
Environmental Benefits Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Other benefits are how environmentally friendly these engines are; no more clouds of smoke, no more oil sheens on the water."
"A good public transportation service will make people spend less money, use cars less often, and cause less damage to the environment by decreasing the level of pollution."
"Ostrich is healthier, it's very lean, doesn't have fat. It's a very much ecological solution. They don't drink as much water, they don't need as much land, and they don't need as much food."
"Recycle discipline: these sims are rabid recyclers that benefit from recycling and rummaging for bits and pieces."
"LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries have no cobalt in them at all, which benefits from long cycle life, thermal stability, and excellent safety."
"We recover almost ten times more energy from a given amount of waste than is recovered from a landfill."
"Anything that gets us out of our cars and on bikes is going to have a positive effect."
"The electric car from an emissions standpoint is going to be far superior."
"It’s obviously better to have those vehicles on the road than internal combustion vehicles and by a large margin."
"It's important to have outdoor space because we are in Hawaii, and we get a lot of sunlight, we get a lot of good weather, and we should take advantage of it."
"Mussels are great for a myriad of reasons, muscles also are ocean cleaners."
"As long as there are trees around, you're going to be improving your food production one way or another."
"It's a business advantage to be going cleaner and greener."
"I also love the fact that it is fully electric I can use the car while stationary listen to music and adjust the climate control all while sitting in my garage since there is nothing polluting the air around me."
"Cars like the Prius and Camry Hybrid offer exceptional fuel economy."
"Hydrogen fuel cells produce plenty of electric power while emitting pure water as waste exhaust."
"It's better for everyone overall, aside from the reduced emissions."
"We should think of them as flying keys to longevity and resilience."
"In Arizona you get a one-time credit for planting up to four shade trees... any amount of shade you can put up outside is going to save your home on air conditioning costs."
"Plant-based meat and clean meat are the solution to some of the world's biggest problems."
"Electric vehicles are just so much better than combustion engines."
"Going vegan will save 1,100 gallons of water a day."
"Burning biogas to make electricity is a way to harvest those gases before they enter the atmosphere."
"Bringing water into a garden will do more for wildlife than a lot of other things."
"Most experts agree that regenerative farming is beneficial and should be encouraged."
"It's party time for the worms because they've got so much organic matter to incorporate to make soil."
"The Highlander Hybrid is significantly more fuel efficient than the last generation Highlander Hybrid and really more fuel efficient than just about any other three-row hybrid."
"Canal-top solar: Win-win-win for clean energy and the environment."
"Now is the time for State lawmakers to help more Americans from all backgrounds reap the financial and environmental benefits of solar."
"Trees can help by trapping carbon dioxide, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases, from the atmosphere, replacing it with the oxygen we all need."
"But if slightly louder outdoor environments are the price we have to pay to help reduce carbon emissions and increase energy independence, I think it's worth it, don't you?"
"Recycling pays off, literally and figuratively"
"We get clean, cheap, abundant, safe energy and water."
"Seaweed grows without requiring any fresh water, any fertilizers, so compared to agriculture humans can't really mess around with this system."
"Just driving an electric car in general is, how nice it is not getting gas."
"Bitcoin can solve that, it can actually green up energy resources like flare gas that otherwise would be vented into the atmosphere."
"However, the balls also had the surprising benefit of being able to reduce evaporation they were expected to last around 10 years before they would be recycled."
"E-bikes have the power to get people who wouldn't normally ride out of cars and onto bikes."
"Hydrogen can be made from various energy sources, offering versatility and environmental benefits."
"A smaller global population has its perks... the planet certainly isn't complaining."
"Buses reduce the number of cars on the road."
"There are a ton of other benefits too like they are eco-friendly because there's no emissions."
"Being in a higher elevation, I think, is a key to a lot of things."
"Cleaner alternative sources of energy improve the quality of people's lives and create good paying jobs."
"Flax is claimed to use between two and five times less CO2 in production than an equivalent weight in glass."
"No waiting at a gas station. No fumes. No detours."
"By stopping human activity, we took the cyanide out of the air."
"You're saving on the footprint, the environmental footprint, by growing your own vegetables."
"It's quiet, it's fast, it's cheap to run, it looks awesome, and it's environmentally friendly too."
"If anything, we're helping feed two birds with one scone less cars on the road less auto accidents less chance of transmission win-win dummy."
"Forests help us mitigate climate change by storing carbon, pulling in carbon. Trees have been doing this for centuries."
"They are amazing in our battle against climate change for lots and lots of reasons."
"Diesel is a cleaner burning fuel than gasoline."
"Trees are a common-sense solution. I encourage everyone to run out today, get your tree, and plant it as soon as possible." - Dave Joyce
"Trees are a critical part of that habitat. Having more trees out there creates better habitat, more opportunities for folks to enjoy the outdoors, more reestablishment of species." - Rob Wittman
"It's gonna be better than any gas-powered motorcycle out there for you in most circumstances."
"Fuel economy for the RAV4 hybrids is just absolutely insane."
"Trees keep the air clean and breathable for all living beings on earth, they help absorb the heat, give us shade, and provide nutrients to the soil."
"HS2 Limited's innovation manager Rob Caron said reusing old turbine blades reduces waste, cuts demand for new steel, and reduces the carbon generated during the production of concrete."
