
Effective Communication Quotes

There are 289 quotes

"Ensure that you are communicating from a place where you actually want effective communication."
"Effective communication: You need to be able to initiate the conversation, maintain the conversation, listen to and respond to the patient, ask open questions, respond to anything unexpected, and organize the consultation into clear stages."
"Use vocabulary as a tool to help you express meaning, not to show off."
"A 15-minute phone call is not a 15-minute phone call; it's a 45-minute phone call because it takes you 15 minutes to get into it and 15 minutes to get out of it."
"If you're gonna speak effectively, you have to know way more than you're talking about."
"Your conclusion is the last chance you have to make a good impression. Don't make mistakes in the conclusion because that's the last thing that will stick in their grader's mind."
"So don't underestimate the utility of listening. It's unbelievably helpful to people."
"Answer the specific question that they're asking you."
"So when she barks like that, don't just show up, don't just like 'Hey, it's okay.' Hey, stop. What you want to do is effectively and sustainably correct her."
"I think there needs to be a better bridge of the conversation because I think people just want what really works for their skin."
"You're just simply sitting down and having a heart-to-heart conversation with them will either make them realize."
"Thank God we have Mick Lynch to call them out because he does it exceptionally well."
"Effective writing so often does the simple things that seem so obvious when you see them or say them out loud."
"At the end of the day, if you want to make a change, the best way to go about it is giving some really thoughtful feedback."
"Refuse to buy into the office jargon we hate, actively resist it, and maybe just maybe we can stop interfacing all the time and just start communicating."
"A great closing line for a difficult conversation... 'Can I count on you?'"
"Show genuine interest because you need to understand where the other guys were actually coming from in order to make your arguments."
"We've done a really good job of presenting clear, concise ways of understanding the information."
"Setting up a meeting with each student's parents to discuss mutual goals will best initiate and promote effective two-way conversations."
"Questions help bring clarity. So you have to ask the right questions."
"Have that outline in place beforehand, work backwards from that transformation."
"It's those little sort of moments where they really land a good point or whatever the case may be with these two."
"The gay rights movement had very great messaging and it was branded very well and it changed minds because everything the gay rights movement sort of argued was both true and was easy to get behind."
"People are really trying to do this right, and the way to do this right is to communicate the needs of the actual community."
"Action is required. Be brief, to the point, concise, and active in your actions, thoughts, and words."
"I think the golden rule of a good interview is don't ask questions that people can find out from Google."
"Conversation mastery is about listening well and knowing when to speak."
"I want it back, gotta where Ragnarok has got some of the most effective visual storytelling I've seen of late."
"Communication equals truth, which equals clarity, which could equal success."
"I do not believe that any group... should be raising money from wealthy people... Bernie Sanders has raised contributions from more than 40 billionaires..."
"I love Joe Rogan. He's connected to his emotional state, a clear thinker on many things, a wonderful communicator, and just a lot of fun."
"The Democrats did a really good job yesterday of laying out how this isn't just about theatrics."
"Explains it well enough and it's easy to grasp."
"Know how to write effective paragraphs: introduction, main body, conclusion."
"He's doing such a good job, he's going right down the line of how to approach these questions."
"Actually listening and caring and hearing what you're saying... that's how conversations will progress."
"Every sales script that has been absolutely gangbusters has been a question-based framework."
"It'd be much more effective to try and understand why people do the things that they do."
"Understanding collocations and being able to use them... it's important not just for speaking but also for writing as well."
"Just simply calling something woke is not enough, you can't cry wolf without showing the attacks."
"Hey man I watched you know Fresh Out and my kids man and they listen to you they wouldn't listen to me so it works."
"Answer specific questions is powerful and making simple videos is incredibly powerful."
"That woman is amazing, that was the perfectly crafted response to appeal to the center on climate change, and we need to be ready for it."
"Clear focused communication, focused energy."
"Angry Joe's rage is often effective... when you're facing off against a mega big bad business, you need someone who can mobilize the indignation within the viewer."
"When two people can really come together and add value to a conversation, it just piggybacks and then there's action behind it."
"He did all the things right, he had a compelling speech, an irresistible gift."
"A word spoken at the right time, how good it is! Truly, it is a fundamental principle that timing is everything."
"They are showing you, 'I know my content so well that I can speak to you on two different tracks.'"
"Y'all really know how to make this multiple mouth thing work."
"They probably would benefit from effective communicators that could bridge the gap between the private and public sector."
"What a way to round off the show, that was a very good speech."
"I truly commend her... through the appropriate means and I feel like that's all that matters."
"You can tell people policy all day long, but if they don't see it in action, it's harder to reach people."
"We had such good communication. It was crazy."
"Similar length of paws you don't look so stupid or sound stupid at all i hope because you weren't making any noises okay right so there you go so those are 16 uh scholars cradles there aren't that's not that the full menu of course there are more."
"Remember that people respond well to communication, not abuse."
"The only way that you're gonna be able to communicate with somebody and get something out of them right and vice versa is by talking to them like a human being."
"Argue with them in ways that are best, with wisdom and beautiful preaching."
