
Airbnb Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Renting on Airbnb can be an immediate way to start earning significant passive income, especially if it's done right."
"The Last Blockbuster is going to be available as an Airbnb. Now, before you get your hopes up, there's a few stipulations here, and most notably, you have to be a local to the area in order to book it."
"Airbnb has announced that it will no longer allow people to list former slave cabins as vacation rentals."
"Everybody knows Airbnb, it's almost like a household name at this point."
"This is why Airbnb is a sick company that has allowed a lot of people's like weird voyeuristic impulses to take over and they've monetized it. It should be outlawed frankly."
"I think if you could figure out how to buy real estate, you don't have to necessarily live there, you could put it up on Airbnb."
"It's now as expensive or in a lot of cases more expensive to stay in an Airbnb than a hotel."
"Good photography, good listing copy are going to be the two most powerful marketing tools that you have for your Airbnbs."
"Governments are wising up to the free money they could be taking from Airbnb, with cities like Berlin all but banning empty Airbnb homes."
"Airbnb has the potential to revamp the rental market."
"Airbnb said it will offer free temporary housing for up to a hundred thousand refugees from Ukraine."
"You guys know I love Airbnb and lately I've seen a lot of people hating on it... but there are also hosts creating amazing experiences you would just never get at a hotel."
"This is definitely unlike any Airbnb I've ever been to."
"So many people listening, one property on Airbnb could replace their full-time income."
"Airbnb's screening system shows a chilling failure."
"We made 56,197 dollars and 15 cents in revenue on Airbnb for 2020."
"Airbnb is changing travel, connecting humans in an era where we're getting more further apart."
"The potato house... it's one of the world's craziest Airbnbs."
"In a world filled with the internet-based gig economy, most of us have probably spent the night in an Airbnb or two."
"Airbnb is actually amazing, and they got us this new place."
"Good morning we made it to the Airbnb we got a good night's sleep we got up early this is New Year's Day so we didn't do a whole lot of partying last night did we."
"You find what you think is a good deal, and then they tack on 500 dollars to clean it. You basically become an employee of the person who owns the Airbnb."
"You've still got to make sure this is an awesome Airbnb property itself that the cash flow on it, the depreciation, you see all the other benefits of real estate investing."
"I reached out to Airbnb support... and they refunded me two three days of this stay."
"Also now the issue is people are getting apartments and getting multiple Apartments just so they can Airbnb them and there's a big problem in a lot of major cities especially New York and Los Angeles."
"This Airbnb is so cute. It's sunset right now so I think I'm just going to throw on a suit and a cozy little sweatshirt or something and go sit out there because I want to be outside."
"Airbnb doesn't provide a loyalty program. We really think that this is one area that Airbnb could improve."
"This tour was fabulous. It helped us to understand more about the city in every way: food, culture, history. It had everything."
"Airbnbs offer discounts if you stay at least a week, and big breaks if you stay an entire month."
"...just to be safe so you know you account for the situation where your router of the Airbnb or the condo that you're staying in is in a hard to reach place."
"We have no affiliation with Airbnb or anything like that."
"I think she's happy with it right now and doesn't want to be cramped but kind of the whole point of the Airbnb business is to hit a sustainable level."
"If you ask a guest for money they're going to retaliate and give you a bad review. Spoiler alert on that last video is there's an order of operations that you got to go through on Airbnb."
"Airbnb's most interesting listings they go fast because Airbnb does really push them a lot."
"This is totally going to break the algorithm and get you on the first page of Airbnb."
"Airbnb basically just prints you money and it's easy street from then on out."
"A lot of Airbnb really try and do you over with the angles of pictures and all that, but all the fixtures and fittings were of the utmost quality."
"Everyone in the real estate business knows about the importance of location and its effect in making your Airbnb successful."
"Many successful real estate businesses utilize Airbnb services, earning quite a bit of money."
"I think there's different kinds of Founders I think there's engineering Founders marketing Founders design Founders you know uh the CEO of of Airbnb I believe it's Brian chesky he's a design founder as he calls it that's kind of what I was."
"2023 I think it's the best opportunity really to get into Airbnb in the last two years."
"Here's our Airbnb, it's the cutest thing ever, it's a little triangle house, so adorable."
"I'm staying at the cityscape residences it's an Airbnb and it's 2:00 now so I should be able to get in here without a problem."
"This airbnb is worth it just for avoiding lines and getting that peace."
"When you hear about the management of Airbnbs, you hear about all the late-night calls, all the crazy guests, all of the amenities, all of the logistics that go into running an Airbnb."
