
Spiritual Perception Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The i with which I see God is the same eye that sees me."
"Give me spiritual eyes to see, and ears to hear, and a heart that will be with yours."
"It's not a darkness to be scary of... it's a thinner veil that's still covering the god state."
"Stop looking into the lake of life and seeing yourself. Look into the lake of life and see God."
"Look past the mask and see God there. His hand is shining throughout the text."
"The eyes in your heart help you see beyond what you see."
"Your person also sees you as someone who's very spiritual, very intuitive, and somebody who is very beautiful."
"The Holy Spirit doesn't care how it looks, because it doesn't judge."
"These sorts of human beings I find them quite unspiritual."
"What God whispers to you may sound like thunder to those around you."
"Trust your intuition like owls seeing past the thickest of night."
"It's funny how the things of the spirit look crazy and they look foolish and they sound silly, but it is so prophetic."
"I'm just believing that people have ears that hear and eyes I see."
"Let the eyes of your faith be wide open, ready to see the blessings flowing into your existence."
"Eclipses can feel like the veil between the worlds is especially thin, allowing us to recognize our spiritual lessons more easily."
"You really do have to have the spiritual eyes to be able to see these kinds of things."
"Let's not think that just because it's not of its origins in Christianity means it's wrong. Maybe we could look even at pagan religions and say, 'Huh, they captured something of God's nature in the created world that's really beautiful.'"
"The third eye is not just a metaphor for intuition, it is a direct gateway to profound wisdom, to perception beyond the visible, to that which transcends our physical reality."
"The greatest inspiration comes from kids. I see God in the face of children."
"We have a direct perception of the things of God in the world of the truth of God."
"What if you can glimpse a truer, more accurate God perception?"
"Authentic people see God, but because they are for real, God can be for real with them."
"Timing is different to them than it is to us. What can feel like years or a lifetime in the eyes of spirit or in the eyes of the divine, it will happen in a blink of an eye."
"Every Believer can see into the invisible realm!"
"The one cannot be seen, for no one can envision it."
"Your eyes will see what the Father is doing and your ears will hear what the Father is saying."
"They're seeing you as the Divine Feminine."
"An awakened human always and in everything sees the Divine Consciousness only."
"Die with a smile and you will be treated the way you perceived Allah to treat you."
"It's one of those ones I can't forget, you know? And I just knew this baby was an ancient soul, not old, ancient."
"The people of faith hear what other folks can't hear and see what other people cannot see."
"Eden is right here when we choose to move into the level of perception through which we feel and know our Oneness with all life."
"Your issue is not prayer, it's not fasting, your issue is you don't know how to perceive God because your spiritual senses have not been exercised."
"Learn to see with a silent mind, with a pure Clairvoyant mind."
"If you cannot bear to see the created, how do you expect to see the Creator?"
"Put on your spiritual lens because we about to see in the spirit right now."
"In the realm of the spirit, you see with your ears and you hear with your eyes."
"The way is to divinize life itself, to see God in everything around you, in life itself, everywhere."
"So, if you see someone in your field of vision, in your mind's eye, or externally a spirit, you can throw light at them to see are they who they say they are?"
"Judging prayer warriors based on the length of their prayers instead of the answers received shows a lack of spiritual perception."
"Your issue is not prayer, your issue is not fasting. Your issue is you don't know how to perceive God because your spiritual senses have not been exercised."
"The Holy Spirit activates your spiritual senses, enabling you to hear, see, discern, and perceive God's will."
"But I praise God that my husband and I have no problem whatsoever when I see something and he doesn't see it."
"Open our eyes to see, open our ears to hear you clearly."
"Of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons."
"What a wonderful concept it has come to us after all these years and has actually changed the way all of us perceived the Divine Will and lived this reality."
"You are seeing Him rightly from today, only loving you like no one can."
"They are the strongest souls among us, blessed with the unique ability to perceive, navigate, and merge dual realities into a singular vision of unity and enlightenment."
"In every action, with eyes open and eyes closed, they are able to perceive this one underlying reality."
"In that translucency, they see innumerable shadings of light that their inner sight seems to drink directly in."
"This is how they perceive deeper pleasures."
"I truly perceive in you the spirit poured forth from the rich Lord of Love."
"Tanzanite: Linkage of the mind and heart, enhanced spiritual perception, compassion, and self-expression."
"The message of yoga will encircle the globe. It will aid in establishing the brotherhood of man: a unity based on humanity's direct perception of the One Father."
"Spirit is seeing you as a very wise person."