
School Quotes

There are 1222 quotes

"It is the first day of school and I'm nervous. I'm very excited but I'm also very nervous."
"I'm kind of excited, I feel like I'm back in school again."
"The USDA is considering a big change to school lunch menus that many kids may not be happy about."
"The next school year, they walked down to that end of the school again and realized that the staircase was nowhere to be found, and there was no second floor at all."
"This school is so old, it's always scary in here, but tonight, I think it's even worse."
"Sure enough, one day, he shows up to school as a giant snail."
"A note from your mother isn't science. It's how you get out of P.E."
"My spouse went and put out flags for a fundraiser that our kids' school's band does, and that was really cool to see all of that out."
"This isn't just another day, this is the first day of school."
"Good news is, it is the last full Monday of the school year."
"Gumball is described as the ultimate voice show with silly humor, slapstick comedy, and bad behavior at school."
"School has always been that one place where we can hopefully find somebody who will love us and value us for who we are."
"If the schools would just utilize that six to seven hour chunk they'd been given, which is a lot of time, use the time better."
"Every girl at my school is beautiful and I'm just here like, 'I exist but that's it.'"
"Honestly, he's lucky that he didn't get expelled."
"I remember it was the Lord, so I have a friend... She's a friend now. At my, the first school I went to, she was my RA at the time."
"We all at one point definitely called the teacher mom gotta be done."
"So what does Soma do on his first day in school? He goes up in front of everybody and just for the sake of flexing on a person in school, he says, 'Hi, I am better than every single one of you.'"
"Throwback Thursday: that time my teacher's computer wasn't working, so she plugged the projector into one of the student's computers."
"By the time third period rolled around, burn period is beginning now. Today will be another dungeon outing."
"My children have an active shooter drill at their school."
"This is officially like my last first day of school. This is insane."
"Thank you so much for coming along for my first day of senior year. I hope you enjoyed it and had a lot of fun."
"Start your new school year organized and everything put together."
"This PE teacher liked to take us on walks and runs, so we would leave school at lunchtime in a bus and come back as school was ending since PE was last."
"The series became so popular that several schools had to ban the trading cards because they were distracting students and causing fights."
"If there's a bully in school, I would at least have an ounce of respect for them if they fought people their own size."
"Shout out to all y'all grinding at your school or your place of employment."
"Cocaine at your... school concession stand would make your daughter's kindergarten graduation way more enjoyable."
"Oh my gosh, we got to save her, but there's only one issue, his girlfriend goes to an only girl school and you're a boy."
"Parents need to get involved in their children's schools."
"Deliberately brought the handgun that day with the intent to murder as many students as he could."
"That's the best thing, time on a Wednesday, is to be math exam the next day."
"Most important thing right now, kids are going back to school one way or another, we must keep them safe."
"The last tip and probably the most important is to try to find ways to make back to school extra special for the kids."
"It's the first day of school and it's already a pizza day! Woohoo!"
"I was surrounded by bodies, students stacked high and formed into a tightly packed maze."
"Dressing up for school was literally the best part."
"The school is actually kind of creepy as well."
"This is what happened. So back in high school, I was in PE class playing kickball."
"Madison's first full official day of school."
"Hey, let's go to school together. We better get moving."
"This is not how I wanted to spend my day. This is stuck in detention."
"I don't think you deserve to get in trouble if people are messing with you and you try to defend yourself. Well, that's how school works."
"Overzealous football lineman vomited... Domino vomit effect throughout the cafeteria."
"I was the class clown." - Embracing a playful and humorous personality in school.
"Good. I hope President Trump can make school lunches great again."
"If you're in school and you see a situation where there is bullying please step in."
"Have a great school year, Ryan. Good luck, have a school year. You'll do great."
"I was gonna be throwing them out you have you have you been out uh oh what y'all do to my favorite teacher you know what I'm just kidding y'all but I'm glad to see that y'all working together."
