
Media Attention Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"You've got to be brave now because when we arrive there, they're gonna be probably 120 photographers. And that's what you're gonna probably get now for the rest of your life."
"What happened to Orsolya is just so horrendous and really deserves all of the media attention that there can possibly be."
"It must be weird when suddenly started getting a lot of press and there's like New York Times and all these people are like writing about you and you're just like literally this kid who just likes to run long distances in the mountains."
"Love him or hate him, but you gotta watch him."
"They didn't elect him to get in fights with this. Why give him oxygen?"
"Michael Jackson's skin began to get lighter and lighter, and many began to speculate that he was bleaching his skin."
"Lots more attention is going to be coming to that, that's a good thing."
"I think Mike possibly enjoys the spotlight; he's a fighter, doesn't give up."
"The role of women in the royal family really took center stage from the very beginning of the show."
"The world is watching because joining us a man who's gone back to back in the MVP voting of the biggest league in the history of earth, his future is one that everybody is speculating upon daily."
"My candidacy ended up raising tens of millions and I got a lot of attention and I became a contender."
"Draco's name gets inserted into the conversation surrounding this murder because he had a flashy Mercedes."
"So was Maria Pereira making faces for attention and money?"
"It's nice to see it getting a bit of a limelight now in a more popular medium."
"This case has consumed the nation's attention in a way we just haven't seen in years."
"They're definitely driving a lot of attention to it."
"You're going to get to a point where everything you do is news."
"Focus on your customers – the press will follow, eventually."
"A$AP Rocky's high-profile arrests... caught a lot of attention."
"He wants to be in the news once... that's what he wants."
"The Virginia incident quickly gained widespread media coverage and attracted international attention."
"Few crimes in recent memory have captured the media spotlight like the Jodi Arias case."
"Sally's story didn't start getting local and national attention until the mid-1990s."
"Chrissy Teigen is a sick, relentless, cruel, self-aggrandizing, needy, attention-starved bully."
"Here's the bottom line: This is probably the most attention that HBO Max has had since they announced HBO Max."
"A fascinating and sensationalized story that attracted worldwide attention."
"It ended up being on some like minor indie media outlets. Other outlets saw those outlets and it just kind of like exploded."
"LeBron James: 'The harsh reality was that now with each playoff elimination that mounted the scrutiny towards the king would continue to grow.'"
"All of the open publications, media attention on that subject, has raised the attention level of these individuals personally."
"Prince Harry releases a bombshell book...the book though ghostwritten by Jr minger was as candid as they come generating acres of headlines with its more sensational stories revelations and claims."
"I said goodbye to the character... but we're all forcing you to talk about him again." - Joaquin Phoenix
"The minute you see A.D tuck his tail you're gonna see me on the news, that's Jesus Christ."
"That's when you know the beef is real, that's when you know two people just don't like each other. They find a way when they're not even being mentioned to just end up as The Conversation Piece."
"My lips have had a career of their own because they started making headlines since the moment that she got them done." - Lisa Rinna
"People were gossiping about her retirement but once she announced her surprise transfer it went so viral that it was on the first page of magazines."
"So when you get back from that, aside from being on the news and everything, what are you trying to do in terms of a job or something like that?"
"In the electric car world, Tesla gets all the hype in the media."
"Nobody's talking about this [ __ ] show except us right now."
"Being under the spotlight is second nature for Lindsay Lohan."
"We have to address here because today a couple of news items emerged over the past few days that have gotten little attention."
"I'm sure there's a bit of panic that the circus may be coming back to town if all this happens and we get a new trial."
"It's just Mario Balotelli stuff man, you know what I mean? Why Always me?"
"Elon in the next 30, 60, 90 days is gonna get hit up from every different angle."
"I guess all press is good press and it looks like this shoe is more hyped up than it was even just a couple weeks ago."
"Kobe was never one to shy away from the moment and the attention."
"It's just wild how much attention is on this game right now."
"From the moment it premiered, 'Fatal Attraction' was a lightning rod - people couldn't stop talking about it."
"The best recorded excavation effort we couldn't move anywhere do anything there were television councils it was a tourist site from day one."
"He's desperate for the attention. He's as addicted to that as any reality TV star becomes."
"We're vulnerable... we literally woke up to news crews pounding on our door."
"His release stirred controversy and generated international attention."
"The trial began on March 30th, 1978, with one newspaper stating that this case had generated more attention than any trial since the Nuremberg trials."
