
Energy Conversion Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Photosynthesis is a process whereby plants and bacteria take light from the Sun and turn it into usable chemical energy."
"Solar, or photovoltaic energy, is made useful by converting light (photons) into an electric or voltaic current."
"These shoes use the mechanical energy we produce when walking and convert it to electrical power that you can use to power your wireless electronics."
"So when your mitochondria are not working, you are not turning chemical energy into motor energy properly."
"From glucose to pyruvate to acetyl CoA, each step involves intricate processes of decarboxylation and dehydrogenation, crucial for energy production."
"Both cars and humans power themselves by tapping into the great cosmic flow from order to disorder."
"Converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset."
"Another common dampening structure is a shock absorber. Shock absorbers slow down and reduce the magnitude of vibratory motion by turning the kinetic energy of suspension movement into heat energy that can be dissipated through hydraulic fluid."
"His little Vortex coils... turn gas into plasma."
"Anger is energy, use it as leverage for something useful."
"The process of keto adaptation... just because fat is oxidized doesn't mean it automatically turns into energy."
"The second law of thermodynamics: If your energy has changed from one form to another, doing that change, some energy is gonna be waste."
"We're moving forward with Russia to eliminate enough plutonium for about 17,000 nuclear weapons and turn it instead into electricity."
"Your metabolism is your body's engine, and it's how your body turns the food you eat into fuel that keeps you going."
"A remarkable conversion of electric energy into light energy."
"...the amount of energy we have to put in say to take uh uh uh coal and turn it into graphene is about $30 per ton."
"Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose."
"The ability to convert surrounding energy into a specific form of matter is a wildly powerful technology."
"The ATP synthase is an amazing molecular machine that converts the energy stored in a proton gradient into chemical energy stored in the bond of ATP. It's an essential part of our energy metabolism, ensuring that we have the energy we need to power our cells and stay alive."
"The ATP synthase is a molecular machine that works like a turbine to convert the energy stored in a proton gradient into chemical energy stored in the bond and generation of ATP."
"Turning brakes into energy, turning energy into inspiration."
"Turning driving into experience, turning performance into innovation, turning brakes into energy, turning energy into inspiration."
"Particles cannot really come into existence from nothing; they come into existence from energy."
"Mitochondria are essential in both heterotrophs and autotrophs."
"Chloroplasts make sugar and other nutrients, converting sunlight energy into chemical energy."
"Boilers are highly complex machines that convert the chemical energy contained in the coal to kinetic energy in the steam."
"The process of photosynthesis converts energy and sunlight into glucose."
"About 34% of the energy in a glucose molecule is transferred to ATP during cellular respiration, making roughly 32 ATP."
"Photoelectric effect is a complete conversion, 100% conversion."
"Hydrogen turns into helium; that missing mass gives you energy by Einstein's famous E=mc²."
"Photosynthesis is the process that converts solar energy into glucose."
"We got a bunch of energy from the light-dependent reaction; we got ATP and we got NADPH."
"During braking, the vehicle is stopped by converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle to heat energy, which is created in the brakes by friction between moving and non-moving surfaces at each wheel."
"The fuel cell is, I think, at the top as far as overall conversion of that input energy to output electricity."
"By using hot photo-generated carriers to produce higher photo voltage or photo current, the thermodynamic conversion efficiency of the solar cell can even beat the Shockley-Queisser limit."
"Nowhere does this equation reach its most efficient, is in a matter anti-matter conversion, which results in a 100 percent conversion of matter to energy."
"An actuator is a device that takes one form of energy and converts it into mechanical movement."
"You can very simply turn on that 2000 watt pure sine wave inverter and have your dual Group 31 RV batteries power household appliances."
"The hydrogen reacts with the oxygen; this is an exothermic reaction, it produces a flow of electrons and changes chemical energy into electrical energy."
"Respiration is a biochemical process that converts the chemical energy in glucose into ATP."
