
Asking Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Do you know how many things we would have cheaply received in our lives? Only if we had the grace to ask."
"How much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!"
"What's the rules y'all? What's the rules ladies? What's the rules?"
"A lot of people are afraid to ask for things. People don't like the tension when all it takes is that maybe that one question or that one Reach Out could be that next door opening for you."
"The only reason so many of us don't experience the abundance we deserve is because we don't ask and we don't ask because we don't believe."
"The Lord says don't hold back ask and you shall receive."
"You don't have because you don't ask... And when you ask, you ask with wrong motives."
"There's a lot in your life that you're not experiencing because you're simply not asking."
"It's actually crazy how much free stuff you could get if you just ask."
"Ask and ye shall receive. Man must make the first move."
"All you have to do is ask, and that is how powerful you are."
"If you don't ask, you shall not receive."
"We're not always going to get everything we want; we can ask for it."
"If you keep knocking, keep asking… Peter is at the door."
"You have not 'cause you asked not."
"If you need it, don't be afraid to ask for it."
"If you are, if you don't ask, you don't get. Like you will all learn when I post an Instagram of the size of the hamper that Harrods sent me."
"You have not because you asked not. Keep asking."
"You don't know what you're asking for and even if you did understand what you're asking for you don't know how to ask for it."
"And it just goes to show, sometimes you just gotta ask for things."
"I just enjoy it, you know why? 'Cause I ask, I keep on asking, I receive, I keep on receiving."
"So all you have to do is ask. Just ask."
"It never hurts to ask and to be polite and maybe they can make some magic work."
"The most audacious people in life are those that dare to ask for things."
"I love when people aren't afraid to ask for what they need."
"I hate asking people things, but I didn't ask, she offered."
"Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you."
"Isn't that amazing? The asking brings a joy, and according to what he said to his disciples, it brings a full joy, not just a partial joy, but a full joy."
"You have not because you ask not. You have not because you ask amiss."
"Eighty percent of the yeses you will get come after asking five times."
"The art of asking: Ask, and it shall be given."
"It's so rude that Abigail hasn't asked."
"Never in the position of asking, always in the position of giving."
"If you don't ask or try, the answer will always be no. Dreaming is for dreaming, but you can apply it with anything in your life."
"Do you lack wisdom? Then ask for it."
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives it generously to everyone without reproach."
"Sometimes all you gotta do is ask."
"Asking and giving is a fundamental law of the universe."
"Receiving is not the problem, it's failing to ask."
"Believe ye have already received that for which ye ask and ye shall so receive."
"All of it is what I'm asking, is for free."
"Asking you shall receive, right? I know, if you don't ask, the answer is always no. That's what my dad used to say."
"If you do not ask, you do not get."
"Step one is where you ask, and that's because contrast is often helping you know what you don't want, so you're asking for what you do want."
"It's amazing when you just tell them, 'How about you just ask?'"
"God is really good, so if you want something in life, make sure you ask for it."
"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for."
"You might as well ask, the worst that can happen is they'll say no."
"If you don't ask, you shall never receive."
"I mean the answer will always, always, always be no if you don't ask."
"If you never ask, you're probably never gonna get it."
"The worst they can say is no, right? That never hurts to ask."
"How much in this world have we gotten just because we just asked?"
"You can clearly feel that the universe is responding to whatever you're asking."
"If you don't ask, there's no chance at all."
"Sometimes even when you don't want to bug people, it never hurts to ask."
"As long as you never make me feel guilty for asking, I'm certainly not going to make you feel guilty for saying no."
"Ask and receive that your joy may be full."
"Your prayers are not wasted, and God is telling you, you don't have because you don't ask."
"Don't ever be afraid to ask people for something because you'd be surprised how many people will say yes."
"If you don't ask, you don't get it. This isn't to say you always get what you want, but it teaches you that trying is a part of the process."
"You can never get it if you never ask."
"It's not just about asking; it's also about being open to receiving."
"If you don't ask, you don't get. Of course, asking doesn't guarantee anything, but trying is a critical first step to any success."
"You mustn't just ask, but you also should give something in return."
"You will never get it if we don't ask for it."
"I have come to give you what you asked me to give you, hoping that at some point you would be willing to ask what I have come to give you."
"You need only ask, and assistance will come your way."
"Ask and you'll receive, that your joy may be full."
"Ask wonderfully and receive graciously."
"Remember, ask and you shall receive."
"The universe is just waiting for you to ask."
"Only ask for what is serving your highest good."
"Ask for what you need and then rest."