
Vietnam Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"Vietnam is a land of entrepreneurs, scrappy, motivated, and creative."
"Vietnam transforms itself from an extremely poor country into a very successful middle-income economy."
"Vietnam alone has taken up over half of the U.S. imports that shifted from China to other nations."
"Vietnam is a land of festivals... the largest and most important holiday that everyone partakes in Lunar New Year or tet."
"Vietnam's recent development speed is 'surpassing that of China in its early years.'"
"Vietnam attracted $27.7 billion in foreign direct investment in 2022, reaching the highest level since 2018."
"Ho did not live to see his dream realized, but his followers did, winning the revolution and creating the united and independent Vietnam Ho had envisioned more than 50 years earlier."
"Vietnam is by far one of the most scenic and cheapest countries in Asia."
"Vietnam is a land of entrepreneurs, scrappy and creative."
"Vietnam is very, very good at is the coffee."
"Vietnam is one of the few exceptions and will continue to grow."
"Vietnam trip planned for reporting on foreign policy and war legacy."
"Pham Nhat Vuong wants to promote his own business, but he also wants to contribute to Vietnam's image as a rising power."
"Vietnam is an amazing country... So many things to see, the friendliest people, all the tastiest food, a really rich history."
"Don't be afraid of street food... Sitting on the little plastic stools on a little tiny table on the street is just one of those experiences that's so good."
"What this MOC is commemorating is the fact that we have been able to go back after peace is taking place in Vietnam."
"Vietnam today: a prosperous and peaceful nation."
"This is a hotel in Vietnam and it looks like it's integrated into a giant banyan."
"The real-life Tarzan of Vietnam: surviving in the jungle for 40 years after American bombings."
"Vietnam emerging as a key manufacturing hub; Apple transfers iPad development to Vietnam."
"If you've ever been contemplating a motorbike trip in Vietnam, absolutely do it."
"Vietnam, yeah, of course, definitely the people."
"Vietnam is pursuing an equidistant real strategy. They want to have good ties with China and the U.S. to get the best of both worlds."
"...introducing best ever coffee. I've traveled all over the world and no country has created a better coffee experience than Vietnam."
"Vietnam does noodles like no one else."
"Already I'm feeling just relaxed and calm and it's the first time in a really long time since we've got into Vietnam where I just feel like I can breathe a little bit."
"Graduation is only a few days away the Marine Corps wants killers they trying to become Killers today you are Marine the training is finished every Marine is your brother most of you will go to Vietnam."
"The Christmas tree back here, not a fancy tree but not many good Christmas trees in Vietnam."
"The helicopter became the mainstay of how you got around in Vietnam."
"...every year Vietnam exports 1.5 billion of these low-cost, colorless, and odorless fillets."
"The Hang Nga Guest House: a surreal dream-like masterpiece in Vietnam."
"Vietnam is a land known for its delicious, affordable one-of-a-kind street food."
"The Vietnam War will redefine the concept of war and will test the shifting perspective of a great country."
"Vietnam stands out as an exceptionally affordable country to live in."
"Both countries, Vietnam and the Philippines, put our feet on the ground and spent many, many months."
"Vietnam has thousands of years of culture, amazing food, and it's a very peaceful country."
"Vietnam is known for having some of the most delicious and healthy food in the world."
"Vietnam is an intriguing country famous for its Coffee Culture, its specialty chocolate made from local beans, its French influences, its resilient people, and much more."
"Because we all know we're trying to get the hell out of here, and none of us wants to be the last guy to die for a lost cause—Vietnam."
"Do you know a place to eat Cow? I show you real Vietnam."
"Vietnam in general certainly seems like a country that hasn’t forgotten its past, but is clearly one that has already moved forward and will continue to do so."
"The official story of why it's named after a town in Thailand is that he passed through this place on his way out of Vietnam and was stunned by its natural beauty."
"Of the 5,000 uh-1 helicopters that went to Vietnam starting in 1962, over 3,300 were just were destroyed in combat."
"Embark on a profound journey through Vietnam's history on your second day in hoochi Min City with a visit to the war remnants Museum, ranked as one of the top must-see attractions in the city."
"Discover the heart of Vietnam's history at the reunification Palace, a top destination in hoochi city and a must visit alongside the war remnants museum."