"You can't go, you need to wait. So I walked out, I went to the bathroom, I used the bathroom, and when I walked out of the bathroom, you'll never believe what I saw before my eyes... my principal."
"Best one so far, my school's food is getting really bad now."
"It's definitely the weird guy in the school bus."
"I had a problem with my teachers oh a lot of problems with my teachers I got in a lot of trouble."
"Ron got made a prefect - that's so nice to see."
"Mask requirements are still in place for schools and child care facilities to ensure schools can remain open."
"Teacher: 'Next person who laughs gets suspended.' Me: *looks at my friend's face*"
"Last and final two and a half days of school, kids are gonna be out for summer, I can't wait."
"No, not goodbye. What do you mean not goodbye? I have to go to school, remember? That's why I've been getting ready. The bus is waiting, I have to go."
"Another day of school, yeah? You ready for it? You bet. You studied for the test? Oh, a little bit. I hope it was enough. I'm sure you'll do fine."
"We could put hammocks in a light library and create a food court so it's interesting for everyone to visit."
"During those 10 days, she and all her classmates have the most precious youth."
"Hello and good morning everyone, today is field day also barbecue day at the school."
"This is gonna be my last first day of school, bro."
"I had a very good first last day of school."
"We made little posters announcing 'Bring your pet to school day'."
"Remember, girls, no using your powers at school."
"When school's over and that one kid goes, 'You didn't give us an assignment, ma'."
"Teacher: 'Are you two friends?' Me: 'No.' That one guy who keeps wanting to follow me everywhere: 'Yes.'"
"I won the party of the year award in school too."
"If the school goes phone free, then everyone is doing it, and then everyone is talking to everyone."
"Nikaido finally realizes that Honda is very kind, making Honda very popular at school."
"Everyone at school is showing off their plans for a botany project."
"I'm starting to like this school more and more."
"Field day was the event of the year."
"Life is not just about school, and there's more to life than just school."
"She wanted to go back to school to be a counselor and help other people who dealt with those same things as she did."
"She's got better friends now than she did when she was at school because she can choose who she wants to be friends with."
"Good luck on your first day of school."
"No more school, no more waking up early, no more homework."
"Tomorrow you're starting school. You're a big boy now, you're really cool."
"The big announcement, the big news, through the end of the school year, you guys, that's pretty big."
"School violence prevention is a shared responsibility."
"Senioritis is what happens when you're in your last year of school and you just get tired of being in school."
"I'm glad that really phased you, I don't know how to do school."
"Desks at the beginning of the school year, desks at the end of the school year."
"We're getting rid of the school dress code."
"Summer, summer, summer! The countdown on the last day of school."
"Teachers were more strict, students were meaner, and books were heavier."
"He brought press and money through the school which is always good for the school."
"Wearing black on the first day of school because it's actually the funeral for my happiness."
"I think I saw a ghost taking that class. Imagine dying and being a ghost and still having to go to school. People think you're up to something."
"Middle school is like top five worst things you'll ever go through. Middle school is like the one place where all your intrusive anxiety thoughts are actually real."
"I cannot believe that I start school in less than 48 hours like it still hasn't hit me and it probably won't until I'm like actually at school."
"I love back to school supplies, I always have since I was a little girl."
"Middle School is just an awkward place."
"Come over here, this is the last class of the day is band class. So grab your instrument."
"Marvista is one of the schools where the actual z boys would skate so not only were we getting to stand amongst movie history but skateboarding history as well."
"After several days, the day of the school Festival arrives."
"Back-to-school is an emotional experience for a parent."
"I don't know what's better, to stay home or go back to school, I don't know, okay? All I know is this one thing: I was waiting for August so the kids would go back to school so I could have the pool to myself."
"More people are unable to go to work or school because of a mental disorder than any other medical condition."
"And then what proceeded to happen over the next 25 days is I would come every day to school and I wouldn't be going to school."
"Those social hierarchies and those bullies we come to know in school are really just a preview for what's out there."
"Attention students, Horizon High is experiencing an emergency drop everything and follow standard evacuation procedure."
