
Political Consequences Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"This is a country that is in pain right now and if democrats... do not respond now, yes, I believe two years from now, the republicans will say, 'Hey, you elected these guys, they did nothing, vote for us,' and they will win."
"There are no points for failure in politics. We're dealing with people's lives here."
"But the consequences of pulling out of the WHO for the world, I think, would be quite deadly."
"Leaving without an agreement at the end of October could trigger a general election."
"Term limits might have unintended consequences, and I think there's a better way forward."
"The constitutional case in favor of Trump being tried after leaving office is that the punishment is not merely being kicked from office, it is also being barred from future office."
"I think that if you vote for somebody, to some extent you own what they do."
"The failed war with Ukraine, which has revealed the weakness of Putin and his state, could very well be the spark that ignites The Frayed Timbers of Russian institutions."
"If you don't want to be criticized for taking a politically volatile action, then don't take the politically volatile action."
"You don't get to vote this way and then somehow it goes away. This will stick with you the rest of your career and long after you're gone."
"At the end of the day elections have consequences."
"Protesters of course descended on Nancy Pelosi's home after she praised it so I can only say I guess you reap what you sow."
"Being black and supporting an individual that has a negative effect on a significant number of black people requires a mirror."
"By making this invasion, Putin has done more than anybody else to bring his regime to an end."
"He didn't say that straight after the result of the referendum. He and his ilk have done a lot of damage to our country."
"If Donald Trump wins and Republicans hold Congress, they will pass a nationwide abortion ban."
"If Donald Trump were to win another election in this country it is the end of America as we know it."
"Boris Johnson's downfall is a historic event and a warning to conservative parties around the world."
"Once you break the seal here, there will be no impeachment trials ever again."
"Winner takes all party leaders vote but what will a loss mean for their future in politics?"
"Politically, this would not be a good move for Putin."
"When liberal powers leave, those spaces are filled by other people. Power politics abhors a vacuum."
"All of this is self-inflicted wounds by President Trump."
"If the Republicans lose the House, there will be no wall, end of story."
"Boris Johnson really doesn't mind who he leaves twisting in the wind."
"The attack on January 6th was a direct and predictable result of Mr. Trump's decision to use false claims of election fraud to overturn the election and to cling to power."
"The Chernobyl disaster took a huge economic and political toll on the Soviet Union."
"He named the date, he named the time, and he brought them here. And now he must pay the price."
"You know when I came out against Trump yeah I say this all the time I did lose my home I did lose my job I did lose relationships I did lose my life savings I was on unemployment for months."
"The practical effect of all this is gonna be that we're gonna have to hold our breath for the next 13 days."
"This just feels like Trump is going to get away with everything. What a terrible precedent this will set."
"Even ignoring all of that, we've got something else going on here. We have a state court applying this to a president."
"If Donald Trump loses because of voter fraud, who can you blame except yourself?"
"If Trump were to shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he would have to be impeached."
"I think when we start changing our votes based on violent acts we're actually going to invite more violence."
"If we don't do that and the Democrats win, it's possible we get big taxes on wealthy people, free college for all." - Warren Buffett
"If that leads you to impeachment, then so be it."
"If this is the country that the left wants, this is the country they're going to get."
"If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."
"Accountability is coming for all those who may have committed crimes."
"The only action that President Trump has inspired is a bunch of lawsuits."
"If the Senate blesses this historically low bar, we will invite the impeachment of every future president."
"We are responsible for the Democracy that we have and we have got to continue to educate people, get them to pay attention and recognize that there are consequences to elections."
"Tyranny does not extinguish extremism; tyranny creates extremism."
"I think my deepest hope is that this is not going to become a template for anyone who comes after Donald Trump."
"It led to a major setback for the Republican Party, especially as they lost many seats in Congress in the 1974 midterm elections."
"If partisan impeachment is now the rule of the day, future presidents, Democrats, Republicans, will be paralyzed."
"It's becoming increasingly unpopular to be a police officer."
"You may win this vote, but in the process, you will speed the precipitous decline of faith in our institution, our politics, the Senate, and the Supreme Court."
"More people may die if they are not able to coordinate on a distribution plan with the Trump administration officials."
"If these people get their way, we get four more years of Trump. It's just that simple."
