
Emotional Security Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"To be secure means to feel all of your feelings and accept them as valid, even if you believe you shouldn't have those feelings or even if you understand why someone is doing what they're doing."
"Knowing that your parent has got their mind on you is the most comforting thing that we can do to help children achieve some sort of certainty about the world."
"As a parent, if your kid knows you love 'em, you're in the black. That's the main thing."
"Jesus is this hope we have as an anchor for our soul both firm and secure."
"To feel safe... that feeling of safety... I think that's essential for anybody to live with peace of mind."
"He's going to handle me right even when I'm not at my best, that's a good feeling."
"Your spouse will make you feel secure in your relationship with them."
"It's beautiful to have that sense of total protection and love."
"It's this combination of security and adventure... vulnerability and safety."
"Boundaries do not destroy the love. Boundaries protect the love."
"Your connection is protected, even during difficult interactions or arguments. One of you may be feeling like, 'Ah, I don't know what to do in this situation, I need to protect myself.'"
"It's a safeness with you. I don't feel like I have to be on guard with you."
"The moon represents emotional responses. I'm a lunar Virgo; I find security in the little things."
"The other comes off strong but still expressive the woman's still going to feel very loved."
"Teach your heart to believe that you're safe."
"Your heart is really looking to feel secure, to expand your emotional foundation and your base."
"An emotional secure loving family is important to you. Somebody feels like you're like home to them."
"Will they ever be able to doubt that their mum loved them? Never, no no no no."
"I always hope to have you in my life and you are always safe with me."
"You are good enough to be loved the way you need to be loved, to be nurtured the way you need to be nurtured, to be secured the way you need to be secured."
"The gentleness of your touch and the safety of your arms are privileges I don't take lightly and will never take for granted."
"Just knowing that I have somebody that fully supports me no matter what I do."
"No man wants to be with an insecure girl because insecure women and insecure men literally they think off of emotion and not logic."
"You make them feel safe and joyful, like a little kid."
"They want to feel like they have a stable home and foundation with you."
"We just crave stability and security, that's the biggest thing."
"Freedom is what gives you security, what gives you your own sense of loving yourselves."
"You have to make her feel like everything's protected."
"They feel as if they can tell you anything, very comfortable around you."
"They feel home, feel safe with you, like someone from the past."
"They feel very safe with you, they feel very much at home like they belong with you."
"You're manifesting a new emotional security, a new homeland, a new grounded sense of serenity."
"Your person feels you are their home, their security."
"In him there is no fear, and you will never have to worry about fear or anger again."
"You provide them stability, they feel very safe with you."
"Focus on the good nostalgia, seek harmony and security in relationships."
"You're feeling so good that even if people come at you, you don't even feel the need to be guarded anymore."
"We've got nothing to worry about now that Twilight's back."
"Don't fear abandonment, trust in the stability of your connections."
"When your relationship feels like a vacation and home at the same time... that's the good stuff."
"You make me feel safe and you make me laugh."
"There's nothing to worry about, you are safe."
"That's our information, and if I can control that being put out there, that would be, that would make me feel a lot better."
"They need to feel safe. They need to know that they're loved."
"It's safe to love, it's safe to go after what you truly desire."
"Make them feel safe enough, comfortable enough to love."
"I want to be trusting. I want to be... You don't want to have to worry about that with the people you love."
"I'm not jealous, why would I be? I trust you fully and unconditionally."
"A mother's touch makes the baby feel safe and secure."
"Safety is an emotion. It's a feeling. Security is a state of being."
"I think that's part of the ways that we heal, part of the ways that we find secure attachment."
"I genuinely feel safe and grounded enough to trust, to let them in, to feel like I can count on another human being."
"Securely attached people make your nervous system feel calmer."
"Love, security, structure – that's what really matters."
"Guard my heart for another year...then I'll finally feel safe."
"Even though you want to build something secure with this person, you feel like your best defense is to remain emotionally detached right now."
"Anybody that's in a relationship with a man knows that they are in a relationship with a man because he tells them."
"Every interaction, every situation, every experience, every little moment... an opportunity to establish or tear down that security."
"Establishing, reinforcing, and building Security in a relationship is something that you do every single day."
"In each moment, you are either creating or destroying relationship security."
"I want security in a relationship. Make me feel secure."
"They see you as someone who's openhearted, very loving, and would make a good parent."
"There's genuine love here, a lot of love in this connection."
"You make them feel safe, and they're different in your presence."
