
Media Interaction Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"It is unfortunate what we're dealing with, but we appreciate both the respect that the media has shown."
"It's all well and good to say Mario is fun or Resident Evil controls terribly, but that's okay, but without diving into the why of these questions and coming to terms with the way we interact with media, we're not doing these fantastic games and the people that make them the credit they're due."
"If any content makes you more uncomfortable... leave it. Follow things that bring you joy."
"I feel like not only in tennis but all sports need to look at how we approach the athletes and in media."
"When the going gets tough, I'm not doing an interview."
"Fair play to Hamilton for coming into the media pen saying I've looked at the replays, I wasn't full. Alonso was in my blind spot, was, you know, what he said was a reason."
"If you behave like a celebrity, then people will treat you like a celebrity, and if you don't, they won't. There's not much to write about me in the tabloids."
"Chances are he won't be calling anyone a mudblood in real life anytime soon."
"Kaleigh McEnany keeps her composure and then responds perfectly."
"Tucker did a great job asking great questions."
"Wow, well thanks for bringing it up and reminding the audience."
"Shkreli declined an interview with CNBC and sent them a handwritten letter instead."
"Avoiding it? Thank you so much for being on the show."
"New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern did an extraordinarily good job of pointing to a reporter's very silly question and saying, 'Would you be asking me that question if I was a 60 year old man instead of a younger woman?'"
"The president's focus on action, and I'm a little dismayed that I didn't receive one question on the deaths that we got in this country this weekend." - Press Secretary
"Lee trolled interviewers whenever they tried to pry into his military record."
"I would love to do your show and then he reported that you simply stopped replying to emails and bailed, is that true?"
"You really aced that interview, George. You really owned Pierce Morgan."
"Add my name to the list of people who publicly owned Pierce Morgan."
"Media interactions are deeper than ever with tunnel and training ground interviews."
"I literally just woke up to talk to Tom Warren. Tom, how you doing?"
"I don't even know how to end these anymore because we've been using the camera."
"The fact that I'm standing here taking questions, the fact that the president took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House's commitment to accessibility."
"Joe Rogan handled it the best way possible. He's like, 'We love you, we talk about you on the show all the time. I'd love to have you on the show.'"
"It's cool to have media like yourself and other people come here and just say, 'I can feel it's a little different here.' It really is because it is a brotherhood."
"Deadpool can break all the fourth walls he wants; this screen will always be closer to your face. That's what counts, you know."
"It doesn't always do anyone good in public life to always be answering and rebutting those claims."
"So, when March of 2020 hit, I was able to help a lot of people because I had lots of toilet paper, had lots of food."
"CNN's like are you mad that Trump kept talking about this?"
"Since you're attacking us, can you give us a question?" - "No, Mr. President-elect, that's not appropriate." [Applause]
"It's important for us to get Ethan's story out. We don't really want anybody else representing him, and it's hard to have people speaking on his behalf. So, we think it's best for us to do this." - Ethan's parent
"Hey man, I appreciate the interview so much. It was actually a shitload of fun just getting ready for it and great conversation as well."
"Irreparable harm is a legal concept rooted in injunctive relief for which the Associated Press is not formally pled."
"He's hiding from reporters, he's hiding in the basement." - Chris Wallace
"It'll be interesting to see how Calgary police deal with Rebel News."
"Nicola Sturgeon absolutely destroying a journalist, the kind of maneuver that you would not see from any politicians in the UK government."
"King Ryan was on his way to the big time and no amount of trash talk or clowning around was going to change it."
"Gloria Schmidt, attorney for the Osundairo brothers, laughed out loud at the continued lies by Jesse Smollett and his attorneys."
"From the minute you say hello to a reporter to the time you wave goodbye, you are on the record."
"Stay calm even in the face of a combative reporter."
"Do you think I'll do another interview with Elon Musk? I really enjoyed that." - Shannon
"To see that applied on Jill Stein and how she was able to handle his questions was honestly very impressive."
"That's about it. So as far as we know, why would they? After all of this time, and poor Ewan McGregor sitting at home being fielded every question in the world."
"Still, Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed keen on answering questions about things she had posted or said, 'I don't know,' or 'I don't recall.'"
"You don't let the Press public into your private matters."
"Stick to the facts, I love that you're not a sellout."
"Donald Trump also has responded to this too."
"Thank you for subscribing, for checking the bell for notifications so that you know you're here."
"I don't answer the question about the irony for me is I don't discuss my private relationship that way."
"Every word she utters is with this secret smile and conspiratorial, 'I'm letting you in, telling you I'm confessing. It's so embarrassing, guys.'"
"Like I said, you guys can keep pointing these cameras, dicing these dumbass questions. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing, which is winning in life."
"Unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique, and refute whatever he or anyone else may say." - Elon Musk
"I appreciate you coming on here, us getting to talk about this."
"Talking with the press is treated like a martial art."
"Make sure to do that below by clicking on the big red button. Click the Bell so you always know when our latest come out."
"I said, 'This is nothing personal, I'm not gonna talk.' They want like drama, they want conspiracies and I was just like, 'You [] [] dude.'"
