
Economic Optimism Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"Most Americans are cheering for the results... unemployment's the lowest it's been in 50 years."
"I think the third quarter, I think the fourth quarter is going to be very good, and I think next year is going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"All the celebration that we've avoided a recession I think is way premature."
"Next year's going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"America will come back stronger and greater than ever."
"I still think the economy is very strong. Unemployment claims low, industrial production strong, business investment strong, holiday sales very strong."
"The stock market will eventually always go up."
"We're at the beginning of a reflationary boom."
"I think there's just a great demand to get out... and get our country going again... next year is gonna be a very good year economically."
"Jerome Powell the other night on 60 minutes echoed those sentiments he believed that in the third quarter because we had a really strong economy just two months ago the fundamentals are still strong that's encouraging right."
"We're going to have a very strong economy in 2021."
"The market will take care of itself... the market will be very strong as soon as we get rid of the virus."
"Markets are ripping, jobs and inflation looking good as the Dow hits an all-time high."
"That is called relative strength, that is called a bull market behavior."
"I think the economy is going to do very well."
"The stock market will recover. The economy is very strong, the consumer is the strongest it's ever been."
"Economy is going to be even better after this point, perfect."
"Once the energy comes down, you're going to see a lot of good things happen."
"I think that people in the market should be very thrilled... that brings us in line with what other countries are."
"You're gonna see there's a pent up demand like a lot of people haven't seen before."
"The best is yet to come, we're literally just getting started in exploring the full potential of the American economy."
"Next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country."
"A life is never going to come back. But everything else, our economy is going to come roaring back."
"We're going to do it again, and you see the kind of numbers that we're putting up. They're unbelievable. Best job numbers ever!"
"We all know where this is going: multi-trillion dollar market cap. I love it."
"It seems accumulators are accumulating, and it seems that holders are holding. And I think that's just too bullish."
"We will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world, like we had it just four years ago."
"I think the US will be fine... I think the dollar will be fine."
"The economy is pretty strong... I don't think we're on the brink of a recession or anything."
"It's over. Take the fear and throw it all into the gold bars. Gold's going to the moon."
"It's the rising tide that floats all boats like I always like to say."
"This is one of the best times in history to buy right now."
"So if we feel good about the economy so screw it go to the moon man go to the moon everything to the moon."
"The future will be made in America." - Vice President Kamala Harris
"What Mr. Dimon probably neglected on the bull side are all the white swans that will come from the inclusion of well more than half of humanity in the ability and in fact the requirement to contribute brilliantly."
"This is not a bust, this is a super boom we're about to experience."
"There's a narrative there and that's why things get so bullish, these tip of the spear projects can really multiply."
"God one can hope I mean one can hope these Banks get responsible and it becomes a closet tightening which would be great news."
"This could be a boost to overall economic growth potentially."
"The sentiment is that there's going to be a bull market in q4."
"We're going to see a huge economic boom, huge economic boom."
"We're at the best job market in the history of the world."
"We're actually feeling kind of good it's not like stimulus is dying like no they're doing nothing every week something new is coming out."
"Bitcoin go up, is it true? Is our long national or international nightmare over?"
"Inflation hasn't come crashing down... it will be extremely positive for the equity markets."
"We're starting to see new signs of hope in our economy."
"Home sales surging. The real estate market makes a surprise comeback."
"I'm forecasting boom and zooming instead of doom and gloom."
"We're at the dawn of a major increase in productivity."
"Encouraging World Trade... still very positive."
"We're about to see a bull market that no one's ever seen before."
"These corrections are needed for a healthy move to the upside."
"A rising tide lifts all boats... we can all live in a world where wealth Rises for everyone."
"Used game sales or a thing of the past, wonderful! That means we can make more money on our games." - TotalBiscuit
"It's a very good year for steady growth of income."
"This feels like 2013. We have a big bull run happen in the early part of the year."
"The economy is picture perfect... it won't get any easier to build wealth."
"In the history of our country, this group's doing the best, and that group's doing the best, and the women are doing the best, and everybody's doing, and frankly, you know what it is? The whole country is doing the best."
"As a long-term investor who is optimistic about the U.S economy in the next few decades, I'm personally reacting to the situation in a way that sets me up for the long term."
"Wouldn't that be wonderful because it's not often that you get a market that is this hot and this nice I love it so much especially because it looks like it's going to be sustained."
"I think the market is saying better that they are talking than not talking."
"I think a lot of market investors think it's a good thing that talk is better than no talk."
"As of this week, the beating heart of the American auto industry is back open for business."
"This time the game is completely different, but if you play your cards right, you're going to make more money in this bull market than any other bull market that we've seen in history."
"The big checks start coming in they're going to come in in sizes we've never seen before."
"I think it's good to start building. I think it's going to build fast. I think it'll be a tremendous, tremendous comeback."
"We don't want to crush this. This is a good economy." - Kevin
"Maybe we aren't going to have as much inflation as people fear."
