
Financial Return Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"That money is not going to be wasted money; that money is going to be seen, and we could multiply that number by many times coming back to the American public."
"It freaking works... I'm sure I've already got my money back on this palette."
"There's 10 grand in one year that I'm spending on power but I could totally eliminate that with the solar system so now my return of investment is even quicker."
"There shouldn't be any particular prescribed requirement. The only purpose should be, do I think I can make a return? I want to invest in a business. Where should I invest?"
"That is essentially what this system is here, putting a dollar in a machine and getting $4 back."
"Contemporary art historically averages a 23 percent real return."
"Real estate on the other hand actually had returns of 9.2 annually so the price of goods rose by about four percent, however if you were invested in real estate the value of your dollar actually rose by about nine percent."
"I know I'll make my hundred dollars back and then some on this pile here."
"Players spent 87 billion dollars on in-game items. Players received zero dollars."
"If a company wants to buy them you get 50 of the money that they pay."
"Safety not meaning that they're going to be paid back in dollars that are going to appreciate they're fine if they depreciate safety meaning that they're going to get 100 cents on the dollar."
"A 2.3 percent yield in a time when the market's not doing much... is nice especially when it's got the type of growth opportunity a company like Skyworks Solutions has."
"Investing in startup companies... Higher risk comes with higher potential return."
"The amount of money you make is related to the value you bring into the world."
"Verizon has returned a ton more in that amount of time."
"Investment grade vs. high-yield bonds: lower risk vs. higher returns."
"Trust me, you'll make your money back and then some."
"When you succeed, you get all of your money back."
"You cannot predict five to ten years from now nobody can and that's why the returns are what they are because you're rewarded for taking that risk."
"What kind of dog [ __ ] return is that, bro? You get people to spend 360 euros and you get 36."
"Understand the correlation between risk and return."
"ESG in EM is hugely valuable, especially the G part. It will add returns to your portfolio."
"It's about five to 105 dollars back in value."
"I'm like 99% sure that we will not only make our money back, but at least double our money with this stuff."
"Upside is a no-brainer. What do you plan on doing with all the cash that is going to be given back to you?"
"Half the time, you'll get more money back than you spent."
"Despite a pandemic, struggling stock market, and record high inflation, Masterworks has sold six paintings for an average net return of 29% to their investors."
"It's easy to get a one and a half percent return payout per week."
"Real estate will get you six to eight percent per year plus appreciation."
"Manage the risk and the return will take care of itself."
"At the end of the day, all I care about is cash on cash return."
"We've actually returned that as of July last year. Oh, you're joking, aren't you? Yes, so we're actually in profit."
"From the investment I made on it, I feel like you know in in a year and a half time I've already recovered my investment you know based on just what it has saved me in back-breaking work right just pure labor yes sir."
"Value investing reduces risk while simultaneously enhancing your rate of return."
"Saving is essentially a way of putting money into the future and getting a return in the meantime."
"I'll happily pay $1 to get $10 back."
"Real estate has the easiest and fastest return."
"The return that you earn should be proportionate to the risk that you're taking."
"Return on Investment, also known as ROI, shows the effectiveness of the initial investment."
"This is a great return on our investment."
"It's a fine investment; it's a 33 percent return on my money."
"For every dollar that you spend, you want to get at least a dollar back."
"A dividend yield of four percent or higher is definitely very attractive."
"Shares of NNN have averaged an annual total return of 12 percent."
"If you get employer matching, that is a 100 percent return on your investment."
"The more I give to others, the more money I receive on an ongoing and consistent basis."
"Increases the internal rate of return for both the management team and the financial sponsor."
"That one dollar would now be worth 11.84."
"Seven to ten percent is a phenomenal annual return."
"For every 1 dollar spent, there's a return of 1 dollar and 88 cents to 3 dollars and 92 cents."
"If you make an investment anywhere, always think of your objective should be that if you're investing 1000 rupees, after one year or two, whatever the return that comes back to you, that is one thousand plus interest."
"The internal rate of return is the actual rate of return expected to achieve on any project."
"Everybody that invested with me on that deal is earning twelve percent a year."
"These things right here, it can cost you like a maximum of $100 maximum, and you'll notice... you're getting back $4,000. Is this not a good investment?"
"If I'm going to buy a $50,000 house, it better bring in $500 a month."
"This investment vehicle has averaged a return of 7% annually."
"It's in my opinion worth it and will bring back the money within a couple of months at most."
"If a person starts to save half of what they earn... there is no way of not going back."
"The chances of seeing a substantial return on investment are not very good."
"Ethical investing... means that you can now invest ethically in ways that align with your values... and you can still make a great return."
"The price that you buy determines your return."
"You could break even in potentially a month with this; those returns are incredible."