
Stubbornness Quotes

There are 511 quotes

"If you're too damn stubborn to change, you will keep running into the same thing over and over, continually."
"I was trying to help a friend, but I was stubborn and emotional instead of taking the proper time to hear how I could have done better."
"'They that won't be counseled can't be helped,' as Poor Richard says."
"I'm the most stubborn person on this platform."
"The problem is that the facts have changed and the political class keeps on trying to tell them, 'You're wrong on your facts.'"
"Your stubbornness and refusal to change your behavior is entirely your own fault."
"The number of people whose minds will be changed by facts is not large."
"The fixed nature of these cards always makes me think of someone who's a bit headstrong and stubborn."
"You hear what he said politicians are not going to stop what's happening now he's saying it is our way or the highway."
"Time to wake up...seriously...you can't fix stupid."
"We live in a world full of morons who just never give up."
"The facts don't stop them. They simply shout their bald assertions and then cover their ears in case anyone shouts back."
"We live in a time where people no longer change their opinions based on facts, they change their facts based on their opinions."
"It's not exactly bad that somebody's thinking about the future of their children, but when they are pig-headed..."
"Most people don't want to change. Serious. It's as simple as that."
"Admittedly only really difficult if you have trouble admitting fault... but making mistakes and refusing to grow from them, that's actively dumb."
"I was a stubborn kid... didn't really have time for anybody to tell me anything."
"When's the last time you saw Ben Shapiro admit that he was wrong about something and that he was going to change that aspect of his content going forward? Never. You haven't seen that ever and you never will."
"Especially for the younger girls around 20 years old and younger because y'all could be pretty hard-headed too."
"If you're so hard dug into a position that nothing can convince you otherwise, accusing someone of rape without proof is rough."
"One thing I am is stubborn. I don't just give up."
"Facebook arguments... It's just people that just bury their feet in the sand and stay there."
"If people are putting their fingers in their ears and saying nope I don't believe it, I don't want to hear it - well then enjoy living in the exact knowledge that you have right now for the rest of time..."
"Zombie ideas are ones that should have been killed by evidence many times but it just keeps on shambling along eating people's brains."
"How to tell when someone is an NPC: logic and facts in an argument do nothing to change their mind and only cause them to just repeat themselves ad infinitum."
"They'll never admit that they got it wrong, ever."
"You keep saying that but do not bother arguing with him. For him, the concept of losing simply does not exist."
"You've been turned into this person by two things: lies that you believed and a completely understandable stubborn refusal to accept that you were lied to."
"Don't try to convince other people if they have their mind made up."
"It's not possible to convince most people that they're wrong about anything they care about."
"You need to cut that out, you're not going to though."
"Humans tend to like being right to the point where when something huge is on the line, it easily devolves into moral absolutism, like say the end of the world."
"It doesn't matter how true the truth really is, no amount of proof will ever change their minds."
"Are you admitting you're wrong because I'm still sticking with what I said?"
"The fool doesn't learn from mistakes, doubles down on ignorance."
"I've gotten open admissions that I'm never gonna change my mind, doesn't matter if this is true, I'm not going to believe it."
"Correction is statistically harder after committing to an opinion."
"The more precarious Paulus's situation is, the more entrenched Hitler becomes that there can be no turning around."
"I've always been really stubborn when it comes to that, I've always been like, 'This is what I'm going to do and it's going to work.'"
"It has made my life incredibly much easier. Membership seems if you're an if you're a stubborn [ __ ] don't you worry."
"Time and time again we see this total incomplete intransigence to do anything then the invasion happens and now it's sort of like recognizing the or ignoring how you got in there in order to get out."
"I haven't ever apologized before and I don't anticipate ever doing it again."
"If you're a top or an OG Counter-Strike player right now and you're not switching over to Valorant, if Kenny does not switch over to [ __ ] Valorant, you're a [ __ ] psycho."
"There's some pride and there's some I want it my way."