"Our economist continues to believe the U.S. economy will deal with challenges from a position of strength."
"There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States."
"After reading this speech, are you more bullish on the miners? Oh yeah, oh yeah."
"Those crazy people that said their projections of 50 to even 100 billion in the future were not that crazy."
"You've got a portfolio that is just going to explode in value as we move through this period of time of doubt and fear about interest rates."
"The U.S. economy is going to bounce back significantly."
"Next year is going to be a fantastic year. The third quarter is going to be record-setting."
"A strong consumer gives the fed more ammo, which just makes now a buying opportunity."
"I would never bet against the American economy."
"We are going to have a long period of wealth and success."
"Every single time this happens, it's more bullish than bearish..."
"Inflation goes away instantly. No recession. No period of high interest rates."
"We have a lot to look forward to. There's going to be an insane amount of growth."
"Take the housing market to the moon because we're seeing mortgage rates come back down again."
"I think I've made up my mind already on this stock in this company and I actually believe that it still presents one of the best values and it's one of the best companies easily in the world I really believe that."
"Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria."
"I've learned not to bet against the U.S. economy."
"An encouraging sign for America's economy: U.S. manufacturing surged to a 15-month high, beating economists' expectations."
"Bottom line: America is working. These are very strong numbers, these are happy numbers, these are sunny Friday numbers."
"Expect that there's gonna be a better day or better tomorrow."
"I'm bullish that another round of stimulus is looking even more optimistic as I sit here today than it was before."
"We're moving in the right direction because the tax and regulatory environment are perfect."
"There has never been a better time to do business in America."
"The stock market just broken thirty thousand. Nobody thought they'd ever see it."
"Trump's policies are working... things are better than ever."
"CNN's point out the average person thinks the economy is doing great and people have cash in their pockets."
"People will look back at these prices in three years and say buyers were lucky."
"I would not underestimate how bullish just the Fed being recognized or as being unable to raise rates in an inflationary environment how bullish that will be for precious metals."
"I really think next year's going to be a tremendous year and I think the fourth quarter is going to be fantastic."
"We are very optimistic about our future and we demonstrate it by investing today in our economy and our businesses."
"Financial issues are a factor: But your ships are coming in, money looks great."
"The news is as it has been for the last couple of weeks that the cryptocurrency Market looks ripping roaring and ready to go to move up a lot higher."
"Markets all over the world are rallying after more certainty regarding the Omicron variant."
"We've seen tremendous results already because the opportunities are there."
"I don't think conditions are crazy but I do think that we're in the advanced stages of a very positive cycle."
"The growth of 20 to 40 percent I expect to be here and to be sustained for the next decade worth of time."
"The fear is gone for the first time in many months, which is nuts."
"We can't be a manufacturing center again? Well, I'm here to tell you, we can."
"The risk with bubbles is things go out of control in a good way if you're an investor."
"It's the end of the world. That's why I'm so bullish."
"If inflation were to actually get under control, that's a pretty nice position to be in."
"Demand is slowly being satisfied as expected."
"Our steel industries back, our aluminum industry is starting to do really well."
"We got a boatload of cash and we're frothing at the mouth."
"Crypto billionaire Mike Novogratz says Bitcoin holding at forty thousand dollars shows the market is in good shape and recommends buying the dip."
"Bubbles may be a part of our economic history but that doesn't mean they have to dictate our economic future."
"The United States would prosper in a way that is hardly imaginable today."
"Based on last month's jobs report, we're moving there with real alacrity."
"It's a transition, not a recession. It's necessary and appropriate."
"This asset is being widely adopted despite the market conditions and I know people are rattled but it's still going up."
"The beginning of spend by the whales is actually a bullish indicator."
"On paper, the economy looks pretty damn spectacular... GDP growth keeps beating expectations."
"The conditions are so bullish, there's actually literally no supply."
"If you told me the next 10 years I had to pick a country to invest in, it would be the U.S."
"We had a 70% drop here, and we were still in a very, very raging bull market."
"September's gonna be a pretty rough month, but there is good news on the horizon."
"I think the economy is going to bring people together."
"Low prices don't worry me, I'm just gonna keep adding to my bags."
"Financially, you're looking like it's going to be on the uprise."
"Elon said long-term economy is going to drive volume through the ceiling."
"I believe we could have an economy that helps the American people, but most importantly I believe in each and every one of you. And so should you. God bless you." - A message of hope and belief in people's potential.
"The future is very bright especially when you have all these rich people just sloshing around money into the market."
"Europe makes it through the winter without big issues...the consensus is getting too pessimistic."
"Everything is poised for a complete re-acceleration...it would be very difficult for me to not see a re-acceleration."
"The market is interpreting this as very good news apparently."
"Until we put in a new all-time high, we cannot claim victory."
"Thought Tesla was a money printing machine today? Just wait till Q4. It's going to blow everyone away."
