
Parental Expectations Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"It's good, but it could have been better. That's actually what my parents say about me."
"Most parents, like my parents, would just want me to be happy. Whether that's with children or without."
"Laying the burden of making a deceased parent proud upon two children... They don't need that."
"It's not unconditional love if you have all of these expectations that your child needs to meet your needs."
"The blood of your parents flows in your veins. That you live must bring them no end of joy. But for you to be filled with such hate, is this what your parents would have wished for?"
"Disney's now being kind of forced to admit it, because you know, they're in the business of teaching their kids, teaching your kids, values that are very different than the parents expect from the content."
"Lisa was gifted from a very early age and Homer had very high hopes for his little girl."
"It's okay to not know what you want to do. It's okay to be a disappointment to your parents."
"Well, they'd rather had you get really whooped and say, 'Did you get a lick in, though, son?'"
"I want to make sure that my son, when he goes to a game, that he will be able to have the experience that he is imagining when he gets there."
"A true father expects his son never to be less than the father and to be higher."
"I'm so proud of you don't you have full B's and C's even a nerdy guy actually got really bad results cuz you're about family problems."
"Life wasn't enough for a man like my father, he was going to live it all over again through me."
"Just know that you are perfect the way you are, you don't have to change yourself for your parents or anybody else."
"Do what you want to do, never ever let anyone else dictate your life. If you have parents want you to go down a certain direction and you don't want to go there don't do it, don't do it girl."
"My dad never really wanted kids, and then if he had a change of heart, it didn't seem like it happened."
"We are who we are, not who our parents want us to be."
"What do your parents want? They want you to be happy, they want you to be safe, they want you to be secure."
"My father always said that he saw me becoming an engineer."
"If your son even asks you to put on a dress, you failed as a parent."
"Your parents are not just random people. So we're gonna have way different standards."
"Mothers and sons, they basically, no one is ever good enough for their little boy. It's the same with mothers and daughters too."
"I would just tell young moms that kids don't need perfect moms, they need happy moms."
"Poor Dad, imagine your dad watches that. You'll be like, I'm disappointed son."
"My mom raised me like one of the moms in 'Sky Castle.' She was like, 'You have to be well educated, become a doctor or a lawyer.'"
"I worked my ass off for my son to be a rapper, man. I think I failed rap these days. It's a different story."
"For Ozai, love is conditional, and is only worth earning when his children earn it by being perfect heirs and doing everything he tells them."
"You gotta live your life for yourself, not for your parents."
"I internalize, I would think my kid's stupid."
"We want our kids to always know that it's mandatory to come to mom and dad's house on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any other holiday."
"Have appropriate expectations for your baby's sleep; they'll grow and mature eventually."
"Parents are not supposed to bury their children. They imagine leaving this earth before them, so they could avoid ever having to witness losing them."
"Yeah, that was hard for me because my dad, his dream was for me to go to college."
"I felt genuinely sorry that I'd upset my parents, but nothing, no matter how many sorrys I said, they asked me to stop seeing him."
"I found this a bit conflicting because, of course as a viewer, you're like 'yeah, go for it, make your dad proud.' But I'm also very much a fan of it's not because he wanted to do this that you need to do this too. You can also do something completely else."
"Everyone should be given the opportunity to try and get back to the person that their parents hoped they could become when they were born."
"My parents always told me that if I don't go somewhere to school or if I like stay here just because it's the easy choice to do and that they'll say that they failed as parents."
"Your parents want you to marry up. Add money to money."
"If I had a kid and he told me he was going to be a DJ, I'd be like of course, it's probably the worst thing you could tell your parents."
"Your parents really want from you is they want you to be happy."
"Even if we don't have to do something, we still do it because we don't want to upset our parents or disappoint them."
"They don't have to be what their parents want them to be, they don't have to follow in their footsteps, and they can be their own people."
"My parents really, really wanted me to study science."
"My mom always wanted me to be a doctor, a surgeon if you will, and I think today I've accomplished that."
"My mom was pretty sure about the fact that I was gonna go on and excel at some sport."
"I recognized that I had really put my father on this pedestal where I thought that he was just really smart and just very thoughtful and not that my dad isn't smart, not that he isn't thoughtful, but he's not this, you know, paragon of perfection that I thought that he was."
"You're awesome whether you meet your parents' expectations or not. You are lumping awesome."
"What's the most disappointing thing you did in your parents' eyes? Dropping out of college."
"Parents want sons and daughters to like somebody, to choose somebody, and then bring it to us."
"The emphasis is always placed on like, how does the parent feel that their child isn't talking to them but no one's ever wondering like, how does the child feel to have their hand forced to make that kind of decision."
"To me, it's a really clear answer. You should do what you want to do with your life not where your parent wants you to do with your life."
"Nigerian parents, they always want their kids to go to school."
"Children are concerned about the life they want to live, not necessarily about the life you dream for them to live."
"Priya is only competing for her parents' sake."
"Don't live to please others, even if they are your parents."
"You brought us into the world not so you could live through us, but so we could be our own people."
"She soon realizes that she'll have to choose between a true chance at love and companionship or making her parents proud and winning the competition they've always wanted her to win."
"Your parents' expectations for your life don't have to match your expectations for your life."
"Despite my relentless efforts to meet my father's lofty standards, I perpetually felt inadequate."
"They have high hopes for me, and I want to meet their expectations."
"Try to pursue something that you want to do, don't do stuff just because your parents want you to do it."
"My mom said from the moment she got pregnant, she knew I was going to college. There was no option."
"Our generation of teenagers, especially this generation, for many of them, they're struggling with feelings of helplessness, feelings of depression, thinking that they're a source of disappointment for their parents, not feeling that they are loved."
"Don't think your child is a carbon copy of yourself because they're not."
"Laziness will be taken as a lack of love by our parents."
"Don't do what your parents want you to do, do what you genuinely want to do."
"He always had hoped that his parents would be the ones to teach him, that they would be proud of him."
"I knew I had to wake up my parents even though they would be angry at me for staying up so late on a school night."
"My dad wants has a plan for me; I have a different plan."
"My little girl's life is all planned."
"Raise your expectations of yourself as a father, and lower your expectations of your little girl's reaction and love for you."