"Conduct like theirs is just asking for another January 6th."
"The split is the following for political reasons having to do with the United States's position in the world economy that came out of World War II."
"If you advocate for censoring your opponent, it is going to come for you next."
"It's wild how we're on the 85th billionth example of lefties looking at the consequences of Republicans winning elections and going, 'Damn, looks like we didn't achieve anything.'"
"It's political reprisals that cost someone the most, you know, arguably one of the most important things in their lives."
"I sure hope they do have the appetite to put him in prison because that will deter tomorrow's wannabe dictator."
"When you see this trend keep going the way it is, it's only going to lead to more troubles politically, socially, violence, and uh, yeah exactly right now."
"If you don't do every single thing they say particularly on anything connected to their political goals and Donald Trump then you will be completely tossed aside."
"The negative consequence for them of not speaking out and not confronting this president is they will have a whole set of people going, 'What's the point or benefit to vote for you?'"
"What happens if they bow to the pressure? What would that do to us as a democracy?"
"Churchill was backing the extreme end of an unpopular cause and the impact was devastating."
"What a nightmare it'll be for Trump if the independent monitor gets appointed."
"You can't hold a future hostage for party political gains."
"Putin may lose power as a result of This Disaster."
"I think this person perhaps after jail time will be lionized on the left."
"He's in Revenge mode just from the Durham report by itself."
"Anybody that introduced this piece of legislation, anybody that supports it in its current form, should never ever ever be allowed in the halls of power again in the United States of America."
"Let them know that if they let this go through in this form, if they continue to support it, regardless of who runs against them, a carrot could run against them, and you will vote for the carrot just to avoid them being elected to another term."
"If we don't have a Democrat in the White House and we have Trump or a Trump 2.0, we have real serious problems."
"You put the wrong people in office everything that I've done or we've done as a group we have some great really tremendously talented people and everything that we've done can be undone and bad bad things can happen."
"You're going to take the anger that was fermented over decades and directed towards our friends, neighbors, and allies in Europe and now you realize that that anger was built on lies and nonsense."
"But if that was recorded in a database, where you know, you say 'I think Donald Trump should be kicked off a cliff' and Donald Trump becomes President someday, and then everybody who said that ends up getting thrown off a cliff."
"The indictment of Trump threatens to launch cycles of recrimination and politically motivated prosecutions that will plague our nation for decades to come."
"Congress recommending criminal charges to the former president of the United States is no small act."
"Basically, it's going to be the end of our freedoms."
"The effects of these actions can generate political backlash."
"The results are what's going to inhibit other political actors from behaving that way in the future."
"If you're telling people that, you get expelled, suspended from one of the two major parties in a two-party system. That is a severe threat to democracy."
"Our people have paid and still paying heavy price as the result of the Declaration and the support of Western power in general."
"This is the moment of reckoning. This is the logical culmination of what Trumpism is."
"Americans right now are getting the politics that they deserve good and hard"
"Dragon might not have created the Freedom Fighters, might not have made the Revolutionary Army. So the Tenryubito, they made their bed with this, now they gotta lie in it."
"What do you have to lose? Your healthcare, your funding."
"He saw that as betrayal but the one act of betrayal that struck most deeply of course was his daughter's husband who voted against him."
"Everything that we've built, low taxes, strong military, taking care of our vets, all of the things we've done can be decimated very quickly if the wrong person gets in."
"The idea of a former president going to prison."
"If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns, and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms."
"If the Tories lose more than 800, I think Boris Johnson is toast."
"Enough people vote for Jill Stein, they risk losing."
"Time and time again, it's his own words that get him in trouble."
"If Donald Trump as President can be held accountable or investigated at a local level, it might put a chilling effect on a lot of low-level people who engage in this behavior."
"The demographic trend will have enormous political and economic consequences."
"If Ron DeSantis gets rid of Disney World's special district privileges for opposition of his 'don't say gay' bill, then the Florida taxpayers would have to foot the bill for DeSantis's petty tyranny."
"We are all going to pay the price for the voting decisions of people who put present comfort over future benefits."
"Quitting Europe would put all of that at risk, all of it, and it would also turn us into a country that we don't want to be, closed and narrow, isolated."
