
Professional Integrity Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"The good therapist is one who doesn't want your money anymore, who wants you to get over it and move on, and actually possesses the wisdom, skill, intelligence, character, and insight to guide you in that direction."
"When a member of your profession is held accountable, it does not diminish you; it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it."
"Does this sound like a conflict of interest to you?"
"My loyalty is to the Constitution and every representation that I undertake is with a laser focus on the facts, the evidence, and the law."
"When you steal someone's work, you're sending the message that you don't respect them."
"These last few days have been gut-wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing my work ethic morals and respectfulness have been questioned my character has been."
"Being a good doctor means I have to work within the bounds of our current knowledge, and many times our current knowledge is incomplete."
"Matlock is ethical, he's a straight shooter and he's a hell of an investigator."
"She's treated like she's got an agenda of some kind, but it's like no, my agenda is to save these children."
"It's important to show people that integrity pays off, being solid pays off."
"You can be 100% authentic and still be successful."
"Charlotte Alter playing defense as a journalist for AOC again... everyone that we spoke to who's worked with her has said that she's kind... she shows up... she does her homework."
"No one hates bad cops or incompetent cops more than the ones that go out every day and try to do the job the right way."
"On the lab leak, there is molecular biological evidence inconsistent with this being an evolutionary process."
"I'm not going to play this game to collect a check unless I know I can really be something on the field that's worth paying for."
"Talent may get you in the door, but character keeps you in the room."
"The heart of medicine is still pure and good."
"I've always really appreciated his bravery to say to the studio, 'I'm finished for the day, I'm not shooting this scene until we come up with something better.'" - Tom Holland
"It's not about being happy. It's about doing a job and doing it right. And sometimes that means you sacrifice a lot. And I will not have this position sullied."
"So I think the most important thing about being an investigator is number one is integrity, integrity is doing the right thing when nobody's watching you."
"Truthfulness is not just a professional obligation but a moral duty."
"I think this guy has to be removed because he cannot be trusted with that position."
"I don't think he's hunting for a paycheck and I also don't think he's gonna be pushed around."
"Rocky refused and said that regardless of his gimmick, his athleticism came first."
"Do not put a woman in a position she did not earn."
"It offends me on a personal level, but professionally I don't see how this is really the business of Good Morning America."
"He's so idealistic and so driven because he just has this really strong sense of justice almost like in doing his job."
"She was allowed to work with them on a regular basis... they did nothing."
"Facts are the foot soldiers of our respective professions; they do the hard marching and should wear no ideological coloring."
"I have a lot of respect for journalism as a field... knowing there are people who care enough to quit under those circumstances is very heartening."
"I am absolutely willing to make every single word of this legal battle fully public so that the issue of my professional competence and my right to say what I have to say and stand by my words can be fought in full daylight."
"I'm a law-abiding citizen, and you're being bloody rude."
"The fact that the courts believed the one person who had the most to lose and the most to gain Aaron over medical professionals who pretty much had no skin in the game other than protecting their patients is just beyond me."
"Part of our job is to help them get out to a bigger audience but also I don't like to insert myself where I'm not needed."
"Every defendant is entitled to zealous representation as a matter of integrity." - Chris Wiseman
"Do not present work you don't believe in. Present work you believe in, and no matter what they say, nothing sticks to you."
"It was said, 'Do what you want, I'm not putting my name on it.'"
"If this is tolerated, we'll get more of it. This office is a global laughing stock because of their conduct."
"I run my Instagram, I run my Twitter. I don't hire people. I take my work seriously."
"What's most important is whether you can be proud of what you do."
"Every attempt at good faith I have made to just avoid confusion over my credentials you have weaponized against me."
"They did their jobs with courage, grace, tenacity, humility. 18 years later, do yours."
"When they say no, don't compromise on what you bring to the table and just be the talent."
"There's very little accountability for some of these people, and because there's no accountability, that means that people who are not good stay in their jobs."
"He doesn't really get too drawn into any of the [__] – that's the difference."
"The presumption of innocence must apply, that is a principle I observed in my former professional life, it is the one I insist upon now."
"She's a judge's judge. She looks at the facts, looks at the law, and applies it."
"90% of the job is integrity... nobody gives a darn about your home as much as you do."
"My job's to do what I think is the best thing for you, even if that's saying you're not the right fit for me."
"Be radically open-minded but not easily persuaded. Fight any temptation to lower expectations and standards."
"I'm 43 years old... I want to solidify my career... I don't want to take a fight where I'm just there to roll someone over."
"You cannot stop scientists from working, and that's the whole point of being a scientist."
