
Global Threat Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The biggest concern is people don't take it seriously... when people say there's no threat of World War Three, that's actually when World War Three is the most likely."
"Climate change is actually the biggest threat humanity has ever faced."
"The only real existential threat... is nuclear weapons."
"The risk of the global spread and impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus is now very high."
"All it takes is one madman with a nuclear arsenal to start a nuclear war."
"It's about coming to the moment to deal with this maximum threat that we exist where that's now facing us: climate change."
"There's this cabal of evil that is trying to take over the world."
"Wildfires: a serious threat to life on earth."
"From 2013 onwards, the report listed cyber warfare as the top threat facing our world today."
"Putin is real Hitler so absolutely everything is possible if the world will not stop him."
"The CCP is an enemy of humanity. It is terrorizing its own people and threatening the well-being of the world."
"There's a real threat here, a dangerous oppressive regime with powerful weapons. But the threat presents very differently for the people here, much differently than the fear that we feel an ocean away."
"Homelander is now a threat on a global level, the ragtag team of revenge-seekers, mercenaries, and traumatized lab rats may be the only thing standing in the way of global annihilation."
"Climate change is real, it represents an existential threat."
"Climate engineering is killing the planet. The population bomb threatens the peace of the world."
"Climate change poses an even greater threat to the people in poor countries."
"The risk of nuclear Armageddon is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis."
"Climate change... the apocalyptic twin of nuclear war."
"Fury tells Iron Man and the Avengers that two-thirds of the world has been overrun by Kang's robots."
"If there's a tiny risk of nuclear war, we're literally talking about the extermination of human civilization."
"Submarines exist capable of destroying not cruisers but continents."
"China recognizes that climate change is a very serious threat for the entire world."
"The risk of a global pandemic is very much upon us."
"Vladimir Putin is the world's most dangerous man right now."
"A tidal wave of biosphere collapse looms over our Collective heads."
"Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and our way of life."
"If the world can't find a way to defeat Godzilla, then the world as we know it is doomed."
"Climate change is the greatest threat facing not only our country but the entire planet."
"He knew that the world needed saving from another Thanos threat."
"The use of lower yielded tactical weapons could quickly spiral out of control into Global destruction." - Joe Biden
"Unless those days are shortened, all flesh will be killed."
"We need Kong, the world needs him to stop what's coming."
"If it did go nuclear, that's basically the end of the world right there."
"The Doomsday Clock is currently at 100 seconds to midnight and remains closest to apocalypse ever."
"This is serious business...probably not since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis have we been under this kind of a threat."
"Climate change is one of the primary existential threats that our planet faces today."
"The villains' real threat is the world as a whole."
"Should the Legion manage to reanimate the Avatar’s armor, Heroes and let it gain full power, the Legion may finally be able to turn the tides of this war and fully consume our world in their burning crusade."
"Cyber attacks will probably occur in various places around the world."
"With a nuclear arsenal estimated to comprise more than 4,500 weapons, Russia is one of the world’s most formidable nuclear powers."
"The flood is an enemy that jeopardizes the entire universe."
"The danger of nuclear Armageddon is the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis."
"Perhaps many politicians of the West have not yet realized that the CCP is the biggest threat to the world's democracies."
"Nuclear bombs are probably the most destructive weapons ever created."
"The greatest danger to the world is materialism."
"A virus unleashed on the world can kill millions, or even endanger humanity’s survival."
"The world is facing an existential climate threat that could take the world down in a few years."
"Climate change is the greatest existential threat we face."
"All life on this planet could be ending unless we do something before it's too late."
"Mutually assured destruction is definitely super scary because I feel like it only takes like a few crazy world leaders, a few people that are just crazy and that have lost it all, to damage everybody."
"It's the greatest and most immediate threat we collectively face."
"A dangerous climb up the nuclear ladder that only leads to one place: complete annihilation."
"The threat of nuclear cataclysm is the greatest and most immediate threat we face."
"Perhaps the single biggest threat facing Humanity in the future is ongoing manmade climate change."
"If he is revived, he can destroy the whole world with his unmatched powers."
"Vacuum sealing: a good way to remove oxygen."
"Energon detectors guard its cities, not only in the United States, apparently because the Decepticons show up wherever they damn well please."
"Climate change is a world war two level threat."
"Climate change is the single greatest threat facing our planet."
"America had to be on this list somewhere. The US has enough nukes to kill everyone on earth several times over."
"There are profound ramifications worldwide for Vladimir Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons."
"The biggest threat right now is population collapse, the super low growth rate."
"Rewrite our timeline and even deadly viruses that pose a threat to all lives on earth have been uncovered."
"That's what terrifies them more than nuclear weapons, more than AI, more than anything else; antibiotic-resistant bugs."
"We are technically potentially on the brink of nuclear war every day of Our Lives."
"The Cold War is over, but this threat remains. Will it ever become a reality?"
"The most dangerous moment in human history was the Cuban Missile Crisis."
"And no challenge -- no challenge -- poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."
"The extraordinary thing about COVID is that for the first time in human history, we all share the same threat."
"Non-communicable disease is now a bigger threat around the world than acute infectious diseases, including HIV."
"Epidemics remain a very significant threat even to the highest income countries."
"The world can no longer live under the threat of atomic Holocaust."
"The war has serious implications for us all; nuclear threats put us all at risk."
"The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how devastating a global cross-border threat can be."
"It is time to wake up to the threat, and I will be raising this issue at the G7."
"Only by acting in solidarity and by strengthening international cooperation can we overcome this threat to us all."
"The world remains just one mistake away from nuclear apocalypse."
"Never has humanity faced danger on such a massive scale as now."
"This is a rare good news story in the fight against one of the biggest threats to our planet, which is climate change."
"They're Cybermen, all the ghosts are Cybermen, millions of them, right across the world."
"Climate change will then become one of the biggest global threats to human health and well-being of this the 21st century."
"Climate change is real and is happening now, and threatens everyone."
"The bigger threat is coming actually and who we decide on now... will without exaggeration define the future and the security of our world within the next couple of years."
"Nuclear proliferation is one of, if not the greatest threat to the planet at the moment."
"Historically, the world's turning point began on May 31, 1523, when humanity faced an unprecedented threat."
"The forces of terrorism in our region pose a grave threat to the entire civilized world and have to be defeated."
"Planet Earth is in jeopardy of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of human beings losing their lives in thermal nuclear warfare."
"Climate change is an existential threat to the future of the human race."