"When you believe you I love you you don't have to do that you can be yourself and fully known and fully loved."
"There are all sorts of different families but if there's love dear and you'll have a family in your heart forever."
"I feel like you're stable on this path no matter what, I don't feel like this is going to be a rocky time for you."
"I love a man that's gonna protect my heart and protect my body."
"People need to feel rooted, they want to belong."
"Sometimes when you're home alone you need that extra bit of comfort, the security blanket of another person."
"You're so used to chasing [__], this one won't leave you guessing."
"The peace of mind is worth everything, she just wants to know what's going on, what's causing this."
"Everything in my life is okay as long as my daughter loves me."
"It's time to find your sense of security and self-worth."
"This new moon in Cancer is calling us to focus on our sense of security, our sense of safety, our comforts, and our resources."
"It's important to very quickly get your children settled so they can feel secure and safe."
"It's good to have a home to come back to, isn't it?"
"You're holding it down. No, you can't disturb my peace."
"Now there can be a safety in what you love, a safety in feeling whole or complete."
"A child just needs one securely attached person in their life to help them feel securely attached."
"Unconditional love leaves a child feeling secure."
"This is not somebody who's going to step out on a connection, this is somebody like, you know, they are definitely not going to cause any of this heartache, sadness, and lack."
"Collapse into the arms of a father who will hold you while you're waiting."
"This is long-term love stability, peace, happiness, together in this partnership."
"When you're like scared and insecure, that's when you need your people the most."
"Moon in Cancer needs the security of home, of a happy family environment, and this makes you feel your true self in every way."
"Are you safe to love? Are you safe to take care of?"
"I felt loved, I felt secure, the only thing I was afraid of were dogs barking and drunken people."
"An army of friends coming in to protect you and help you through something difficult."
"She just wants to feel safe, heard, and to have autonomy in her life."
"You will know who the person is for you because they will give you that familiar feeling of feeling safe and listened to and understood."
"You deserve to be happy and feel safe and loved."
"For the first time she feels safe. I'm very glad for her."
"You are part of their family, part of their pack."
"Your person really wants to create more stability with this. They will feel safer."
"You make them feel safe, loved, and like they belong."
"My biggest fears... not being there for my kids... or them being taken away from me."
"I can trust someone like this, this is what it feels like to be really trusted."
"This person feels like home, there's no place like home."
"When a woman feels safe and you're in the room with her as another woman, that is something that just exists very purely between you two."
"Family is a huge part of it... It's nice to actually have a support system."
"I'm so happy I didn't have to lose them again."
"You build the roots to trust. That's how you build the roots to a healthy, happy relationship."
"It got me to realize, you know, I knew a lot about secure attachment, avoidant attachment, anxious attachment, and I felt in my body after MDMA-assisted therapy, I want security."
"At no point in time did I ever feel like my mom didn't care about me or she didn't have my best interest at heart."
"Realize that you're free from the mysteries and the fears on the moon, and you have the net of cups."
"That's what we want as humans we want to feel safe and that someone is there with us in the scariest moments."
"Your person is able to love you unconditionally."
"There is a new person coming towards you who will love you and it will feel secure."
"Jealousy tends to evaporate when you trust someone."
"You're heavily protected here, so you may be feeling sad right now but through it all, I feel like you're just gonna be fine."
"You are blameless, protected, safe in my love."
"This new person is coming in will offer you a lot of stability."
"They're scared of losing you, they're wanting to feel secure, they're missing you, they want to be close."
"This is the stable family life, this is the stable relationship having it all emotionally, financially, having a nice home and this is about loyalty, this is about dedication."
"What is the value of marriage for me? Stability, security, safety."
"No one could ever take that away from you once you have it."
"This person wants to come back towards you, you're like home to them."
"Make sure this person's faithful, you can trust them."
"I am loved, wanted, chosen, pursued, prioritized, and always committed to."
"They trust you with their heart, knowing you won't destroy it."
"You're gonna be with somebody who makes you feel very secure, who makes you feel like you can express yourself."
"You won't lose love... nothing terrible will happen."
"They feel really safe with you, really secure with you, and I feel like that you have never found that with anybody else."
"You make them feel relaxed, held within this love, held within your energy. They feel safe with you and loved completely."
"You honored yourself when you get the Queen of Cups; it's about emotional security and self-care."
"The first three years are critical to forming that emotional security and that foundation for their mental health."
"You're actually sabotaging your financial security, which sabotages your emotional security and even threatens the roof over your head."