"Second Trump Administration would mean a full-on dictatorship."
"How much damage are they going to do the Republicans if they keep this national conversation going where they are constantly attacking women who are making serious allegations?"
"To me, like the Karen McDougall testimony is going to be devastating..."
"This is going to cause him a lot of problems..."
"And it's going to hurt Donald Trump with the public undoubtedly..."
"The collapse of the British economy... has resulted in the collapse of his political position."
"I told you after the election that if he kept complaining about the election being stolen without being able to mobilize people to do anything about it, he was going to lose Georgia."
"If people like him and Trump himself get away with this, they will only be emboldened."
"Those of us on the left, and I include members of the GOP who are left of the alt-right, recognize that the efforts of the alt-right and their myth creation have directly aided in the election of a corrupt, unstable individual to the White House."
"When you take away their free speech, you turn them into that very thing."
"I want him to go, and it's not because I want to damage the Tories, but because people are going to die because of this."
"When people aren't held accountable, they don't go away. They double down." - Narrator
"Ignoring them is how you end up with a Republican committee voting against protecting children."
"Post-war congress sought to hold Britain responsible for the destruction caused by the Alabama."
"The long-term consequences of a damaged economy outweigh the short-term political gain."
"If a government is viewed as truly corrupt...it will be the fatal undoing."
"If they do it, they'll blow up the global economy. They'll blow up the US economy, we'll be in a depression."
"I wish we could...figure out a way that Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats...need to be worried that if they don't advance the progressive agenda...they're going to face some consequences for it."
"The indictment sends a message: There will be no Trump or another one like him ever."
"Once Donald Trump is charged based on the evidence, it will have the fringe benefit and the collateral consequences of beginning to shut down the big lie and helping the country move on."
"I promise you one day the shoe will be on the other foot, and this precedent today be set that the Senate repudiate the houses articles of impeachment by rejecting them loudly."
"Words have consequences. And the president has made my community and my people the enemy. He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated. He has done that at his rallies. He has done that through his Twitter."
"That is a person that is paying a huge price for a political show."
"Putin's War appears to have earned him the ire and indignation of those he promises to defend."
"Putin's costs are going to be very, very, very high."
"Elections have consequences. Donald Trump is f***ing president because we didn't get the job done last time."
"If you're a regular American and you keep voting for these people then you get what you deserve."
"If your personal ethics nearly destroyed the United States of America, maybe you should reconsider the church you left behind."
"So if we have a 6-3 court those are the policy consequences those are the consequences that will cause millions of Americans to suffer."
"Republican Senator Lindsey Graham's own words are coming back to haunt him."
"Assange took action that we might know what was going on at the expense of his own Liberty."
"DMK now probably this threat perception amongst the intelligent agencies is that the snakes that were reared in the backyard for several decades are now coming home to bite the very benefactors that have led them loose."
"The elections this November will have consequences because the rights of a hundred million women are now on the ballot."
"If you promote and support bad governance, you will eventually be a victim of it."
"Our brothers and sisters in Florida, we know statistically that if 65% of the registered African-American voters had voted we wouldn't have DeSantis as Governor right now."
"If we don't get it right in 2023, we are going to have a generation that will completely lose confidence."
"The real consequences might be coming down the line. This might actually be the first step towards something that the political consequences may resonate for decades to come."
"If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend." - Jewish leaders
"So what are the consequences for Nancy Pelosi having handed over control of her party to AOC and Ilhan Omar and Rasheeda Talib and the anti-semites and enablers?"
"Politicians are worried that if you set a precedent."
"If he betrays the voters, you will not see the rage and fury of the base."
"America needs leaders who are not afraid to do what's right regardless of the political fallout."
"You don't want to see what the future holds if Trump's still in power."
"This is an example of how elections have consequences."
"Putin too believed the same thing, and nobody could have predicted the astonishing speed and severity of sanctions that followed Russia's invasion."
"The bigger Putin's miscalculations, the faster he ushers in the defeat of the Russian military and his own downfall."
"All they've done is damage their relationship with the monarchy."
"As soon as he's not present anymore, if he's still in possession of classified material that he hasn't declassified, then there's a problem."
"Rhaenyra was not only the best choice for heir, she could not have been disinherited without major fallout."
