
Unrest Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"With the unrest swirling in Baghdad, a familiar visitor slipped quietly into the Iraqi capital. The city had been under siege for weeks as protesters marched in the streets demanding an end to corruption and calling for the ouster of the prime minister."
"Riots are the voice of the unheard...you need to address the underlying condition."
"Fires are burning, president fans flames instead of fighting them."
"If you have people who lose their job, you'll see enormous social unrest."
"None of them should have been there. The rioters shouldn't have been there, the mob shouldn't have been there, the police should have."
"America is teetering on the edge of a precipice at the moment because if people can't eat, that's when social unrest happens."
"If the people don't trust the government, you're sowing the seeds for massive disturbances."
"There'll be riots in the streets if there's a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information."
"Even on inauguration day, Washington DC was in flames."
"We are going to see things we have never ever seen, and all of this unrest is to stop that."
"People just got fed up with it, and when that all blew up in '92, people were ready to say enough is enough."
"There's so much chaos and craziness going on."
"Civil unrest is almost inevitable at this particular point in time."
"There will be possibly some unrest but this is a positive arrest because mercury is very emma analyzes everything very well and when people see the truth of course there will be some murmuring as they say."
"Global warfare... You'll hear of wars and rumors of wars."
"You will not get peace until we get justice, and riots and uprisings keep the system in check."
"The signs of potential turmoil in our armed forces are there."
"Thousands of demonstrators bypassed security barricades, climbed on the roofs, broke windows, and invaded all three buildings."
"Americans have been brainwashed into believing they don't deserve time off for retirement."
"The wicked are like the troubled sea that cannot rest." - Isaiah 57:20
"All major metropolitan cities are on fire and the mayor of these cities which are on fire are all Democrat coincidence I think not."
"We have a lot going on: autonomous zones, states lining up against other states, calls for martial law."
"Civil unrest can and will lead to balkanization."
"That appears to be the trajectory we're on. I'm not saying that the US is going to take to the streets tomorrow."
"War is no longer simply military confrontation between nations, but anything from popular unrest to terrorism."
"Power returned to the people, long-term solutions. Panic." - Q
"Through fear, we will be looking for someone to fill the vacuum because of all of the unrest."
"People who used to have high status but now have lost that status... that's a major factor that causes civil unrest and instability."
"Believe me you, that if things do become explosive in Ferguson, there’s a very good chance that it’s not going to be exclusively Ferguson."
"The final age of the Kali Yuga described in the ancient Hindu texts has been seen by some to Bear a striking resemblance to our own time with its escalating unrest, pestilence, and destruction."
"The Rhine Valley is a place of romance and beauty, but its peaceful setting belies the unrest that rippled through this region 500 years ago."
"It is kicking off, silently kicking off."
"Unrest can be useful in the grand scheme of things."
"The next big thing will be immigration riots."
"Although religion was the major factor in the escalation of national unrest, it was economic issues arising from the religious discontent that would finally light the fuse and plunge the country into Civil War."
"Interesting times meant unrest, revolution, famine."
"Then something happened, and it blew up as an explosion of civil strife."
"The harsh living conditions, frequent outbreaks of violence, and numerous deaths that occurred within the prison are believed to have left a lingering presence of unrest and suffering."
"Sometimes something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the Soul can't rest."
"The country erupted in nationwide riots after the government announced a 30% increase in taxes on gasoline."
"...it's a hot button issue and it's one that's leading to a lot of protests and a few riots around the street."
"You had social change, social unrest, and you had a moment where it was time for change."
"Protesters have now broken into the U.S. Capitol."
"There was major civil unrest, especially after people started dying like flies."
"...after losing their friends, Harlem just went on the rampage."
"Many people feared another Civil War was on the way."
"This program has taken on tone of civil unrest. It sends anarchy at the gates."
"The riots are really just composed of people who just want to watch the world burn."
"The seeds of unrest began to take root, sparking fears, doubts, and resistance."
"Protests erupt across the Galaxy, some of which end up getting violent."
"Cities practically declaring war on the peasants."
"However, familiar peace in Azeroth is often fleeting."
"Controlling things so that they could not rest."
"The tensions and agitations eventually exploded in 1936 when the Arabs across the Mandate took up arms against both the British and the Jews whose mere presence they despised."