"You got Aaron Rogers MFL Hall of Fame quarterback talk about I was immunised because he went to a dark room and took some herbs and spices and meditated"
"It's just mind-blowing to me that in 2021 somebody with as much attention as brian laundry was receiving was able to just vanish."
"Now is the time to give her a much-needed return to form."
"Conor Diaz fight is just a massive fight sort of and juicy waiting for him taken."
"Let's just make a pile of celebrity bodies, all apart from Ozzy Osbourne, leave him alone."
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"It's bigger than Jeffrey Dahmer, bigger than John Wayne Gacy. I have caught the nation's attention."
"Madonna caused controversy by adopting a baby boy from Malawi."
"It's just sad, Laura says, um, Harry Megan's criticism is well deserved."
"Don't underestimate what Elon Musk is saying."
"Fame is when reporters ask to interview your cat."
"They remained so optimistic and worked so hard to keep his face out there."
"This transfer has been one of the most talked about."
"It's breaking in the sense that everybody's talking about it."
"Yunjin's sudden disappearance will likely attract a lot of media attention."
"Rajesh and the poor Talwar were watched by a huge crowd as they left the Dazna prison in Ghaziabad, pausing only briefly so reporters could take some pictures."
"Putin's war in Ukraine is still very much in the headlines."
"Anything related to Tesla, whether it's a vehicle recall or a whistleblower complaint, really makes headlines."
"Half the people have to love you, half the people have to hate you as well. You just got to keep them talking."
"The way forward is to keep calm and carry on and just absolutely ignore Meg Harry and Megan."
"Long as you got my name spelled right, you workin' for me."
"Any controversy is good controversy, any publicity is good publicity."
"The lavish detail contained in Terry's treasure attracted national and international attention."
"Deep down, they kind of like that he's not in the headlines every day."
"Harry told to return to UK by heartbroken Royal fans... even some of the body language experts were unanimous."
"It's not about nothing else but my time talking. How am I allocating my time every time one of these [ __ ] say my name?"
"Ukrainian topic started to lose attention after a few months I want to rise up the topic in the western public because mostly we have help for Ukraine from western countries western alliance without that help we would begin in a few months."
"Tohru happily becomes herself again, and at that moment, a wave of photographers surrounds her."
"I shouldn't have done that. Put it in, probably save, taking it out, taking your game off Steam, they, from like, a slimy business perspective, got this game attention."
"We're very excited about this, uh, first on the topic list, Jake Paul, being raided by the FBI, and we kind of speculated on what it could possibly be about."
"Do you even care anymore? Are you over the Bud Light thing? Are you over Dylan Mulvaney?"
"Every time he says... that should be Banner headlines."
"Everybody's sharing it, new power couple alert!"
"Chris Rock and Will Smith created about 10 billion dollars worth of attention."
"Prince Harry is caught between a rock and a hard place." - Victoria Fabray
"In the end, she ended up making even more headlines for her Cinderella moment on the red carpet."
"Oh, I feel so bad. Big Ben, Hall of Fame quarterback, but he retired like a day before Tom Brady, technically, supposedly."
"AI is one of the narratives that has some of the strongest flow of news and mind share."
"Brook Shields' presence on runways and events consistently garners attention from the public and media."
"All eyes are on Chrissy, and that's why she will stay relevant."
"Trump is not above scrutiny but for all the things to criticize Trump of, you know, him having dinner with Kanye and really Kanye kind of setting Trump up in a way is not the number one thing in my opinion to bash Trump over."
"If I'm that important that this is news to me, I think this is awesome."
"There's a bigger story here in the Andrew Tate Saga."
"Dog the Bounty Hunter is doing the god's work here, and he just went and knocked on the house of the laundries. I'm so excited he is going to find Brian."
"Just leave her alone. It's a lesson for Catherine, who we always talk about in flawless terms."
"My parents were blown away by it too so that the fact that they were all blown away it's like oh talk to my granny and she's like oh I just cut your 95,000 picture out of the paper."
"The thing that Polaire was the most famous for that was literally referenced in tandem to her name, anytime she was mentioned in the media, was the fact that she had the smallest waist in the world."
"The only gossip I ever pay any attention to is that of what's going on with royal family members which included Prince Harry until he chose to leave."
"There were pictures taken and the media came by."
"These kind of stories attract attention. But you know, it wasn't an even ride."
"My plan was go to half a mill and then pull out, get 20 minutes of free press, we're good."
"Sometimes you don't have to do that to get your intend and result when you look at like how much free media attention we got out of that thing like doing that thing was such a [ __ ] unbelievable no-brainer."
