
Learning Focus Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Now, whatever you're doing right now, I want you to close all your tabs, put your phone away, get your notepad out, and write this stuff down because this is a heavy video; there's so much for you to learn."
"Don’t run towards grades, run towards understanding the subject, and grades will automatically come."
"Well, I'll keep it at school just for another minute or two because I wanted to make the point about, you write about in your book."
"If you take away standardized tests, you allow education to happen."
"I worked super hard, I would always look to improve, and I wanted to learn."
"Just keep in mind that you're here trying to learn and improve yourself."
"You're looking for any growth and lessons, not about wins and losses."
"Don't worry about learning all of it, focus on what you need to know to solve your problem."
"We're focused on funded accounts, phase one, phase two, passing the challenge, but measuring ourselves based on our learning."
"Focus on what you struggle with, not what you already know. That's the key."
"By focusing on the most important and core topics first and moving out from there, we can help to prioritize what we're actually studying."
"For purpose, goals, and aims, always picture aiming attention from the subject to whatever the purpose is."
"None of this is personal is for our learning."
"Curated specifically for learning, meaning there are no ads."
"This course is centered around practice, practice, practice."
"Education should be about the kids learning. It shouldn't be about politics."
"Trading is about learning, not just making a profit."
"The main driver is just my loafer luring things, and if I'm not learning, then I'm not at the right place."
"Every bit of this to me is stimulated and it's all backdrop... we're here to learn, we are here for a very definitive purpose."
"Disconnect the whole grade level thing from the subjects."
"We're really just focused on learning and making progress."
"I came here today to learn more about deliveries."
"By the end of this video I want to have giving you a clear path on what you should be learning to secure your future."
"Persevere, keep pushing, build on what you learn."
"It's almost like if you just shift your perspective to learning compared to winning you'll enjoy the game."
"Education is a very strong focus. So I think we put that first above everything else."
"You should take advantage of the time to learn. School is about learning, not just getting good grades."
"Remember, you're here to actually learn and solve problems, not to pass checks or to get grades."
"Don't obsess over learning a programming language. The programming language, while it is important because that's the language you'll be sort of talking with the computer, it's not the most critical part."
"It's much better to focus on something until you can use it very well, rather than trying to learn as many words as possible."
"He was far more interested in the learning, than being right."
"We have to reframe the conversation; we can't and won't talk about education, we need to change the conversation from one about education to one about learning."
"The emphasis of school must shift from examination to education."
"Our view is that assessment should both prove and improve students' learning."
"I take the reaction format on this channel and I break it down and I focus on making it educational."
"Babbel has a strong focus on confidence building, which is an integral part when learning a language."
"The result is not as important as the lessons that you learn along the way."
"We always focus on the outcome instead of focusing on the ability to learn."
"Concentrate on the basics, and the rest will follow."
"The more important thing rather than the fade is that you're actually getting and understanding the herringbone stitch."
"We are all here to learn; we're not here to find mistakes or anything."
"Learn, retain better, and focus on all of that more than pass or fail."
"Engaging teaching is challenging, it is learning-centred."
"It doesn't matter where you go to school, it matters what you study."
"It's not about teaching, it's about learning."
"You don't pay anything, you just have to pay attention."
"You need to stop caring about performance and prioritize learning."
"If school put learning instead of testing and memorizing as the top standard, then the letter F would not stand for failure, it would stand for find another answer."