
Fresh Air Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"It's really hard to convey how beautiful it is here or how fresh the air is. It's amazing."
"By opening up your windows, you're going to be allowing oxygen to circulate freely throughout your home, which is not only going to cleanse your home but also give you more fresh air and energy."
"We need to understand that people under any circumstance if they have the ability to get fresh air and exercise, it is quite important to their health."
"Go outside, open up a window today, get some fresh air, maybe do something creative."
"The air is so fresh, you can just feel that oxygen from the nature."
"There really is nothing like waking up in the morning to some fresh air."
"It's nice to take a breath, this is the first breath of fresh air that we've had in months."
"When I start to feel panicky, I feel very claustrophobic and I feel very hot, so for me the best thing to do is to get outside into the fresh air."
"I'm okay, I just need some fresh air."
"2024 is like a breath of fresh air for you, it's like the debris is clearing, the clouds and the rain is gone and the Sun is here, you have time to breathe."
"I prefer fresh air and open windows, even if it means dealing with a bit of heat."
"The gospel of fresh air is more needed by human beings than even the gospel of new thought."
"It just feels amazing to be able to breathe clean, fresh air again."
"Remember to get fresh air, take care of yourself, change your routine."
"He said that fresh air clears the mind."
"Each morning of November is like a breath of fresh air. Previous days' disappointments are washed away and quickly forgotten."
"One thing about exploring, it's so nice to take your mask off when you come back outside and breathe that fresh air."
"It's good for your creativity to give yourself plenty of breaks, get up and get moving, go outside, breathe some fresh air."
"It's a privilege to be out, to be upright, to be breathing in fresh air."
"At the end of the day, you've gotta get up and move. And get some fresh air..."
"Fresh air felt like we had risen from the dead."
"I feel like I always underestimate how much getting outside in fresh air and walking improves my mental health so much."
"But as Missy begins to question her identity and embrace her culture, it's such a breath of fresh air."
"Honestly, it's nice to get some fresh air."
"You know what it is, that clean and honest air. There's just something about it that's just so peaceful."
"it's so easy to get out and spend some time in nature enjoying a breath of fresh air."
"Keep your windows open as much as possible so you have exchange of fresh new air. It's free."
"I would love to breathe that really crystal clean air, that's what I would really love, to feel that freshness on my face and breathe the air, would be amazing."
"Coming here and getting to breathe fresh air is amazing."
"Deadpool 1 and 2 were breaths of fresh air for the superhero genre."
"I love how many outdoor spaces they have. You have the option to eat and play inside, but then you can also come outside and enjoy the natural lighting and the fresh air."
"You want to have a lot of fresh air there."
"I just love getting out in the fresh air."
"As the dust cleared, he found himself in fresh air, rising ever higher into the sky."
"If you're ever feeling like you're in a rut, or like you just feel terrible, just going outside and getting fresh air really does help."
"It's really true once you go out there, you know, get a few lung fulls of fresh air or even, you know, Urban Air you it definitely it gives you a lift."
"I enjoyed being outdoors properly again for the first time in a while."
"Get fresh air once a day, even just sitting outside for a few moments can be peaceful and refreshing."
"It's a great place to walk around and get some fresh air."
"It's so nice to breathe this fresh Mountain Air after a month in India and Bangladesh."
"I felt so good for the rest of the day because of that initial burst of fresh air."
"...getting fresh air every single day is imperative for my mental health..."
"I tell him that the weed I had is making me feel funny and I need a breath of fresh air."
"What a beautiful place this is, eh? And the air, nice and fresh as well."
"The camper inhaled the cool and fresh Mountain Air and felt relaxed."
"Hope everyone's managing to get out and they're enjoying a little bit of fresh air."
"Ironically, she said she was just getting some fresh air."
"When we talk about air, we often say we're going out to get some fresh air or it's nice to go camping because then there's lots of fresh air."
"Welcome to Belitung Island, this beautiful fresh air, love it!"
"It's so good to get some fresh air and get some steps in."
"He lay on his back, breathing, relishing the fresh air."
"I love this fresh mountain air, this crisp, you know, like autumn kind of late autumn wintry air, I just love it, and it feels so clean."
"It's just a different type of fresh air that we don't get in Miami, and it's nice to appreciate something different."
"It's amazing that we have a blue sky, the air is more fresh and you can breathe."
"It's definitely a breath of fresh air."
"It was good being out here in the country again, breathing deep for the crisp cold air. I felt real good."