"CM Punk is happy. Instead of being on a show on Saturday night that didn't get as many viewers as our clip talking about what he did on Saturday night, God, he's getting millions and millions of YouTube views for walking out and waving to people."
"Baron's transition from high school to college is bound to have the eyes of the public and media set on him once again, hoping for any news about him."
"You knew that Mark would see the act as more authentic if there wasn't any media attention."
"Her father immediately flew out to New Zealand to help with the search as well as to talk to the press about Grace and plead for her to come home safely."
"For Gambino, the league was the final nail in the coffin as Columbo had been courting media attention for a long period."
"It was the best way to avoid giving the shooter attention but it caused my dad's sacrifice to be almost completely ignored."
"Once it stops being a sensation in the papers, we can get on with our job in peace and quiet."
"It was a new story that gripped the nation."
"The silence of Kensington Palace made Kate the center of a string of news cycles."
"Many of these organizations and ministries had vast global um outreach efforts and so since this book has been published I have now heard from it got a lot of international media attention the book did which means I've heard from a lot of global Christians."
"The intensity of the arrest and the subsequent media frenzy put a spotlight on the need for systemic change within the criminal justice system."
"...a lot of media around, and then it was a bit of a downer when Catherine wasn't above appearing, but Lauren back in and they said she was pretty much good to go."
"The film industry has finally hit the sort of thing that books have been dealing with forever, which is, there's so much media that it's really hard to cut through it and get anyone's attention."
"The discovery turned heartache into joy and sparked a worldwide media storm."
"Now with his retirement from the game, he can find refuge from the glare of the media spotlight and spend more time with the people who are most important to him."
"It would break my heart if somebody got into the situation like me and they didn't get the media cycle that I did and it didn't pay off in a big way."
"The divorce became a notorious case in the San Diego area and actually gathered national attention during that divorce. People were following any new developments in Broderick vs. Broderick."
"She was always very eager to talk to the Press... really wanted to fight the charges from the beginning... and I think she also really thrived on the attention."
"The event gained widespread attention from both local and international media, drawing further questioning to the challenges faced by wildlife in the face of a changing climate."
"Tomorrow all of America will be talking about..."
"He escaped from Grafton, which was the prison you couldn't escape from, and he ended up becoming a quite a media celebrity."
"He's the most stylish non-playing bench player that I've ever seen. He's getting more television time almost than K.D. or Kyrie by just standing up on the bench."
"I feel like he could be living a very much like center of attention shining star in a film defensive like all the other ones are but he's for some reason it doesn't feel like he he gets the same amount of like media hype do you know what I mean."
"Trevor Jacob received media coverage from all over the world."
"You were hot sh*t, mate! I left it in your car for a couple of years, you were a hot property, you were like front page of the newspaper!"
"SCHD has been a media darling for quite some time now."
"He's been hot in the news lately."
"If Joe Rogan does something, it's a national headline."
"The only way to get people to react to the systemic racism that is prevalent and real is to make enough ruckus so that we get media coverage of what the hell is going on."
"This event attracted widespread media attention and marked the beginning of a new direction for sport climbing in America."
"To watch Andrew's struggling with this huge problem, ultimately conquering this theorem under the glare of the international media, was the most remarkable thing I've seen in my professional life."
"House of the Dragon has sucked up the spotlight."
"Can you imagine being that person and feeling hopeless, watching all of the Carly Russell attention and not getting attention for your missing loved one?"
"It's high time we got a crack at the spotlight; tomorrow's headlines."
"This one-man show which he called Mr. Electricity was rather well received as it began to garner widespread media attention."
"The only horse that was going to get racing onto the radio was Arle."
"Wembley's used to making headlines on the sports pages, but in the spring of 2006, it was to dominate the front pages."
"Whenever we have a case and there's a death associated with it, it's guaranteed to be of interest to the media, and therefore the public becomes concerned."
"Keep track of progress... you never know, you might blow up and somebody might want to do an interview."
"Good for the sport in our country, there's a lot of media attention now."
"It was the story of the day, everyone watching Johnny Depp on the witness stand."
"For good or bad, for the first time in a long time, people are talking about the title and arguing about it, and that's a positive thing."
"This story has gone absolutely crazy."
"We open tomorrow, we've got the BBC coming this morning, what?!"
"The public interest in Tejas' story has created quite a stir."
"On my 100th birthday, there will be cameras, there will be news media, there will be the whole bunch."
"The once peaceful town of Medford found itself thrust into the spotlight of a real-life crime drama."
"My life is exactly the same, just with a little more press."
"This is now famous, guys, it made press this week."