"The evidence Bible will help you be prepared to give an answer easily and effectively."
"What she just said there in 60 Seconds says better than anything I could have possibly said in a half an hour."
"Whatever comes towards you, you will know exactly what to do, exactly what to say, if you are in peace with your heart and your mind."
"You need to have something that hits the nail on the head that can give the information to people that'll change the way they play."
"That is the best way that anybody could've ever put it, honestly."
"Our approach has been very effective in helping individuals respond to sincere questions and objections about the Christian worldview."
"It's not just about talking, right? It's not about rhetoric and pontification."
"Her work does what most people fail to do when talking about this subject which is that it removes a lot of the emotion from the debate."
"The usage of memes and voice clips was hilarious in how they were effectively used as substitutes for dialogue."
"The best way to get them to do something is to explain calmly, rationally, logically."
"Metaphors are so satisfying, especially if they hit and they're just right."
"Communication, proper communication, not screaming like an idiot."
"Use the Hemingway app to write copy that sells."
"She brought up some great points and used perfect examples in real-time evidence of the situation."
"That's a great way to share information with somebody or show them how to get something done."
"So, avoid using the fancy patterned backgrounds. Streamline it down to as simple as possible and think about the contrast of letters."
"Communication is actually extremely powerful between players if done correctly."
"Yes, that is spot on bro, thank you so much man."
"The most effective medium of disseminating information that's actually going to be retained by people is and always has been storytelling."
"There's something here about showing people instead of telling them."
"Start treating people with respect and then you get results."
"Speaking in a language that people can understand is going to be to a greater benefit."
"Clarity is highly prized in reporting and writing."
"Say what you want out loud. Say it out loud to the right folks."
"Don't write like you're writing, write like you're talking."
"Conversations are probably the most effective way to create some change."
"Communication is key. Talk to him like a person."
"Acknowledging their points and then breaking them down leaves them with nothing but ash."
"Conversations that effectively combat disinformation and misinformation all start the same way, and that is with listening."
"The key is proximity to the mic so as long as I'm like half a meter away from this mic, it's going to work fairly well."
"The ones that actually listen to me do the best."
"If you can do it in a way that you're going to get everybody's attention without turning them off at the beginning, that's the key."
"The quiet words of a wise person are more effective than the shouting of a leader of fools."
"It's all about trying to describe your problem accurately because it's easier to fix a small important problem than to be like 'oh yeah we just need to fix the entire monetary system by which all the things are delivered.'"
"Start thinking about the benefits that your product service or opportunity provides... not the features but the benefits."
"Learn the art of negotiating with win-win steps and clauses that actually work for everybody."
"Marketing is about having a really good central thesis and a mechanism."
"Communication is the bridge to reconciliation."
"Everyone can agitate, but we've got to educate."
"One of the best questions an interrogator can ask is, 'Is there anything else you should tell me?' That's a beautiful question."
"Communication is coming in, meaningful and substantial."
"Smiling has been our most effective means of plugging in."
"Communication: convey your thoughts through empathy and articulation."
"For me to be bilingual is to be able to communicate effectively in like daily life situations."
"Learning how to ask better questions and pre-qualifying your prospect... that's your greatest chance for success."
"You're gonna have to master the 25 cognitive biases or else people aren't even gonna listen to you."
"It's amazing what can happen when you have an adult conversation."
"That presentation... they did a really good job. That's how you present a game."
"Relationships are built on good communication."
"It was a Hall age level announcement in six minutes."
"Humility, kindness, curiosity, are the elements to unlock what you're asking."
"She reduced the argument down to basic principles and made it understandable and accessible."
"All women basically need three things: security, stability, and communication in a man."
"Let me do this brief war briefing real quick."
"We need to spread some extra things for you, for sending out the original email to everybody, contacting them saying hey let's do something epic."
"Every word counts. Every second and microsecond counts."
"Saturday again we're in romance season here, so you objectively see someone or something that simply clicks within you, you see what you want, you're able to communicate it very articulately and in a very eloquent, clear, concise way."
"Set measurable goals and communicate consistently."
"One of the things that I think is interesting is the matchmaker is doing a very good job of trying to focus people on the issues that actually matter."
"They answered all of those questions and more yesterday."
"Show don't tell. You've got to put it right in front of them. You've got to have the proof points lined up."
"You have to speak to them in a way that they would hear you."
"Communication... surprise heart-to-heart conversations."
"Speak up, speak from the heart, and use facts to communicate proactively."
"Looking at numbers changes the tone of the debate. It takes a lot of the heat and ideology out of it. It's a much more productive way of engaging each other as we debate these questions."
"Simple past, present perfect, and future tense - the grammar trifecta for effective communication."
"Great preaching is almost musical. Great speaking has a rhythm, a cadence, a voice inflection, and a tone."
"Summarize only the key points. Remember, fanboy."
"Communication and discussing things from a very clear-minded, truthful place."
"True listening goes beyond just hearing words, it involves understanding, empathy, and giving your full attention."
"True listening entails understanding, empathy, and giving your full attention."
"If you have the facts, if you can articulate your values, that is a great use of your time."