"The market has migrated from hope to optimism."
"This economic reopening... There's a lot of hope out there."
"There are still some very good things out there that are really doing quite well."
"Investors are buying into the fact in a huge way that the bottom in the economy is already set."
"Are we back to the era of irrational exuberance? Is there real staying power behind this? What do you think?"
"Our economic outlook today is actually much stronger than economic outlook was in 2017."
"It's good to have demand though because it means when you place stuff it builds straightaway."
"We're moving rapidly towards a post-poverty world economy."
"We're optimistic about the economy, with credible experts suggesting a big step towards recovery by the end of the year."
"Bank executives aren't so worried anymore. The economy has outperformed the bank's internal forecasts, vaccine distribution is ramping up, and a $1.9 trillion stimulus package - a lot of positive reasons to feel good about the recovery here."
"That would be a tremendously positive boost for the economy."
"We're going to have a great third quarter, and next year is going to be one of the greatest economic years we've ever had."
"It's not a doom Loop right the numbers don't necessarily suggest that a doom Loop would have high unemployment." - Optimistic perspective on the city's economic situation.
"We're gonna have a very good third quarter, and next year is going to be one of the greatest economic years we've ever had."
"I think our manufacturing sectors are going to do so freaking well in the next four to five years."
"The most bullish thing I've seen: Bitcoin getting stronger against the dollar."
"There might be an opportunity for a lot more people to get a job who otherwise could not have."
"Tell me there isn't a better time to be in this market than right now."
"I think the judgment about the nature of aggregate supply... is a possible view but a highly optimistic one."
"That's bullcrap! This crash, I in no way, none of the research indicates to being anywhere near as bad as what we have seen in the Great Recession."
"Joe Biden is lucky because people are feeling better about their personal economy."
"I don't see a financial crisis occurring in our lifetimes."
"Am I worried about macro? I'm actually quite enthused by the way macro is going."
"So far this year, there are plenty of jobs still out there."
"I don't see any recession in the U.S. I've been in this market for way too long."
"If the arms industry gets happy, if they see Good Times Rolling ahead, their stocks are going to boost."
"But the good news is whatever comes down usually goes back up and whenever we see the adoption the innovation like we've been experiencing I am still very bullish."
"There's no better time than right now to build wealth, guys. The stock market is going to go to the Moon."
"This is the healthiest market I've seen in a while."
"Crypto's still super bullish every time you turn around, some huge company's buying a ton of Bitcoin."
"Our economy in the not-too-distant future... may be stronger than ever before."
"I think 2024 is going to be the economic comeback story... I think you're going to see this great American comeback story."
"Job growth smashes expectations, I mean it's fantastic!"
"I think the emerging economies are going to end up in a much better shape."
"Individuals are buying innovation, they're buying the future of America."
"Don't panic. Just like before, things will recover."
"If silver begins to get some wind underneath its wings it might really take off."
"Each day that goes by where the recession thesis doesn't materialize, people become more unborn golden."
"The optimism around the halving is, as usual, palpable."
"No need to stress about money. Lots of it is coming your way."
"The economy is not going to bounce back, it's going to soar to unprecedented Heights."
"Eventually, there won't be poor people as we understand it today."
"You're making some money, and pretty soon you see some real exponentiality in the money."
"Job growth smashes all expectations. US economy in its healthiest position in 100 years. Democrats hardest hit."
"Well I hear you and I'm I'm smiling over here because I mean Gold's up 130 bucks in the last week or so and Sky not falling."
"We have mechanical reasons behind it of course but without the validity of the argument be it pivot or soft landing we would have never seen such inflows and stampede into buying equities."
"Prices will go back up and we will have a bull market in the future."
"It's looking up the world's getting better bitcoins price on the up hopefully and I look forward to seeing you in the next video."
"The President says the American economy is strong."
"Don't get upset because the economy's doing well. America's blessed." - Pastor Paul
"We're gonna have a tremendous next year. I think it's gonna be a phenomenal next year."
"There's no way that this economy is not going to come back by the end of the year."
"There's an opportunity whenever there is a downturn, there's an opportunity of a bigger upturn."
"Once inflation is seen to be coming down in the coming months, you will also see a boost to sentiment."
"Once people realize that it's our system... we're going to have a beautiful economy."
"We have had nine consecutive quarters of record optimism for manufacturers."
"You're about to experience a wonderful Financial miracle that will change your life forever."
"In a world of geopolitical instability, there really is nowhere that is as likely to have upside potential for investors as the United States, period."
"There's a brighter day, a brighter financial future on the horizon."
"We've turned a corner, the economy's turned a corner."
"Trump goes, 'Look, we're on our way back for economic recovery. The most important thing is that America doesn't have a Great Depression.'"
"Most people are able to pay off their mortgage within 7 to 10 years which is amazing considering that the world tells you it's going to take 30 years."
"What's good news to a poor man ain't going to be poor no more."