
Dystopian Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"To many, the idea of having to rent the American dream from a rich mega-corporation sounds like a total dystopian nightmare."
"This all just screams dystopian corporate future."
"There's something really dystopian about porn."
"The measures that they're going to take... dystopian in nature."
"Fear the wrath of the machines, you will be assimilated."
"It's like being in some dystopian science fiction... it's an absolute ghost town."
"It's actually kind of a funny dystopian world they're living in."
"Our vision for the return of the true humanity has not wavered... we will purify the mutants from this world and reclaim our beloved homeland at any cost."
"We live in a society of walking talking zombies with nobody has a thought process whatsoever."
"That is the lack of Hope for something better, the inevitability of the cruelty and harrowing Natures of ordinary humans and their lives in m41."
"Hunger Games don't lie, don't say you wouldn't watch The Hunger Games maybe."
"The pods and the bugs, it's only for the poor people."
"Trump went forward in time and saw a world ruined by war and famine."
"It's not only a devastating ending that caps the story in theatrical fashion, but also a dismaying comment on the Cold War and the possible future of humanity."
"True peace would be created when an immortal evil would rule over the world."
"The idea that the government literally in the last day from us recording this right now has put together this ministry of truth, in essence, I mean, we are in 1984."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every day has been altered. History has stopped." - George Orwell
"There's something very dystopian about technology like this."
"Coca-cola kicked off the great war and murdered the planet."
"This is the way the world ends, a victory for the golden Legion."
"The future sure is dystopian, but it's got some cool design and gadgets."
"Eat bugs, live in a pod, owe nothing, and be happy."
"If all of the Orks were truly to band together under a single banner and be aimed at Holy Terra itself, it could spell out the end times for humanity."
"I've come from the year 2030. All right, I see how things are going, and I say this can't be good."
"Indisputably, Hunger Games started something and forged a path for the dystopian genre."
"A committee that stalks and intimidates gay people may sound like a dystopian nightmare, but it did happen."
"Utopian success gives way to dystopian hellscape."
"It's a manless world and the few men out there are predators or losers."
"If they get this through, they would have truly outdone George Orwell."
"New York Zero, a police state divided into red, yellow, and green zones."
"Even books are safe, maybe we'll get to book burning sooner than later."
"So, even books are safe. Maybe we'll get to book burning sooner than later."
"Artificial Intelligence, the ability for computers to think at a human level and beyond and to self replicate is not a dystopian vision of the future, it is hear, it is now, it is happening."
"That is utterly disgusting and downright 1984 levels of invasive."
"It's like dystopian, but I guess we're here."
"World war three is not the end of the world it's the start of this new dystopian one."
"I won this. This is a good beginning of my plan to dominate the human race."
"The Running Man prognosticates a bleak dystopian world."
"Demolition Man portrays a future America as being fractured and divided."
"It's a future where verbal moral statute machines issue fines for uttering obscenities."
"They control the border, and so it's almost Orwellian. You know, it's what you see, what you know, what people say is an alternate reality."
"Imagine if the government forced you to go to a summer camp to play Old Maid, but if you lose, you get injected with chemicals and taken to prison. That's a horrifying reality."
"I just find it so dystopian that YouTubers who are initially supposed to be anti-establishment are now looking to pick up that exact same thing."
"That's some 1984 Orwellian [__] right there. That's like that's crazy, what are you talking about?"
"It reminds me a lot of like why a dystopian fiction like a combination between the Hunger Games and Divergent but then mixed with this Fantastical element."
"...I'm about 50 pages into the Running Man so far and this is definitely feeling like a classic dystopian."
"This is actually kind of [ __ ] like I'm thinking about it right now like you have a whole bunch of teenagers fighting to the death happy."
"I love a good dystopian book. It felt like this could be a movie, and I would totally watch it."
"It was a world that lay frozen under a dim dead sun."
"If you've not read George Orwell's book... he wrote in 1949, 1984... talking about a sort of apocalyptic world."
"Despite all the inherent dangers, this was a Pastime that many people in Neo City engaged in simply for the pleasure."
"1984 is perhaps the most persuasively influential book of the 20th century."
