
Economic Downturn Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"The Chinese economy continues to slow down with dim prospects in the job market, many young people are unable to find jobs and end up breaking down in tears."
"The plummeting of the Chinese real estate and stock markets is devouring the wealth of middle class families."
"Not since the Great Depression had housing prices on a national basis ever fallen at all."
"In a market like Austin, I think the end game is going to be a 35% decline from peak to trough."
"More millionaires are made during market crashes and recessions than any other time because that's when investments and assets go on sale."
"The empire built by Walgreens over the past 122 years seems to be crumbling down in 2023 as losses continued to mount."
"Great companies are built during downturns...downturns are great times to build companies because the war for talent subsides."
"Great American companies that are going down because people feel the economy is going to Roar."
"The economy has not been this bad since the Great Depression."
"The tech ecosystem is clearly going through a reset and a recession."
"If we get some recession or something bad, we're going to eat so much poo, it's going to be like a golden corral of poo."
"Everybody should own gold. This is all gonna go down."
"Cryptocurrencies in the last few weeks have actually had a pretty rough time."
"Instead of panic selling, see the opportunity laid out in front of you and buy the dip."
"The worst thing you can do at this time is take out a bunch of money in a panic."
"The biggest opportunity comes when you reinvest when everything's on the biggest sale in history."
"A bust is something that could be contained within a year but be the biggest downturn we've had in the post-world war II era."
"A global economic downturn is an undeniable fact."
"The bubble burst: the mother of all hangovers."
"Now that the housing bubble started bursting, the crash has started."
"In a down society, we're going to be bartering."
"The economy was shriveling up and the uncertainty was growing."
"Britain could be headed for its biggest economic slump in over 300 years."
"We're in a terrible pandemic contraction here in the second quarter."
"Earnings definitely have come down for 2023... but I think they still have a lot more to go on the downside."
"There's zero doubt we're in for a serious downturn and a recession."
"Big bear markets, that's where the next billionaires and millionaires are made."
"As all the moratoriums roll off... you're going to begin to see these job losses really begin to matter a lot."
"The devastation of small business has been both widespread and permanent."
"Using the same gold strategy could have been able to make nearly 50 times their initial investment."
"When target and walmart are struggling you know it's really bad."
"The new car market this year is getting worse and worse with an increasing number of dealerships and growing piles of unsold vehicles."
"Stocks have a lot more pain to price in, with a likely over 14% difference between expected and actual sales growth."
"Everything is crashing with Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting their lowest price levels since the year 2020."
"The economy is tanking so why aren't home prices dropping?"
"So we're in following dominoes, it's not over, it'll get a lot worse."
"The best attitude to have with earnings season is if things do go south and lots of companies sell off, look at that as an opportunity not as a problem."
"You don't learn a lot when the market is going up all around you. What's really fun is understanding what's going on when the market's going down."
"Rates decline? Homes drop rapidly. The crash is coming, get ready."
"When you have large amounts of debt and a slowing economy and a reduction in revenues then that means that you can't service that debt that you're going to potentially default on it."
"For the last five years, if this Market ever corrects, we get into bear Market, I'm just gonna back up the track."
"Despite the crash, investors see opportunities for accumulation and long-term growth."
"Strength during the dip is strength after the dip."
"36 trillion dollars of wealth this year has been wiped out like that evaporated gone forever."
"China's stock market is collapsing... China's economy is clearly not doing well."
"A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, and oppression is when you lose your job."
"I think it's one of the best things you could possibly do in a bear market."
"Years of savings for homeowners have turned to dust, leaving the populace lamenting these woeful times."
"Investing just in these though sets you up for a fall if the interest rates fall or if the economy tanks."
"On one side you have idiots and on one side you have righteousness and what's correct."
"Will the markets drop another 50% from here? I mean, things are bad."
"The stock market's like, 'There's nothing to see here, move along' amidst mass unemployment and GDP declines."
"I don't see any particular reasons that we couldn't be at the bottom... It's been an extremely messy last month."
"When we start to see more and more Panic selling in in the markets in the economy is starting to dip into recession my guess is it gets sold across the board."
"When you're down 10 percent real GDP, that is not a recession, that is a depression."
"In a recession, it is a time for you to put your competition out of business."
"More millionaires are made during recessions and crashes than any other time."
"The dangers for global markets and your retirement accounts as most people lose almost everything during an economic reset."
"When the tide goes out, you can see who's been swimming naked."
"We're topping right here, in everything: real estate going down, bond market flattening, and stock market topping out."
"We're entering the deepest recession on record."
"The recent layoffs by big internet companies combined with downturns in many sectors and rising unemployment rates suggest that economic and social turmoil could be on the horizon."
"When everything is selling off around it and everything is tanking, people know it's coming back."
"A screaming reverse in economic activity and de-industrialization of the system."
"We all know of people that use economic downturns like this to buy up cheap shares or real estate."
"The earnings of companies have plummeted... they can't see beyond today."
"We're starting to already get the data that the economy is crashing."
"The probability for recession is increasing higher and higher by the day."
