
Game Completion Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Hell Divers, I've got some absolutely fantastic news: We are finished with Hell M. We do not need to go back down on this planet ever again."
"When I finished the main game I felt like I wanted more."
"I really feel like just like toddlers, pets would make this such a much more complete game."
"Despite the relative ease that comes from beating this game, I will say I always get a hit of nostalgia whenever I beat the game or listen to its ending music."
"It's over, the radiance has been struck, the infection is purged."
"My goals within these 24 hours are: first, build a base; second, unlock every transformation; and third, complete the entire Dragon Ball Z and Super story. Let's get the clock started!"
"We actually finished the whole Tycoon, man, that's pretty cool!"
"Nobody Saves the World is in fact one of those games where completing it and the journey you go on is its own reward."
"And Stanley was happy. So that's how the game is supposed to happen."
"I ended the day beating most of 3D Land and I was feeling pretty good about being able to finish 3D World very quickly tomorrow."
"So if you complete the game then you exit into higher realm with the creators on their panel, then you can say, 'Rewind, let's rewind, I like that part. Okay, let's go have some fun.'"
"The Valkyries were that concept of even when you finish the game."
"She single-handedly, in a lot of ways, stopped this man from doing this again."
"In the end, the run has ended much in the way that a lot of my runs end, with me not really knowing what the hell happened but here we are."
"We beat it, you guys. Looky looky, orange got that cookie!"
"There is no true end to it until you decide that there is."
"A separate interview we heard from the game director how it took him about 80 hours for a completionist run."
"Once we have the silver orb, we will now have all of the items we need to beat the game."
"And that's what good teams do. They finish the game."
"We did it! We can consider this another mystery solved." - Abdallah
"Hollowness will be whole again... completion percentage viewable in inventory."
"Pure completion achieved! 112% game completion and finish the game!"
"It's mainly the player who decides when they have beaten the game in their own vision."
"This Prince of Persia game is stretched out over about 30 to 50 hours if you're going to go full completionist."
"Congratulations, you have reached the end of the universe. Thanks for playing."
"Completion absolutely flew by if you just think about what it's like to complete a Mario game and apply the logic here."
"I wish you could feel how good it is that we finished this game. Because, like, it's objectively awesome."
"We beat the final boss which was... I like that, I like that they gave us something extra for beating the game 100% completion."
"Boarding the seaplane will end the game. Let's go and do it."
"I can tell you really really want to finish this game and I have a feeling you're gonna find a way to do so."
"I don't even think it's possible well that was the case until I completed a legend of zelda a link between worlds."
"We're ready to spawn a freaking wither, we're ending this tonight."
"Control has the unusual feeling of being both thoroughly complete within what it intended to do and extremely open-ended in what it could do from here."
"We will beat this entire game. So keep watching!"
"Every single ghoul dead and one last legendary for the road."
"That's the end of my fight phase, I don't think you've got any morale left to take."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we did it! We successfully completed the DLC, did every quest, talked to every person, explored every zone, and made one of the hardest decisions in the entire game."
"Congratulations player, you finished Mario Mania."
"This is the last upgrade in the game, guys. Boom, it's done."
"We actually beat it! So guys, the very final world just says coming soon."
"There it was, 100 days survived and all my objectives completed."
"Just want to have a future time. I know for a fact I'm going to play through this game until I have unlocked all the upgrades."
"They say thank you for playing. Well, thanks for making the game developers, it was a good time."
"Perfect game guys. Look, it doesn't matter, there's a coward. No one killed him. Does it count? He's still good."
"After Breen blasts the pod with the super gravity gun... we just beat the game."
"Debates about what it means to truly beat a game have also been sparked."
"People will move on from the game once they beat it."
"Thank you, Lantern, what an ending to such an interesting run."
"He's completed all six games and earned 45 billion won."
"It felt like the most complete Ratchet game at the time of its release."
"We just ran a bit of code that told the game to play the credits... it's a credits warp."
"Red Dead Redemption 2, I finished it within a week because I couldn't stop playing."
"Dragon Quest's completion really is its own reward."
"We are unstoppable, we are unkillable and the game has been completed. We cannot be stopped by any normal means of combat."
"It's also one of the best games to complete ever."
"I didn't get my five rushing touchdowns all but we did close the game off."
"We can escape and finally be free from this game."
"My goal is to finish the story and then just wreak havoc."
"The hidden ending... makes me want to finish the game entirely."
"Thus completing twitch playing Halo once and for all."
"You don't need spells press to complete the game."
"This just won't feel complete to me and who better to defeat bowser than good old waluigi."
"That's literally the last thing we need to get is that right there."
"We did it! We did it ladies, the shortest horror game known to mankind."
"You just beat the game! Oh come on, it's a JRPG, of course there's another phase."
"Thank you for all the support that you gave as I got through this game."
"We won't have completed all our achievements, but we will have indeed completed Minecraft."
"We beat the game, there's no more, there's no way home, wow!"
"Congratulations, you have beaten the Easter egg."
"This feels so complete and I absolutely adore it for that."
"I think we're ready to take on the final mission."
"We sat and watched the sunset on my last day of my Minecraft hundred days world."
"Congratulations, you've beaten my game! Thank you, thank you."
"We might as well just retire, man. We freaking won the game!"
"It feels like the end of games, because it offers so much."
"Michael has the shutout broken up in the ninth inning but here against the twins We Go the Distance all 27 outs."
"They did what they had to do, credit to the defense especially to finish this game."
"You've finished the game now, count all you've done, then go down the slide for some extra fun."
"That's done, that's a game completed, I really enjoyed that."
"I'm going to make sure that Fool's Gold is finished all the way to the end."
"Congratulations, thank you for playing."
"It is incredible the journey you go on to actually complete this game."
"Absolutely amazing, oh let's play time over."