
Profiling Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"The profile of this specific murderer is in most cases a middle-aged man who is perceived as a hard-working and loving husband and father."
"The New York Times is way more comfortable profiling the charming, affable Nazi."
"You don't get to arrest a young black man for running through your neighborhood."
"It's about getting as far along in a profile to learn as much as possible."
"I think that profilers are a very valuable asset to investigation especially of this nature."
"Meta will finally be able to build a far more detailed profile on everyone."
"Kemper embodied something Douglas found in all serial predators he interviewed."
"If it starts with a one, the passenger is deemed a very low risk—this is almost only given to Israeli citizens—while if it starts with six, the passenger is deemed a very high risk and will be subjected to extremely thorough screening."
"My name is Twitter, and we are back with another number one player in the world series. Today we are focusing on the number one Ekko player in the world."
"This software essentially just profiles people."
"When this happened we instantly knew who the person was with the Buffalo shooting we knew who they were where they lived what they ate that morning everything."
"By fleshing out this portrait of the killer, the profiler gave investigators new direction in a frustrating case."
"It's only as good as the profiles you're using."
"To read the description of America's latest incident is to recognize an all too familiar profile."
"David Paulides put together his profile points to understand these cases better."
"They do not fit one particular profile. If you're in corporate America right now, I guarantee you're going to get corporate gang stalkers."
"It's like when we look at someone and we just profile them or assume things based on what they look like."
"The profiling procedure of the quad cortex is obviously a killer feature."
"He's a straight white man. That is the 'see something, say something' about, alright? You just see a white dude by himself at Disney, you're like, 'Call somebody.'"
"The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult it is to bring it home."
"The more outrageous and unique the behavior of the killer, the more our profiling techniques allow us to understand about his feelings, his upbringing, his mindset, and eventually his identity."
"According to criminal profiler and FBI special agent John Douglas, the Ripper was not only a local but was likely interviewed by the police."
"We all profile, we all judge people whether we realize it or not."
"I just felt like I was not I felt like almost being profiled but in a negative way."
"Who is the ideal resident here and then you backfill from there."
"A good Agent is going to essentially build a profile in terms of what you're looking for and who you are."
"I'm not saying racial profiling I'm talking about criminal profiling I realized I could get clicked and taken out of context but I wanted to be clear that we're talking about criminal profiling."
"A profile was done of the Killer and it was believed that it would be someone with a deep hatred of Wayne but someone who was not comfortable with direct confrontation."
"One of the first steps when you're what we call hunting for a known perpetrator is you try to find out where they've been in the past."
"The FBI has a highly specialized unit called the Behavioral Analysis Unit, sometimes referred to as the profilers."
"A technique genuinely used by police to find serial killers is geographical profiling, which uses a map of the killer's crime scenes to locate areas to search."
"...which gives you the ability to develop a behavior profile that's more accurate than an FBI profile in six minutes talking to another person..."
"Armed with evidence from the crime scene and the information from the autopsy report, investigators began to build a profile of Melissa's killer."
"Geo profiling tells us Field would have traveled with David and Patrick from Chelmsley Wood South towards here, Solihull, which is where he lived and felt comfortable."
"He was more of the frenzy type of serial killer that when the opportunity arose and the urge arose in him, he would take whatever weapons, whatever means were available at that time."
"This is the thought they've been having for the last 50 years: did that cop only pull me over because?"
"That was a single source male profile that matched Gannon Stout with an estimated frequency of 1 in 3.4 octillion."
"Police believe the killer is a white male age 18 to 35, nine in height."
"I spent 5 years on this case, now it's your turn. I profile dozens of serial killers. They rarely make idle threats."
"Who is more likely to get arrested?"
"Their first assumption was Gein was a serial killer."
"There is no end to racist cops who racially profile suspects."
"This is something where a lot of people felt like this is a case of racial profiling."
"The term racial profiling is thrown around all the time and it doesn't really mean anything."
"The bomber is probably a male in his late 30s or early 40s with some sort of bomb-making experience."
"...the profilers said that they did not believe this to be a crime that was sexually motivated something that seemed odd considering Christina had been stripped."
"They searched me about three, four times throwing me into uh gang intelligence vehicle holding up traffic."
"FBI profilers surmised that the killer was a White male, between the ages of 28 to 35."
"I'm a very good profiler. I work as a profiler."
"Knowledge of a criminal's method of operation is a major element in law enforcement."
"He delved into the psychology of the criminal which had never been seen before."
"Collecting, analyzing, and profiling years' worth of our private data has enabled these corporations to figure out exactly how and what we think in real time."
