
Molecular Structure Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Quantum mechanics tells atoms the electrons how to arrange themselves...how atoms fit together into molecules."
"Group priority determines R or S configuration."
"Remember, five carbon has a phosphate, three carbon has an OH group. Difference between oxyribose and deoxyribose is the OH on the second carbon."
"The six-sided symmetry of snowflakes is a direct consequence of water's molecular structure."
"If you wrote 'ugly' on one jar of water and then you wrote 'I love you, you're beautiful' on another, it changed the molecular structure of the water."
"Water is polar, which means half of it has a slight negative charge, the other half has a slight positive charge."
"In food, acid changes the structure of the molecules."
"The molecular structure is unlike anything we've ever seen. It's harder than a diamond."
"...where once again we have delocalization of pi electrons all through those regions, a localized pi bond right there and now instead of partial positives we have partial negatives."
"Stereoisomers have the same structural formula but a different arrangement of atoms in space."
"The whole time we've been learning... That is the best structure, that is the correct structure."
"Isomers have the same structure but different arrangements."
"A DNA molecule is made up of two strands... forming this helix."
"Nonpolar covalent bonds, especially those between carbon atoms, create the stable framework of the large molecules that make up most of the structural components of the human body."
"The true structure of benzene has this circular circle in the middle, which denotes the fact that these electrons are delocalized."
"Hydrogen wants one bond, oxygen almost always is two, nitrogen likes three bonds, carbon wants four bonds."
"The shape of a molecule depends on these clouds of electrons that are moving around a central nucleus."
"The DNA the central molecule to living systems is held together by a sugar."
"The basic structure of collagen is a triple helix."
"What's the most useful thing you can get? Molecular formula and functional groups."
"By understanding how to read these signals, we can actually put these pieces together as a puzzle and figure out what the molecule is."
"This is like using a jigsaw puzzle and putting the molecule back together."
"NMR is used to help determine the structure of a molecule."
"High-resolution proton NMR tells us information on how hydrogen atoms are arranged."
"Bond length decreases with increasing bond order."
"The structure on the left fulfills the octet rule."
"IR spectroscopy can talk to you about what's going around in your molecule."
"When a molecule has a chirality center, we can describe the exact arrangement of those atoms around the chirality center using what's called the absolute configuration."
"Cubane is a cube-shaped molecule and while you might think that it's just a pretty looking molecule with no practical uses, it's actually a fancy building block that medicinal chemists want to use."
"Typically these rogue proteins, once they adopt the shape, they're very very stable."
"Chemists have brilliantly come up with a system to name this, and so they've come up with AXE. Now A is the central atom, X is the bonding pair regions, and E is the lone pair regions."
"The valence shell electron pair repulsion model predicts the structure of the molecule."
"Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures are called isomers."
"All proteins have the first three levels: primary, secondary, tertiary."
"Purines have a shorter name but a larger structure; pyrimidines have a larger name but a shorter structure."
"Shape is particularly important in chemistry because shape can dictate properties of a particular molecule."
"With two electron domains, for them to spread out as far apart around that central atom as possible, they're just going to be on opposite sides and they're going to be 180 degrees apart."
"When we start putting lone pairs in, they're going to preferentially start adopting these equatorial positions, not the axials."
"As you increase the number of the carbon chain, you're going to get more electrons on the molecule itself."
"This all causes an increase in boiling point as you go down the chain."
"As the number of bonds between two atoms increases, the bond grows shorter and stronger."
"Water's unique emergent properties arise from the structure of the water molecule."
"What is the ozone molecule made of? Three oxygen atoms."
"DNA is unbranched linear polymer of nucleotides."
"Molecules have a specific shape with specific angles because bonds actually repel each other equally."
"It's like playing with the ultimate lego set, but instead of legos, you're playing with atoms."
"We can classify proteins based on function, level of structure, or shape."
"Proteins can function like locks and keys, and locks and keys are highly dependent on their shape."
"Molecules with shape perform functions, and the only molecules you can get with shape are those made out of covalently linked non-metals."
"The integrity of the beta-lactam ring is required for the antibiotic action of the beta-lactam antibiotics."
"The hydrophobic nitrogenous bases are pushed to the center and hydrophilic backbones are on the periphery."
"The polymers do exist in various types of structures or molecular structures where they can have a linear structure, branched structure, three-dimensional network structure, as well as cross-linked type of structure."
"A bond order of one would correspond to a single bond, a bond order of two would correspond to a double bond, a bond order of three would correspond to a triple bond."
"So the groups want to get as far away from each other as possible so they're going to establish a tetrahedral geometry."
"DNA and RNA are similar; they have a base, and these bases can vary."
"The reason why the volume didn't go to 100 cubic centimeters is that the water molecules are large, they leave spaces in between them, and molecules of alcohol are very small, so they had to fit into the spaces that were between water molecules."
"Enantiomers are molecules that are mirror images of each other."
"The electron density is concentrated between the two nuclei."
"We're made of nano strings; all the constituents that make you and make me are nano-sized molecules."
"Degrees of unsaturation is basically the number of rings plus the number of pi bonds in the molecule."
"It's the coil that allows the hydrogen bonds to form, and, conversely, it's the hydrogen bonds that help to stabilize the coil."
"Xenon tetrafluoride is a square planar molecule; therefore, it belongs to the symmetry point group D4h."
"We can get an incredible amount of information about bond distances, bond strengths, bond angles using these sorts of spectra."
"If we have one stereo center on the molecule, it is chiral."
"This carbon right here is a stereocenter and it is the only stereo center in the molecule."
"Raman spectroscopy is sensitive to chemical bonding and molecular structure through the vibrational modes."
"Many of the properties that you see in water are related directly to the balance between these two structures that makes water to be that weird."
"This ice has a different molecular structure, thanks to which it doesn’t melt for so long."
"I believe that as our understanding of the structure of molecules... becomes more and more extensive... we shall be able to make more and more progress in the fields of biology and medicine."
"Cyclopropane is like a coil spring; cyclohexane is like a length of relaxed wire."
"Sulfur by itself does really well to form bridging species."
"The idea of applying molecular orbital theory is that we're going to carry over those atomic orbital concepts into the molecular electronic structure realm to try and gain a fundamental understanding of what electrons are actually doing inside molecules."
"Oxygen has a double bond in it, right? That makes sense to us to a certain extent."
"Carbon monoxide is isoelectronic with N2."
"Antibiotics are small molecular graphs and we can represent molecules as graphs where the nodes are atoms and edges correspond to chemical bonds."
"Chemical isomers... same molecular formula but a different arrangement."
"You owe your existence to a bent molecule of water."
"That's a great way to start to build molecules, to have atoms that have optimized orbitals."
"The three pieces stay linked because of their disulfide bonds. That's correct, so that's pretty cool."