"Stubbornness is when the world has changed, but you don't want to accept it."
"Never apologize, never ever apologize, never do it."
"Americans are stubborn people. That's what's made us the most prosperous, freest people in the world."
"The fact that he won't even apologize and fake it is incredible to me. It's stubbornness on a whole new level." - Mark Goldbridge
"Know that the harder we work to prove that they're wrong, the more convinced they are that they're right."
"Basically, everyone is beating their head against a wall, trying to prove to the wall that they’re in the right."
"You're not going to get anywhere by trying to convince somebody if they already have their mind made up."
"Nobody likes having been wrong... if you run from it you will be wronger and you will stay longer."
"Does go to show that Jerry really was not learning his lesson."
"When both sides are convinced they are right, how does this stop?"
"Stubborn people have perseverance to work toward what they want."
"So if you have a stubborn ex or you think you have a stubborn ex... because you have to out stubborn them."
"I will not back down at all. I will never apologize ever."
"There's no room for improvement; that's just ignorance and stubbornness."
"There's a difference between thick skin and just plain old being stubborn."
"Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather commit to being wrong than admit they're wrong."
"When you see anyone with a position whose degree of certainty has not changed, you know they are not thinking logically."
"You don't have to be this stubborn and you don't have to do this alone."
"Somebody secretly wants to apologize but they got too much stubbornness to do that or too much pride or ego."
"Just another guy who didn't want to admit he was lost."
"A fanatic is a person who can't change their mind and can't change the subject."
"There's no room for stubbornness right now because your stubbornness is ultimately going to be the rope around your own neck."
"The absolute stubbornness and the creativity of how far they can push it, that is insane."
"You're going to defend your position against all reason. That's what faith is."
"He's digging in. He ain't gonna go. He'll have to be forced out."
"They knew it didn't work and they still hit it."
"Couples who get caught in fighting all the time... there's a pettiness to wanting to be right."
"You're not going to change their mind you're just not if you present facts they're gonna be like oh those are just wrong facts."
"Change is blocked by rigidity. Stop trying to tell me how to so much on Sam."
"People like that can't be reasoned with, they would sooner throw you into the fire than give up their belief. They're gone, they're lost people, they're brain dead."
"Donkeys definitely have earned their reputation for being stubborn but that is actually a bit of a misnomer."
"He refuses to abide by that and the back and forth over it is so utterly juvenile."
"Why can't people just admit that I'm right about everything?"
"It's far better to have a hundred people love your product than a hundred thousand who kind of like it."
"Just because you're stubborn and insistent doesn't mean you actually want it, just means I'm refusing to let it go."
"That's so stupid, whatever, I'm taking the W. I don't care."
"Surely now is the time for the Prime Minister to recognize that she has to stop banging her head against the brick wall of her defeated deal."
"Once Donald Trump becomes convinced that something is true, he will never admit that he was wrong."
"He's too close-minded, he's too stubborn, and he never wants to change."
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks, and I'm sorry, I refuse to believe that Tamar is not aware of what she did, she just don't give a fuck."
"You could get so mad at me, but at a certain point, you're gonna realize it."
"Not everyone accepts advice... some people will always reject the advice."
"I guess I am stubborn, I don't like to give up. I think that there's a way if you work on it long enough."
"So many financial mistakes are made that way where people just don't want to admit they're wrong."
"Is it a budge fest? Like, are you two sitting there going, 'I'm not going to budge,' and they're going, 'I'm not going to budge either'? Is it a budge fest?"
"You haven't changed at all. Yes, congratulations, you are the last person to get that I'm not gonna change."
"There is nothing more heartwarming than a man's refusal to realize that he should change and instead thinks they can just make it up with one big gesture."
"Facts are stubborn things, especially in a courtroom."
"Neither side is really willing to bend, agree, or make any concessions to the other."
"Refusing to change his mind also leads to his undoing."