"If you don't love it and you're not truly passionate and you're in it for the wrong reasons and you treat people like [ __ ] most likely you're gonna get pushed out."
"We're in the wrong profession if we're too cowardly to say that."
"Your work speaks, and your actions speak more than the words."
"Have some pride in what you do, nothing's wrong with that at all."
"The vast majority of actual real medical personnel are good people... you're still better off with that."
"Her voice, a blend of journalistic integrity and poetic grace."
"I'm not going to talk about it too much because right now Linus Tech tips is doing a third party investigation."
"If you bring dishonor to the United States Border Patrol, if you bring dishonor to the uniform you are wearing, I'm going to fire you. Is that understood?"
"Some lawyers serve their clients with honor and distinction."
"Story, story, story. If I can relate to it and if I like it then I will take on the project. But if I can't, I don't think it would do anyone any justice."
"Honesty is important when it comes to these aspects."
"You worked too hard to allow the optics to stain your reputation."
"This has absolutely positively nothing to do with wokeness... your job was to be a reporter and a journalist."
"Professionals trying to raise concerns based on their knowledge and experience in the field, that's not misinformation, that's simply scientific debate."
"Please understand our job is not to get around people and bend."
"You always have to respect that about another content creator, someone that actually gives a crap and doesn't just show up for the check every day."
"I've been in their homes for 27 years. I've been invited into their homes and they have a trust and a level of trust with me."
"That's insane and we as an industry should do better."
"Not everyone goes into that field for the right reasons."
"The integrity is potentially for many of these individuals going to come before the rules of the job if you will."
"No law enforcement officer should feel like they're going to lose their job as a result of doing their job."
"Not going back in the game, I did the right thing for myself, my pride, and for the players who would come after me."
"There are doctors who actually care about patients and truth and honesty."
"Performance is literally doing what you said you were going to do."
"This is the reality of the situation: we're not all these shady mechanics... we care about what we do."
"The majority are good people who want to do the job the right way."
"The impact and the work have been the proof, hopefully."
"If there's no explanation on Tuesday, man, I swear to fucking god everybody in WWE creative should be fucking fired."
"Be honest with your publisher. They don't want you to make subpar work just to reach a deadline."
"I like weebs, I'm big weeb too, but I never let my weirdness get in the way of my professionalism."
"I've never written beneath myself. I've never written anything I didn't want my name attached to."
"I'd rather wait or say no to other work than to sell myself short in any kind of way."
"Make him an example. He should see out his contracts as the professional everyone knows him to be, then he can leave."
"Can you turn down any clients who you truly think are reprehensible? The answer is yes."
"People pay us to be accurate and right not to be bullish not to be bearish not to promote gold not to discourage investing in gold."
"Do it the right way. Don't be pushing these edges back for the glory of the cut."
"I've sort of given up on restoring the patient-doctor integrity and autonomy."
"I'm tired of having to fight an uphill battle and having people who are more interested in collecting checks than telling you guys the truth."
"He should never be able to serve as a police officer again ever because if you and I were working at Burger King and we committed a prayer we would not be allowed to work at any Burger King in the United States of America."
"Even if there is no money in the account, I would not do the projects that I don't believe in."
"If it's true that Casey's resigned on the back of those things, that seems to be broken promises."
"A lot of these young reporters that come up there, they really they're not journalists. I mean they just want to see themselves on TV."
"We're not going to let our profession or our patient be harmed."
"The only way this can end and the sanctity of professional wrestling remains is for The Fiend to win."
"What I want is all professions to do the job that they're supposed to do and if you are a good cop and I'm sure there's many good cops you should hate the bad cops a hundred times more than we do."
"The president has never pressured me to make a decision regarding any regulatory aspect of the FDA's work."
"Nobody's saying that you want him to be sacked, but if you're coming on a show, media show, whatever it is, to give your opinion on football, you have to be honest."
"I don't really care whether people like me or not. Have I done my job?"
"Make sure that you're getting into this for the right reasons."
"I don't worry about it because if you protect the relationship you have with your work and you know why you're doing what you're doing, everything else kind of follows by the wayside."
"Having good integrity allows an archaeologist to make some assumptions."
"Climate science: we would get paid the same even if there was no such thing as climate change."
"It was my honor and pleasure to work with somebody with such integrity and character as someone like Becky Hill."
"The inspector also must have integrity and be willing to accept the responsibilities of the position."
"We will not sacrifice our credibility for money."
"It's essential for maintaining the integrity of our profession."
"My job is to make sure, and I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize my brand, but my brand is my integrity."
"Members should respect all information given to them by clients or employers."