"The mom said I think that the school told the kid to shower in a faculty locker room."
"They always want the glue sticks. The glue sticks I think are just a lot less messy."
"Spend the extra 15 cents and get the Crayola. It's worth it."
"Look at all these cool Sharpies for ten dollars."
"These are wooden pencils and well I like mechanical pencils better pencils are probably the most important stationery or writing utensil for school."
"You also can do this for your entire school so your whole school could have a shared drive where all of those different files that you need access to are in one place."
"School's really fun I love school."
"Instead, we played Pokemon cuz that was more fun than than school because it was a game it was interesting and you know they all the stuff going on."
"I think it made it look like it was a very progressive school and he was protecting these kids but I also think he took advantage of that status right? Yeah, yeah, of the fact that they had less protections, yeah."
"I didn't get in trouble in high school a lot but I was a little bit of a class clown."
"Our story begins at Six Flags St Louis as ace reporter Eric Carter takes over for the student news program at the local high school."
"I learned that your school has rules right like you can't draw on the walls your daddy went to Germany and Drew on the walls with Captain America."
"It's a different world isn't it here? No one drives to school, no unless they're a bus driver they do not drive."
"It's time for your first class photo."
"The principal takes the two to the detention room."
"Try out a shorter school week if you're feeling overwhelmed."
"School's over but there's still plenty to learn."
"Wow this is so adorable this one like you know I used to do this like in school I so walk around just like look cute with like a binder or like an agenda."
"Tomorrow is the second first day of school and the second day of school. Ah, who it is, Lilia starts middle school tomorrow."
"I woke up like an hour ago and I don't have school today because we have another online day which I don't even know how that's possible but it's great news to me."
"I felt so stuck. I didn't want to go to work, I didn't even want to go to school."
"I want to go to school. That's probably the only time I'll ever hear someone wants to go to school."
"I really thought I was a fashionista and I was just stunning on everybody at school."
"Guys cheer up, school's great. You get to be around your friends and learn new things. These are the best years of our lives."
"You are able to wear makeup during both, during school."
"She was patient zero, she left the whole school after that."
"I remember being in school or before an exam and everyone would pile up outside of the classroom or in the hallway, just couldn't drown out people trying to memorize last-minute stuff."
"Even with all my thoughts consumed with daydreams about my new life, none of it sunk in until I was standing outside my usual place at the school’s gate."
"Kids are just... if you're in school and people are being mean to you please know that they're stupid and yes I'm calling mean people stupid you should too."
"The Yuma high school students...began calling themselves The Yuma City criminals."
"Computer labs were like the best use of school time."
"The topic for the day was taking photos around the school with the theme maple trees."
"I was a little nerd with glasses my whole school career."
"We don't do lockdown drills because the drills themselves would scare the students... we're in the top 8% of states with the most school shootings."
"I'd already heard about the basement rumor from Brandon earlier, but I, along with many others, had no clue about the whole urban legends surrounding the depths of the school."
"While the school is now gone, it is unknown if the spirits remain."
"People have experienced lights flickering on and off during the night, a window was seen opening and closing on its own, and most terrifying is disembodied screams have been heard echoing out of the school."
"Are you proud of me? I made all that at school!"
"Eight grade seven students are chosen by a cruel substitute teacher to stay after school enduring abuse and uncertainty until a heroic principal steps in."
"School's over, and G and I were wondering if we could take the robot out for a test drive."
"First day of school and we already have two lovebirds."
"I'm officially no longer a sophomore. Alright guys, it's summer."
"...definitely recommend this song if you need a song like that. But what I'm gonna do now is organize or like attempt to organize my school supplies."
"Bullying was something that happened to poor people, but the truth was that Joe had been picked on ever since he started at the school."
"It's the last week of this half term so the girls are really tired."
"Hope joins Caroline in welcoming a new class of students to the Salvatore School, a place where the supernatural outcasts can finally feel welcome and at home."
"It feels so good to be back, I'm so excited for the new Academic Year. I can't wait to meet all my friends, my teachers, and even you Mr. D."
