
Environmental Care Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"We all need to participate in healing the planet, transforming ourselves internally for a better world."
"One of the things we might want to do as a people is to treat the planet in a fashion that would care for it because this is a garden that we were given to caretaker."
"Making her corner of the world beautiful again is the least I can do."
"I think she really cares about the ocean and its animals."
"If you're carrying soap, don't use it directly in a water source."
"This future child of yours is going to be a caretaker of the earth... they care about getting things together."
"It's like Mario Sunshine in real life, cleaning the streets line by satisfying line."
"Ecological conversion can restore ecological equilibrium."
"We cleaned up the litter, we put away the toys, we made sand castles, we gotta protect this place, Melon."
"There are certain places on this planet that require a little extra care to be taken of them, extra security measures if you will."
"You have to give those animals a place to live."
"From cleaning up the enchanted forest to tending to the Whomping Willow, there was an outpouring of love for mother nature, a humbling reminder that magic is as much a part of the environment as it is of us."
"What if we had actual responsible people that cared and valued the world?"
"You can refill from a big tank... Better for the planet."
"I didn't focus on the issues, like there's no such thing as Republican children, or Democratic children, we all want a clean environment."
"Start making your own compost, even if it's in a pile in a corner."
"It's not about scale, believe me. It's about the habitat that you offer."
"Plants, if you take care of them, they can live as long as you like, potentially forever."
"We want the best for this planet and we don't want to be hurt."
"We should be teaching children about nature... how to care for the soil, how to maintain its fertility."
"We're very passionate about what we do when it comes to raising healthy food and taking care of our land."
"We need to love on each other and love on our world."
"It feels so great to take care of our planet."
"They have their capability to experience abundance, but I also sense that this person loves animals and they direct their life towards animals and also the environment in nature."
"Don't make the mistake of going off Trail... it's so important to make sure that these Trails stay open for generations."
"Three things: take care of yourself, take care of each other, take care of the planet, and remember, the truth is always indisputable."
"You take care of nature and nature will take care of you too."
"Doing everything for the benefit of nature, the Earth, the animals, the trees, the plants, the snails, the slugs, everything."
"Be one with the sun. Nurture plants, nurture nature. Connect with the Divine."
"We're gonna make the best habitat we possibly can."
"See a beautiful world in which we treat ourselves with care, we treat others with care, and we treat this planet with care."
"If you love yourself and you love your planet... ultimately doing the right thing is not because you should do it but because of love."
"I think we should make a filter to get rid of the dirt."
"Bless their hearts for saving that sea turtle. Good stuff."
"Instead of throwing this away, we can make it into a house where a bird can stay."
"We did good today, AC Family. When caring for animals, I try to do my best to ensure the miniworlds we create continue to evolve and get better, and that our creatures remain healthy and happy."
"Making small conscious efforts like this really is the way for us to collectively help our planet."
"Be gentle with each other, be gentle with the land, be gentle with yourselves."
"It's a perfect solution for the dry months as trees keep their leaves hydrated so the hay will provide a good source of moisture."
"Winter is actually a really busy time for the jobs that you can do in a woodland."
"You keep the tank clean, and the fish is healthy."
"May all waters be cleansed... open to unconditional generous compassion."
"Isn't tree: A brand that cares about what they make."
"Always leave your site or wherever you visit nicer than it was when you got there."
"Let's not mess up our planet, let's not have wars, let's try to work together to give life a toehold in this incredible universe."
"On Earth Day, and every day, let's do our part in making it a more Mythical world."
"Mother Earth is there for all her children, and that includes you and me."
"I think you have something random that's not toxic to the ocean and it works for you pop it in the comments talk about have a discussion about it."
"It's trash and shred, not trash and recycling."
"In the simplicity, the slowness, and the calm, we've learned so much about ourselves."
"Having diversity throughout your garden is really important."
"The actions are still the same: stop destroying your soil food web of life, stop tilling, stop pulling your weeds out, allow your soils to transition and grow towards old-growth forest soils."
"Take care of the planet that will take care of you."
"Just promise me something: you'll check up on Earth every now and again."
"Never harm the bees, guys. They deserve our love and affection."
"We have to start taking care of the planet and thinking more carefully about these effects."
"It would never be possible for us to recreate the wild, but what we can do is strive towards the best possibility for them in a captive environment."
"I really want to just reclaim this property, clean it up, and then manage it from there."
"I have no doubt that all of us here in this room that care about our environment want that painting to be nothing less than a masterpiece, a world in balance. Thank you."
"Please, when you put them in the water here, hold it there for a second so we can watch the release."
"We eat organic because we think these pesticides and environmental chemicals are important not just for us but also for the Farm Workers."
"It treats mosquitoes, gnats, chinch bugs, roaches, a lot of the bugs that we really hate."
"When you're making these changes, even from bad to good, you want to go slowly and let those polyps accommodate to those changes."
"Use your best judgment as to when too much of a good thing becomes pollution or poison and act."
"A lot of problems in the future come from people in the present not taking good care of what they see."