"The buffets in Vietnam just keeps getting better and better."
"Vietnam never leaves you, and it comes back to you every day."
"There were no front lines in Vietnam. I mean, we would take mortar attacks. The North Vietnamese seem to celebrate the seasons and the holidays by bombing us."
"They are a mixture of political turmoil, of poverty, of religious and factional strife, of ancient servitude and modern longing for freedom. Vietnam is all of these things."
"Full Metal Jacket has only gained appreciation and popularity over the years with many even asserting that it's the absolute best Vietnam War movie of all time."
"Thanks in part to the Doi Moi reforms improving the economy, football in Vietnam also took a massive step in the right direction."
"Vietnam offers a beautiful mixture between the ancient and the modern, and with its beautiful landscape, beaches, and history, it is an experience you will never forget."
"Vietnam is not for me, too rainy and too many scams."
"Coffee is a way of life here in Vietnam."
"One of the most beautiful places in Vietnam is the mountain region of Sapa."
"That's just an amazing thing that they go through that transformation... and seeing the end result of the training and why, because you were there in Vietnam, that's right."
"Vietnam was one of those things that showed you the fragility of Life uh that's what it did for me because I felt that I saw that and um i s see that in uh in life as you go on."
"The show went on, and one of my fondest memories, not just of Vietnam, but life in general at Christmas, is they closed with Silent Night."
"Despite the war, Vietnam is a beautiful country."
"Vietnam has made provisions for vaccine access through involvement in COVAX and procurement from multiple vaccine developers."
"Policies in Vietnam made sense and weren't too draconian, allowing life to return to normal quickly."
"There's lots of delicious foods you don't want to skip on eating the delicious cuisine that Vietnam has to offer, it's probably one of the most best things about Vietnam."
"So if you are a education-related business, investing into Vietnam is great, if you want highly educated and talented population coming to Vietnam is also great in that field."
"There are over a hundred thousand expats living in Vietnam right now from just the U.S. alone and other countries, roughly about a million."
"The British were actually in Vietnam fighting Ho Chi Minh communists long before the USA ever got involved."
"Vietnam comes along and... I went through flight school."
"The old name of Ho Chi Minh City was Saigon and there is not much to visit in this city but it is one of the top cities of Vietnam."
"In the upcoming parts of Vietnam, I will take you to Hanoi and DaNang city in which I will take you to a different world from the trip to Island to the mountains."
"Vietnam is one of those countries where you get accommodation for very economical prices."
"Vietnam is a large country, in terms of attractions. So you need to plan well."
"What should people remember about Vietnam? That we were there, that we went there for the right reasons."
"I never had any fear of going anywhere in Vietnam."
"Vietnam was a bunch of the guys were the same way."
"Good morning from Hanoi, Vietnam."
"When we got to Vietnam, or when I got to Vietnam, it was hot. It looked like, I mean, like a heater. Humid. And they took us to the mess hall and then in the distance, you hear, boom, boom, and I look out towards the sea and there is a Navy ship. Wow, this is real."
"These are the stories of the Vietnam War as told to us by veterans."
"The EB-66 is an uncelebrated part of the story of the Vietnam air war, but it was an important tactical asset and an essential part of the U.S. war effort."
"The EB-66 was central to countering Vietnamese surface-to-air missiles."
"It tastes like home cooking, it tastes like Vietnam."
"Vietnam is actually known to be extremely safe."
"Vietnam is the least obese country in the world."
"Vietnam was gonna be very different from the United States of America, except for all the beer cans and the barbecue."
"Many of these men became prisoners of war when South Vietnam fell and they were imprisoned in re-education camps."
"Vietnam is a part of the world oddly known as Indochina."
"The name Vietnam actually comes from two Vietnamese words: 'Viet' and 'Nam'."
"We have fallen into a peaceful rhythm getting to know local life here in rural Vietnam."
"Reason I love Vietnam so much, besides the fact that you feel like you're dining at a home, the people will definitely make you feel like home as well."
"Let's get away doing one Vietnam's most popular breakfast items very, very well."
"One thing I found fascinating in my research of Vietnam is that there's no majority religion."
"He took the time to appreciate every nuance of this beautiful country and he adored Vietnam for exactly what it is."
