
Gaming Economics Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"The problem with pay for convenience in games is that they then create a financial incentive for developers to make it inconvenient to not pay."
"People have been talking about the microtransactions, yeah, I see chat keep mentioning that it's $2 to change your appearance."
"Subscription fees are bad... the reality is the genre can't survive through subscription fees alone."
"Every single feature in the entire application is a funnel for you to either get or buy tiles and earn real money with those tiles. That's the entire game."
"Gamers historically have valued in-game digital assets... it's a pretty natural extension to think that they will want to own the assets as well."
"I think 10 damage is the equivalent of about a thousand five hundred to two thousand gold in terms of damage items."
"Fortnite didn't even create the battle pass, but they definitely popularized it and made so much Goddamn money that it actually killed off loot boxes."
"Is this card worth putting 2.5 million coins that then become untradable in your club?"
"Let's bring back justice points. They would allow for upgrades to mythic plus gear without wasting a seasonally capped currency."
"You can make hundreds of thousands of coins every single day depending on how much time you have."
"So many games these days just remove trade... You need to have trade in your games."
"Players spend 100 billion dollars each year on items that you don't own. This is wrong."
"You're just like, 'What? Fifty dollars more than the others?' What fifty dollars more than the average? You could buy a second pre-constructed deck for less than what you saved. That's how money works!"
"Oh, that's freaking awesome, yeah there's a currency in this game, you can spend money on NPCs."
"I got to check only has one Robux he's going to fall so far behind this is awesome."
"You're just accumulating all that wealth playing, you're not being forced."
"Allow players to actually own their in-game items instead of the company owning their account and being able to shut that down at any time."
"Breach was one of the most currency giving leagues of all time where one breech portal would give like as much currency as a whole map."
"Rock and roll is constantly drifting... Let's reclaim this feeling that we need to express."
"If you can hack Warframe to make it possible to buy literally everything and you don't mind spending the time, 3107 euros is what Mr30 is actually worth."
"Time is money and a lot of games want to monetize that idea."
"Do not tell your players that the majority of people do not spend money."
"Bossing with melee can earn you a ton of money."
"The more time you take, the more money, gold, and XP you make."
"Daily challenges are still more efficient for earning gold bars over time than anything else in the game."
"We kept all of the loot boxes and the economy of real world money turned off in playtesting."
"Players spent 87 billion dollars on in-game items. Players received zero dollars."
"Charlton is around like 2 million coins, so I feel like asking for Charlton obviously up there, but it's not like we're asking for an extinct player."
"Playing to earn is the concept of being able to play a game and earn value." - Crypto Stash
"Every time you want to do something cool it's, well you can't, you have to go to the cash shop."
"Online gaming should be free. We already pay for everything else."
"Buying out cards is so counter-productive to the game of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"The fodder market is out of this world, it's literally crazy."
"There's arguably not been a better time to build a gaming PC in the last two years."
"This city is making 18,000 gold in one turn the Empire is making 50,000 gold."
"I actually wouldn't be surprised if the replayable missions are free because I don't, I don't, I don't have anything to substantiate that, that's just like my personal speculation."
"The intent was to provide players with a sense of Pride and accomplishment for unlocking different Heroes and a bunch of other stuff nobody asked for."
"If you love a game, buy it at effing full price. Don't complain if a game doesn't get a sequel if it wasn't supported at launch."
"I am a believer in the idea that pay to win is probably worse than not pay to win."
"It's like why buy a $500 console when I can just play the game on my computer?"
"I'd even pay a subscription service if the game is good and consider the microtransactions as a virtual tip jar."
"This is fascinating. Viper is getting Shipwright, which means his Navy is going to be cheaper to produce."
"The moment you see more than two currencies in any video game, that's a sign it's pay to win."
"With the new system, we would get value equal to the amount of content that Supercell actually releases, which makes sense to me and is enjoyable and is fun."
"Is she free to play friendly? I actually think that Hutao is super free to play friendly."
"I've also got quite a few players to sell so I could actually get back up to the coinage."
"That legendary skin is 2,000 V-bucks. It's a little V-box."
"The gotcha system is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people."
"The new system of earning Bonds is more transparent and predictable."
"Making Genshin more accessible for free-to-plays doesn't necessarily lessen or diminish the spending habits of whales."
"Selling items is a lot more profitable than just doing missions or honestly doing anything else in game."
"Guys, we actually have so much money in this game that I don't think we can even spend it all."
"This year hit a new milestone that nobody wanted to see: 70 dollar video games."
"Pay to win games are not really that big of a deal if every single person has to spend a hundred dollars a month to play the game and they're all on the same playing field."
"Earn every single brand new gun without spending a single penny."
"The biggest factor that went into making Fortnite Battle Royale such a hit was the fact that it was free-to-play."
"It feels like there has been so much stuff this year that already caters to the whales and the big spenders on Marvel contest of Champions."
"We reduced the cost of his Berserker cancels during Instinct by 30%."
"A lot of them are starting to think that this means that FNCS is going to have a pretty low price pool as well."
"So if you buy this right here, um character level boost includes a one-time character boost to 68 a death knight level boost oh so all of the pets and toys and [ __ ] are just gonna be for buying the game again all right."
"This is honestly how I made a ton of coins this year."
"We made 6,000, we spent 175 on that oven and it got us 6,000 in the game."
"Don't buy clay from villagers... it's still not worth it."
"Bestiary: Pushing it to the limit and seeing how much we can earn from it."
"If you had a game with a very fair monetization system and it makes $800 million a year every year forever, that would be great."
"No premium currency, just a massive slap in the face."
