
Character Admiration Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We're really looking for characters we can look up to because it feels like we're lacking good role models nowadays, especially male role models."
"The Pinnacle of Peak Performance of a man shouldn't be Andrew Tate, it should be Aragorn."
"I definitely like this Lich King character. He looks super cool."
"I would way rather look up to a character like Aragorn who is a man even though I'm not, just because he actually displays a lot of virtue."
"In fact, Beerus was downright impressed by Goku's Super Saiyan God form for a number of reasons."
"Spider-Man is the greatest character in the history of fiction. Can I get an amen?"
"I kinda like Wolverine, just the healing from anything." - Superpower preference
"So many of his characters either remind me of myself or are the kinds of people that I want in my life."
"Kane was just this pillar of quiet strength that so many people loved."
"As soon as I see my guy Superman's my favorite comical character as soon as I see my guy saving a Bus full of kids doing Superman things I'll be sold on it."
"What a fing gigachad man. Never give up. This is the true hero protagonist."
"I want Gamora who is uh, per Thanos's words, the fiercest woman in the galaxy."
"He learned to push through the fear and the pain in order to become a truly admirable warrior and that is why I absolutely love him as a character."
"I aspire to be puss, okay? I aspire to be puss."
"I'd say she's definitely my favorite Disney princess of all time."
"Your niece sounds like a very resilient woman."
"Definitely Leon S. Kennedy. I love that character. He is such a badass."
"Starlight... I think she's such a phenomenal character."
"Luffy is maybe the coolest guy I've ever read." - Appreciating Luffy's character.
"I love Luffy's sense of honor, his sense of values." - Admirable traits of the protagonist.
"Finn is truly a good noble and righteous hero, everyone's good friend."
"Sydney Prescott is my favorite final girl of all damn time."
"I still think Steve Rogers is my all-time favorite MCU character."
"He’ll do that shit all day long. What a fucking badass."
"I wish I was more like Marcus Holloway, the new protagonist in the new watchdogs game."
"I'm just excited to see the Death Dealer because the Death Dealer is badass."
"I love him. I eat up any scene that he's in. I don't remember loving him this much in the first two."
"I love ahsoka with my entire being she is my favorite character she means everything."
"I just want you to know that if all that was left of you was your smile and your little finger, you’d still be more of a man than anyone I’ve ever met."
"Vegeta is the cool distant warrior guy that we all secretly wanted."
"Clearly he loves the idea of freedom just like Luffy."
"Albedo is awed by Eins's intellect to make humans seem surprisingly useful within the scope of his supposed plan."
"Maria Leona is one of my favorite characters if not my favorite character in Black Clover and it's purely due to her flexing badassery alone."
"Poison type? Seviper, I've always thought Seviper was very cool."
"I love the fact that Treyarch has made him the awesome katana character sort of like Michonne in The Walking Dead."
"Man, he is so saucy, bro. Nobody tosses a dwarf. Respect. Respect."
"I write for the purpose of creating an ideal man in actions which you can respect and admire."
"It's not the things that you have that impress me, it's who you are."
"LR Super Saiyan Vegeta, he does look so badass, very excited."
"Escanor is my favorite character... he's just so cool."
"Iron Man is definitely, I believe, my favorite Avenger currently."
"He had head to toe full Deadpool merch on... they salute and I just died."
"I became obsessed with Finch as a character, I thought he was incredible."
"By then, I had read the Snake Eyes origin story in the comics, and he had quickly become my favorite character and my most highly desired action figure."
"I actually really admire that this one character cannot be bought by anyone in Westeros for any reason."
"That generation of evil was so badass."
"Now that's an amazing Spider-Man."
"Kaz was just so witty and smart, I loved him so much."
"I love Tyrion. For somebody who has been beaten down in their life because he's smaller, I think that he's really, really intelligent."
"I loved Brian Bergamont, he was every bit the character my father hired him for."
"I love how absolutely beautiful her face is; she looks very serious and she definitely looks like she is going into that attack position."
"Luffy is my favorite for times like this, where his notion of what it means to be a pirate is spit on by someone horrible."
"Luffy's such a good person, it is mind-blowing."
"Fortuna is just such a wonderful character."
"I believe in Takamichi Supremacy."
"There was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life."
"That's one thing I really, really like about Asta as well as Naruto."