
Shyness Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"Sometimes it can be hard for a shy pony like me to stand up for myself, but I've learned that standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are."
"The Widow of Windsor as she was known struggled with public appearances because she was shy."
"Real talk, I'm a shy individual, like if it weren't for YouTube, I'd be even more shy than I already am."
"Don't be scared to put yourself out there, man. Don't be shy."
"He's so like awkward and shy and nervous, something about it is just really doing it for me."
"Shyness is a form of distress, introversion leads to strength."
"She blushes a bit from beneath your mask. It's cute on cute if you ask me."
"She had a really cute smile and she got kind of giggly when someone shows up a little bit of shyness that could be a sign of humbleness it's really good."
"When someone's in trauma and you have no way of understanding what they're going through, the best thing really is to show up and shut up, hold them, cry with them."
"Nobody believes me whenever I say that I'm shy, but I actually am pretty shy."
"Make sure when you're shy and you actually speak, reward yourself."
"I like the idea of keeping the shyness of his personality by having him conjure up a mask to hide himself with."
"Shyness and anxiety can affect a lot of people."
"I'm an introvert but I'm not shy."
"Shyness is not that you are scared to speak up, speak the truth."
"Shyness is beautiful; it's a characteristic that Allah has."
"If you are shy in front of Allah and that shyness prevents you from sinning, Allah will then be shy to punish you on the Day of Judgment."
"Girls can't maintain eye contact with people they like."
"Katarina expresses to Keith that maybe the cause of Mary's shyness was Katarina's villain face."
"He doesn't talk much because he is always afraid of hurting others."
"Believe it or not, I'm still shy literally to this day, but that shouldn't stop you from pursuing your dreams."
"Being shy doesn't make you a loser, it actually makes you cool."
"If you're out there and you're shy, please let it be known because once again being shy is a super power."
"Being shy is not being yourself, that's reserving yourself."
"He said he liked her. He couldn't say anything before because he was shy, but he likes her truly."
"Little CeCe was probably more shy than not."
"You look beautiful, Yin," Eda said softly, making you blush.
"The idea of being shy to them is some kind of poison if you think back to school days I read a quote recently that all of us are the people that high school made us."
"You know she's shy, she alright um."
"I used to be really shy. Really, really shy."
"That person wasn't shy they just weren't comfortable yet."
"The first minute that they see you, they do think you're shy until they get to know you."
"He is super shy and blushes quite easily, which is very endearing."
"I'm a bit shy, so your presence has a calming effect on me, you know?"
"She didn't want to be in the public eye. She was a very shy, very private person."
"I'm little shy to say this again, it's the fifth time."
"Shyness is not a natural state, it's a shame-based state."
"This person also at times, like, they are a bit shy."
"A lot of our insecurity or shyness doesn't come from being an introvert, it comes from a lack of confidence and self-esteem."
"She's not a violent person she's quiet shy just getting through her day-to-day life is hard enough for her."
"I'm a very anxious person. I get shy sometimes as well."
"I'm feeling all the same things you're saying, you know. It's hard for me to meet new people, I guess I'm shy, and now I meet you and it's so easy for me."
"...people can say they're very attracted to you, but then they also feel like there's this feeling of 'I'm crushing on pile three a little bit, but I'm kind of shy to talk to them or to tell them how I feel.'"
"When you're being shy, you're just thinking of yourself."
"Deidre was painfully shy and her parents had no doubt that she would have cried if woken by a stranger."
"I think the thing about Ken that a lot of people like didn't realize was that like he was actually a bit shy and like he was bigger than life to the world but like he really preferred a small group."
"If a man's being shy, people look like he's being feminine. Yeah, that's an example of how Islam redefined what it means to be a man."
"No problems no problem they cannot feel shy."
"This is something I'm a little bit shy on and so yes there is going to be um and it be in the link below it's um a CO fee um Co post Fe KO fi it's be in description below for anyone that's would like to help me get chickens."
"We've all experienced moments of shyness, but suffering from social anxiety disorder and being shy are two very different things."
"I think shyness is kind of normal...way more normal than we think it is."
"My mother did not want to do the show, y'all. My mom is very camera shy."
"Hello little shy boy, you're not so shy now, are you?"
"Promote yourself, don't be shy, don't be shy because I was really shy and due to that I I could probably be making a lot more money if I wasn't so shy."
"When you're shy, you can't get what you want."
"I will not say that I do not know a stranger because I am terribly shy when I'm alone but when in a group I'm very outgoing and friendly."
"I was almost crippling shy, I couldn't talk, I'd just sit and listen."
"I think it's hard for people to believe that someone who is confident in what they do can also be shy socially, you know?"
"I'm really shy, I'm extremely shy."
"When somebody gives us a compliment, we immediately become very shy, right? It's like there is this immediate response of shyness whenever we get confronted with energy of Venus or when somebody gives us a gift."
"Mildred felt very shy as the vast crowd fell silent and every pair of eyes swiveled in her direction."
"Venus Saturn individuals can sometimes be a little shy or a little bit hesitant because they have Venus, certain people have, this deep sense that once I'm committed I'm all in or I'm in for good."