"Immersing ourselves in nature and just taking a deep breath of fresh air surrounded by trees and mountains is one of the healthiest things you can do."
"I just feel lucky and being in the fresh air... I am out in nature in a real way."
"It's such a nice day here, and it's been so long since we could open the windows."
"Getting some fresh air can really help boost your mood and give you new ideas and perspectives."
"Weather like this is good because you could actually breathe in some fresh air, and it feels absolutely amazing."
"That breeze, that mountain fresh air, unbelievable."
"I love this place, the fresh air of Cusco and just the natural beauty."
"If you don't go outside of your home, you don't know that your home is in a very nice place, so always go out and enjoy some fresh air."
"You need to get out of this stuffy room."
"You want to get out, get yourself some fresh air. It'll make you feel better."
"I was getting sick of being inside here; I can breathe again."
"We just get out the house and go for a walk and get a bit of fresh air in our lungs, a little bit of a workout in, before we start our day."
"It's good to go outside, go for a run, clear the mind, get some even just some fresh air."
"The pine smell, fresh air, it's unreal."
"Going out in nature and enjoying the fresh air is just something so many of us love."
"So sorry," she said, fanning her face with her palm. "Thank God we're out of that cab, I'll be fine, I just need some air."
"One of the things that I can share with you is the absolute joy of being able to breathe in lungs full of deep fresh air."
"It's just such a nice thing to have the window down a bit, feel the fresh air."
"I can't even describe how amazing the fresh air felt on my face."
"If it does start raining, you're not getting the rain coming through the window, and you get that fresh air."
"Well, it sure feels great to be out and about again. Oh, fresh air and sunshine!"
"It's been really nice to just chill out, unwind, get in that fresh air."
"It's always nice to get some fresh air."
"The thing I do personally love most about a balcony is being able to have access to fresh air and the changing views."
"We walked out of the dim studio into the bright sunshine and gulped for fresh air."
"It's all about the fresh air you can breathe, as much freedom as you can gain and get."
"It's beautiful outside, I got the windows raised."
"I needed to get out, I needed some fresh air, and it is making me feel a lot better."
"Fresh air, baby, fresh air, breathe it in."
"It's good to have it outside, fresh air, and you can have your treatment at the same time and do the safari."
"The fresh air outside is what we need to be breathing."
"Gorgeous day out today, we have the screen open, the fresh air is coming in."
"I think they really actually enjoy it and they like getting out, getting the fresh air."
"I just want to get out of the house to get some fresh air."
"This is the plan though, this is how to make children sleepy and tired: fresh air, fresh air is the key."
"It's really nice to get out and get him a fresh air and get in nature."
"This is the freshest air our lungs are likely to get for a long time."
"Go walk around the block a couple of times; go outside and get actual fresh air into your lungs."
"Living in the countryside can be a little inconvenient, but the air out here is fresher than in the city."
"Plus, it's going to turn over and constantly give us fresh air in the house, which will make it not seem stagnant in here, just always have you know good healthy air to breathe."
"The air is so fresh and clean here, and the temperature is perfect."
"The best thing about this is the fresh air that you get."
"The California Zephyr pulls into Ottumwa, Iowa, our next stop and fresh air break on route to Denver."
"If you get up and you go out and get some fresh air and a walk, it really does help."
"Nothing can compare to the fresh mountain air."
"A final advantage or effect to running is that it forces the runner to go outside and breathe some fresh air."
"It's just nice to get fresh air, like even when you're sick."
"Let's go pick it up and let's get some fresh air."
"After we were outside for like two or three minutes, I felt completely better."
"Lindsay smiled as she walked out the front door of her home, taking a minute to smell the fresh air."
"Walking with a baby in a stroller might be an easy way to get in some steps and to breathe fresh air."
"Every 45 minutes step outside, take a deep breath with the fresh air."
"It might not be caffeine that you need, it might not be stimulants, it might just be the need to get out and get some fresh air."
"If you can get a balcony, it's always nice to get that fresh air."
"Make sure you're getting some fresh air, okay? Make sure that you're going out, getting out of the house."
"There is nothing like fresh air in the summer in the garden."
"It's nice to be out, isn't it, in the fresh air? It's bliss."
"I just feel like I need some fresh air, I've been staring at my screen all day."
"You've been indoors too long; go get some fresh air."
"Taking small breaks throughout the day and leaving my house just kind of like getting some fresh air increases my productivity."