
Tough Times Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"I just feel like God's hand was in that. It's a reminder of the unseen forces and faith that guide us through tough times."
"Some people take process it differently, but in general, tough times breed tough people."
"These are tough times. We will get through this."
"Hold tight, it's a dark time, things will get better."
"Don't give up. Don't get dismayed. I know there's days that are really tough but take a deep breath and remember why we're all here right now."
"Even if things seem tough now, just remember that we will get through this."
"If a friend doesn't want to talk to me just because I'm going through tough things, then they're not a real friend."
"Even in the most difficult times, we all have an opportunity to help and serve one another."
"Tough times don't last. Tough people do though."
"The hardest times I've been through were the times that I was able to see that God was there for me."
"One time when I had food poisoning, I was your favorite. That's not my favorite, but that was the moment that I was like damn, this girl is ride or die."
"Even when I'm having bad days, he is still good."
"Continue to strengthen me through the tough times I remain amazed by your love and care for me."
"Watching your videos has got me through some really hard times."
"Be around people who celebrate you, not just during rough times."
"It's very difficult indeed to get a completely clear picture of what's going on in Vogladar."
"You're a bright spot in an otherwise dark time."
"We need more people that are making us laugh in these trying times."
"Appreciate you all, thanks again for your support even in tough times."
"Thanks for watching this one, you know it's been a really rough year but you guys have made 2020 so rewarding and it's I've personally had a great time and it's only because of you guys."
"It'll be okay, man. It'll be okay. Can you know sometimes we all have bad days."
"There's nothing like a little faith to get you through those tough times."
"It's no big deal to love your spouse when things are amazing... it's when times are tough and you're not feeling the magic that's when you need to show your true emotion."
"Stay safe out there, I know these times are really tough."
"September's gonna be a pretty rough month, but there is good news on the horizon."
"You cannot base a relationship on the good times."
"It's great to talk to you about this topic... and that is sort of grounding yourself during these really tough times."
"We should all be living as a community of friends and family. We should help each other out, especially in times like this."
"The hard times are here and you better become a strong man."
"Your real friends are around during times of jubilation, not misery. It's very true. You might not like that."
"Take care of yourself. Times are tough, health is tough."
"She's been here with me through the hardest, hardest point in my life."
"Even in the worst times, might as well enjoy it."
"It's the people that show up during the bad times."
"If we can survive some of these harder times, there is hope."
"Hard times just deplete our ego strength. We have to be extra compassionate and understanding with ourselves during those times."
"It's been a tough time for us all as Liverpool fans, but you lads been amazing."
"Quality time with friends old and new is what really gives Stevens do the hardest of times."
"When you're going through a tough situation, it always helps to have someone you can count on by your side, to have your back."
"Someone may be going through a rough time knowing that at least I have you by my side."
"Fans have been so patient, have been so supportive through our tough periods."
"Thank you for helping me through tough times."
"I'm glad that we could be here for you in the toughest of times, my friend."
"This show has helped us through tough times too."
"Thank you for helping us through this. It's very much appreciated."
"Things have been rough, but by the end of the year, you'll be feeling hopeful."
"I think a lot of people would recognize that when you go through tough times, sometimes humor is a great gift."
"You shouldn't need to deal with your lowest moments by yourself."
"You're the kind of friend that people want to have in their toughest moments in life."
"Determination is a key part of getting through tough times because it gives us the tools to get past problems."
"Patience is essential when facing tough times. Without patience, we're prone to acting in ways we wouldn't normally act."
"If you learn to enjoy moments like this that are tough, imagine how great the good times in life will be."
"You know, tough times can really show who your friends are and who your friends are not."
"Real connections show in tough times."
"When the recession hit and times got tough, the big companies, I could have heard crickets from them."
"Tough times do more than show what kind of character we have; they shape and form our character."
"This is the year where it's like, 'Wow, it really was tough.' I was struggling so hard."
"I was a tough six months, you know. But I was so wrapped up in my office in Miami."
"I thought a lot about last year, obviously a tough end for me. I love playing, and it's fun to be out here."
"When you go through a tough time in your life, friends are always there."
"If times are tough, you might just save it."
"It's so important to have your family around to support you through tough times like these."
"It's been such a tough time for many, and you know, every Thursday going out and clapping... I cry every Thursday."
"Strength and muscle mass are going to get you through tough times."
"It comes from somewhere and it's not the best thing to do because that's what therapists and therapy is really there for is to support you when you have a shitty time."
"You are a child of God and a tough day can't touch that."
"You're a child of God and it doesn't matter how tough the day is."
"Tough times beckon your skill to be in action. Somewhere, the misery in life gives some depth."