"Being introverted is fine, being shy is cool, so long as... when someone does try to... you know, encounter you socially that you can do it."
"Sure, that would be easy to do for someone that's like a huge extrovert but like as a shy person it's not."
"She's hyper-focused she used to be an English teacher so she speaks pretty good English but she's very shy."
"There's nothing wrong with you, you're smarter than everyone else in the class, you're just shy, it's pretty cute."
"When he's not lecturing he's actually very shy"
"If you're shy, please talk. That's the whole point of a date, to get to know each other."
"People think I'm really confident but there are certain situations where I get very shy."
"Shyness is a preventative factor that stops you from doing what is evil."
"Honestly some of them are just like laughing they're so shy they don't know what to do with themselves but then you put them on and they're just looking down like they love it like it's so much fun it really is."
"The one thing that was most interesting when I met him, he obviously had tremendous talent and he looked so flamboyant, but when you asked to meet him in person, he was so shy."
"I just love him. He's so like endearing but he also has that really shy and like kind of introverted deal to him which I love."
"It's mind-blowing that nobody's like, nobody does that, you know what it is, you know what it is, it's a form of shyness too, like, people feel uncomfortable doing content on campus because they think, what, people don't think."
"I'm actually really shy. I know it doesn't seem like that on camera. You know, when I'm in front of a camera, I kind of turn into a different person. That's Gia, you know what I mean? You can turn that on, you can turn that off."
"Sometimes I feel like one of them truly had a crush on me but was too shy to admit it and the other girl played on it."
"Once you get to know someone, a lot of the awkwardness falls away. Many people are shy."
"Do you feel shy when you speak English? Sometimes yes, but I try to be brave."
"You didn't say anything, I should have said something. I'm young, I mean, I'm shy."
"I'm naturally such a shy, nervous person, but I always push myself through that because I feel like I'll get more from my life if I get through that barrier every single time."
"After a bubbly 'Hi, I'm Star,' I instantly felt comfortable and my shyness went away."
"I wanted to know because I really like you, but I didn’t know how to talk to you."
"I just thought it was so cute how Zoe had a little crush on her and how she was always so flustered around her."
"Hi everybody, I'm Ella. I'm also a dog who's also very cute, but I'm very shy."
"I was extremely shy, I was extremely bullied."
"You guys are both going to be acting shy in each other's presence because you know that the energy you feel is more than just a friendship; it's love."
"Why do I get the feeling you're really kind of shy?"
"I'm actually shy and a bit of an introvert in real life."
"They're very shy of their feelings, they adore you."
"Just because they're a little bit more shy does not mean that they are not great loving pets."
"He was a gentle guy, really quiet, kind of shy."
"We belugas are always a bit shy around creatures we don't know, and all those loud noises scared us."
"Maybe I'm a little bit shy, maybe someday I'll tell you why."
"Shyness isn't cowering in a corner and not wanting to speak, shyness is wanting to speak at every moment and not being able to."
"Despite its deadly venom, the blue crate is a shy and reclusive species that generally avoids confrontation with humans."
"I value my privacy... I'm very shy and have social anxiety and kind of value my privacy."
"He was shy and awkward around her, and she found that endearing about him."
"Brandon on behalf of shy Ned spoke with Ashara, securing a dance for his star-struck brother."
"The best way to not feel shy is to be around people you love."
"So glad that you said hi, 'cause I was way too shy. What would have happened if you just had passed me by?"
"Same time next week," she winked at him, and he blushed.
"I'm a lot shyer, I'm a lot less confident because it's me, it's not a character."
"I'm still quite shy by nature, but growing up in school, I just didn't want to raise my hand in class because I thought that if I say the wrong thing, everybody would giggle."
"Having the perfect dress, I think, would be a really important part to just forget about my shyness."
"I'm normally very shy, I don't do this, but you seem pretty cool."
"Witnessing Fun Yu's kindness, Mangan was impressed, and both of them blushed as they exchanged shy glances."
"Only if you let me love you too," she said shyly.
"Shyness really isn't inside of someone, shyness is a filter... what's in there is like fire."
"I think it was a good reminder that I am innately shy but I am able to step up and talk really well."
"Don't be insecure about being shy; you're beautiful."
"I've suffered all my life with 'shyness'."
"It's my job as a trainer and consultant meeting new people every day, but I buy supermarket food to eat in hotels as I'm too shy to find out what to do and eat in public."
"You have a beautiful laugh, May-chan," he says, causing a blush to appear on her face.
"I'm always so nervous, and then I'm very shy when it comes to people, I'm like oh they have to make the move."
"I'm totally shy, so I talk a lot in the beginning to make the awkwardness go away."
"The new Ring King is a little bashful, and this quality of his might shift things in a better direction."
"She's always been shy, such a sweet thing, so delicate, such soft features, big eyes, she's so pretty."
"I'm quite shy sometimes, I kind of struggle with words."
"I remember the day I became no longer shy."
"Fred was a quiet, likable man, fairly shy, but when you got to know him, he was a very good friend."
"It's okay to be shy, but you never get those voices out unless you try."
"They're really rather shy creatures who just want to hang out in obscure corners and eat bugs you'd probably rather not have around."