"If you want to convert from kilojoules per mole to kilojoules per gram, you can just divide by the molar mass."
"A motor is the device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy."
"Metabolic efficiency is basically turning your fuel combustion into mechanical work."
"Primary production... is just a measure of how much sunlight is converted into usable chemical energy."
"Photosynthesis is what autotrophs use to capture solar energy and convert it into chemical or usable energy for life."
"Understanding the basic mechanism of visible light from the sun being converted to infrared radiation by earth's surface is key."
"The main job of any shock absorber is to turn spring's bouncing energy into heat and then it has to dissipate that heat."
"The power equipment division provides systems for converting nuclear, solar, and chemical energy to electrical power with emphasis on its use in space vehicles."
"It's going to take that 12 volt power from your battery bank and convert it to that 120 volt AC clean power."
"A light emitting diode also converts electricity to light energy but it does so more efficiently."
"The chemical energy has gone up; that means thermal energy has been converted into chemical energy in the reverse reaction."
"Electrical energy converts to chemical energy; this is the energy conversion in an electrolytic cell."
"You can generate electricity from each of these sources, but if you don't want to use it right away, you could convert it to some kind of a fuel."
"The muscle tissues of the rider act as a damping system, absorbing the energy of the vibrations and converting them into thermal energy."
"If you think about this in terms of energy, it means initially what you have is a lot of electrical potential energy and you're going to convert that into kinetic energy."
"Power Electronics is the technology that converts energy into the right formats of frequency and voltage with minimal energy losses."
"A car engine converts chemical energy into kinetic energy."
"A little bit of mass could be converted into a huge amount of energy."
"Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other autotrophic organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can be used by the organism."
"A generator is a machine that takes mechanical energy and converts it into electrical energy."
"PV means the electricity generation by direct conversion of the solar energy to the electricity."
"When they come back in through ATP synthase, it's going to phosphorylate ADP into ATP."
"Gasification converts the intrinsic chemical energy of the carbon in the biomass into a combustible gas in two stages."
"We take chemical energy and convert it to electrical energy."
"All that energy that was originally available in terms of gravitational potential energy is now converted to kinetic energy when the object reaches point B."
"This gradient powers a protein called ATP synthase, which phosphorylates ADP to form ATP."
"The light-dependent reactions also produce ATP and reduced NADP."
"Conversion efficiency of a solar cell will be the ratio of power output from a solar cell to the power incident on the solar cell."
"Transducers are devices that convert one form of energy into another."
"All of the kinetic energy of the particle gets converted to electrical potential energy."
"Physics, specifically the use of force in energy conversions, in this case, using mechanical work to convert potential energy into kinetic energy."
"We're going to add this guy, which is a big three volt, 3000 volt amp, or three kilowatt inverter charger sine wave inverter."
"Not all heat energy can be converted into work in a cyclic process."
"Choose panels with high efficiency and with important guarantees over time and the best possible conversion efficiency of the micro inverter."
"Every solar power system... needs some type of an inverter."
"That energy gradient allows you to then put a phosphate back onto an ADP."
"Nuclear energy in uranium is converted to kinetic energy of the fission products."
"Kinetic energy of turbines is transferred to electrical energy of the generator."
"Batteries convert chemical energy to electricity directly."
"A transducer is any device that changes one form of energy into another."
"Hydropower plants are able to convert approximately 90 percent of the energy from the falling water into electric energy."
"The electrostatic generators... convert your everyday movement into energy."
"Mass is converted into energy in nuclear reactions."
"Wind energy systems convert this kinetic energy into more useful forms of power."
"The purpose of the nozzle is to convert pressure energy into kinetic energy."
"Photosynthetic electron transport from water to NADP+ occurs because there are two inputs of energy."
"Certain materials like tourmaline can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy."
"Nuclear fusion transforms mass into energy."
"Energy transfer for energy conversion, what is it? This is energy conversion, right? The energy is going from photon to electron."
"In electrolysis, electrical energy is being converted to chemical energy."