
Cause Of Death Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Freezing to death is not a cause of death that I would accept."
"After finishing dissection of Larry's heart, Dr. G now knows for certain how Larry Haggarty met his fate."
"He didn't kill him; he died because of health problems."
"An autopsy is a medical procedure done to determine the cause of a person's death."
"The injuries on Epstein's body were more consistent with those seen in cases of strangulation."
"We hereby find the cause and manner of death to be the cause death by strangulation and manner is homicide by Wyoming state statute."
"The coroner revealing that his beautiful daughter was sadly strangled to death."
"The facts of the case and the facts are that the coroner just said in the press conference this afternoon that Gabby Petito at 22 years old died of strangulation."
"The person who is closest to your heart, you will just know."
"Not only is she sure that Roman's heart was responsible for his death, she's now convinced that drugs probably had nothing to do with it."
"Janet's official cause of death was drowning, and investigators theorized..."
"Solving the puzzle of why the person has died."
"He stated that not only was this an asphyxial death, but it was a strangulation and it was a strangulation via throttling."
"His death certificate says 'natural causes.'"
"No, 'cause it was- the investigation said blunt force trauma and asphyxiation."
"The autopsy also confirmed that she was killed by two gunshot wounds to the head."
"Stacy had died of asphyxia and or suffocation."
"Putting all of that together the multiplicity of the blunt trauma, the obvious stress the child had been under... I finally assigned her cause of death as multiple blunt trauma asphyxia and inition."
"The medical examiner determined that she'd been killed by asphyxiation due to a crushed windpipe."
"He realized it made sense that there were no injuries on the bodies because the cause of death was that abnormal condition."
"She was killed on the night of the 13th or in the early morning hours of the 14th."
"Her cause of death was eventually determined to be asphyxiation due to strangulation or smothering."
"Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death."
"The Colorado Bureau of Investigation ruled that death was due to loss of blood from a gunshot wound of the chest, with a second grazing wound to the right breast."
"It's a complete skeleton, and more importantly, we can say exactly how it died."
"What killed him was blunt-force trauma to the stomach."
"Thus ending the mystery of how this bear died: it died from a massive, massive cocaine overdose."
"Officials ruled the cause of Frank Edwards's death an apparent heart attack. However, medically an apparent heart attack and an actual heart attack are two different things entirely."
"The cause of death was asphyxiation."
"I also firmly believe that my cause of death would either be cancer or a stroke."
"A forensic examination of Brad's body confirmed what forensic scientists had told the jury in court two years earlier: the determined cause of death was multiple gunshot wounds to the head and upper thoracic region."
"Her cause of death was blunt force trauma, manual strangulation and suffocation with straddling as well, I believe."
"The circumstances in this case are significant. The cause of death... is poisoning. Tetrahydrozoline is a poison."
"...we believe it was these injuries that ultimately resulted in Daryl's death."
"Drinking syrup was not the cause of his death."
"Very, very sad story, uh, he didn't die of the cancer in itself but he passed away from a collapsed esophagus."
"The forensic examination of Diane's brain turns up that there was only a one in 100,000 chance that she had actually died from an epileptic fit."
"The lack of soot and smoke in the victim's lungs revealed that the two women were killed before the fire started."
"We examine deceased people for the purpose of determining how and why they died."
"The cause of death was blunt force trauma and strangulation, and the manner of death was a homicide."
"Do you have a an opinion right now that you can tell this jury of what caused Samantha Josephson's death? Multiple stab wounds I made the cause of death, multiple stab wounds."
"The medical examiner determined her cause of death was due to blunt force trauma to the head."
"Cause of death was massive organ failure due to percussive force."
"Cass did not die choking on a sandwich; she died of a heart attack."
"The autopsy determined that Josh had no drugs in his system, there were no broken bones, no knife wounds, no indication at all that he was murdered."
"We determined her cause of death to be the result of asphyxia, and her manner of death to be homicide."
"The reason the pathologist was not able to identify this as Jason's cause of death is because the stingers on those plants don't leave any marks on the human body."
"There's no doubt that part of a forensic pathologist's training and knowledge is determining cause of death from information given to them."
"Cause of death: gunshot wounds. Manner of death: homicide."
"Ultimately write a report and come up with the cause and manner of death."
"Blunt force injuries of the head and torso, and what is her manner of death? Homicide."