"Speak to them in a language they will understand."
"Communication is definitely key in this situation and I feel like this person's being very honest you have to kind of do the same thing."
"Threats don't help; offering criticism, feedback, and compliments, when deserved, that's the stuff that's actually going to be useful."
"Catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
"They did a very good job of showing and not telling..."
"Good communication is one of the things FFXIV does best."
"We all have a responsibility to say what we mean and to use language that clearly conveys our meaning. As long as we have done that, we're in the clear."
"If you're going to interrupt the news, this is how you do it."
"Well-chosen words mixed with measured emotion: the basis of affecting people with good communication."
"You're learning how to be more self-assured and charismatic, speaking your truth without backpedaling."
"A queen knows how to communicate effectively."
"Communication, having your boundaries, doing things that feel good for you."
"Carra will explain the game to someone who spent 50 years in it and someone who's just getting into it and they would both understand it in such a succinct manner."
"He explains things in such a way that makes complicated information simple."
"It packs into 10 to 15 slides at most and then the narrative, you don't read the deck on every slide, you passionately make a point and add it."
"Building relationships and communication are essential in disaster management."
"Engage your reader's attention through examples, illustrations, and anecdotes. Use clear, precise language to express complex ideas. Avoid obfuscating jargon. Favor active verbs and concrete nouns."
"Just be respectful, don't try to be rude to prove a point."
"This is a classic example of show don't tell in its appropriate context."
"He's trying to give an opening statement that really connects and grabs people."
"Two Tone Godmorgon Cabinet Hack: IKEA’s Two Tone Godmorgan cabinet can get a makeover and appeal more luxuriously than you think."
"If they cannot put their thoughts down on paper in a logical, coherent, and creative way, then they're not going to be an effective communicator."
"Getting on your children's level and being eye to eye is immensely helpful for your children."
"Communication is the only way you're going to actually build a healthy, happy relationship with someone."
"The key thing to home in on is that disagreement doesn't have to be disagreeable."
"Keep player primers concise, focusing on essential details for character creation and gameplay."
"If you have the right ideas and you debate, at the end you will win your debates."
"Conversations that are conversations and not just ring and screeching and name-calling might actually change people's minds."
"Joe Rogan is, pound-for-pound, an amazing interviewer."
"Communication is key, keep your words short, concise, but to the point."
"A funny reply to a heckler can be as winning for a politician as for a comedian."
"He used irony, he was clear, and he handled it very well."
"Calling names doesn't make people change. Show them a better way."
"Communication is honesty, vulnerability, and transparency."
"Our communication as a small family is really fast and simple."
"You've got to get your command center sending out the right instructions."
"There's just so much nuance to this particular conversation that I think Chanel Miller brought forth in the best manner possible."
"You're not gonna change hearts and minds by being cruel to others, facts."
"If I want to understand what you are saying, listen to I'm sure with affection, we care with attention, not what you're saying."
"Are we trying to just win an argument or are we trying to actually convince minds?"
"Communication is key. Clear communication, that's it."
"For people to feel heard, all it takes is a little effort."
"Can you see how he used a metaphor like Christmas to get his opponents to understand what he was talking about? That's what made his argument effective."
"Biden did a good job of calling out Trump's BS."
"When you get a queen of swords, it's about strong self-esteem, shrewd decisions, and clear communication."
"There are some who will at least listen. Be the best advocate you can."
"PSAs are kind of the best way of handling all of this chaos right now."
"Use your communication to be direct, powerful, and insightful, and share that with others."
"Effective communication of these concepts is crucial."
"Simplified communication: clear, concise, less is more."
"Only said that we should have civilized conversations and we should both listen to each other's opinions."
"GG Valve, we're all really excited and you are completely nailing your run up to release in terms of communication, so well done."
"It comes down to taking care of people, to leadership, to communication."
"I think if you've been straight with people, be open and honest and talk straight language with them, they'll hear what you have to say and understand."
"Speak in a way that is right, speak in a way that is whole and is complete."
"I knew that if people got to hear the story from me directly and understand what each product was about, things might click."
"If you don't understand that then Harriet did his job."
"Listening twice as much as talking makes us better conversationalists."
"You have managed to get the key into the hole of the pineal burn, Cancer, you've managed to word it in a way, phrase it in a way that they can freaking see."
"Communication is the glue to keep relationships together."
"De-escalation sounds pretty good. It's the only way through this."
"If I'm on a walk and my mind is actively engaged in the default mode Network which would like push me into that rest area where I'm generating more creative ideas then technically I don't really consider that work."
"Communication is key. Speak your truth and find solutions."
"You don't have to be like a hyper sanctimonious, you know, like quiet type to advocate those politics at the end of the day."
"The name Minecraft is simple and effective, it essentially explains the point of the game in one short phrase."
"If you want to inspire people, you don't say 'we need to be better at messaging.' Show, don't tell."
"My favorite saying is 'Keep it simple, stupid.'"
"My favorite part of dr king's legacy of the fact that he was able to get the message across nonviolently."
"When you learn how to text girls the right way, it'll set you apart from all the other guys."