"We're gonna get the girl's reaction to how their first day at school went. Hopefully, everything went good."
"Literally just sitting in my school parking lot waiting to get out."
"Good luck with school, guys, good luck."
"Our teacher says this is a silly feud and all creatures are friends in our school."
"They're saying girls can bring small bags and things because these last three days of school you aren't allowed to bring a backpack."
"School is outside. School is in your living room. School is everywhere, right? And all the time and everywhere is an invitation to learn."
"It is not allowed to bring cameras to school or pictures."
"Real friends at our school always make it better."
"They absolutely saved my life, they allowed me to feel included in a group which I had never felt before in school."
"I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled."
"Thank you all for watching comment down below are you in school right now are you preparing for college are you in college I want to know are you in high school I hope you all have a great school year and if you're not in school that you just have a great amazing year."
"I had the nickname 'The Cat Man' in school because I had multiple girlfriends at once."
"Mom, if they sing Happy Birthday to me, I am going to run out of the class."
"Jungwoo refuses, emphasizing that violence cannot be ignored and the school must protect its students."
"School can be super stressful but you'll get through it, you got this and stay strong."
"School years were not the best of times for lots of people. In fact, I dare say, is one of the worse times you’d face in your entire lifetime."
"This concludes my night routine I hope you guys enjoyed seeing what today's night looked like again it changes every single time because it just depends on what I'm doing after school."
"Once you leave school you've got to start having responsibilities you've got to move out you've got to pay rent you've got to do all of that stuff so trust me kids enjoy school as much as you can"
"The purpose of going to school... is to learn things you don't already know."
"I hate school... Looks like my writing in your face have something in common."
"One lucky winner will be winning a lot of really cute simple like school supplies for the 2021 school year."
"We are Crystal Prep High and we have a reputation"
"The break-in to the third wave headquarters was the talk of school the entire day."
"Happy last day of school! You're welcome!"
"Tomorrow happens to be a free dress day do this often on the first Wednesday of the month it is called a dollar free dress day or dollar dress day where you donate a dollar to the school which is awesome."
"This is the very first dollar dress that we've had since school hasn't been in the year there's a lot of Firsts going down in this new school year."
"I don't think I could go to school today."
"Our school was just built different."
"There are moments of magic in every school."
"Kids are out of school, you only have two and a half more days of school, can you believe it?"
"I loved being able to wear shirts for bands or video games that I like though, and I could meet other people in school that had common interests where I was wearing it on my shirt."
"Have you ever heard of Parkhurst High?"
"I struggled through school because the topics didn't interest me."
"Damn it! And she died cuz the school is filled with idiots rather than a single fire extinguisher."
"I wouldn't say a deep relationship back then because we just knew each other, you feel me? See each other all the time at school."
"now you know she go to a good school when it says Preparatory I wouldn't have been able to even spell that if I didn't see it up on the screen just now Preparatory it's on your skirt bring out the rest of the flowers in your skirt"
"Summer vacation ended and Gwen and Ben went back to school."
"Wake up, wake up, time for school. Time for school, get up, let's go, let's go, beat my son, beat my son, beat his ass, wake up, beat my son, go to sleep, beat my son."
"And that is the story of how three of the most popular girls in our school had the worst school photos this year."
"Looks like this year I'm going to get the best school photo."
"These guys were like the class clowns they didn't care about anything they grabbed my backpack and they threw it on the floor."
"Is it another Friday morning? Is it time for grade school?"
"Rock City Prep, man, I am excited."
"We did have the kids gather up their coats shoes backpacks look for lunch boxes laid out clothes last night anything we could do to make this morning a little bit smoother a little bit easier as we transition back into our morning routine school morning routine."
"She recalls walking home from school and looking at her English test results on her phone."
"I think this with a tote bag is perfect for school."
"Never did Dobby dream Harry Potter would get to school another way."
"This world is a strange one. In all seriousness, every school lockdown that's not a drill is a horror story."