
Consumer Relations Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"One incident in a vacuum doesn't hold much water, but it is important to remember when companies do things right as it helps build trust and confidence that they'll continue to do the right thing in the future."
"A respectable company will find a balance between what's profitable and what's consumer-friendly, they'll draw certain lines to make enough money to grow and sustain themselves while valuing their loyal customers."
"Ubisoft is not fooling anyone, not players and consumers and customers and communities, and certainly not game developers who actually know what they're talking about."
"I have never in my life seen an industry that is so openly hostile to its own audience."
"Player trust and consumer trust is the most important thing for any company."
"No one cares anymore because they sold it. In both cases, they saw, 'Oh man, we messed up, let's just communicate.'"
"Nintendo doesn't like squealers, unfortunately."
"Something that is a super rarity nowadays are companies who stand behind their products with great customer service."
"This has to stop now. This is bad business. The audience is furious."
"Just imagine if you stopped watching their stuff or stop buying their products for a day or two - they will collapse."
"What everyone forgets with all their conspiracy theories about Wizards is that Wizards of the Coast wants your money."
"The future is nothing without the brand and the relationship that we have with our consumers."
"It's so rare that you come across a company that aren't greedy and that truly wants to help you out."
"I can't believe they didn't even confirm the specs anymore in this."
"Nintendo has a history of not understanding their fan base, history shows with the Wii U."
"Customer centricity is fundamental; it's about getting closer to our consumers."
"People trusted the developers and they realize they're doing their best."
"It's a game of cat and mouse EA is playing with their community and it's disturbing."
"Transparency in development - a refreshing approach from Arc System Works."
"Dyson EA has lost a lot of community trust for this TTK debacle at the time where they just didn't need to."
"Annoying your core player base is something that can dramatically change public perception very very quickly around your game."
"Trader Joe's has shown that they're pretty hostile."
"CD Projekt RED has shown how much consumers mean to them through their positive actions."
"I think it's more personal, there's that connection."
"Blizzard moving in a more consumer-friendly model."
"Hopefully bridging that gap between consumers and dealers where we can buy, sell cars, do business together without ripping each other off and being a big pain in the ass."
"I hope hope you enjoy it... It's pretty cool to see somebody out there that we buy your companies we like your products and you're on top of the mountain."
"Big companies like this tend to show you who they really are with their actions and not their meaningless words."
"Consumers crave trust, predictability, transparency, respect."
"Brands getting better at understanding who their consumers are and then in turn rewarding those consumers will be a game changer."
"Hopefully its success proves that a game can be successful and profitable without losing Goodwill with your consumer base."
"Give them experiences, not sell them expectations."
"Being honest with yourself, your consumers, and your product."
"How can consumers trust wired at this point? How can the businesses that would give them things to review trust them at this point too?"
"You're dealing with a company that takes what their customers say seriously."
"Better communication will prevent this from happening. Consumers will return neglect or exploitation."
"The value proposition is we're going to monetize this... we've got to give a humongous W to Halo Infinite... at least 343 aren't saying we will take your money and if you don't do if you don't get into the goddamn fields we will burn it."
"We need to apologize, we need to respect people's time and their money."
"Who is the one that actually has a relationship with their consumers and understands what their consumers want... that's who's going to come out on top."
"Do right, do a professional job for your consumer, your client, your homeowner, the person who's paying your bills."
"Build up a relationship with your consumers before you go in with that sales pitch."
"The biggest reason why we have these problems is because of transparency, not only from the dealer but also the consumer."
"When you build an infrastructure and a strategy that doesn't put you at odds with your consumer, you win."
"We're basically trying to bring together those perspectives and bridge the gap between consumer and farm."
"The offline store for us is a way to get to know our consumers, and for consumers to get to know us."
"The customer is a key ingredient in this entire conversation."
"It's clear that some of our pricing initiatives were alienating to consumers."
"We're just going to be upfront and honest with our consumers and our customers."
"It allows us as the producer to share directly with the consumer what it's like."
"Brands themselves have forgotten about the people who made them what they are."
"Choose words and say them in a way that will build trust and respect with the consumer."
"We're going from being a business-to-business company, where we actually deal with businesses, to a direct-to-consumer relationship with thousands of my audience."
"It always comes back to the relationship with the consumer and the customer."