
Market Shift Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Online shopping platforms, including Alibaba, gradually replacing the trend of brick and mortar offline consumption."
"I'm just happy to see NFTs being phased out completely"
"The compact crossover really has taken over from the midsize sedan as the most important category in the United States."
"There's gonna be a shift in how the consumers are going to interact with brands."
"We believe that the shift toward battery electric vehicle adoption is accelerating and will occur faster than our prior view."
"The trend becoming super clear: ICE vehicle sales down, EV sales up."
"Omega Omega is facing a structural shift in market demand."
"Electricity has become sexy, whereas hybridization has become boring."
"The world is finally starting to wake up to how inevitable and how quickly the transition to EVS is actually happening."
"GameStop's rise: a big shift of power from institutional investors to retail traders."
"Battery electric vehicle sales have overtaken diesel car sales for the first time."
"It will grab sales left and right from gas guzzling environment-destroying very expensive to operate Ford F-150s."
"Wildstar product director Mike Donatelli when interviewed on Forbes said the primary reason for the change was the MMO market shifting to a free-to-play model overall"
"The housing market is passing an inflection point this spring and we're on our way to a more balanced real estate market."
"I think it's going to happen a lot faster as soon as gasoline gets to the real price."
"This could be known as the year Bitcoin went from a retail to an institutional phenomenon."
"Electric Vehicle registrations overtook diesel vehicle registrations in Europe year on year."
"Things are changing, turning into a buyer's market finally."
"As SUVs continue to grow in popularity among families, minivan sales have really taken a hit. However, that hasn't stopped a couple of manufacturers from introducing all-new models."
"Model 3 is the most selling car in Germany. This is the end of an era for German manufacturers." - Value Conclusion
"U.S. large-cap equities are going to largely replace sovereign bonds."
"We're going into a commodities-based economy, and Austrian economists are getting vindicated big time."
"Gone are the days where you got a 60 story skyscraper and somebody takes out five floors." - Observes changing trends in office space demand.
"A technology can disrupt the economics of an incumbent way before they have 10 20 30 percent of the market."
"We believe there's going to be a shift over the next decade or two away from the current forms of advertising."
"Lexus is saying the sedan segment is changing... because everyone really is buying crossovers nowadays."
"There appears to just be quite a profound awakening of the desirability for electric vehicles."
"Everything you're seeing all this excitement about around Board Apes and Board Ape Yacht Club, this is all going to be shifting to Crypto Punks in the next three to six months, I believe."
"Do you buy the rotation out of commodities to technology, or stick with consistent performers like big pharma?"
"Nobody uses Bitcoin anymore. It's $50 here, the only coin used today are Monero and Dai."
"Ultimately, I'm excited to try out kick... Kick wants streamers to succeed and twitch frankly does not care."
"Sales of Anheuser-Busch bottled products have reportedly dropped 30 percent... While drought beer plummeted 50 according to Bar owners eighty percent of Bud Light drinkers ordered something else this week."
"The craziest part is when bitcoin goes to three hundred thousand dollars these people will be forced to join the market."
"There is a major major shift happening right now for Bitcoin that we absolutely cannot deny."
"They're starting to turn around to that again instead of it only being direct to consumer."
"When the real estate market changes from a buyer's market to a seller's market, you can expect the price to rise because of increased demand and lagging supply."
"...there has been an underlying shift in the economic fundamentals of the market."
"It's over. We know why should we stay in fossil fuels when solar and wind is cheaper and they're moving quicker into the market."
"Consumers are moving away from internal combustion engine vehicles; their sales are declining in a volatile manner while electric vehicle sales are surging."
"This is a watershed moment. You have signaling from all of the major participants in the financial sector that they're moving into this space."
"After a while, the pendulum swung from prices going up, up to going down."
"The BMW GS changed the motorcycling world, causing a seismic shift in sales figures away from sports tours and sports bikes towards the adventure biking sector."
"I think that 40 years of globalization, 40 years of disinflation, 40-year bond bull market on a real basis, at least, I think they all died on Wednesday night."
"There is definitely a behavior shift happening, and that shift is all the money of collectors and investors is leaving the modern standards stuff now at a very high rate."
"Prominent investors such as Warren Buffett have begun to scale back their investment in China."
"Properly applied, the 'Let's Sell' plan can help any dealer meet the changeover from the seller's to a buyer's market."
"The power has shifted from sellers to buyers."
"This is just the beginning; the tectonic shift towards sustainable investing is still accelerating."
"What we see starting at the pandemic is a big shift in trend."
"We all see the market shifting and a lot of agents are starting to say, 'Well, I don't have a lot of money, how do I go about getting clients when I don't have much to spend?'"
"There is something called 'The Flippening' happening."
"Once five percent of new car sales go fully electric, everything changes."
"Given an inward shift in the supply curve, we expect price to increase, quantity produced and purchased to decrease."
"With this kind of thing on the market, gasoline can say 'bye bye' real quick."
"Tectonic shifts in enterprise tech start in consumer markets."
"When Bitcoin dominance is falling, people are becoming more comfortable with buying altcoins."
"The end of the 36-year bond bull market."
"When this car first topped the sales charts, it was a major inflection point in the Japanese takeover of the American car market."
"Clean meat isn't for vegans; it's to get people who right now are buying meat from fast food companies and supermarkets to switch to this when it's commercially available."
"We, my friends, have a new king, and it's an Android."