"A good game is still a good game regardless of it being free to play or full price."
"Whales in video games are just the same, and video game companies cater to them in the same way."
"People are so attached to the 60 or 70 gaming price model that they freak out when anything else comes in and disrupts the industry."
"Rabadon's Deathcap now costs 3800 gold and the ability power multiplier has been lowered from 40 to 35 percent."
"Whenever you introduce microtransactions into a game that didn't previously have microtransactions, you're needless to say gonna get a little bit of mixed feedback."
"I don't need to buy rockets anymore because I've got infinite gunpowder."
"We gotta really find a way to get more achievements and also not waste all the money, because I am ready for another upgrade."
"According to Wired, free-to-play mobile games make the vast majority of the revenue from just a handful of players, these players are referred to in the industry by generally unflattering named whales."
"You can make like five mirrors a week... sharing the cost between six people."
"Value farm incredibly high because he's very item reliant."
"Rare items within the game can achieve an insane value."
"This isn't a pay2win thing; this is a pay for convenience thing."
"Every time you battle barbarians, the cost goes down by two."
"Essence reaver is now only 2900 gold and gives 40 ad 20 crit chance and 20 ability haste."
"Ships can be purchased for real money as standalone ships or with game packages."
"The coolest thing about membership in RuneScape nowadays is you can actually buy it with in-game GP or gold pieces."
"It's basically a given at this point if you're playing a free game it's going to have a battle pass."
"We're generating 4,000 gold per turn just from having our slaves inside the Iron Mountains."
"Free-to-play games offer a lot of advantages from the very start."
"All these units cost me almost nothing to hire and upgrade... and that's why I love Hungarian civilization 6."
"As far as I can tell through all of this they are saying yes we have these purchasable microtransactions but they are just cosmetic."
"Build discard teams while you're building your coins. You don't want to go with the big dog expensive teams because right now, players are super expensive."
"Stocking up on reagents like life root and fire oils could yield a big gold flip."
"Nothing is free, especially when it comes to gaming."
"The bronze pack method: more about longevity and long-term profit, not short-term gains."
"What gaming doesn't want to give you that tank for free, right?"
"They signed up to increase game prices...they were the only platform holder to start pricing their games a bit higher."
"You can get collections of cars, so if you get looking collect a set of cars, you can sell that collection for far more than a normal sell mission."
"It's not the Krakens that fund the 1 billion dollar game, maybe it is the $2 packs and the hyperdrive bundle."
"Tier 2 eventually becomes I would say incredibly overpowered and this is because it costs an amount of money that is a lot at first but in the late game is insignificant."
"That's so crazy expensive, but it makes us have a higher money bonus, which is really nice."
"Cash in and never cash out." - Referring to the alternative model for users in web 2 gaming.
"We've committed that content purchasable with real money in Marvel's Avengers will be aesthetic only additions."
"I don't think personally it's killing games... If anything, it's made some games possible because they've accepted Game Pass deals."
"Do you have a wonderful ingredient in your bag would you be considered would you consider selling it to me the gourmet maid or Gore maid is I like the caller she will buy any sort of food items from you at an increased price."
"The amount of coins that we have gained from these two matches is zero."
"Genshin Impact has terrorized our wallets... I mean graced our lives."
"So basically had to spend a thousand dollars get these skins and to get these back plane so with that huge price wall in between you and this back fling that essentially is what makes this is back wing soap right."
"Video games are a business and businesses need to go where the money tells them to."
"Why are games pay to win? Because pay to win mechanics make money."
"Monetizing difficulty is a controversial practice."
"It's optional to justify microtransactions, willfully ignoring how video games are designed to be grindier and less convenient."
"The MTX is focused on providing awesome stuff to collect."
"FIFA points do end up getting scrapped, I him that's good for the game I think it's brilliant."
"War Chest is an exciting new way to engage with StarCraft II that will give you early access to in-game items for all three races at a remarkably low cost while simultaneously supporting the StarCraft II eSports scene."
"I commend anybody that plays strictly free to play but the gold pass is such good value. However, that is the only thing we will purchase."
"So if we were to do this for an entire hour we'd be making over 400,000 GP an hour stealing sandwiches from an NPC. That's unusual and solid profit. I like it."
"The bunker is the best semi-passive business in Grand Theft Auto Online."
"Halo Infinite cosmetics are about to get cheaper."
"I'm feeling like slowly EA is doing a very good job of taking all of these... I have a lot of tradeable ones on my transfer list which is also good."
"Rewards are not worth it, but the amount of coins you get if you want to get to a sick team, this is the only way."
"That's gonna really help us out for trading and sniping."
"The post and net colors are worth an incredible amount and I think they sell instantly actually, so maybe have a look at that and it could be more coins for you."
"Definitely makes the game less pay to win and more free to play because now you get major rewards just for playing the game a lot longer instead of winning and stuff like that."
"Every time you play this game, there is an infinite different number of directions that you can be spending money."
"Venatus: can make over 6 million GP per hour with a low gear investment."
"So we've made true profit on the amount of coins I spent for the SBC."
"It's not pay to win, it's pay to skip the grind."
"If they had have done an RE remake tier job in each one of those games they probably could have just got maybe a 40, you know, three 45 buck games."
"I'll be blown away if we aren't well over 3.5 million coins by tomorrow."
"Running this you should probably expect closer to 60k or subs profit per mount."
"Attention is the basic currency in which video games trade."
"Freemium games are free to play, but pay to win."
"Web 2 games are just a place where you sync your time, lose your time, and lose your money. In Web 3 games, yes, you'll lose your time, but you can gain money."