
Theological Insight Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Chapters 9, 10, and 11 is the genius course of not only the book of Romans but of much of the Bible."
"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
"To see Jesus is to see what God is like... Jesus makes it possible for each of us to know God personally."
"Revelation is not intended to quench thought but to stimulate it"
"The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed."
"If God's not in your arms, you're in the arms of something else."
"We are saved for good works, not by good works."
"People who know they are not God are by definition restrained."
"Love in action. Beautiful how he ties this together."
"Mary and all the saints show us Christ in a way that Christ in his person cannot even show us."
"How God thinks of us is not only more important but is infinitely more important indeed how we think of him is of no importance except insofar as it is related to how he thinks of us." - C.S. Lewis
"The simplest Christian understands the gospel in a way that John the Baptist did not."
"Only a slimy serpent mixed with the depravity of the human heart can convince mankind that we can be our own god."
"We're also considered sons who are going to rule and reign in Revelation chapter, I believe it's chapter 2."
"People are not as bad as they could be by the grace of God."
"The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom."
"There's so much truth in scripture that we miss because we interpret it through our own lives."
"Even the small details matter in understanding the Gospel."
"The law revealed in our inability to keep it we were reveal it we couldn't love that we were selfish in nature and Jesus came to fulfill the law by Holy Spirit leading him on how to see people's value regardless of how they."
"Salvation is not enduring all your troubles so that you can go to heaven."
"One of the best ways to see how bad sin is is to look at Jesus on the cross."
"What is so new about the New Covenant is precisely the fact that it's international... it's universal."
"God's answer to everything is love. Interestingly, God's answer to everyone is not prayer."
"The concept of Jesus being the sun of righteousness is a very profound and a very good one." - David
"When he says the scriptures speak of me right the scriptures speak of me."
"The incarnation is an indication that God's primary instrument of usage is broken, inconsistent, self-centered, self-focused, narcissistic, ostentatious people."
"Satan is not against religion; he uses it. It wasn't a temptation to fall down, but a temptation to climb up."
"Faith is trusting that what Jesus did on the cross is all and more than you could ever need."
"Even though doing evil might lead to death, God offers a free gift, eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"Isaiah's context is Israel's Exodus, a Redemption for Israel."
"This is the missing piece that ties the Bible narrative."
"You do good because you are saved, not to get saved."
"What Genesis 1 is telling us is not that there are some human beings in God's image, but that every one of us is. That was the revolutionary statement, the most revolutionary statement ever uttered in human history."
"There is indeed a principle of justice, but there is also a principle of mercy. At times these two correct principles collide with each other as the unifying higher principle of the atonement does its work."
"Sin does not drive God away from us, but yet sin drives us away from God."
"Doctrine will develop, we will understand this over the course of time."
"God's ultimate purpose in judgment is never destruction; it is always restoration."
"Good preaching notices what God is doing now."
"You have this kind of simultaneous experience of a space that's laid out exactly like in Genesis."
"It does end up creating different possible insights into the mystery of Christ that scripture doesn't do exactly in the same way."
"Every single time Allah mentions 'Hasbun Allah,' it combines both the removal of harm and the paving the way for benefit and goodness to come into our lives."
"But wait a minute, wait a minute. So the whole point of Jesus’ argument here in John 4 is to demonstrate that God is not limited by physical limits as we are."
"Fear Him who after he's killed has authority to cast into hell... fear the Lord, it's the beginning of wisdom."
"The Bible is about revealing the fundamental structures of reality."
"God is not going to forgive them for you, you have to forgive them."
"Here is the love that surpasses understanding."
"Equipped as He is by His very nature for worship, man cannot not worship."
"Salvation is a person, not a prayer or a feeling."
"The truth about the Universal Father had begun to dawn upon mankind when the prophet said: 'You God, are alone; there is none beside you.'"
"When we talk about the presence of God, we're actually talking about the shining face of a perfect father aimed directly at you."
"The church is the bride of Messiah, not a physical building or organization."
"I had to continuously learn to accept God's will not as I wish it to be, but as it actually was at the moment."
"The understanding of Genesis six... is the rosetta stone for understanding the whole of Scripture and history in general."
"The blood is not to be pleaded, it is to be applied."
"Understanding Romans 8 can truly transform our understanding of life in the spirit."
"For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given."
"We are worshiping a God who doesn't just observe our suffering from afar; he enters into our suffering."
"Jesus didn't come to create a new religion. He came that you might know the Father."
"They realized that the Son of God was the leader of the Angels."
"Luther will help you understand the gospel, Calvin will help you understand the Bible."
"The best proof that God will never cease to love us lies in that He never began."
"It's not enough to believe; even demons believe and tremble."