"The real drama has yet to happen. Kathy Wood is already down immensely. Netflix is already down immensely. The battle has actually only just begun and there's it will get worse before it gets better scenario two is going to lead to a lot of pain."
"The market bottomed in March of 2020 right, we still had so much bad news we still had so many layoffs that were coming the unemployment rate kept skyrocketing during that time."
"Airbnb says it could also bring more hosts to the platform as the economy is going to be slowing down I think more and more people are going to be interested in saving money."
"This cold is going to flush out weak companies and only the strong will remain."
"It's a huge part of these attractions and keeping them safe and operating."
"Bear markets are when most millionaires are created."
"Real wealth is created during bear markets, so be prepared to add a zero to your net worth."
"Gold does really well in recession and stagflation."
"Almost nobody was prepared for the market crash of 2022."
"Last year we had two quarters in a row of negative GDP... so it looks like we're in a recession anyway."
"The stock market can be actually crashing that we can be in a recession but it can be going upwards."
"People have already been eating into their savings and all of a sudden you're in the situation where things start cascading downward."
"People blame the downturn on the telegraph because they said the telegraph was now just disseminating information so fast."
"Governments can spend money... it has so far ameliorated the extent of what the downturn should be."
"Just because one person selling and the Market's like starting to freak out doesn't mean that I'm changing my my thesis and therefore I use the dip to actually buy more."
"So, you're going to have a shrinkage of the economy, a vast shrinkage. How can they afford to buy anything but the most basic necessities or the cheapest food, the necessary transport?"
"20 to 30 percent market meltdown could scare the fed into action."
"We're heading into a depression, we're in a recession right now."
"The sun has well and truly set on australia's world record run without a recession and expectations of a rapid recovery are fading there could be some dark hours before the good times roll again."
"More wealthy people are made during bad times than during Good Times."
"We've not seen a time in modern history where the economy is Contracting as inflation is exploding."
"The recession is definitely taking hold in the very early parts of the cycle."
"Literally, this is a great time to think about preparing."
"The Federal Reserve says economic data for the second quarter will be as bad as anyone has seen."
"Every single time a market crashes, two things happen."
"Definitely something to think about. Well, it'll make it real easy to spend too because you can spend it anywhere you could use Apple Pay."
"Cash is best for picking up bargains after the crash."
"For the educated, an economic crash is the best time to get rich."
"Finally, finally a real, real uh down day for the market and I gotta say it feels good man because this market has been getting to some ridiculous levels."
"When the economy enters a recession, you get larger budget deficits as a percentage of GDP."
"You're the one that's going to be around when everybody else and their Grandma are getting their cars repoed."
"Investors saying it can't get worse but oh yes it can."
"Gold's purchasing power goes up when the markets are down."
"Once every six years the market falls 25 percent more, that's what we call a bear market."
"The value of all those assets suddenly became toxic."
"A race to the bottom which could increase the risk of a recession significantly higher."
"I fear a crash or a reset that kills the pensions of people who are planning to retire."
"Unemployment benefits are expiring for over 7.5 million Americans."
"Maybe Signature Valley Bank was meant to go under because massively unprofitable startups don't deserve to survive in a recession."
"The Fed is cutting rates because things have gotten very, very bad to the point that they have to cut rates."
"Some of the best Innovation occurs during Market Corrections or depressions."
"By the time you figure out, 'Oh my gosh, she was right, this is really crashing,' it ain't going to be about, 'Hey, watch out, be careful, be prepared,' I'm going to be out crushing it."
"Legends and heroes are technically born in the bear market, remember that."
"Real estate went way down in 2008. I bought a bunch of real estate, and it has been one of the best investments of my entire life."
"Pure fear, it feels like the markets will never go up again."
"I've got no doubt that from these levels the stock market provides negative returns annually over the next decade with a high likelihood of a big drop of 50 to 70 percent."
"Cheap cars go up in value when the market goes down."
"Preserve your wealth and then when the crash happens, the purchasing power that you're going to have over all of your friends and family or neighbors are going to be immense."
"Real average weekly earnings have dipped by 1.4% over the last 12 months."
"Cutting back on dining out, driving, vacations, and monthly subscriptions—those are the big things that people say they'll do now in a potential recession."
"2008 was a rough time but the two it was a great time if you had money to buy."
"Welcome to the roaring 20s 2.0, it'll be a time of freedom and prosperity, so they said. Instead, we got 1929."
"A bear market is not where you want to stop paying attention."
"This bear market is going to be faster than 2008-09."
"It's important to focus on the ones that truly Will Survive you know the kind of like the bear Trend we're in right."
"This current collapse in price is the greatest opportunity of all time for investors."
"This is the first time that we've made three negative Quarters here since the great financial crisis in 2008."
"Physical silver will be the one that does best in the crash."
"Local businesses are also affected, facing declining revenues and even closures."
"In a depression, the rich get hit the worst. It's Financial assets that go down even more than the economy."
"Hey, don't get down about the down economy or you'll miss out on all the Silver Linings."
"Everyone's buying the dips, but they'll run out of money soon. We've never seen a bear market like this."
"We are in spiritual warfare that's going to be a very very ugly depression ladies and gentlemen."
"We're heading into one of the deepest recessions we have ever seen."