"Furnishing an Airbnb can definitely be a bear but it doesn't have to be. You just have to know where to look."
"I quickly learned two things: the number one most important investment that you can make in an Airbnb is hiring a quality photographer. The number two most important investment is quality furniture."
"So make sure that your airbnb copy is great make sure that your photography is great your headline is great put everything you have into making your listing sparkling before you really go down the road of diluting your time into marketing on on social media platforms."
"The difference between now and what was in 2014 is huge. But we shouldn't forget about the COVID part because during the COVID part, there were a lot of problems with Airbnb, with everything related to Airbnb, actually."
"You can instantly improve your Airbnb's listing quality and performance in just a few minutes with a few clicks of a button and entirely for free."
"I am the best in the world at Airbnb, that is what I do and that's what I've dedicated the last eight years of my life to doing."
"Airbnb makes it easy to list your space. The difficult part is optimizing it, pricing your listing etc., but the actual act of listing it, I don't anticipate this being too long."
"So, if your city goes from being Airbnb friendly or not having a law around Airbnb and then adopting or prohibiting it if it's not your primary residence, probably what they're looking at is a 30 plus day thresholds."
"Airbnb is way safer for property owners."
"Why not Airbnb at your own spot that you Airbnb out when you're not in that state?"
"Look for verified listings or super hosts. It's an easy way to filter out mediocre places and find top-quality Airbnb properties."
"Our Airbnb April 2nd doesn't start till April 2nd, but we gotta get out of our other Airbnb April 1st."
"Welcome to our beautiful little Airbnb."
"Airbnb has a cost structure that's completely flexible."
"This is insane, seriously Airbnb ins are the way to go."
"...creating an Instagram for your Airbnb... literally get bookings from Instagram, so followers to bookings."
"...if you really know how to get the traffic then you can sidestep Airbnb altogether and get the traffic."
"For me to give an Airbnb like a three star or a two star, that's somebody said instant two star, nah a two star for me is like the ceilings leaking."
"If I found a dead rat, I'd give the Airbnb a two star if I found a live rat. That's a one star. That's a one star Airbnb."
"One really easy way that you can one-up your Airbnb is by doing murals."
"You're going to be doing things like responding to messages helping them with their automations adjusting prices week to week and 100 bucks a property is actually a steal."
"People will pay you for your knowledge and I think you could very easily charge people 100 bucks an hour to consult them in the world of Airbnb."
"But that's it. That's how much it costs to start an Airbnb. Adjust accordingly, use my spreadsheet, calculate what it would cost to start at $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, $500,000, $600,000-plus Airbnb and make the numbers work for you."
"The number one reason why Airbnbs fail? It's not the Airbnb bust, it's not market oversaturation, it's the fact that people just don't know how to analyze Airbnbs correctly. Simple as that."
"I just wanted to splurge on a $20 Airbnb and it pisses me off because some of you guys claim to be pro-life. If you truly gave a [ __ ] about saving people, well, maybe end your Bali trip and donate to any one of these spot funds instead of UNICEF."
"In order for you to get paid by Airbnb for lost income, you have to have an active Airbnb reservation and you have to cancel that reservation because of the damages caused by a previous guest."
"On Airbnb all problems fall into one of three categories: your online listing, your offline hosting, or your pricing."
"Starting Airbnb co-hosting business is probably the best way to get into the shorter rental industry without having to own any property."
"Once you hit that super host status, it's just like money in the bank. The algorithm just keeps pushing you."
"Airbnb promotions are a way to get your listing a little bit of extra exposure for those unbooked nights without having to drastically slash your prices."
"This Airbnb that we're about to go check out has a five-star overall rating on the website and has earned super host status."
"Easily one of the best Airbnbs I've ever stayed in."
"It's smart for Airbnb to add that integration for people who do only use Airbnb."
"Airbnb demand is growing, so just like back in the charts, you've got supply and demand."
"There needs to be a change in terms of how Airbnb monitors properties."
"Even though we could make seventy-five thousand dollars on this deal, I would keep that as an Airbnb."
"Airbnb has made it so convenient... they can fly in for two weeks, two days, funeral, five days, ten days, anything."
"Having an Airbnb actually increases the ability for a lot of these homeowners to be able to afford to own homes."
"We are hoping to see regulations that will benefit the local Jamaicans who are doing Airbnb."
"It was fun to get this ready for Airbnb, and we hope that anyone who stays here will have a really good time."