"I'd venture to guess that the top widely known Vietnamese foods are pho, banh mi, and spring rolls."
"I think any person who visits Vietnam do take this tour."
"The history of Ho Chi tunnel is very rich and dreadful."
"These soldiers are known by the name of Guerrilla fighters or Viet Cong."
"This is Delta Mekong River due to which Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam is known."
"We're going to spend a couple of weeks in Vietnam; Hanoi is just the first stop of many."
"Vietnam is actually the second biggest coffee producer in the entire world."
"Vietnam, what a time. It changed everything."
"This was actually made it was hand carved in Vietnam I think this is beautiful."
"Vietnam by motorbike, a journey that has no structure apart from reaching the capital of Vietnam in just three weeks time and hopefully in one piece."
"If there's one way to engulf yourself in Vietnam culture, this is it."
"Ultimately, it's the inventors and dreamers who are going to shape Vietnam's future for decades to come."
"Modern Vietnam is a country that is moving forward as fast as it possibly can."
"Vietnam is an independent, sovereign nation, and no other nation can impose its will on you or decide your destiny."
"Vietnam has everything it needs to thrive. Your destiny is in your hands. This is your moment."
"Hello and welcome to Vietnam; I am so excited to be here."
"Vietnam being the cornerstone of democracy in Asia."
"Education in Vietnam is not free but it's extremely affordable."
"Vietnam is considered one of the safest countries in the world."
"He was one of the most successful Vietnamese Emperors and military commander in Vietnamese history."
"Central Vietnam has a cultural and culinary identity all its own."
"Our best ever Central Vietnam journey has begun."
"This is one of the most livable cities in Vietnam."
"The best way to explore Vietnam is by eating through it."
"The weather is a bit crisp and cool; it has a totally different feel than anywhere else that you'll go in Vietnam."
"We hope we're able to help you firm up your plans on visiting Vietnam."
"This is the American Navy in Vietnam, moving quickly where and when needed, displaying the flexibility of modern sea power."
"Vietnam probably would be an interesting place to visit."
"I love getting to see inspiration from Vietnam and modern fine dining."
"We're pretty glad we made the move here to Da Nang, Vietnam."
"She's gonna be having a hectic ass week, she's getting ready because she's going traveling, she's going to Vietnam."
"The Vietnamese for the most part, before the French really got over there and stirred [__] up, were a peaceful rural agricultural people."
"About 80 percent of Vietnamese people were literate and the quality of education in the villages was high."
"It's the only Vietnam movie that doesn't take place in the jungle."
"I feel that there are children born in Vietnam that have now grown to manhood and have never known anything but war."
"Vietnam is a nature's paradise that will make you fall in love with it instantly."
"Legend has it that the people of Vietnam are descendants of an immortal Chinese princess and the Dragon Lord of the Seas."
"I always want to do something for the community in Vietnam."
"Vietnam's economy has become the poster child for economic development, making massive gains on almost every indicator."
"Vietnam's success has been built on an exodus from China without mentioning what has made the nation so appealing, which includes its commitment to free trade, investment in human capital, and an emerging middle class."
"Vietnam is super culturally diverse and it's got a lot of history."
"The key to Vietnam's future is its ability to manage relations with China without losing its own independence."
"Vietnam being of an intense culture, they will do well."
"All the food in Vietnam is very budget-friendly."
"There's no specific vaccinations that are required to enter Vietnam."
"Vietnam is so diverse that you won't believe your eyes."
"Vietnam is the country we are going to explore, a country full of English lessons that will leave you wanting more."
"The Long Bien Bridge is now a symbol of Vietnamese resistance and national identity."
"That's honestly one of the better bánh mìs I've had in Vietnam."
"I wanted to make this video especially to donate half of whatever this video makes to the central part of Vietnam to help the families that are in need and in trouble."
"Thailand and Vietnam have some of the best cuisines in the world."
"One trip is the highest-rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities."
"We returned to Vietnam, we were here last year and we just knew we had to come back to see more of this beautiful country."
"Vietnam is incredibly rich in terms of culture, population, and is growing a lot economically."
"Vietnamese people actually think about America; 85% of them like it."
"We are hungry already and we stopped in to get one of these delicious things, a bánh mì sandwich."