"No amount of evidence will ever change their minds."
"What makes you bird brain [ __ ] think my mind has changed...?"
"We are both insistent, so it's got to be that 3:33."
"I don't care what stupid chart you try to show me."
"Facts do not change people's opinions, they just don't."
"This is a kind of intractability, there's a feeling of locked horns."
"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views."
"I refuse to walk in maturity. I refuse to grow up. I made up my mind. I'm serious."
"You're not gonna get there if you're pigheaded."
"Remember to keep an open mind; you've got a lot to learn and you're not gonna get there if you're pigheaded."
"Someone here always has to be right, and if you say something to this person, they will up and leave."
"It isn't that the Pharaoh and the Egyptians were faithless, it's that they were stubborn... at least when you're suffering and you complain, you at least give voice to the suffering."
"I've been talking about this for like an entire year and people still refuse."
"You feel they are stubborn and fixed, almost as though you will have to heal and forgive without an apology or acknowledgement from them."
"He's hyper-intelligent, just stubborn as fuck."
"Always you do things the most difficult way and in the most painful manner."
"For some people, there is nothing we can do. For some people, you're just messed up and you want to be that way."
"He committed this serious sin, and instead of doing the rational thing which is to say I'm sorry, he doubled down."
"An archetype entity is one of the most stubborn enemies you can ever have in your life."
"I'm not being stubborn. I've been very vulnerable."
"He can't be reasoned with, that is a great thing."
"Some people are just still going to believe what they want to believe."
"You're staying pretty stubborn in whatever position you're in right now."
"Ain't no conceding. People say, 'Oh, you gotta concede.' For what? Why? Who said I gotta concede?"
"Every time somebody tells you something, you can't hit the reset button. It's not how this works."
"Truth was believed to triumph, but reality proved far more stubborn."
"Don't be stubborn just to be stubborn, pick and choose what it is that you're stubborn about."
"Why don't these people change their minds? Because they'd have to face that they were dead wrong."
"Refusal to stand down is a sign of enormous strength of character."
"I can't think of an argument that would persuade me that this is the right thing to do."
"There are only two outcomes in Donald Trump's estimation either he wins or the election was stolen he doesn't allow for any third option."
"It's stubbornness, narrow-mindedness, and short-sightedness."
"There comes a point where it becomes simply perverse to say, 'Well, we're still waiting to see if this hypothesis is going to be disproved.'"
"This is just Pisces, all this right here, this is a stubborn Pisces."
"You're the problem and until you make the mental adjustment not only in forex but i'm also teaching you about why you're having relationship issues because even in that arena you're so headstrong"
"Your person is not just going to want to do it an experiment your person is almost hard-headed like I said before so they have a very strong idea of the type of mark they want to make upon the world."
"The thing is, no matter what, they have already made up their mind."
"Stubbornness is not something you want to get caught up in for sure."
"You're not going to be able to change their minds; they want to hear verification of their own beliefs."
"I love my grandmother but she's probably the most stubborn woman I've ever met."
"I'd like to think this was our pizza standoff, our duel of wits, our respective slices of stubbornness."
"You are the bravest, most stubborn knucklehead I know."
"We are fantastic, y'all are bullheaded, we don't listen to nobody."
"The war started because politicians can be pretty stubborn, to the point of spilling blood rather than admitting a mistake."
"Does anything a man hates us to be told he's wrong when he knows he's right."
"This table should stay here. I'm always right!"
"All due respect, I'm a little too stubborn to really listen to anyone telling me I shouldn't tweet."
"The negotiations wore on. King Charles still refused adamantly to commit himself to any permanent change."
"My stubbornness, that's what got me here."
"Sometimes we're unable to hear the Lord because we're too stubborn to listen."
"If the hoe don't want to listen, then let them learn the hard way."
"Trust your gut and be quite stubborn."
"'Honestly, though, just tells me it's two stubborn people.'"
