
Cult Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"It was an excruciatingly painful experience, but eventually, I got to the point where I said, 'Okay, I can recognize that this is a cult.'"
"When he drove up to Synanon, everyone was waving bye at Francis and they were all bald, and he was like, 'This is creepy. This is like a cult.'"
"We are the high priests of the new order, the chosen few who are tuned to his will."
"This sounds like a cult, a weird cult, a beautiful struggle that is restorative, a bonded community."
"Sarkicism: A religion of flesh, sacrifice, and alliances with otherworldly beings."
"Rick Allen Ross said getting someone out of an MLM was the same as getting them out of a cult."
"He wanted the SS to become a kind of cult, or Aryan aristocracy."
"Satanic cult at the end? I am A-okay with that."
"I welcomed Bessie the cow and Valafar the Red Demon thingo into the cult."
"Deputies find a mummified body of an alleged cult leader... literally in a bed."
"The Verdugo, Salazar's personal bodyguard, embodies the perfect assassin designed to instill fear and enforce the cult's will."
"What happens when you try to leave? If you try to leave and they go, 'Hey, knock yourself out, you come back if you ever feel like it,' no big deal, that's not a cult."
"As an ex-Jehovah's Witness can confirm it's a cult."
"This just became like a religious cult show."
"The Mythic Dawn has some interesting beliefs."
"It's important to remember that cult films... over time managed to get a following."
"The cult of Mithras was very much like the cult of Christianity."
"These networks could recombine to create unique new and fluid forms of a cult."
"It's a cult classic. Are you in the cult? You should join the cult."
"...some percentage of those people are just frankly confused and if they had the right information they would see it the way I do most of those people are essentially in a personality cult..."
"What thoughts must arise upon hearing of the cult of a sensitive young man who had dreamed... the precise words of the formula uttered alike by Eskimo diabolists and mongrel Louisianans."
"Angst has garnered a cult reputation in the intervening decades and has fans like Irreversible director Gaspar Noe."
"The Armitage family is part of a grisly cult that uses the bodies of young black people for their own gain."
"If you're somebody who loves this type of game, who feels that strong sense of secondhand nostalgia when they boot up a PS1 RPG they've never played, then you're a likely candidate to join the cult of the Dragoon."
"The Matrix Resurrections is the kind of film that will go down in cult history because it's so laughably bad."
"This is not a political party you know this is a family cult."
"Are the McCallisters really a cult?"
"Still to this day the organization has defenders but there's no denying it became a dangerous cult."
"The entire point was to create a cult centered around making women more promiscuous."
"The reuseum is the center of the chapter's cult and spiritual well-being, whose chaplains serve as battle priests that inspire the men with words and actions."
"Getting to watch an awful cult crumble in real time with your expert coverage and commentaries, my new favorite reason to go on YouTube."
"The cult-like aspect of the management of this company... all the most important positions staffed with his close family members and friends who were all fanatically devoted to him."
"I'm not saying Oprah has a [__] cult, but have you seen people live and die by everything she says? Well, yeah, when she's giving away... Dude, she gives away a lot of [__], obviously."
"It's a classic and it's got a very strong cult following."
"The word cult will likely be coming up again and again with regards to many films and personalities on this list."
"When I hear the words cult game from the 90s, I'm all over that like 600 spiders in an outhouse."
"Fear is at the root of every cult."
"Chris describes the cult as the only anti-human religion."
"Looks like the cultists got whatever it was they wanted. This complicates things."
"She doesn't just sound like a cult, she looks like a cult, it smells like a cult, it feels like a cult."
"There is an island in Sweden which was once home to a cult of witches."
"At this point, he starts going full cult, gathering more and more followers."
"The chapter is happy about this fact as now too with such holiness will come out of her cult."
"This has to be one of the craziest modern-day cases out there involving a religious cult."
"The religion itself is not any more of a cult than Christianity, Judaism, Islam."
"What distinguishes a cult from a major religion?"
"A cult is a group that is highly controlling."
"Jimmy Prout became the target of this odious, cruel, malevolent cult."
"Scientology is absolutely a child trafficking, human trafficking cult."
"It's in border towns such as El Paso, Brownsville, and Laredo where evidence of her cult is strongest."
"I thoroughly believe that in 20 years people, there's going to be a small cult following for this film because it's so out of sorts and so weird and so many poor choices made."
"...the scarier cult she's involved in is crossfit, I mean that's just just Scientology with jumping jacks."
"So they changed the meanings of words so that when someone comes to them and says, 'You're in a cult,' they go, 'I know, isn't it great?'"
"Nobody joins a cult, they join a good thing."
"The whole scene at the beginning with like the actual just like crazy cult people coming in and murdering those people, that was so, that was probably the most intense scene in the movie to be honest with you."