"...and I thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you're doing well wherever you are in this world. I hope you've got your mojo firmly in place, and if you don't, that you know ways to kind of get it back and deal with the tough times."
"Debt is an important aspect. When times are tough, that's when debt has its Bank covenants."
"I want you to say it out loud with me: 'Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for all my good times, but I also want to say this, I don't despise my tough times.'"
"brilliant stuff for them in such a tough time for the nation as a whole and hopefully some level of distraction for them"
"But it's kind of eerie going through some of the footage and seeing everyone out and about and really happy, blissfully unaware of the tough times and hardship that awaited them just around the corner."
"It's times like this you realize who your true friends are."
"I wish I could help everybody. I wish I could bail somebody out that are going through some tough times."
"Your true love will be sitting there by your side. Your true love will be the person that is getting you through all the tough times, and you're getting them through their tough times. At the end of the day, they're the ones that you should be holding on to."
"I just want to say thank you like that really got me through some really hard times."
"Your parents already understand what you're going through, they know you were going through a rough time and showing you their love and support."
"Being by your side during your trying times is the least I can do."
"Thank you to the people that have helped us through these really tough times."
"The person you marry sticks with you through those tough times because they're committed to you and the relationship."
"God will see that you have enough even during a tough time."
"For the tough days, to remember you're not alone."
"It's good to know you had someone to help you out in tough times."
"Tough times create successful men."
"Thank you so much for doing these videos; it's really helped me get through a really tough time of mine."
"Take care everyone, you know things are still pretty tough. Have yourself a good evening."
"I was there for him at his lowest times."
"Being there for somebody at their worst time is really inspiring."
"Always keep a smile, even when times are tough."
"You are such an uplifting spirit, and we need that in these tough times."
"It's about what you want. You've had a really tough year."
"He's the rock they can always count on, the shoulder to lean on when times get tough."
"Your workmates are the ones that actually get you through the tough times."
"It sucks really bad at the time, but then later on you can go back and laugh about it."
"True love and true relationships are made and tested through the tough times."
"How you get through the tough times is going to tell you how much y'all care about each other."
"Please look after yourselves, we're in tough times right now."
"She was there for me when I went through a tough time."
"Persisting through tough times is what allowed me to win rather than freaking out and selling when times are ugly."
"Right now's the time to be a friend and try and support me."
"Don't even trip, man. This will get better, you know what I'm saying? These days will pass."
"She was there for me when I was at my lowest moments."
"You've helped me through tough times."
"We got to stick together in these tough times."
"Being in a relationship with someone who gets you is that when it's really going through a tough time, it's easier to lean on one another."
"I hope everybody has a really gorgeous Halloween, I know times are tough at the moment, but Halloween is a gorgeous time."
"I'm a really strong person, I'm gonna be okay, today was just tough."
"You make me smile even on tough days."
"We support each other in the toughest times, we are so lucky to share this friendship."
"In tough times, families should help each other out."
"May was a really tough month for me, so I'm glad to say goodbye to it and to move on to June."
"The world is in a bad place and you guys need Uncle Joey and believe it or not, Uncle Joey needs you suckers too."
"You got to be with somebody and understand them and be there when they're going through a tough time."
"You've had a tough time. Relax, eat, and get some sleep."
"I was actually going through a tough time... that hug meant the world to me."
"In those tough times in life, who's going to help you? It's going to be those people, your family, and your very, very close friends."
"I've been going through a tough week, bro."
"It's the difficult tough times when everybody comes together to work hard together."
"Tyler, we are not the demons you are facing. You cannot deny that you've been going through a really tough time in your life, and I've just tried to be there for you."
"I believe in these tough times that having something like this as a backup for your home is a really good investment."
"I'm not leaving you in these tough times."
"It's been a hard day, but that's okay because there's services like this that can help."
"Please know that I genuinely am here for you however I can be and that I'm thinking of you, especially if you are going through a tough time right now."
"This person really has a good head on their shoulders and is someone you can definitely call on when times are a little tough."
"We want to be there for people, we want to be there for you to help you through the tough times."
"You will get through these tough times too."
"Your videos make me happy; you're getting me through some tough times."
"Having a true passion that you can fall back on helps you weather those tough times."
"I assure you that even when you're going through tough times, I will speak to you in a soothing voice to reassure you that I am with you."
"I hope that if any of you guys are going through a tough time, that you have someone you can reach out and talk to."
"We know people are facing tough times and that's why we continue to step up."
"Thank you for helping me in such rough time."
"Thank you for encouraging me when I was going through tough times."
"I guarantee you he's the proverbial guy that you want to have on your roster when times get tough."