"Somebody here cannot rest, they feel betrayed, like they've been schemed or scammed."
"Confronted daily by societal disparities that fuel unrest."
"Ah, it's an ill conscience that's such an enemy to rest."
"The next day, April 4th, 1968, riots broke out in more than 150 cities across America in response to Dr. King's murder."
"There's no such thing as peace, there's no such thing as home."
"Unrest is the type of existence in a world like this, where there is no stability, only a restless whirlpool of change."
"When we look at these riots in 1915, it makes you think about the role of the mob in history."
"The current Andromeda galaxy is not calm at all."
"Nobody wants that. But if Steph is right, someone deliberately started those riots and somehow used a satellite to do it."
"Hostilities remained, violence against people and property continued."
"...ever as their power and glory grew greater, their unquiet increased."
"Letizia cannot live peacefully with the thought that the criminal is still at large."
"The anger of the people is rising all around us like floodwater."
"On New Year's Eve, Napoleon received grave news from Paris: rumors of plots and Austria mobilizing once more for war."
"We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace."
"There's a lot of civil unrest that is buried here, a lot of people with stories that want to be told."
"The streets of America were on fire in 2020. Why was that happening? And why does it still seem like we're just on fire?"
"Mass riots ensued across the country, to the point that 10,000 men converge on the town of Lavenham in Suffolk to launch a rebellion."
"There is this undercurrent of unrest and dissatisfaction."
"I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes."
"I cleaned up the mess and attempted to go to sleep, but I tossed and turned most of the night, laying with my gun under my pillow."
"We should all be in a constant state of unrest because we are still not there as a people."
"There is never any warmth where the dead do not rest."
"Lenora cannot rest. Her grave is ever empty at night."
"Lenora will never rest until she gets revenge."
"Their spirits are quite unruly and looking to be heard."
"The civil unrest made its way to Christian communities, had Christians even thinking if they were themselves racist as well sinful people."
"I couldn't sleep, struggling to understand why my faith doesn't calm me. I believe in something; why am I so unsettled?"
"It was a nation divided, there was violence on the terraces and unrest on the streets; however, there was a party on the horizon, and everyone would be invited."
"This is an interesting example of the type of civil unrest in Eastern Tennessee at the end of the Civil War."
"It relieves you from the burden of your -- of each of our incredible unrest at our own humanity."
"There is no peace for those who live after."
"The visit had been conducted during a period of increasing unrest in the Spanish Philippines."
"Potential for unrest and tragedy looms large, reinforcing the importance of vigilance and global cooperation."
"Things seemed worse than usual up there. It gets hot like this, and folks get dissatisfied with life; they start looking around for somebody to take it out on."
"Times were indeed tough, and civil unrest was high."
"I never felt rested when I woke up."
"Bullies have no internal peace, they have no internal calmness to draw upon."
"We observe unrest dynamics at calderas so large that if we observed them at a stratovolcano, almost certainly there would be an eruption following those unrest dynamics."
"Death should be the end of suffering, and yet these souls were still struggling to find peace."
"But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked."
"Russia was rife with discontent and ready to accept a change in leadership."
"The mind is in a sad state when Sleep, the all-involver, cannot confine her spectres within the dim region of her sway."
"There's a lot of craziness going on in the world now."
"Everybody's decided to make trouble, and so we have wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth."
"Silence was not quiet or calm, and it was not peace."
"We live in a society that promotes extreme capitalism, and with a bunch of disenfranchised people... what do you think is gonna happen once the [__] hits the fan?"
"There's been a lot of fighting up in the East, the Kharkiv front has yet to really settle down."
"A stony heart is an impure heart, a divided heart, an unpeaceful heart."
"The world of cultivation will always be restless before a natural disaster arrives."
"A new year is upon us, but unrest and uncertainty fill the air."
"I think she plays a really important role in showing the unrest and distrust of the Jedi Order."
"Nice little tip for you, you can drill in a province that has unrest and it still applies the friendly troops modifier there."
"Sometimes something so bad happens that a soul cannot rest until you put the wrong things right."
"They bring the human heart wherein no nightly calm can be."
"The seeds of discontent growing back home in England, growing into thorny roses."
"It was the nightmare before Christmas, not a creature was peaceful, not even a mouse."