
Financial Market Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Awesome, all right. Hey everybody, Rob Power here. Today we are talking about Tesla finally being added to the S&P 500 index."
"Stay humble and be a forever student of the market."
"Oh snap, the market just closed. We are going to pull up the Bloomberg terminal because we've got earnings coming up."
"The SEC seems utterly outgunned. And the energy of these apes, I think, has to be channeled into productive reform."
"We're expecting a lot more analysts to revise down their Q1 forecasts."
"If we get back to fifty thousand dollars, surely we've gotta be heading back to bullish territory."
"I don't think we're at the end of the bull market in gold."
"All equities are seeing a sell-off... S&P 500 is down two percent, gold's down more than two percent."
"One of the most underreported reasons... Grayscale's premium over NAV... turned into a discount."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. That's true."
"Billionaires in this particular space have almost doubled... in just the last year alone." - Josh Nichols
"I think Ethereum is going to get the very, very explosive move towards 10k, 15k, 20k later in this bull cycle when Bitcoin probably already topped out or is close to topping out."
"The famed big short investor Michael Burry is warning that we're currently in one of the largest speculative market bubbles in history."
"Physical inflows of this size have not again been seen into the U.S since March 2020."
"Being able to break through this barrier is very significant and now we're in a period where it's in price discovery mode."
"Sentiment matters and it matters in a massive massive way."
"Hong Kong are set to approve the spot Bitcoin ETF on Monday."
"We're about to see a bull market that no one's ever seen before."
"It's just so nice to get one of these green days on the market."
"We finally got some life back into the market... today is going to be a fun show."
"We think it actually does make trading much simpler"
"The SEC has just proposed a sweeping set of rule changes designed to better level the playing field."
"The S&P 500 just broke a streak of 12 consecutive months with a negative rolling 12-month price return."
"Bitcoin is up almost double since the beginning of the year."
"This is not a lower low, this is simply an accumulation zone."
"It's the closest thing I've seen to a trading floor with everyone's just screaming trying to buy these these $250,000 market cap crazy crazy crazy market cap things."
"We are kind of reaching a potential critical crossroads in this 2021 bull market."
"The fed put is much lower than it was at any other time since 1987. and that means the market could easily go down 30 to 50."
"I think a lot of apes are legitimately trying to fix some of the issues in the market."
"Shopify stock, ticker symbol SHOP. This one has a market cap of 128 billion. This is the smallest company by far and away that's on this list."
"If Tesla's ascent continues, it will further enrich believers, hurt the dwindling band of doubters, and drag swaths of the broader equity market up with it," - Benjamin Bowler
"And I genuinely believe when it comes to 2022, the stock of Malachi Black very much like that mark around his eye is gonna grow."
"It's the short squeeze people. It's coming up."
"Gold was trading at 1778 traded to 2078, a 300 rally week we can all say is a very substantial rally."
"Gotta admit, it's really something to see Wall Streeters with a long history of treating our economy as a casino complain about a message board of posters also treating the market as a casino. Anyways, tax the rich."
"The market is euphoric, everyone's making life-changing money, but we need to all be responsible."
"The Perfect Storm, the perfect setup here for such a huge pullback of double digits in a single day."
"Remember, there's nobody to protect the stock market right now. Nobody protecting it."
"We're gonna have a v-shaped recovery... I see the V, we're forming a V."
"GameStop's short squeeze: a perfect storm causing exponential rise."
"Bitcoin dropping 15% in a single day is absolutely massive."
"Yesterday was a dark day for grayscale Bitcoin trust... people rushing in, grabbing that massive discount."
"Bitcoin has been rallying up a lot. It's currently close to this 50,000 threshold."
"I am pumped, am I losing money? Yeah, I'm losing some money now. I think everybody is, you see a lot of tension out there, people are upset."
"Wall Street is going to be fine, alright? I'm not worried about hedge fund guys."
"If you're interested in an easy-to-learn strategy that could have beaten the market by more than 100 percent in this stellar 2019 equities market then stick around."
"The XRP bull run has officially started... trading over one dollar per share for the first time since February 21st, 2018."
"We need to have confidence that the market is our financial Market or Securities Market in particular is the best in the world."
"These factors combined to give us the mother of all bull runs."
"The only thing guaranteed this week is volatility."
"A very clear sign to traders and investors that the market has halted and may be ready for a reversal."
"The stock market has been taking huge hits recently as analysts say we may be in a huge bubble."
"Once every six years the market falls 25 percent more, that's what we call a bear market."
"We got a very entertaining next several weeks in the market folks."
"Bitcoin can pull back 10, 20,000 or something... the idea that it can't do that just because of a few on-chain metrics is completely ridiculous."
"Jerome Powell, no longer Dove for good this time around, 100% sure. He's becoming a Maverick Wall Street kind of Hawk."
"I don't like that XRP is basically dragging ETH into this."
"Bitcoin is surging... almost thirty thousand dollars now."
"What a day it was! The Dow Jones went up over 2000 points."
"Market cap looking much healthier today at 2.4 trillion dollars."
"The Fed's strategy is bullish for bonds, bearish for yield."
"Total market cap look at that busting through 2.1 almost 2.2 trillion so you know like a couple hundred billion not a big deal we just call that a Friday here in cryptoville."
"This is one of the best weeks in the stock market."
"Trading is about learning, not just making a profit."
"Until further clarity from the Fed and until the market makes up its mind on which theme it wants to follow, all of these moves, be it up or down, cannot be trusted."
"The Panic on the Chinese stock markets tells us there are some serious fundamental issues going on."