"A vote for Biden is a vote to completely eradicate your auto industry."
"If Putin crosses that threshold, he'll face the everlasting judgment of history."
"Those are things that you can never take back and I wonder, how do you govern after that?"
"If our leaders lack the courage to pursue diplomacy... then there is no hope for peace... the American people will be guaranteed a continuation of the devastation... that we have seen inflicted on our country and the world for far too long."
"This is going to be used on ads against them that they were supporters of the Insurrection." - Jessica Denson
"Anybody who does not [support Gupta and Christian Clark] should have a primary challenge filed against them the day that they vote against it."
"Another four years of Trump pushes us towards this bizarre neo-fascism."
"This is suicide for the Democratic Party to try to go into a midterm election not in danger of not delivering on stuff that people went out and voted for."
"They're scared that your confirmation would rip from them the very healthcare protections the millions of Americans have a right to maintain."
"They screwed him too. He's barred from running for office."
"The idea is the party in power is going to get defeated very seriously because of just how bad things are going."
"Real people have suffered as a result of these decisions, and that's what elections are for."
"He's talking about blood in the streets... this is horrifying, it is disqualifying."
"The leaders of New York who allowed this, their seats will be shaken for this judgment will be issued not by man but by God."
"The fact that he is facing zero consequences from the Republican Party tells you everything you need to know about them."
"After Amphipolis, the two symbols of hawkish politics in Greece and Sparta were dead."
"We're gonna see more of the truth emerge and it will haunt my Republican colleagues."
"He made things a lot worse but he also masked a lot of what was going on."
"That picture of four convicted Trump associates... facing serious prison time... should be chilling to any American."
"We are about to successfully wealth tax people into oblivion, which is going to make a lot of people very unhappy, but communism support goes up."
"New York City as Liberals are learning the hard way once again that you get what you vote for."
"America is doomed without a reversal of the Sedition that sealed its fate."
"This is catastrophic midterms. I just can't wait for midterms to see what happens there."
"Impeaching Trump makes Mike Pence president. It solves nothing."
"When the lords play their game of thrones, it’s always the innocent people who suffer."
"We got this wrong... we were damaging to the cause of defeating Trump."
"If everyone's allowed their group apart from the majority or whatever then at some point that's gonna get nasty."
"The election made some things present and it made other things absent."
"I think the whole world, and the United States in particular, is paying a price for his policy."
"If we don't make the Republicans pay for that at the ballot box, we should have our heads examined."
"Interfering with an election has dire consequences, and the evidence is all coming out."
"Once Trump is out of the White House anyone who mimics him or identifies as a Trump Republican they're probably going to be voted out next."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"Brexit was about to open the Pandora's box of independence from Europe."
"We could create a slippery slope into World War three with this thing."
"Ukrainian forces seizing control, causing setbacks for Russian troops."
"Impeachment is the removal of somebody from office who was duly elected. That's something to be taken lightly, something that would change the fabric of America."
"Elections do have consequences... the 2018 midterms this November will be the most important midterms in history."
"A Joe Biden loss would signal to the Democratic establishment that they have to change if they want to win."
"Political turmoil hurts the country long term."
"Even in these liberal places like San Francisco, you see the DAs that are weak on crime actually losing."
"If these operations fail, he will be forced to leave."
"A sitting president does not have immunity to charges—once he's left office, he can indeed be charged if he broke the law."
"This could have been somewhat avoided if Trump had been impeached and removed from office."
"Indictments of a former president should be enough reason for them to step aside."
"This is gonna blow up in the house's face if they don't get ahead of it."
"If you want to ally with a bunch of fascists because you think that you can take out the imperialists... well guess who's going to have all the power afterwards?"
"Lawlessness doesn't support yesterday's supporters, it comes back to haunt them."
"Your intent doesn't matter if the outcome is the far right wins."
"It's absolutely exciting... It's horrible for the country and it's going to be horrible for him to go through."
"I think people are scared of leaving the EU because they don't know what's gonna happen after."
"If that's not impeachable, I don't know what it is."
"Donald Trump was an insurrectionist, the words of a president matter."
"Putin though paid a high price for the ensuing crisis because of it many regions of Russia saw anti-war protests organized."