"Her takeover of the train not only indirectly led to the gruesome death of a passenger, but was also the main component in forming a cult of traumatized children who worshiped her and formed their own meaning from her actions."
"I see Christianity as kind of like a cult low key and you guys are being brainwashed and I don't mean that in no disrespectful way"
"What a cult does is that because it frames it with imaginal language, it makes it accessible to everybody."
"...it was never released in theaters and it became forgotten over the years however it has gained a cult like following due to how strange it is."
"The difference between a religion and a cult is that in a religion, that person's dead."
"'I've just spent 30 years in a cult. I am not talking to you.'"
"You don't have to do this, leave the cult. Everyone knows you tried your best."
"It's time to get your tubes tied." (This quote highlights the level of control and manipulation in the cult.)
"It was always about control. Cults love dictating not only the behavior of their followers but also their appearance."
"I can't even imagine having to go through that but it definitely was not a fun environment um very very strict very rigid very controlled we were doing Free Labor literally free labor for them and I was underage at the time as a minor doing free labor for this cult"
"You never know you're in a cult until you try to leave."
"This is just insane. This is a full-blown cult at this point."
"This film will give you a clear portrait on the joys of being brought up in a doomsday cult."
"I may give you this list today of 11 ways to tell if you are attending a church or if you are attending a cult."
"I think like anyone getting into a cult, getting out of it is a slow drip."
"Thankfully, they left the cult life behind before it went really South."
"She finally realized that she was in a cult and got out, thank goodness."
"I'm trying to do like a mask, like a cult mask. Yeah, cultists often wear masks."
"Maybe this can be the succulents. Can the name of the cult be the succulents? Absolutely. Oh, that also sounds like a really cool band name."
"There's clearly something happening in this small farming town that almost seems cult-like."
"Baron Blood's Legacy would live on in the shadows as Lily Cromwell dubbed herself the baroness and founded a cult in his honor."
"Halloweentown was among the first ever Disney Channel Original Movies and it's become a bonafide cult classic."
"Everything before 1982 was the cult that took their memory."
"Wow, this is giving me big Heaven's Gate vibes."
"It's pretty incredible what he managed to create. It really is a cult."
"If you find yourself unable to say something negative about him, you're probably in a cult."
"This teaching of avoiding doubts, of avoiding questions, of avoiding research, it's not just a sure sign of a cult."
"'I thought why does God need barbed wire fences? It makes no sense at all. It was the barbed wire to keep people in or keep people out?' 'Both. Keep the cult members in and keep the public out.'"
"Woke isn't a religion, it's more accurately a cult."
"Each of the outlaws had been a part of the same malevolent cult seeking to resurrect a forgotten beast which slumbered beneath the town."
"...most of the time there is a price to pay, whether it's something as small as shifting negatively affecting young people's mental health, a Discord server that calls a teenage girl to escape home, or a satanic blood cult that ended in the loss of a young girl's life."
"At what point is it delusional? Like, but that's a cult, that's like you're... that's far gone, that's like you need to be deprogrammed, I guess."
"Q Anon has exceeded those limitations and gone into cult zone."
"Yet within a few decades, this cult had thousands of followers throughout the Roman Empire."
"The core of the Sith Empire's religion was the Sith Eternal cult."
"It's a very terrifying cult and you're just stuck unless you try to go on your own."
"The cult has infected large portions of the planet society."
"Experts believe the cave was made by the cult of one particular saint."
"You don't know it could be a butt. A horror movie could be a cult. It's like, it's a drama. It could be the George Hamilton life story of his recent breakup."
"I'm always interested in a story about a cult so I'm really digging it."
"...this thing was a cult movie on opening night 10 seconds into the opening credits."
"The difference between a religion and a cult is usually your ability to live without it."
"A cult is around a person, pretending it's around an idea."
"She'll be like, 'See, it's not a cult because they're all gone.'"
"The list of sins that could get you exterminated forever is very long in that cult."
"In this temple, only the high priests of this cult can access the sub-basement... it's like it's the holy of holies for their sect, but perverse, the evil of evil."
"A cult is all predicated on a cult leader."
"The process of waking up to the fact that you're in a cult is a very lengthy one for most people."
"Wherever there is great fame and a kind of cult, then inevitably heresy, alternative views, conspiracy theories tend to emerge."
"The cult however is moving increasingly into becoming a personality cult."
"Exposing a billion-dollar cult is not for the faint of heart."
"For a cult to be a cult, it has to control the member's behaviors, access to information, thoughts, and emotions. That's what differentiates a cult or high control group from any other simple religion."
"Those big cult of personality type dudes."
"The entity has influenced the formation of a worldwide cult with followers across the globe."