"Fact number one: the forex market trades 6.6 trillion dollars a day."
"It's not really that much fun spending three years in a brutal bear market."
"Bitcoin is an upcycle getting ready to run vertical."
"It's all around one and a half to two percent, that's basically where everything is selling off."
"What in the heck is going on in the stock market guys? This is absolutely insane!"
"A move right here is going to be a gift to the Bears."
"BNB has grown significantly over the past few months and honestly over the past few years."
"Covered calls are also a great way to generate short-term cash in this choppy market."
"Bear market is the best question you can ever ask and the staking is huge."
"The market is up 325 points today on great job numbers. The numbers have been phenomenal."
"Gold is now back to making new all-time highs."
"Expect it to go higher, ladies and gentlemen. Expect it to go much higher."
"Yesterday we saw a beautiful bounce in tech... if you were long on it, it was a beautiful bounce."
"The tendency of a market to run those stops, make people freak out, make the weak hands exit."
"Bitcoin is the king when it comes to the cryptocurrency bucket."
"An ETF would open the market to millions of potential buyers."
"A bull market is going to resume, and we're going to see a major uptrend."
"Kudos to Wall Street Silver for pushing this market forward."
"Short squeezes and gamma squeezes happening at the same time create an unending feedback loop."
"I still remain cautiously optimistic, I think that there is room for the stock market to fall quite a bit more as the corona virus continues to spread but at the same time I keep in mind that this is temporary."
"The premium became a discount and today the discount is at about 40 percent."
"This is my second bear market. This time was tougher. Last time was tougher just emotionally."
"It's not gonna last but in that moment before, like, when have you ever seen a short squeeze where the number where the line just kept going up, right?"
"The evidence is mounting up that the bear market might actually be here."
"Where is the stock market going next? That's what we're talking about here today."
"Are these synthetic products actually 100% backed or are they running a fractional reserve synthetic program?"
"We're seeing the beginning of a short squeeze."
"XRP is setting up to be a world reserve currency that's as liquid as a G10 currency, ready to run serious portions of the Internet of Value."
"We've never seen it like this bullish coming into the beginning of a 2024."
"You have these hedge funds that are short on AMC and GameStop who got smoked."
"At the end of the day, this is still a fact: options expired and they still have to buy back their shares. So no matter what the price is, the squeeze is still likely to happen."
"Gold is in this big bull market, creating a bull flag starting to break out, and its next stop should be $2700 over the next year or two."
"The advanced decline ratio: NYSE 59 advancing versus 38 declining, NASDAQ 48 advancing versus 49 declining."
"Bitcoin is up over 60 this year year-to-date."
"I think all coin season is perfectly normal."
"The old playbook of simply buying the dip doesn't apply." - BlackRock
"I think next week is so important for crypto and stocks, it's like one of the most important weeks of the last month."
"The market is going to pre-price in the Fed's rate cuts well before they come because we know the problem of this market is not the actual economy, it's inflation."
"Ethereum over the course of the last few hours has risen about 10.75%."
"Gold is set to surge no matter what the Fed does."
"It's a big moment for someone like a CEO at Morgan Stanley to admit that it is not a fad and is not going away."
"As the market ecosystem matures as these assets gain in value based on utility, the volatility goes down."
"We're still experiencing some volatility, Bitcoin bouncing around from 48,000 to 50,000."
"Wall Street doesn't just like Bitcoin, they love Bitcoin. Over 5,500 ETF launches in history, never have we had a fund get to $3 billion in AUM in the first 30 days."
"Welcome to the afternoon. It is going to be a crazy, crazy show. This market has been wild, exciting, and to the downside. So a rough start to the overall shortened holiday week."
"The SPAC space, there's just no holding it back..."
"A battle between the retail investor and the hedge funds."
"This bull run will continue as institutional investors keep buying."
"Gold's expensive the silver but it's so cheap you know it's going all-time highs in every country but the US and I guess Switzerland it's just beginning."
"The great Stock Exchange fraud of 1814."
"No signs of the bull market being over yet."
"I was on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and I was saying Lehman Brothers was coming down and it came down."
"There's no better thing to do right now than trade this market."
"People were making millions and millions of dollars, it was two billion dollars in total assets."
"Now, that comes just under seven thousand dollars done and dusted."
"In a world where Bitcoin's bigger, you no longer have that kind of exponential move upward, instead basically you have a scarce unit settling at a high level of adoption."
"No one predicted. It's interesting, if you talk to a lot of people in the financial market, a lot of the regulators, people like Greenspan, when they've gone up and talked before the investigations, a common refrain was 'Who could have predicted?'"
"It was the biggest bubble since the.com bubble in 1999."
"I think it's more likely than in any other prior cycle that we see a bigger bull market after the next having."
"Gold gets to run because it's not being beaten up down a dark alley all the time anymore."
"We went and bought you know crazy worthless things we bought like cryptocurrencies and we bought you know Brokers of cryptocurrencies we bought crypto Miners and We Bought you know just the sort of stuff that goes up when you print a ton of money."
"The squeeze happens when the market's been consolidating for a little while."
"...some months I'm not making any money. That's just how the markets work. I've been in drawdown for 6 months. Like, what are you going to do if you have no other money coming in?"
"We don't think the Fed is going to move us much as they are."
"It's going to be a minor that's going to pull off Greenspan."
"The guy literally called the flash crash months before it happened."
"The foreign exchange market is one of the most influential markets in the world today."
"All of the stars are aligned for a massive Bull Run once we get through basically this recession."