"Welcome to my home in Hanoi, Vietnam."
"Vietnam by motorbike, a 2,800-kilometer journey from south to north Vietnam in under three weeks."
"It made us feel like this was the start of seeing the vast rural side of Vietnam."
"One thing that we didn't realize about Vietnam is how individual the scenery can be in such a small amount of time."
"We were completely caught off guard by the sheer natural beauty of what many call the Halong Bay of central Vietnam."
"It's amazing, the Vietnamese people are so nice and just this experience in itself is just exactly what we were after."
"It really was an unforgettable experience."
"In Vietnam, we eat it because it's very convenient to eat and also like a simple food."
"I love being in Vietnam, in fact, those were the happiest days of my life."
"The train ride was beautiful, the scenery in Vietnam that we passed was honestly just gorgeous."
"Good morning guys from the rooftops of Hanoi, Vietnam."
"Vietnam has a really good walk, like underrated good."
"Life in Vietnam has been absolutely amazing."
"This is what young people in Vietnam are eating right now."
"Vietnam is super safe; you can go with your kid at 10:00 in the park next to your area."
"What I discover first about Vietnam is the hospitality of people, the warm contact of people."
"Vietnam is very rich and very complex and interesting country."
"Arguably Vietnam's most beautiful spot, it's definitely a world heritage site."
"Every single person Tom and I told we were going to visit Vietnam was like, 'Oh my gosh, make sure you don't miss Halong Bay.'"
"Halong Bay is basically off the northeast coast of Vietnam and it is made up of loads of tiny individual islands and floating rocks."
"Vietnam is the second largest coffee producer in the world."
"I'm very glad I went to Vietnam, 'cause I think I did something."
"It's a beautiful city, it's a kind of must-go-to if you're in central Vietnam."
"Let's explore the best of Vietnam."
"Sean found his calling as a photojournalist and ended up flying out to Vietnam during the war."
"Beautiful Vietnam, you beauty, these are the roads due to which Vietnam is very famous."
"I love the sound of the streets in Vietnam in the background, it really makes me feel like I'm at home."
"Vietnam is a beautiful country with approximately 97 million people, it's the second largest Southeast Asian country in terms of population."
"The spirits of Vietnam were never broken, and you can see why."
"He who gains the highlands will have won the fight for Vietnam."
"Good morning from the beautiful city of Hoi An, Vietnam."
"Vietnam is the cheapest country in all of Southeast Asia."
"Thank you, thank you, if you are in Vietnam, if you're in Southeast Asia, if you're anywhere near Hoi An, you need to come here and go on this tour."
"Vietnam's got a very fast-growing economy, and it's really come up as a great remote working hotspot."
"Vietnam with its hundred million people and one of the world's fastest-growing economies remains a potent obstacle to Chinese domination."
"The more I go to Vietnam, the better my language becomes and I feel like a more complete person."
"This is a shot that I made in hoan Vietnam, and these two little sisters are selling candles."
"Get ready to be taken on a journey through one of the most diversifying landscapes in Southeast Asia. Welcome to Vietnam."
"So happy to be back in Vietnam, we're gonna eat so much good food."
"Vietnam has emerged from a severe war."
"They spread the sweet aroma of the Quang Phu Cao incense village across Vietnam."
"Veganism in Vietnam really stems from Buddhism."
"Hanoi is considered the brains of Vietnam and Saigon is the muscle of Vietnam."
"This trip to Vietnam changed my life."
"It's very affordable here in Phu Quoc in Vietnam."
"You cannot beat the coffee here in Vietnam."
"You underestimate Vietnam's Navy."
"I have been back to Vietnam twice and was amazed there were no hard feelings about the war and how friendly the people are."
"Good morning from beautiful Vietnam; it is a gorgeous sunny day here."
"We are currently doing a north to south two-week trip around Vietnam."
"We are standing at the feet of the gorgeous Lady Buddha statue; she is the tallest Buddha statue in all of Vietnam, 67 meters tall."
"What an amazing city Da Nang in Vietnam has really exceeded my expectations."
"The Lady Buddha is the tallest statue in Vietnam, leaning on the mountain facing the sea."
"For me, it's one country and it's one country only and it's been that way for years. For me, Justin, it's Vietnam. There's no other country."