"They're going to make you feel very safe when it comes to your emotions."
"If your mother is emotionally and physically present enough in those first three years, you develop what's called emotional security."
"You don't have to just throw it around, you know? You get to treat it like this very precious part of yourself. And that precious part of yourself flourishes in an environment of emotional security, honesty, love, choices, support from friends."
"A real woman loves to be mentally nurtured and emotionally secure."
"I am self-assured and emotionally secure in my relationships."
"Providing that emotional security is crazy important for me bro, like it's super important for me, matter of fact it's so important for me."
"The number one need a woman has is security."
"There's a freedom and a lack of fear, a lack of anger, and a security to be able to ask for what it is they want from the other person."
"Children with involved fathers are more likely to be emotionally secure, have confidence in exploring their surroundings, and experience greater life satisfaction."
"If you're emotionally secure, you're not going to be a snob."
"No normal secure person would ever shame you into postings about someone who passed that you loved."
"Houses are there to protect us physically, but often they can protect us emotionally as well."
"Create a secure attachment to yourself, create a sense of safety."
"Happiness is safe. I am safe to feel at peace."
"It's safe here. How about my heart, is it safe here?"
"A child that knows they're loved, they have a confidence that children that aren't so sure do not have."
"Wrap your arms around me like a borderline, our fortress in the jungle, baby, we're alright."
"I am persuaded that nothing in my past, present, or future, nothing in the kingdom of darkness or here on earth, can steal your peace or joy from me."
"That's all I ever needed to hear, I have no concern, it's so solid."
"If you talk about emotional security and maturity, then you should be able to have a conversation with your significant other."
"Love surely always demands certainty."
"It's a great feeling knowing that you can trust somebody."
"Emotional security is the biggest thing for you, Cancer, and not allowing your priority for emotional security to compromise your self-respect and your self-worth."
"Emotional security will be a great theme for Cancers, who are seeking an environment to foster safety and nourishing."
"You feel protected and safe, emotionally. That's somebody you might want to stick around with, to get to explore a little bit more."
"I want to be able to trust you completely."
"Most of all, I loved the sure presence of my family being there."
"Adult attachment is very similar to child attachment but may be spread across different people."
"You are safe and loved with me, I promise."
"In order to have a secure attachment, children need validation, intimacy, safety, consistency, encouragement, support, responsiveness, and the ability to be authentic."
"They've got you, like 'I'm here for you, I've got you, I've got your back, I'm holding you.'"
"Becoming more secure guarantees that you have way healthier and fulfilling relationships."
"No matter how bad it gets, I always have you."
"Do you feel safe with this person, not just from a physical perspective, more importantly, from an emotional perspective?"
"Knowledge might be your security that fulfills your emotional needs."
"I just want to feel safe again, and this makes me feel safe."
"This is the first time I have felt secure attachment."
"You're the reason I wake up in the morning and the reason I sleep at night, happy and secure."
"When I am in his arms, I feel like the whole world could tumble down around us, and we'd still be able to hang on to each other."
"If you want less fear, you need to surround yourself with more love."
"Well, first of all, a woman wants to know that she's loved."
"I need you to promise me one thing too, that you won't believe again that I do anything that could hurt you. I need you to trust me."
"A secure child can recover quickly from the trauma of being separated from his mother."
"I pray that Your peace will guard my heart and my mind."
"Curriculum care practices should promote and support children's emotional security and the development of their character."
"Where there is love, there is no fear."
"Emotional security, like when a woman feels emotionally secure because of how the communication is, she might not need to be communicated to all the time."
"You save my soul when you made my heart a home."
"Love security isn't just about protection."
"Women crave the feeling of being safe."
"Attachment is an intimate emotional bond... that provides for us a secure base."
"Love cannot be robbed. You should get it with your heart."
"You're unleashing your expectations from your future so that you can have happiness and emotional security and fulfillment."
"You've really matured from maybe gullible or naive to very emotionally secure and stable."
"Emotionally secure, loving family is important to you."
"To know that you're loved and feeling emotionally secure."
"It feels very stable plus you feel very emotionally safe and secure."
"It's safe for you to love and be loved."
"This is you being able to let your guards down and trust that there's a connection that's coming in that's yours to keep, very beautiful."
"We're really kind of looking for a home, maybe not literally but spiritually, emotionally, figuratively speaking."
"If you have a solid and secure base of emotion, if you have good people around you, then you are abundant."
"The turtle symbolizes emotional safety and security."