"I felt better the other day after I had reported the encounter and I felt even better after you called me with the off-air interview and I talked to you then and I feel so so much better now I just don't know how to describe it to you."
"About an eighth of your questions have been about Guy Fieri."
"He answered all of the questions and it was a really really dope interview."
"The main story energy is cranked up to 11, the tone, the flow, the character interaction all click very well."
"We trust you to do with that information what you will, and maybe that will include unsubscribing."
"I'm sorry, Megan, please show me in here where Senator Tammy Duckworth said, 'Megan, pick somebody who doesn't have the skill set.'"
"The Mask would break the fourth wall as you start."
"A federal judge today ordering former president Trump and his lawyers not to share evidence from the classified documents case with the media or the public ahead of the trial."
"If you like this clip and want to watch another one, click right here."
"I wouldn't really be surprised at all if the Killer is watching your show and commenting because they get off on it." - Ann
"We don't want any of our primaries talking to people in the media while an investigation is hot."
"One of the great things I love about doing the premiere and the press stuff is that it really is a chance for us to say thank you."
"He's swarmed by journalists outside of his office in DC and he famously says hold on I have the quote written down."
"JK Rowling absolutely not holding back here."
"So LeBron James got called out by another pro athlete, basically telling him to shut up and dribble, and that's his response."
"His overall attitude during this entire interview was just so pathetic, garbage... he was just like, 'man, I guess.'"
"I hope Catherine and William do influence the Queen to turn around and say, 'Don't let them air the Christmas Day speech.'"
"Fans can drive the conversation with reality."
"Ted Cruz just absolutely destroying those cackling hens on The View with facts and logic was a beautiful thing to see."
"I really think it's a game to Elon. I do. He loved going on Saturday Night Live to tweak people for this exact same."
"Fans finally feel they have the ability to affect what they see on screen."
"I'm gonna have as much fun in the interview as I can."
"If this is my last interview here in the United States, I share a beautiful smile knowing that it won't be sad and that things are going to be better in the future."
"I'm not scary I'm not a meanie no one's ever done an interview with me and felt like they got you know beat up."
"Klopp likes telling everyone to relax, doesn't he?"
"People don't want me to do interviews, especially him, because I tell the truth."
"Okay, Ray J's love and hip-hop co-star Prince replied to his video, explaining why he finds it difficult to show love to the gay community."
"This administration is as disastrous as their press conferences."
"Dana White is one of them honestly icon iconic response if you ever watch from the media he's always like this he shuts them down immediately."
"I'm always like, okay, what can I ask that they have never been asked before? That would be weird."
"I've been transparent every time I do an interview."
"I know I've done a lot of interviews, it is one of the most enjoyable interviews I've ever done."
"I'm not going to say one bad word I'm literally going to answer the questions."
"I wish we could have a political culture where the leaders and the journalists could be just a little bit lighter and more self-deprecating and funnier about all this stuff."
"This interview is funny, it's going good, it's about to wrap up."
"It was partly a gay cover-up, because whenever I got asked by a magazine who's your celebrity crush, I didn't want to out myself."
"Being attacked by 60 Minutes is like being gummed by a very old man who forgot to put in his dentures. Gross but ineffective."
"I didn't even want to think I was as smart as them communication is to figure out how to enable the person you're talking to to relax you know I had I was a master at the malaprop misunderestimate the press corps reaction was."
"Iris came out, talking to the camera of the wife's name, Mrs. DuBose."
"I hope a video does come out. Until then, leave me the fuck alone."
"God bless your evening rest, relax, we'll close up the show, and thank you again."
"I think somebody on his camp needs to ask Trump the questions that Rock really wants to be asked."
"Daniel Kaluuya said, 'Why do we have to talk about this' when asked about race."
"If you just tune me off when I'm on, watch something else, I'm gonna use that. Thank you so much."
"It's a beautiful tradition right, you know, obviously the current president has like very caustic relationship towards the press."
"The idea that a presidential candidate would have a question and answer session with the media and that he would read the answer from a teleprompter is unprecedented."
"Trump always outmaneuvers and makes the media and Democrats look pathetic."
"If you ever do decide to sit down with someone from dishonest media, you keep them honest."
"Why have you tested now positive? Next question, please. Thank you."
"What's the playbook for how you're typically supposed to be able to give an interview to the Press claiming that this is potentially the first alien craft?"
"Not with you, not you reporter and me press secretary, not now later."
"Chris Hemsworth really is doing God's work by calling out Brie Larson here."
"Leave Rihanna alone because she's not playing with y'all."
"It's just pointless to kick a guy when he's down like this."
"50% of everything I say in interviews is... I'm just saying it to try and make the interviewer laugh."
"Like walking along a spiral, every interaction with the media draws you closer, raises more questions, and provides just enough answers to keep you going without giving away the game."
"I'm excited to be here. I know this isn't the most exciting season overall, but I'm always happy to talk to you guys."
"Most people who write letters to newspapers are fools; intelligent people seldom do it."