
Exertion Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Think before you act and don't overexert yourself."
"People were like, dude, he literally danced so hard he got knocked out."
"That's a lot of uh that's a lot of physical activity."
"Exert enough energy to move it at that level, then move wherever it's going."
"My legs are wrecked. I just gave about everything and destroyed myself."
"It's thirsty work, this traveling around."
"The pace hasn't even indicated anybody getting a sweat going yet."
"That's awesome and I am so sweaty now."
"To me, I took that as exertion, from exertion, right? Right. Um, and that it's probably not good for you, but, well, he had to."
"I'm crying and sweating but I'm loving it."
"Guys, my hike slash run was so steep. I started down here and I had to hike or slash run whatever you want to call it, basically die up the top of that hill."
"I am sweating, it's not glow anymore, that's just sweat."
"I'm feeling it in my leg muscles."
"Well, I don't know about y'all, but I am sweating in all the right places."
"More well as you can tell we're slowly getting higher breathing like a steam engine."
"'It's getting me a water bottle from the back of the car. That was probably the longest walk I felt because I haven't walked in a long time like I haven't done a long walk that felt a lot for my lungs."
"My heart rate got up so much trying to hang this."
"I lost my voice. I was screaming so hard."
"Total exertion means the whole universe is exerting itself to create this reality right now."
"It may have been only the exertion of stooping and the red evening light."
"'This is heavy on the body, Hartman. This is body hard for kids.'"
"Labor in itself is such a workout, it's like running a marathon."
"I am totally sweating, I just climbed way up this mountain to find a nice little spot here."
"So that's it I am sweaty, I'm hot and I feel like I've worked really hard there. I've hit no more than 50 balls maximum probably 45 balls once again driver."
"That was a major workout! I'm exhausted."
"...the higher the number is the harder it's going to be to Pedal."
"And when you're doing that kind of exercise it does take its toll."
"I'm sweating from yelling at him right now."
"Exercise is when you are pushing your body beyond the normal state on a regular basis."
"RPE scales... for lifting weights they usually use reps in reserve of your perceived exertion right so... an RPE of 10 on most of the standard scales would mean you have no reps in reserve... you have absolutely exhausted that set for the maximum amount of reps you can do."
"Cognitive exertion, even subconscious processing of sensory inputs and emotional exertion, can be as damaging as physical exertion."
"...changed my clothes because they were just drenched in sweat it was gross."
"It will kick your butt but in the best possible kind of way."
"Power to him who power exerts."--Emerson.
"Carrying all that stuff up was not fun. That was more of a workout than literally my two and a half hour workout at the gym today."
"Trying your hardest not to make it seem like you're out of breath from walking 20 feet but you are. It's embarrassing."
"Intensity, just add more intensity, push your body harder."
"I am sweating like next-level sweating, guys. Oh my gosh."
"That's a lot of weight to move very fast."
"Jumping on a trampoline is hard work."
"I'm sweating like crazy up here already."
"I felt breathless as though I'd been running."
"We hurt in the areas that are overworking."
"To write is like a physical, physical exercise. Yeah, I think it is, right? And um, one can get physically exhausted after an intense day of writing. Um, which is, uh, funny but, you know, there is no difference between mind and body, right? That we are embodied beings."
"Sometimes I overdo it at jujitsu... you wake up feeling like a train just ran over you."
"I'm very sweaty, I smell, but I feel great."
"The rate of perceived exertion... is a score out of 10 about how hard you are working."
"I have legitimately never sweat so much in my entire life."
"One study published last year found that the menstrual cycle phase did have an impact on our enjoyment and our rate of perceived exertion."
"Most of the symptoms that we see are exertional in nature and are related to the inability to increase the cardiac output to an appropriate level."
"Laurel crowns cleave to deserts, and power to him who power exerts."
"The only time that you are really your true self... is when you're exerting yourself to your fullest."
"I watched this match for five minutes and I was [__] blown up and in a cold sweat."
"Jesus Christ, this is a lactic acid bath."
"Our physiology cannot keep up with the demand we're putting on it."
"I'm hot, I'm sweaty, this feels like a real endurance exercise."
"Hiking is tiring but gives a satisfying sense of fatigue."
"My heart beat not out of pure exhaustion from running, but from the sheer anxiety."
"Pain is a necessary part of life, not because of some masochistic understanding of the human existence, but because pain is something that you feel when you exert yourself."
"I fished so hard today that it almost killed me, dude. Like, I got home today and I ate that sandwich and I literally passed out on the couch."
"I'm literally sweating because of all stuff I had to unbox."
"It's really nice just to have that moment of pure relaxation, even if you are sweating and feeling a bit sick throughout it."
"We start pedaling off into that fantastic more through this enormous whirling clouds of mosquitoes, dripping sweat behind us as we went."
"You have influence and what I hope you will do is exert that influence to the best of your ability every day."
"Muscular strength is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert a maximal force."
"Record your rate of perceived exertion; use a scale of 1 to 10, how hard was it."
"I'm feeling like I just ran a marathon."
"I'm super sore, super beat, but it was so much fun."
"I'm out of breath, I just carried something heavy up the stairs."
"I've pulled muscles I didn't even know I had, and I quite like to live long enough to abuse them again."
"A lot of energy has been exerted, a lot of damage administered."
"Exhale with every single punch that you throw."
"This morning I had a nine readiness score, so that means okay, I can go work out, I can push myself a little bit harder."
"I collapsed as soon as I made it inside and tried not to go into cardiac arrest from running so hard."
"It isn't how hard or soft you exert a force on an object. It's the rhythm with which you hit it."
"I'm a ball of sweat; that class was amazing."
"The heart itself will increase its rate more gradually with exertion and slows more gradually with rest."
"It was a very steep hike and just basically completely uphill."
"Find joy through exertion... that's the formula for self transcendence."
"Sorry, I'm really out of breath because I was running in front of them off the hill."
"The objective here is controlled output, not just blazing all out but controlling your discomfort and pushing yourself just hard enough to maintain a level of exertion."
"It's insane to think that anyone actually believes a person needs to physically and mentally exert themselves to the detriment of their well-being in order to create art."
"It usually tends to be brought on physical exertion and gets better with rest."
"When you run so fast your heart starts to pump out of your chest, you feel like you can hear your heartbeat in your ears."
"It's not the weight, it's all about your own exertion."
"It's time to eat something because I sweat out half my body weight."
"The action of physical exertion gives birth to what he calls the tragic, namely the moment when the perfectly average sensibility momentarily takes onto itself a privileged nobility."
"Portly men of a sanguine complexion often die suddenly from unexpected exertion."
"Just turning round to look behind will become physically exhausting."
"Holy crap, the altitude that I'm at right now, think it's like 9,000 ft or something, plus these steps, I'm not even done, this is crazy."
"The sweat on my brow turned to ice."