"We are going to be playing hide-and-seek in the world's largest Airbnb."
"Everything about our Airbnb was fantastic, right down to the hosts; they were wonderful people."
"What a great thing this could be, a great Airbnb, this can be many things, but it added that much square footage to them."
"I'm so happy to be here in the Airbnb, our new little home, it feels just more like we're at home now."
"We went from zero dollars to becoming millionaires in two years by investing in Airbnbs."
"Time is money, and every day that you're not renting your Airbnb is another day that you're not making money."
"You can use Airbnb to not only subsidize your mortgage but actually make money doing it too."
"House hacking is already very powerful, but when you plus it up with Airbnb, the sky's the limit."
"Being an Airbnb host is being part of a community."
"I'm calculating the Airbnb profit and loss for the last few months, and it's actually kind of fun seeing how it does."
"Thank you guys so much for joining me on this journey of turning our beautiful 1891 Victorian into an Airbnb."
"The location, the size of this property are all great for an Airbnb."
"It's the perfect space for family and friends, in-laws, or even to rent out on Airbnb."
"Airbnb family, welcome back. This video is extremely important for everybody who's ever going to touch Airbnb because it talks about that strategic intersection of hospitality and real estate."
"We're ready to go on our Airbnb adventure."
"I owned an Airbnb house for several years."
"When guests are choosing Airbnb, they do so because they don't want a hotel experience; instead, they want to feel more like they're at home."
"We need to get back to the basics, back to what is truly special about Airbnb, which is connecting people, about belonging."
"This is about to become an Airbnb property, and I'm going to walk you through that process step by step."
"It's going to be your first shot at doing something right that can please the Airbnb algorithm and put you on the first page of search."
"Catch me emailing the Airbnb person and being like, 'Where did you get this? Because I need one.'"
"Lodging has transformed into things like Airbnb that weren't even thought of a few years ago."
"I'm a fan of Airbnb. I'm a fan of renting a whole place."
"Good morning from our cozy little Airbnb here in Kalumbaka."
"We are now Airbnb superhosts and got a super host bonus."
"Growth is accelerating in underpenetrated markets; we're seeing greater momentum for Airbnb across a variety of regions."
"If you're just looking for an Airbnb, do your homework."
"If you book an Airbnb for 28 nights or more, many of them will offer significant discounts."
"Nothing lasts forever, right? So the question is, is Airbnb still a good opportunity?"
"We are Real Estate Investors who've quit our day jobs by investing in Airbnbs."
"That is what Airbnb is about at its core: trying to use technology to create economic empowerment."
"View Airbnb as just a way to supplement your income."
"What's up Airbnb nation? I'm Danny, your friendly and knowledgeable Airbnb guru."
"I am now super excited to show you the final look of the Airbnb."
"We can finally reveal that the Airbnb is now complete and a quick learn for bookings."
"I swear to God I watched a couple pay $700,000 for a log cabin in Maine and then Airbnb it for $200 a night."
"It's a whimsical, lots of bedrooms layout for an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere."
"We were selected by Airbnb to travel the world for a year, calling a new destination home for a month at a time."
"We booked an online experience through Airbnb, and it was amazing."
"I found an incredible Airbnb hanging over a cliff which offered incredible views and was perfect for the sunset."
"Every bedroom has a bathroom which is perfect for Airbnb."
"Right now there's a massive opportunity on Airbnb."
"You can put your extra bedroom on Airbnb."
"We're going to learn that there's been a big sort of a huge increase in the last year alone of Airbnb inventory."
"I mean home buyers can't even find a home to buy, but plenty of people are finding these Airbnbs."
"Being an Airbnb cleaner/manager... that opens up a job opportunity."
"We love Airbnb. It is such an awesome way to stay in really cool places around the world."
"The most powerful trips Airbnb are the ones where you experience something."
"People are really passionate about Airbnb, like it's a real... it has really zealous evangelists."
"They themselves would go and call all the hosts of their New York Airbnbs, they would take professional looking photos so that the listings looked better."
"This is without question the coolest Airbnb I've ever stayed in."
"We decided that we're going to Airbnb our house now instead of rent it out."
"This is our first time ever listing a property on Airbnb."
"I will always look on Airbnb as opposed to a hotel."
"I found that one of the things that's taking us the longest with this house is preparing it to be an Airbnb and making sure that all of the details are really nailed down so that our guests have the best possible experience."
"We're going to turn this into an Airbnb."
"This is really cool that this Airbnb offers all of this, especially for the price."