
Political Decisions Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"It's why we voted for the Patriot Act, it's why Trump is president, it's why Brexit happened."
"Advertisers threatened boycott if Trump reinstated to Twitter."
"When you use the word 'career politician,' I use it in a somber sense that I think he will only make decisions which are beneficial for his career."
"This didn't just happen; it takes political decisions, it takes a sense of civic obligation."
"How are we to see that as anything other than a purely partisan decision?"
"We can change these things. It's about decisions, about political decisions, it's about leadership."
"They're making a bad political decision to their base, that's the point."
"It bothers me that the West will choose to move in this direction."
"It was a great strategy. It was a sound legal strategy if only Mike Pence had the stones to go through with it."
"Bottom line here: Republicans are gonna have to say that it's more important to protect the children in this country than to antagonize the NRA. Are they prepared to do that?"
"Every president, every secretary of state has to make a tough decision, like taking the nation to war."
"It's not unreasonable to say so, particularly the Khrushchev transfer of Crimea to Ukraine in 1954."
"War with Iran would be far from Swift but very terrible... If Donald Trump is having second thoughts, it's time he sacked John Bolton."
"We're not voting with the planet in mind, we're voting with humanity. And absolutely, what's the second thing we can do? Well, of course, we have to live in a very different way."
"Knowing the right facts, knowing what you believe in, that is going to make me vote for the right person."
"We're so this is Jesus and people like us are deciding when abortions can happen and we're out here."
"It's looking like that two thousand dollar payment is sort of dead right now."
"It is arguably the dumbest thing that I have seen any country do in the last 20 years."
"Massively reduced drone strikes, pulled out troops from Afghanistan."
"It's almost like that one move of bringing the troops back... is worth a hundred votes, a thousand votes."
"Ron Desantis saying florida is not going to require kids to mask because there is no rationale for this."
"Richard Nixon's greatest mistake was not anything to do with Watergate. It actually had to do with opening the United States to China."
"Should a large company be able to get away with breaking the law?"
"Donald Trump's decided I think he's had enough with federal court."
"If the president declares a group terrorists, admitting that you're funding terrorism."
"No representatives from the UK or the United States are allowed."
"There's a reason why folks said fill that seat before the election with Judge Barrett. Now Justice Baird on the Supreme Court. Amen to that, that was a blessing indeed."
"Biden opposed killing Soleimani. He was very much... we killed this number one terrorist."
"Whatever people might wish for, it is not on the table now."
"This really heartless and dangerous policy that the president latched onto was actually completely thought out in detail."
"JFK vetoed Operation Northwoods, suggesting he was deeply unhappy with the idea."
"So, 70 years after Israel became a nation on the very anniversary day of May 14, 2018, we moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem..."
"Step that Trump took today by saying declaring victory and bringing the troops home from Syria that's a good start."
"That's one reason why I didn't want Ukraine or Georgia to come in."
"Lockdowns originated on the order of Xi Jinping... with little analysis or logic."
"You can't be surprised that the people who were put here to overturn abortion ultimately overturned abortion."
"It was Donald Trump who began to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself."
"If we simply wave Morrison through for another three years, god knows where the country will be."
"Decades of cuts to New York's health care services, many of them championed by Cuomo, have contributed to the present crisis."
"Millions of dollars were lost and tens of thousands of jobs would be cut as a result of Carter's decision to cancel the B-1."
"Russia are not making decisions on an economic basis, they're making calls based on political ideas."
"The president just announced he would be granting that Russian wish in exchange for, again, nothing."
"Donald Trump has just nuked training based on critical race theory from orbit."
"The biden administration is considering an expedited visa path for vulnerable afghan women who may become targets of the taliban."
"President Trump has taken decisive action to end the era of budget cuts for America's military."
"Trump should have cleaned house the first time."
"European leaders are raising doubts over the United States's proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID19 vaccines."
"There are very few instances of political party saying we will roll back a referendum result."
"Vladimir Putin has fired as many as eight generals over Moscow's military losses."
"It's crucial to remember the human faces behind the decisions that are made in Washington."
"Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was courageous."
"If he wasn't the president of the United States, would you have charged him with a crime? The answer is yes."
"President Trump's decision to take out sulemani Dave was brilliant absolutely brilliant I'm in a hundred percent agreement no 150 percent agreement with you that it was the right move to keep peace in the region."
"He was orchestrating a 110 billion dollar arm sale to the Saudi Arabians."
"I don't want to give Biden too much credit yet but him pulling us out of Afghanistan seems like a big deal."
"Nothing is worth no election is worth my not doing exactly what I think is the right thing."
"None of this is inevitable, it's a political choice: your need or their greed."
"President Trump does things like pull out of the Paris climate Accords - that's something else we're gonna have to accept as the new normal."
"I'm fond of breathing but this is the guy who Trump decided that he wanted to favor in these negotiations."
"Now we are seeing that it turns out that Asimi Goita's plan to suspend French as an official language was the trigger point in Africa to move away from France."
"Italian council is flooded immediately after rejecting measures on climate change."
"What will leaders be tempted to think about doing when they have only one card to play?"
"Politicians always resort to it because ultimately the decision to destroy your currency is a political one."
"It's just the most depressing thing to think that World War III is actually based on what our politicians are going to decide to do."
"When people feel they have no recourse, that's when violence happens."
"The moves they're making with our currency are literally destroying the privilege that we've had for 50 years as being the world reserve currency."
"Obama had the power, money, legislative tools, and legal leverage to sharply ameliorate the foreclosure crisis. He chose not to use it."
"Everything about this town was nice and quaint until in 1978 when its world got turned upside down a communist ruler at the time Nicolas Sayesko decided that he wanted to exploit a massive reserve for copper that was close to the village."
"We've overturned Roe versus Wade... you've got a big business fighting for survival."
"The Great Council decides Westeros's fate, with Bran as the new king."
"Raising taxes on the most powerful corporation in Florida."
"It begs the question: what could have Russia and the rest of the world been, had Kerensky made a few different choices?"
"The simplest explanation is probably correct." - Joe Biden's pick of Kamala Harris
"Critical decisions that may determine the fates of nations are settled by vote on the scales of conviction."
"I did vote for Biden because I really thought like if there was another Trump presidency, 100% there was going to be a war on Iran."
"I genuinely cannot see a single good reason for pushing Kavanaugh over a replacement candidate."
"Everything that was beneficial to the people got yanked from this bill."
"I'm very cynical about most things but I really... I've never believed... that American Presidents make decisions about putting American soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen in harm's way based on election considerations."
"So I had information that the American people didn't know and therefore had to make decisions... like they didn't probably know that Dick Cheney got 30 million dollars from Halliburton to start this war."
"If the debt ceiling is raised, there will be an economic catastrophe."
"Blair testified... it was not under consideration at that time."
"This nomination is a chance for Senate Democrats to decide where do you stand."
"We cannot allow the president to march to the capitol, it would be criminal jeopardy for everybody involved in that decision and we can't let it happen."
"I wouldn't have voted to expel him. I think it is a bad precedent."
"These long overdue decisions for Liberty give me New Hope for my new country."
"I think Nicola Sturgeon got it completely wrong, and those parties who supported her got it wrong as well."
"He wanted to do the right thing rather than what was politically the right thing."
"The sickness didn't create the lockdowns; politicians created the lockdowns."
"Our view from the start has been that the Ukrainians should be able to make their own decisions."