
Human Traits Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Wisdom is a trait often lacking in some humans, and also a trait not necessarily required for technology."
"Comedy writers are not known for their love of man and their thoughtfulness and their kindness and their empathy. Michael is a rare case of a comedy writer who rose to great success and is also an exemplary human."
"Humans as individuals have a lot of wonderful traits and they're very powerful."
"Being thankful and taking care of your stuff is a really good human trait."
"Language is one of the fundamental topics in the human sciences. It’s the trait that most conspicuously distinguishes humans from other species."
"Consistency is one of the rarest traits of a human being."
"AI just thinks... It's not ambitious, it's not competitive, those are all the things that make us dangerous."
"His love for joy deepens, and that capacity to love and be loved is one of the most human characteristics there is."
"Humans are the only animals capable of blushing."
"Turning these traits into a superpower kind of diminishes the humanity of these traits."
"Intelligence, curiosity, compassion for our fellow man, and hope are something that exists within all of us."
"We're incredibly social creatures. That's what separates us."
"The most admirable quality in a human is humility."
"If a person is genuinely friendly, then there is a seed of hope."
"Good cannot be accomplished without courage, and it is the rarest of human traits."
"Humans can chase down anything due to their superior stamina regeneration."
"Humans lack fur, offering almost zero armor."
"A character who is between human being and the supernatural."
"Imagination, intuition, and empathy are spiritual qualities."
"The idea is that if you want a likable or relatable protagonist, you usually keep them somewhat human."
"Humans are extremely adaptable and inquisitive these have been known to be our better traits that helped us rise to the top."
"More than just embracing the Turing test, I think we should embrace the messiness of the human being in all the different domains of AI."
"Humans on the other hand are usually very adaptable."
"Self-esteem is the greatest trait of a human being."
"Moves on is an interesting villain not because he's so demonic but because he's so human."
"You're four-dimensional. You can touch someone and they can feel your skin and smell you."
"It is normal for a human being to be compassionate, inclusive, and loving."
"We're always gonna have some feminine energy inside of us and that's like that's a good thing."
"What is human nature? We are loving people, we are hopeful, we have dreams and compassion."
"Hope is one of our best characteristics and assets as human beings."
"Strength of fortitude is a facet of the human character."
"Human beings are the animal that can cooperate flexibly in large numbers."
"Characters that are larger and stronger and cooler and better than most humans really can be, because I think it's nice to look at that and reflect."
"The perfect character as in someone who has flaws, who has phobias, who has weaknesses, and who is relatable to a lot of different people."
"I wonder like can these things like can are there traits that humans might evolve that could could sort of push us too far and actually become detrimental?"
"Humans can be many things, and one of them certainly is curious."
"Neither gender has a monopoly on vice or virtue."
"A big part of what people are forgetting: personality."
"Curiosity is definitely my favorite thing about humanity."
"Greed is a trait everyone has at some point in time. Overcoming it is hard but it's something that must be done."
"The molten hues of brown eyes are not mere specks of color; they are cosmic pools of Earth's fierce and protective spirit."
"And I like the way they kind of gave Broly little human characteristics."
"A new normal would look like a human being who is more compassionate, kinder, and reacts differently to people and perceptions."
"Narcissism is like hurricanes or viruses or tigers."
"Can you, the player, demonstrate that most human of characteristics: showing empathy for those outside of yourself?"
"Human adaptability and inventiveness are the greatest force."
"Consciousness: the most mysterious human trait."
"He was a very, very brilliant, talented, giving, and wounded man."
"It's a fundamentally different way of thinking about the emergence of, I guess, these very unique human qualities."
"About 1% of people are ambidextrous, with symmetrical brains like synesthetes."
"Human weaknesses will be cut out, leaving only the most desirable traits."
"One monopoly mankind will retain for many years to come is the propensity for good and the propensity for evil."
"We have to use the four traits of humanity that separate us from animals to get us out of this mess."
"Beauty subjective, however, I do think it's very fair to say there are certain attributes that a human can have that makes them pleasurable to the eye."
"I've never actually seen a real human being with lavender eyes."
"The thing that humans have that chat GPT doesn't is the ability to connect."
"Curiosity is one of the most important attributes of all of humanity."
"The humans were not the strongest, fastest, or toughest creatures in the Galaxy, but they were adaptable, able to thrive in a wide range of environments."
"Humans were relentless problem solvers, always seeking new challenges to overcome."
"Genetic differences: which of these lead to bipedalism? Which of these lead to spoken language? How do the genetics make us this individual that's uniquely human?"
"We have the ability to engineer humans, even getting rid of bad traits like bad teeth and bad eyes."
"Almost every trait that we know of in humanity has mixtures of nurture and nature."
"I felt like I was masculine because I was assertive. I felt like I was masculine because I did not treat my voice or speak with a whisper. But those are not masculine traits. That's human."
"Hogarth picked up on traits that are Universal, that are basic Universal human traits."
"Neandertal DNA influences human traits involved in interactions with the environment."
"The idea that there was a sudden evolutionary event where meat eating went from being relatively unimportant to being so central that it drove the evolution of key human traits just doesn't shake out in our analysis of the published evidence."
"Different subsistence economies select for and incentivize certain cultural and even physical traits."
"The visible the forward-facing eyes the upright these are massive things in taking us out of the animal kingdom."
"In the future, will AI achieve human traits like emotion, consciousness, or even free will?"
"For they are the most talented, Highborn, able, lucky, connected, brutal, venal, cunning, preciate, intelligent, remorseless, callous, disconnected, distant, self-absorbed, single-minded, and sociopathic humans to have ever lived."
"Humans are very good at that sort of resourcefulness."
"Anime characters go through so much... there's a lot of traits that I think we as humans can relate to."
"We've been selected for certain traits like empathy, kindness, and goodwill towards others."
"Humans have ridiculous stamina regeneration."
"Anthropomorphic is an animal that is taking on human characteristics."
"We don't understand that racism, like all human attributes, exists on a scale."
"Pattern recognition is kind of one of the things that makes us human."
"In the complex tapestry of human qualities, wisdom is often highly regarded."
"The emergence of hemispheric specialization is associated with some very unique human adaptations."
"Every single person on the planet with blue eyes shares a common ancestor."
"There are three possible genotypes that a human could have for this particular trait."
"We work together, communicate, and invent; we can also sweat to cool ourselves off as we are running."
"It had these ape qualities, but it had human qualities about its face too."
"Being humble is probably one of the best traits of a human that could ever happen."
"The brow Ridge may have been a symbol of strength in the past, but our ancestors adapted to prioritize connecting with one another."
"Forgetfulness is definitely a very common human characteristic."
"It resembled a gorilla but it also possessed some human traits."
"As she eats more and more of the zombie gel, Elion starts showing more similarities with human behavior."
"It's okay to feel uncomfortable with pineapple on pizza, but it is not okay to feel uncomfortable with innate traits of a human that does no harm to others."
"To be anti-racist is to say, yes, there are black people who are lazy, but there are white people who are lazy too, and there's no racial group that has a monopoly on negative or even positive traits."
"Empathy... is an attribute that many people don't have."
"Personality is concerned with traits along which people vary, as opposed to states which are temporary conditions."
"We got these robust cerebral cortex which the other animals don't, so we have imagination, empathy, we can remember things, we got language."