
Bold Action Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"If democrats don't act boldly, republicans will regain control of the senate in two years and possibly even the house."
"Stand up and grow a pair... that includes Donald Trump."
"It was a moment as brazen as it was foolish."
"The audacity! A melt a gun to the face of Fabius Bile."
"I think he goes and believes he is having his Crossing the Rubicon moment."
"The time of playing small and holding back is done."
"What a baller move that is, one of the most gangster-ass things you'll ever do in your life."
"Ron DeSantis just threw himself in the gorilla cage."
"Hold my beer, I'm gonna do both... that's Rockwood, baby."
"You have to bite the bullet and say, 'F*** it.'"
"But right now, with interest rates at historic lows, the smartest thing we can do is act big."
"All the talent you've got in that changing room, they don't half work hard, don't they?"
"I was like oh he was gangster for that but that's when you're the champ you know."
"Fuck it, let's go for broke man, let's do this."
"You're gonna steal the Declaration of Independence."
"When you know you've got something, and that it's time to go big, go big and go fast."
"It's bold it's brave it's and it has to be done so that other people can walk through the door."
"It was a very bold change to the Canadian political system."
"You're gonna run in there and act like you have the biggest dick in the room, because you do."
"We decided we're just gonna we're just gonna we decide in September we're gonna move and we're not turning back so we burnt the ships on that side."
"At what point do we realize that we have to do something different, something bigger, something more bold to get us out of this?"
"I'm just going straight for the bank, I'm just gonna put a hole in the bag."
"Serendipity: the good things that almost always happen to a person following a bold course of action."
"This government needs much more gumption and guts... to go after some of these big bandicoots."
"He actually went in, dang, risky, he's ballsy."
"Dream big, boldly, and go after whatever it is that you desire."
"It's time to jump in. The fool doesn't wait. This new chapter in your life may be daunting, but the time is now."
"Stick with it and just jump in the damn deep end of the pool."
"You don't get to Olympics by playing it safe, that's right buddy, do some [ __ ]!"
"Once we were ready, Loretta and I broke into the freeway and stopped traffic completely."
"Just drop her a message, tell her that you think you fancy her, and then just f***ing pray to be honest."
"Listen to attack someone while naked. I feel like that's a Power Move and a half."
"I won't be a coward anymore. I grabbed Hera's hand, closed my eyes as she led me to the stage."
"Taking a leap of faith, trusting that it's right, and going for it."
"Pop them hard, especially if you got it for free!"
"Thomas Jefferson story time: Americans used to think tomatoes were poisonous, but Tommy J knew better. So one day at a dinner party, he just whipped out a tomato and straight up ate it like an apple."
"Jump out of a plane with the parachute, I'm out, peace."
"For those of us who wish they had gone more boldly and quicker and faster and louder, I think a lot of the people that want that probably don't care about the church's overall health and well-being."
"Credit where due, that's a big baller move."
"A leap in the dark, straight over Gollum's head he jumped."
"I did one of the most craziest thing known to mankind."
"Sometimes you got to go big or go home."
"He didn't tiptoe through the door; he knocked it off its hinges."
"Sometimes you just got to make a big statement."
"I guess me shaving my head kind of gave me a newfound confidence to try to do stuff that I'm too scared to do."
"That's one of the all-time bro moves in bro move history."
"She saw an open door, and she jumped right the hell through it."
"Change everything, make something crazy, bro, just do it."