
Life Organization Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I love the way that God works, that everything is in decency and in order."
"I just resent the fact that I have to organize my life in such a way that the maximum amount of profitable data can be extracted from it."
"I think everyone can use a little organization in their life, you know what I mean?"
"Clean up your life, release what clutters your space."
"Clutter goes beyond physical space - there's mental clutter, emotional clutter, relationship clutter, and time clutter."
"Cleanliness is godliness - if your hair is messy, so will your life be messy."
"Declutter your entire life... make enough space for everything that you do care about."
"I promise it's going to make your life so much easier and you'll be on time and you won't forget your appointments."
"Structure for me is everything, having a systematic approach to life is everything."
"There's nothing I love more than a fresh start, a fresh mindset, a fresh perspective, and an incentive to get my life together."
"It just makes my life easier because I know where everything is."
"Order is essentially structure, giving life structure as the greater will did when it fractured the one great."
"You gotta get your ducks in order. Get really good finances. Be a minimalist."
"It's time to get your houses in order, get things prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually."
"The beauty of it is that you have complete customization and freedom to create a system that's going to be the best for your individual life."
"Declutter—you will feel like a literal new person, more motivated, more inspired. Especially if the space that you're in all the time is organized and decluttered."
"Guarding that time and guarding that schedule is just, it's important."
"It orders your life in a way that can't be explained properly."
"Decluttering is about making space for what matters."
"Tap into your spiritual self, set your house in order, and pay attention to the cues all around you."
"This is a time of decluttering, putting things in order, and finding balance."
"It's time for a thorough clear out in your life; decluttering, detox your body and mind."
"Get your finances in order, get your career in order, get your business in order."
"Consistency in life is everything...if you're serious create a spreadsheet have a checklist and do it on a regular basis."
"It's amazing how life will organize around the standards you set for yourself."
"This week we are getting our life together."
"So I think when we do goal set, or we do take on somebody else's practice of like.. how to organise our priorities in life, there is something good about just.. just paying attention to what is actually a middling priority."
"I think secular culture is really starving for a fully wise language by which to organize our lives."
"When you want actively, you organize your life to acquire what you want."
"Breaking your life into pillars brings clarity."
"I care about you means I will organize my life around you."
"You have to organize your life in a way that makes some arithmetic sense."
"The artist of our age is the man able to organize his life, his work in himself."
"You don't have to have everything in order."
"I'm excited to get some sort of structure and help in my life."
"If you've really got yourself together in life, there's nothing stored under your bed."
"Organize your life in a way that if the people in your family of origin are not good supports, find other people."
"I don't know what it is about having pajamas, but I feel like my life is suddenly together."
"No matter how organized you are, you can't control the weather."
"I try to organize life as a cascading joy machine for myself."
"You need to get your life together and minimize."
"Saturn gives determination, ambition, patience, and the ability to structure and organize our lives."
"Every week there are 168 hours in every week."
"Using a planner kind of changed my life from being very disorganized and not getting stuff done to getting stuff done."
"Welcome to our ongoing series on how to create a life operating system in Notion."
"I aim for seven to ten hours of sleep every single night, and I do a lot to organize my life around that."
"Knowing that I am structuring my life and that I am organizing gives me much more peace."
"Once you just Marie Kondo your life a bit more, you got it."
"Continue to clean up your life, get rid of anything that clutters your space or makes you disorganized because organization is the key."
"A matching set just looks like you have your life together."
"Those are the top 10 planner inserts I feel like you should have in order to live your best life."
"If I'm gonna write 70,000 words, I've worked out what it's gonna be on, and it's gonna be on life organization because that is just my jam."
"This is not meant to be morbid; it's meant to really just take a moment to organize such an important part of your life."