"Censorship happens way before you even express your speech; it happens by profiling your psychological processes in private."
"For the first time, testimony of an FBI profiler was accepted in court."
"I love stuff like this. Profiling and doing all of this stuff is really cool to see."
"White balance is important, but it's the combination of white balance and the custom camera profile that get you to the best starting color place."
"A good printer profile actually takes into account the printer itself, the nature of the printer, the paper or the media that you're printing on, and the ink type."
"Profiling is the key of optimization, nothing else."
"I'm not necessarily a smaller guy. And so, there was one time actually that I was actually leaving the gym minding my own business. And I literally get tackled by three cops."
"It's sort of a ghost profiler, where whenever something happens, you don't fix it, you're not there to fix anything, what you do is you just observe it and log it."
"The profiler will now show you information about your app's rendering performance."
"Let's start by profiling and see how our type-ahead performs."
"It will actually create a kind of profile from that dataset that shows me what is the distribution of the data."
"Police are frequently stopping and questioning these young black men... treating these young black men as though they were enemies, as though they were in warfare."
"When you create profile we ask prompt that... what kind of roommate are you looking for."
"What makes a serial killer? And can forensic profiles, new research, and big data really help authorities understand how and why they strike?"
"Profiling is something we do every day in our lives, and at its simple core, it's presenting an analysis, a description of something."
"For each item, we want to create an item profile which we can then use to build user profiles."
"We're going to go over the Performance profiler a little bit more in-depth."
"...the personality profiling tools are almost never used as a disqualifier for somebody they're just used to understand your personality better..."
"For the rest of your life, you're going to be profiled and challenged, and you will never be able to experience the same things as your white counterparts or your straight counterparts."
"We were already being profiled as soon as we walked in."
"The FBI ended up creating a profile on the suspect, one of the earliest uses of criminal profiling."
"You can do what's called profiling which is super awesome."
"With ion beam depth profiling a more complete understanding of the properties of the solid can be realized."
"Product or service profiling helps to avoid inconsistencies by identifying key dimensions before process selection."
"Google has started out using it for profiling and they're now moving to traffic optimization and network security as well."
"A profile is designed to come up with the most probable offender. Its goal is to eliminate a lot of false leads."
"Flutter has a lot of profiling and debugging and instrumentation tools that allow you to go down to the very lowest levels of the system."
"The display that you are going to profile, you want to leave it on and running for at least 15 to 30 minutes before you start the process."
"When you can profile a display and get the total Delta E below two, that's considered to be really great value and really accurate colors."
"You cannot go around just profiling people because they're black and wearing a hoodie."
"Offenders have what's called a modus operandi, or MO."
"Profiling requires belief, to wait for the profile to believe in yourself."
"The idea of organized and disorganized offenders is based on the concept that serious offenders have a certain signature way of working."
"Offender profiling is a tool for narrowing down possibilities, not one that provides exact answers."
"The Chrome Developer Tools profiler is a sample-based profiler, and the Firebug profiler is a structural profiler."
"These profiles aren't 100% accurate, but they're useful tools."
"Fingerprinting means to take as input a whole bunch of characteristics of the request from the internet that's coming in and see if you can use those characteristics to create a profile of sorts for the user."
"The editor also runs the profiler framework, which means that it can profile itself in real time."
"Profile, profile, and profile. You've got to know what the application is doing in order to improve the efficiency of it."
"JonBenet Ramsey's killer was a white male, relatively young, who had a personal grudge against John Ramsey and intended to carry it out by defiling and robbing him of the most valuable thing in the world to him."
"The new profiling measures are aimed to prevent any kind of significant effect on an individual."
"The police decided to create a profile of the killer."
"Profiling... in software engineering is one of the most important tools you have."
"It's like the majority of the serial killers are different variations of the same middle-aged white man."
"It's not Clarice that's profiling Hannibal Lecter; Hannibal Lecter is profiling and learning about Clarice."
"It will prevent racial profiling."
"I profiled you. Not another mafia guy alive who has money, helps put their kid through college, and sends gifts to family members on the right days."
"I love doing these because this is what I do; I profile people all day long."
"We're highlighting people, we're increasing profiles."
"...that things have regressed to how they were during his lifetime, a time of indiscriminate profiling."
"Trace view is a really useful tool for profiling your code."
"Let's write a little bit of code real quick, and I'll show you what that looks like and show you how to see things in the profiler."
"Profiling is the best way to begin with."
"Profile often in early development; there is no making things run faster at the end, especially for VR."
"It's pretty impressive, okay, so how do I profile my code?"
"So now I can actually profile and find out which sections of my code are going to be slow and actually optimize."