"She smiled shyly when she saw him in the doorway."
"Their smiles were shy but their eyes were bright and glowing with happiness."
"They can be very shy at first... just be patient."
"The girl blushed and replied that she was here to ask for their help."
"Shy as she may have been, but no mouse, and one who got her own way."
"Good morning," she yawned and blushed.
"Mount Fuji is a little bit shy at times."
"They're socially awkward and you may take it as antics, but honestly, someone really likes you."
"Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to."
"...I'm a very shy man when I don't have a camera, otherwise, I'm not so shy."
"The more he falls in love with you, the more shy he's going to become."
"Faith helps us conquer our fears; it helps us overcome shyness."
"Music helped me to overcome shyness."
"She has troubles with love because of her shyness, but soon finds that special someone."
"A girl could be shy, couldn't she, and still be pretty enough to attract and hold men?"
"I've always been that introverted shy kid who didn't open up to many people unless they initiated first."
"They're very shy; they don't want no problems out of us 99% of the time."
"I used to be very shy, guess what, not anymore."
"He's a 10, but he's a little shy."
"When we become really mindful and can see the thoughts starting to take formation, they also become much shyer."
"He is simultaneously extraordinary, gregarious and hugely shy and vulnerable."
"It was about having a crush on this girl, being very shy about it."
"I'm a little bit bashful, but yeah, go ahead."
"I'd rather make RM shy because then I get to see those little dimples."
"Every time I come around, she acting shy, she be looking good, she'd be looking fly."
"I am very shy, timid. I even had a stutter as a kid, which I slowly overcame."
"We're just too awkward showing our feelings, but we really do love each other a lot."
"I'm very shy and socially awkward, so thank you for being so kind and patient with me."
"Everyone's pretty cool about you know how sometimes like people are like feel weird to say hi or like people are shy."
"I'm still a shy little bean, but now you're less awkward than before."
"I'm trying to go out, I'm trying to do the stuff that I want to do without holding myself back and being shy."
"I'm shy, you know how long it took for me to talk to you."
"She is very shy and embarrassed but still kind of trying to play along."
"She's so shy and anxious and socially awkward, and I really resonate with that."
"My mom is shy, she's nothing like me."
"Stop sitting down, stay off your phone if you want to break out of being shy."
"Jeannie Kaitlyn-Noel Quinn was described as a sweet and shy girl who was very creative."
"I've always loved doing music, but I was a little shy."
"I asked her why she didn't come over and say hello, to which she replied she still felt shy."
"I find most people with [awkward or shy] traits to actually be extremely genuine and hide some great personalities."
"Mary's family reports that she was shy and not very trusting."
"They should be seen as endearing when a guy is nervous to talk to you."
"The hero was just perfect for her and her shyness."
"The difference between being shy and being introverted is significant."
"Me personally, I used to be a really shy and unconfident person; this has completely changed my life."
"I've been shy like my whole life, that's a lie."
"There was a very small, very quiet, very shy timid little girl inside of that big gorgeous body."
"I've gotten more outgoing as the years have gone on, but I do at times find myself to be shy by nature."
"All I wanted was to make a single friend, but I was too shy to talk to much of anyone."
"I love both sides of you," Marinette blurted out, her face turning red as she closed her eyes in protest.
"I am shy and that's okay, there's also beauty in quiet."
"It's one of the shiest and most harmless creatures among spiders and scorpions."
"Usually when people are very shy, they end up being very nice people."
"I was such a quiet kid at school, and I would never speak up, and I was so shy."
"Her shy, gentle look emphasized further by how she hides her face with her hair."
"Foxy says hi, he's just shy right now."
"There was something very appealing about that touch of shyness all wrapped up in stiff-necked confidence."
"I had no idea how to talk to a girl that beautiful."
"We are modern. We are too shy. We are well-organized. We are responsible."
"Thank you, Naruto, but next time we fight, you will have to fight me without weights," she replied shyly.
"Beverly was known for being a very quiet, shy, and just all-around sweet little girl."
"Shy smiling face that will bring you happiness."
"Because I'm generally introverted and shy, most people think I don't like them when I'm just shy."
"It was a bittersweet love story about a shy girl trying to win the affections of an indifferent boy."
"She was really shy at first but she got into it by the end."
"Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light."
"I've been considering YouTube as a hobby for a while, but I was too shy to get into it."
"The portrait of a shy harbour seal peeking through a kelp forest."
"I've always been shy and timid since I was little; my only strength was hardworking."
"Do not look back wishing you did better because you're too shy or because you didn't know what to do."
"I had a lot of fun doing it, I don't really do stuff like this because I'm super shy."
"I felt very shy to be approached by that many people."
"Quasimodo is a shy and quiet man, yet behind this timid fellow lies a very human individual."
"That pandemic era definitely helped me out kind of overcome that shyness a little bit."
"These animals are so shy, there will be absolutely no chance of getting this close to them in the wild."
"It was a good kiss. You were very forward, which was unexpected because also incredibly shy."
"Gorillas are gentle animals and very shy; they hide from people."
"I'm so shy when it comes to you, but I guess you're curious."