"Making Michael Myers under the control of a cult, a curse of Thorn that could be switched from person to person."
"Jim Jones took his own life that day, his legacy Jonestown is the world's most horrific cult Massacre."
"The Devout Cult of sarr that founded the city initially called the Bastion of saren Ray expressly chose this site for its remote location because at the time they had been exiled for their extremist ideals by the sultanate of Assyrian."
"People involved in the occult, people involved in cult-like practices, people involved in the rods you're talking about."
"There's like over a thousand cults in America right now. Only it might be 2,000. But it's a lot."
"The strange place which Conrad claimed he had visited was deemed to be a Sabbath and he was actually involved in and organized a cultist faction that worshiped the devil."
"He was a cult leader... defied as some sort of Moses or Messiah."
"These people are from the Camun Foundation, a pseudo-cult that worships him as a god."
"The group was started by Marshall Apple White... they just wanted to charge up."
"They're being brainwashed by a cult."
"The Cult of Andrew grew attracted patrons and eventually a great cathedral was built and dedicated to Andrew in 1318."
"They are accused of leading a doomsday cult, conspiring to murder three people, and funding their love affair with insurance money and stolen Social Security payments."
"I didn't realize I was joining a cult."
"This is like a toxic group, a toxic, cult-like energy."
"He actively encourages the conversion of new races into his cult followers."
"I wonder if the whole purpose of this cult wasn't to achieve some kind of transformation."
"When I was 17, almost 18 years old, I left a polygamous cult known as the order."
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the very definition of cult classic."
"We can't use the basement either," Marius said, "if they find the temple, the cult is finished here."
"Instead of finding a conventional nuclear facility, they stumbled upon a clandestine cult within the heart of the mountain."
"That's another level, that's a cult."
"I remember when I first left the cult."
"I realized what the Webster's dictionary definition of cult was and then I was like, 'Oh yeah, I'm in a cult.'"
"The most successful brands are really just kind of like modern day cults in disguise."
"The red mantis cult shrouds itself in mystery."
"The cult of the red mantis controls everything."
"I loved Klaus's character especially when he started the cult in the last season."
"I want to say for the record that I do not think that the Wim Hof method is actually a cult."
"He discovered that the world was not the terrifying place the cult had led him to believe."
"I didn't even understand it was a cult until after I left."
"The best way to describe them is as a quirky cult classic that you either get or you don't."
"The cult attracted a lot of marginalized people like women, slaves, and noncitizens."
"Theosophy was a quasi cult founded in 1875 in New York City by Helena Blavatsky."
"This doomsday cult's name means supreme truth, but Asahara preached nothing but lies."
"Truly a terrifying organization at the height of their powers, Aum Shinrikyo was an especially dangerous doomsday cult."
"20th Century Boys follows a group of friends tasked with stopping one of their childhood friends who has basically started a cult and is trying to take over the world."
"The villagers are no ordinary folk; they appear to be part of a clandestine cult."
"They believed in his magical powers and psychic capabilities, and thus a cult is born."
"Can a religion be a cult? Yes, and even Christians can be cultish."
"What people don't really get about being in a cult is that you can't express yourself."
"My wife actually escaped from a cult that she was born into."
"Frank is kind of like a cult leader of the town."
"He convinced not only them but himself as well that the world and their loved ones were corrupt and they needed to separate themselves."
"He believed he was the people's savior, and they believed it too."
"They've certainly got a bit of a cult following."
"This is considered a cult sleeper reel amongst JDM enthusiasts."
"Love has won was far from the peaceful enlightened group that they portrayed themselves to be."
"What I had witnessed was a cult ritual."
"What would make you join a cult? The obvious answer: cute merch."
"This has turned into like an SNL parody of a cult now, and I love it."
"The book is eerie at times, it's culty at times, and there are moments where you are just searching the pages for hope."
"Those baptized into his cult received eternal life in paradise."
"They even hired a private investigator after they started to think she'd gotten sucked into a cult."
"The only difference between a cult and a religion is the number of adherents."
"This time he's out to find the famous ankara stone and to save hundreds of children who have been enslaved by a mysterious cult."
"The church is said to be haunted by the spirit of Jim Jones, an infamous doomsday cult leader."
"The temple must have been over a thousand years old. I knew they existed. I'd searched for the cultists all my life."
"Join our cult, that's the biggest news of the week."
"The newspaper ran a story that it was a cult and the leader had been arrested."
"It's a pitch-black thriller about a woman determined to destroy a powerful cult and avenge the deaths of the women taken in by it, no matter the cost."
"A pitch-black thriller about a woman determined to destroy a powerful cult."
"Fortunately, his followers are far less intimidating, a small but resilient cult with a thing for weird poetry and giant reptiles."