreement."
"Tentative deal reached to keep government open."
"I heard that from both Republicans and Democrats."