"'I think it's two stubborn people whose big fatal flaws that they're both too stubborn.'"
"I will die on that hill even though it's a waste of time."
People are super duper tribal. Sometimes the conversation will just start with, "So how long you gonna be stubborn about it?"
"We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world."
"Stop waiting to ask for help and stop letting your pride or stubbornness backfire on you."
"When it comes to these Leos, if you say no, they would have a [__] heart attack about it."
"I don't need help, thank you. Let me drive. I don't need help."
"They've declined to learn from this and they've declined to hear your advice."
"You have to be stubborn, but when facts change, you need to change your mind."
"Most people are too weak to change their mind, even if it's the right thing to do."
"Are you smart and compassionate, so stubborn that you constantly end up butting heads with other people?"
"And Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said."
"Girl, you're throwing it all away at the expense of being right."
"Even if I'm being difficult, they will be the best thongs on the market."
"I could stay overnight. I'm a stubborn Irishman."
"Men would rather suck on a lemon forever than admit they're wrong."
"Never attempt to reason with people who know they are right."
"I love you. I love him. I love her. And I'm stubborn."
"Really tough, really driven, really stubborn."
"They don't want to reason with you."
"Thanks to Adam. Thanks to what we call his... A man's stubbornness. Hold onto his convictions takes courage."
"Refusing help for your problems because of pride."
"But anyone who knows me well knows that I'm stubborn. From the time I was 2 years old, one of my first phrases was with my hands on my hips, 'You are not the boss of me.'"
"If you're stubborn earlier in your career and stick to a call there's nothing wrong with forming your opinion and letting the market prove you right or wrong."
"You guys are stubborn AF, but I love you because you give, give, give, give, give."
"Don't let pride get in your way. Close the cycle of pride and stubbornness, as it's blocking your abundance."
"After all this, you can't fix me. You sound even stupider when you say it, like the kind of stupid who admits he can't do the one thing I'm keeping him alive for. Yeah, pretty much."
"I'm not going. Pat, Bat-Nut, Billy Black-Ass better not go. Okay? They'll be mad that he wasn't wet when we needed to leave that damn lake alone."
"You can't reason somebody out of a stance they weren't reasoned into in the first place."
"...sometimes the stubbornness, okay, is just not gonna let us live until we go through something and we're like 'oh wait, that actually makes sense and now what you were saying to me, I should have listened to.'"
"You're too damn stubborn, too fine. Fine, be that way. And hope it works out for you the way you intended."
"There is a strong hatred between those two. Neither of them will listen."
"Let me tell you a thing or three. One, I ain't changing. So, I damn sure ain't changing."
"You're refusing to take down a sign that fits an agenda because of your ego."
"A wise man sometimes changes his mind; a foolish one never."
"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you once Royal gets an idea into his head he doesn't tend to let it go."
"You're more stubborn than my wife."
"He's so hell-bent on doing this, the only way. My way is the only way."
"No amount of evidence will ever persuade idiots."
"This person sees you as being stubborn."
"Just sheer stubbornness, you get into something and you don't let go."
"I knew I'd never be able to change your mind, you're stubborn, just like me, but I know who you are, boy. I just needed to make sure you knew it too."
"You did something wrong and still remain stubborn, putting on an act in front of me."
"Bonny Prince Charlie was absolutely pigheaded and stubborn as mules."
"Tony, you are as stubborn as me. True, but I want you to know this gesture is not going to magically heal the rift between your mother and I."
"He's beyond reasoning himself to the extent that he cannot be swayed by anyone."
"You will not out stubborn me, plain and simple."
"There's two things Tom does not like: change and the way things are."
"I can't believe I raised such a ridiculously stubborn child."
"Sometimes we can mistake perseverance with being stubborn."
"They are very, very stubborn, like if they vex for you, it's like being in the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Do you want to be Champion or do you want to just, like, do you want to be stubborn?"
"You were three willful spoiled children who are prepared to nag me for your bedtime story."