"The X5 plug-in hybrid is going to be a lot better than the regular model."
"Solar panels don't put themselves up, wind turbines don't manufacture themselves, new forests don't plant themselves. Everything that's good for the planet is a job, it's a contract, it's a business opportunity for somebody."
"Electric vehicles better in many ways than having you know a sort of conventional combustion engine on the road."
"EVs will always be better than fossil cars for the environment."
"Electric vehicles actually do so much to help the environment, and I care about the environment, I know you do."
"Metal and glass can be recycled an infinite amount of times."
"Drilling geothermal Wells could provide jobs for dispossessed Oil Workers."
"Playing in a team environment like this makes you a better player."
"It's environmentally friendly... you're emitting less carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and Benzene."
"For every two consoles that switch to shutdown energy saving for one year, we will save the equivalent amount of carbon removed by one tree planted and grown for a decade."
"Chickens on grass taste delicious, it's a lot healthier for the birds, it's great for the land."
"Once you get a little bit of a break, just giving them a simple phone, that's enough to get them on a pathway to earning more."
"Recycling saves resources, reduces smog, the money part - they pay for bottles."
"Shopping secondhand is especially fantastic from when you're building a wardrobe because it's much better for the environment compared to traditional retail."
"It's good food for you, it's good for the environment, and it's good for your pocketbook."
"Thrifting is helping the environment so much... I just wanted to reiterate that in this video."
"You know what's cool? There's six head of cattle right there. I'm like rib eyes on the hoof, man. And they eat the weeds and the poison ivy and turn it into meat. Hell yeah, man, that is awesome."
"It's better for the environment because it is a natural fiber."
"Supporting small businesses is really important and so good to help the environment and just help other people especially through lockdown."
"Rainwater is considered soft, so it's very soft water due to the lack of calcium carbonate or magnesium in solution and is excellent for cooking washing and saving energy."
"Despite challenges, Earthships are a fascinating concept that could benefit the environment and offer more independence."
"An electric car is better than an internal combustion car even if most of that electricity is not generated from clean sources."
"Using native hedging is so beneficial within your garden space."
"Composting your food scraps into new healthy soil is a win-win."
"Experimental research will be conducted to support the benefits of using shredded leaves as organic mulch."
"Healthy plants make other healthy plants healthier something with the air quality and just how they grow it definitely helps to have other healthy plants by other healthy plants which I think is so cute."
"Trees are fun to play, but they also enrich our lives in many ways."
"They're way more eco-friendly than a car."
"Your trees will thank you by growing strong and standing tall for years to come."
"Oysters also play a role in maintaining healthy ecosystems; they filter their food, removing particles and pollutants such as excess nitrogen from the waters where they live."
"This bottle actually uses a little bit more plastic than you would have in a single-use, but if you use it 30 times... you'll use 95 percent less plastic."
"Capture and reuse, green infrastructure, low-impact development, they all provide multiple benefits to communities that span beyond just the environmental benefits."
"Trolleybuses were ideal for the city's hilly terrain and they were clean and quiet."
"Sirens are better for the environment."
"Using EV is fantastic for the environment and can save your hip pocket as well."
"The advantage of biodiversity is having species that find it."
"Promoting the solutions that we already have there, not just for the environmental benefits but for the other stuff that people care about."
"Timber frame construction is preferential when looking at the following: speed of construction, cost, environmentally friendly, factory controlled quality assurance and fabrication, flexible design, and thermal insulation."
"The ecosystem provides food, materials, ecosystem services, and beneficial organisms."
"I love trees. They do so many wonderful things for us."
"Sometimes the termites are helpful."
"In natural environments, pocket gophers are useful in reducing soil erosion and aerating the soil to great depths."
"Clean meat can be compared with conventional meat, has a fraction of the impact on the climate and planet, but it's also literally cleaner."
"Hydrogen fuel reduces CO2, particulates, and NOx emissions."
"Supporters say growing indoors uses less water and land and permits food to be grown closer to consumers."
"Worms have been known to reduce a lot of toxicity."
"It's a lot better for the environment."
"A development can lead to an increase in biodiversity or an increase in habitat provision or other kinds of environmental benefits."
"Regenerative agriculture is one of those things that we talked about as having co-benefits or stacked co-benefits."
"The net amount of carbon stocking that we're providing in working forests provides tremendous potential."
"Increase biodiversity, increase bird and pollinator habitat, reduce noise and pollution, and sequester carbon."
"High-speed rail being green means we'll all be able to breathe easier."
"The ecosystem services part of those insects are giving us a direct benefit."
"The more we can get investments that touch people, the more we can decarbonize school buses, the more we can bring the Amazon or the oceans closer to people and really talk about the results and the outcomes."
"We are the beneficiaries of the ecosystem services."
"This solution will bring a lot of benefits such as more efficient retention of NPK elements, decreasing environmental pollution from fertilizers, and improving soil fertility."
"So how can beavers help us with the impacts of climate change, boosting biodiversity, and creating a healthier, more balanced environment?"
"Spending time in nature, breathing in those happy enzymes that trees release through their leaves, looking at the green and how it calms you down."
"Electric Vehicles clearly have environmental advantages over gasoline power vehicles."