"The entire thing has frozen, sales have stopped, dealerships have closed."
"The crash was not the event of one day; it really spread out across a week, and the fall went on for almost three weeks."
"I think the economy is going into recession."
"You have 51 percent of companies issuing layoffs, mortgage companies that are going broke, tenants simply cannot pay these rent increases."
"Nobody's immune from what is taking place. We are watching economic carnage take place right before our very eyes."
"We have to be prepared for a very steep and long bear Market, not another v-shape recovery."
"I think if you go ahead and continue with slower Economic Times that unemployment has to go up and I believe that's what we're seeing now."
"The economic crash of 2008 was the death blow."
"If any company in this industry survives the downturn, then Raytheon has outstanding chances of being that company."
"When the housing market becomes really weak and begins to fall apart that's another classic sign that we're just around the corner here..."
"We could see as much as 50 or 60 percent of the entire crypto market decimated in a real downturn."
"The market would be down a lot more in a pre-crash. We're looking for prices to go down about 30 to 50 percent."
"We're coming into global depression, a global low pressure system relative to money."
"The dollar has crashed aggressively against bitcoin."
"National averages suffered their biggest drop in six years last month."
"Bear markets don't last but resilient people do."
"I know, it's a bummer that people are losing their jobs."
"The bear market for the S&P 500 became official in June."
"Even the good assets and stocks are being dragged down."
"These are financially educated people so when they see the market slowing down and we're going into recession they're not going to just hand out their checkbook and start buying cars that they don't need."
"Chess will get you through the bear market one game at a time."
"Billionaires are made in recessions...smart enough to have 100 million bucks in cash on the side."
"Commercial real estate is going to be in the pisser, residential real estate is going to get hit hard."
"I felt like someone as relentless and determined as myself anything's possible."
"This recession this bear market is the biggest blessing you will have for the next decade."
"This is a setup for one of the biggest corrections in our lifetimes."
"Commercial real estate is already in a crisis."
"Dark clouds are gathering as markets are shuttering, stocks are sinking, currencies stumbling, fear and uncertainty reigns."
"This is what happens when markets come back down, they often come aggressively down."
"Why are you thinking of investing in the middle of a recession? Because you're smart, that's why."
"We are in a stage of pretty dramatic earnings compression."
"People are losing money, people are losing their homes, people are losing their livelihood."
"Some of the biggest businesses were created during recessions."
"The worst collapse in decades has now begun."
"The economy could fall into eight consecutive quarters of negative growth."
"It's no wonder that they're predicting lows for the stock market pretty soon."
"Recession unlike any other... due to the humongous fiscal and monetary cliffs."
"The time to be putting Capital to work is when there's blood rushing through the streets."
"Commodities perform well during periods of high inflation and low economic growth."
"The longer it goes on, the more it is likely to cause a global recession."
"The whole global economy is in a slowdown and China has, of course, borne some of those consequences."
"UK households are experiencing the largest collapse in living standards since records began."
"The recession question. Any way we look at it, we're either in one... or redefining the definition of a recession Midstream."
"Historical volatility in the bond markets and a recession that will not be soft or even softish."
"Pawn Stars first began filming after the Great Recession of 2007 and 2008, and because of that, many of the guests visiting would be very open that they were selling these things because their lives were falling apart and they just needed any cash to make it through the month."
"The Qashqai not only shrugged off the 2008 Great Recession, but sales actually grew through the whole period."
"Malls closed, businesses closed, restaurants and movie theaters closed, houses were foreclosed, and millions of innocent people lost their livelihood."
"2022 wasn't a good year for business for a lot of people."
"As consumption continues to fall, aggregate demand decreases, causing further economic contraction and worsening economic conditions."
"The great depression had just ended, but times were still extremely hard."
"The 80s would be a painful time for most Mexicans and would be known as The Lost decade."
"The biggest threat to jobs is actually due to the economic downturn."
"If you're thinking about a deep, dark, dirty recession, PMIs would be under 50."
"The U.S. housing crash has already started and it is getting worse by the week and by the day."
"When the market goes up, not everything goes up, but when the market goes down, everything goes down."
"People will still be buying Domino’s pizza through this stock market crash."
"It's sad to see so many stores go under."
"An entire street is lined with closed storefronts, and there are very few shoppers."
"Unemployment rates will skyrocket and as a result, personal income will sharply drop."
"What will the next downturn look like if this is the best of times and we're at each other's throats?"
"The RBA said that in the instance where property prices do fall by 40 percent and unemployment by 8 percent, the banks are well placed to handle the downturn."
"Even when you think of a recession or even if you go back to the Great Depression, there was a lot of millionaires made during that period of time that recognized it was an opportunity."
"It's a double whammy—falling output and rising prices."
"They look up to the sky and sigh, hang up 'shop for rent' signs, deciding to close and settle accounts."
"You see who's swimming naked when the tide goes out."
"The fields are all bare, and the cotton won't grow. Me and my family got to pack up and go."
"Inferior goods... do better when incomes drop because consumers looking to save money will switch to these from more expensive competitors."
"The lack of preparedness for the inevitable downturn is my primary concern today."