"The Hunger Games Universe brought to life by author Suzanne Collins is a dystopian young adult novel..."
"One of the most brilliant dystopian postapocalyptic movies ever put out."
"Sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and totally insane. You can see how the world ended."
"'Goliath' is a compelling read with a dystopian and post-apocalyptic setting, strong representation of social awareness, and a short book that feels like a long read."
"It takes place in a dystopian future where people have really dialed into technology."
"Apocalypse vibes happening, very Hunger Games."
"I seriously feel like we're living in 'The Maze Runner'."
"Sometimes in the near future, death row criminals are given a chance to earn back their freedom by joining a popular reality show called The Jurassic Games."
"He was obsessed with dystopian futures and the inevitableness of life coming to an end."
"This film helped set the stage for many future dystopian, cyberpunk, neo-noir, and of course, science fiction stories."
"It really does feel apocalyptic, almost like Silent Hill or I Am Legend."
"I think this is a brilliant novel and really did something different with the dystopian genre."
"A mercenary is hired to track down the last fertile woman on earth and deliver her to a federation ship in a desperate attempt to repopulate the planet."
"Our lives belong to Snow, and our deaths do too. But if you kill him, Katniss, if you end all of this, we get our lives back."
"In a world on the brink of collapse, a young woman born into servitude must seize her own destiny."
"It's got apocalyptic dystopian vibes."
"Post-apocalyptic and it makes you think, it makes you wonder if that's really what's going to happen."
"It really spoke to this whole weird dystopian future along with a government that has a conspiracy to it."
"It's very like dark and grungy but it's like it's just filled with like future technology share like very neon."
"If you love dystopian worlds, magic, government conspiracies, girl gang prophecies, enemies to lovers, you should read this."
"My world was ugly and deceiving; there were too many evil monsters, too many terrible battles, and even more unnecessary deaths."
"I love Thrillers though, and just like unsettling dystopian movies."
"Something is wrong with the world."
"If you're a fan of either squid game or Black Mirror I highly recommend."
"And there we have it, there's our dystopian bass sound."
"Three billion human lives ended on August 29, 1997. Survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day."
"The post-apocalyptic aesthetic revolves around what life would look like after total societal collapse."
"If you're up for a dystopian adventure like the good old 2000s, this show could be the throwback hit you'd love."
"Dystopian scenery crawls with menacing creatures and star-crossed souls."
"This solidified my love for dystopian; it did everything right."
"The division between the awakened and everyone else in terms of wealth and social status was immeasurable."
"Fahrenheit 451 features firemen who don't put out fires, but instead burn books."
"There's nothing dystopian about this design; it just sounds dystopian."
"This is a dystopian novel that takes off after a flu breaks out and ends up taking out like a majority of the population."
"I quite like it, it's sort of a bit Mad Max or something."
"It's so interesting, I never heard a plot like this. That's super cool, very dystopian."
"This is like apocalyptic vibe at its finest."
"It's quite gritty, it's got a real cyberpunk feel to it, it's very captivating."
"Welcome to Earth, it is 5,000 years after the fall of man."
"The whole genre is pretty much about anti-capitalism because no one wants to live in these worlds."
"There's nothing quite like A Clockwork Orange."
"She's the representation of what of how humanity will end."
"You can never go wrong with a dystopian future."
"It's a dystopian romance, and I'm not going to even wear the ending obviously, but it didn't end how I thought it would."
"It was like one of those post-apocalyptic movies where everything is left in a state of evacuation."
"In this world, planet Earth had undergone great changes, and humanity is faced with extreme danger."
"I love the dystopian almost apocalyptic feel of the video."
"I just love futuristic, I love dystopian novels; they're like my favorite."
"It's a post-apocalyptic film, it's kind of like everything has gone terrible."
"I've been wanting to find something anything really similar to 'I Who Have Never Known Men' because this is an adult dystopian that I am now absolutely obsessed with."
"I think 1984 is really fascinating; it's a super interesting dystopian and definitely worth the read."
"The Hunger Games changed the game... a book that really like challenged me and made me think."
"The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials by James Dashner."