
Cross-cultural Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"The important aspects of horror are universal; they're able to speak across language or cultural barriers."
"Around the world, thousands of children from different backgrounds and religions have described a life they have lived before."
"People are people no matter where you go in the world."
"Blackpink created the ultimate western k-pop album."
"The belief in the afterlife is common across the world."
"Human needs are human needs no matter where you go."
"People generally want to connect with each other and they want to see people from other worlds enjoy what they love."
"Like they said, love has no language. It can cross language barriers."
"Lost grottos of Maijishan: A center of cross-cultural pollination, where East meets West."
"Ultimately, money underlies a lot of what goes on in our life...and then across boundaries as well."
"Her journey is a remarkable testament to the power of love across cultural divides."
"it's just a universally good song that appeals to all races and ages"
"Two totally different cars from totally different worlds, and yet they're friends. It's so wholesome."
"Our love story did not begin in America or in India, but it actually started in South Korea."
"The American submariners feel really terrible for the Russian guys that have to go out in these ships or in these boats. They are horrendous and it's terrifying just actually think about what they have to deal with."
"You can have cross-cultural experiences right here on home soil."
"The production values were frequently mentioned in the later Japanese marketing for the film, often highlighting the cross-cultural production behind it."
"Our first year, actually, we worked with a student from Central China in a public school there."
"It's the people that came to Crystal Beach that I remember so much, friendships that the Canadian and American people forged all during that century, friendships based on fun."
"Don't ever forget, like, when I said they're just like us, and then I remember that being like, 'they ain't just like us,' but there are aspects where they... there's some... there's some stuff, right? There's some cross-cultural, like, they're into some of the same things."
"In some cases, cross-cultural can be more dominant than some cultural aspects."
"Ukiyo-e prints had an influence on European artists like Vincent van Gogh."
"I think one of the things about our film is that it's pretty fair to everybody, the owner, the management, the blue-collar Chinese and Americans."
"Do I want to live the American dream or build my African dream?"
"So that's what we have in this particular piece. Debussy is using this here, and I'll come back to this a little bit later on, because Debussy was very much influenced--and we can document where and why--very much influenced by the Orient, by the East."
"Delon used to be idolized by men and women of his era from France to Japan."
"The presence of the stolen cup motif in various narratives from the biblical tale of Joseph to the Greek ass story and the Aesop romance underscores its adaptability and enduring appeal."
"I was sitting across from these people with thousands of years of cultural history and wisdom."
"It's nice to put a movie like that that's kind of a you know from a European perspective very much made in America by mostly Americans."
"Sumeragi was an elf who once decided to elope with a human."
"People are inherently good, and that doesn't matter what country you're from."
"It is an honor to meet you, Naruto. I certainly hope you enjoy your stay at the Xiaolin Temple."
"I think this film is brilliant and it really translates well to a non-Indian audience."
"What it does show is the combination of Christian and Norse religious elements in one place, which suggests a great deal of cross-cultural contact and harmony between the pagan and the Christian."
"We have some clear evidence from the East for the very things that we're reading in the Bible."
"Cross-cultural research will help us see that similarity."
"By seeking out foreign women they can find a more authentic, fulfilling, and harmonious relationship."
"Cross-cultural stimulation led to the asking of some basic questions."
"The sociological mission is to discover those processes that go across all these different ways of life."
"Words themselves, in the same society, in the same language, and in different languages, split the world of experience in terms of different color references."
"Many of the Mexicans live a lot better than most Americans."
"What does a cow make? That's actually different in different languages."
"Canadians on average seem to know quite a good bit, are quite educated on America and American culture."
"In the global organizations of today and of tomorrow, look at all of the powerful ways that we can communicate and keep that cycle going across the time zones, across the world, across languages."
"So the real question to ask is, what is an Egyptian-sized pyramid and Egyptian god doing on this side of the Atlantic at the burial site for a Mayan king?"
"The history of Britain and Islam comes out very prominently in three aspects: the Crusades, colonialism, and the cross-pollination of ideas."
"Two different people from two different worlds and a beautiful friendship that would grow way more than they ever could believe."
"It's a beautiful story, it's about an American girl who falls in love in Rome with an English guy, Melville."
"It has remained for a man of another world to teach the green warriors of Barsoom the meaning of friendship."
"The friendship between Legolas and Gimli really began here in Lothlórien and would be stronger than any friendship between elf and dwarf in all of the history of Arda."
"It starts with awareness, it grows with knowledge, it's enhanced with specific skills, and it's polished through cross-cultural encounters."
"Haruki Murakami... speaks to American audiences... even though he's Japanese, he speaks to a Western audience to a certain extent."
"These good characteristics are also found in humanism as well as other religious views."
"Once we've established a depth of understanding in one tradition, then to study other traditions only enriches it."
"Miracles such as Noah's flood are not only talked about in Christian sources but also in Muslim, Jewish, and even archaeological sources."
"We are European Muslims, indigenous Europeans for 600 years, on the border between East and West."
"Confused between two countries, but I'm paving a way. I got a feeling that a lot can relate."
"We love helping people be more successful in their international journeys, their cross-cultural journeys, especially international students."
"Awareness of our own cultural worldviews and our reactions to people that are different is the key to cross-cultural success."
"No matter the language, no matter the country, no matter the destination, that commitment and that love for pets is just the same."
"We are born in different countries, but our connection from the past to our spirituality is established beyond borders or language."
"Cyprus was very much engaged with the Greek Aegean but also with the Semitic Near East and Anatolia from a very early time."
"A good understanding of how objects were made not only characterizes the level of technological ability in any one society but also creates means of cross-cultural comparison which are independent of style."
"It's interesting for the Japanese Super Sentai series to have a legit American Ranger."
"Giants appeared in Greek mythology, South American mythology, Celtic mythology... anywhere people told stories."
"My films have not only crossed the borders of my states into other states and become a pan-Indian film but traveled hundreds of thousands of miles across to the U.S. and became successful there."
"The results are so similar across many very different countries."
"Drawing parallels between civilizations, Nibiru in Mesopotamian mythology and the Greek star Phaenon offers a fascinating glimpse into the universal human endeavor to make sense of the cosmos."
"How would you like to have as much money as you need to do basic research cross culturally?"
"The idea was to explore the fundamental universality of mankind across boundaries of faith and ethnicity."
"It's a beautiful story of tolerance, about cross-cultural fusion that's just progressive as hell, frankly."
"That's the most beautiful thing for me, two artists from completely different sides of the world showing appreciation for each other."
"There isn't anyone else, male or female, in this generation or any prior generation who has simultaneously had the kind of success she's had domestically and in the West."
"They are the reason that other groups have been able to get more interest from the West."
"We are called to also do that cross-cultural—it may not be comfortable, it may not be our normal way of living, but Christ calls us, just like He did His disciples 2,000 years ago, to care and to share."
"I was kind of surprised by how on my social media and just like in general in my life, my German friends seem to be much more invested in the elections than my American friends."
"Adaptation is simply our ability of becoming more competent in how we communicate with people of other cultures."
"It's actually fairly easy to listen to the indigenous voice, speak with people like him, come back with questions, and go back and forth even between systems of knowledge."