"Dawn can't go wrong with Dawn; it's good for penguins and oil, as the commercials say."
"With water, soil smarts, protection, shade, and a touch of support, you're well on your way to becoming the ultimate tree whisperer."
"If we don't figure out how to take care of this place, I'm not sure that we'll make it in the long run."
"It's just a bunch of really cool people who care about the environment out here doing research."
"Be the peace you want to live with ourselves, with others, and also with the planet."
"We gotta take care of our planet to take care of our kids."
"Let's be radicalized for God, let's love people the most, let's care for the world around us the most."
"It's also made from natural ingredients which is the key to staying fresh while also taking care of your health and the planet."
"Respect and take care of the environment in every way possible."
"The landscape is given the opportunity to restore itself, which is amazing."
"The Earth's biosphere boasts a great potential for recovery and evolution, which by no means implies that it doesn't need our care."
"If we don't care for it, then what will happen to future generations?"
"Whatever backstreet you pop in, it is almost perfectly clean everywhere, because streets here are washed and brushed literally."
"Dawn is actually the brand of choice for cleaning up oil-soaked birds like penguins."
"The best way to self-improve is to help your environment and build and create your environment that's ideal."
"We are the best stewards of this place."
"Keep engine revs low to reduce the environmental harm caused by your motor vehicle."
"There's a massive correlation right between people looking after themselves and people looking after the planet."
"Please, D Squad out there, I really care about the planet, but I also really care about you guys, so do not pick up anything that is dangerous, anything sharp that could harm you."
"As a tender and keeper of the land, I'm constantly thinking how can I make everything around me flourish and have a better existence."
"I'm the Earth on this planetary run; please take care of me, I'm the planet you all live on."
"The only way you're going to get people caring about land is if they're invested in it."
"There's nothing quite like the Earth we got; let's do all we can to show we care a lot."
"If caring for the environment is more important to you than the money, then there are brands in this test doing even more good things."
"We must nurture it, not destroy it."
"You always want to have some level of water in the wet well to minimize odor release."
"Pick up at least one piece of litter that isn't yours today."
"Garbage should be thrown properly."
"Compost is number one for me; there's not a soil structure that compost could not improve."
"Individuals care more than ever about the planet."
"I make sure to separate my plastics, paper, metal, glass into different containers for the recycling truck to take away."
"It's a really cool way to be able to take care of one of the most spectacular pieces of this planet."
"The Lord smelled a sweet savor; the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake."
"I care about this planet. I care about the way that my actions impact others."
"The British Countryside is glorious and it's like that because of British farming, the farmers who care about the land and they care about the environment and they care about their animals."
"Clean up your trash... we as Surfers got to be very conscious of how we treat the ocean beach."
"The environment will care for us, but in using nature, we must respect it and tread gently with what we use."
"Amazing, so pollination and honey, and looking after the environment as well."
"I like keeping things clean, but I also want my kids to live in a clean world."
"I am so happy that we're cleaning up this beach."
"We have to take care of the microbes."
"Garbage removal in our own communities is important."
"Look after yourselves, each other, and most importantly, the planet around you."
"Take care of the planet, take care of the mangroves, take care of nature. It's our home, please love it, you know it loves you if you love it back."
"The soil holds 70% of our carbon, and rather than growing loads of new forests, actually just looking after the dirt, the soil, and maintaining that is important."
"You don't need to be a liberal to care about water."
"Sustainable cities and communities mean cities and communities that give their people a good quality of life but do not put the environment at risk."
"It's very important to take care of the planet we live on."
"We all need to think about what we should do about energy, we should pay more attention to the nature."
"Take care of this small blue dot."
"We do need to take care of our planet, like we do, do not litter."
"There's no way you can love humanity, there's no way you can love people, there's no way you can love yourself, and refuse to take care of the environment that helps you live."
"Try the best you can to keep that part in which you inhabit litter-free."
"Looking after the environment is so essential."
"That's us all done with the beach clean today; the beach in the foreshore looks so much better without all that stuff."
"We have to nourish the emotional life of the planet; we have to be kind."
"The best thing that I feel about the entire beach is that it is very clean and neat. There is no littering at all."
"What do you think about challenging ourselves for every single destination we stop at, we pick up one piece of trash and we try to make the overall Arizona Peace Trail a little bit nicer and better?"
"And then we'll send a prayer to planet Earth."
"It is upon us to help ourselves make the place be clean."
"Dejar de tirar basura principalmente en las calles, cuidar a los árboles y ser más respetuosos con el medio ambiente."
"Gore products reduce carbon emissions, Gore help transmit signals from the Mars rover back to Earth."
"I think that'd be so cool, to return it to its home."
"Mother Nature does a better job of taking care of us than we do ourselves."
"Take care of your trees, they'll take care of you."
"If you see it, pick up trash, and our earth will be beautified."
"Think through the decisions you need to make to not only remove a pest problem but to do it safely and without damage to your environment."
"Please, as always, tread lightly, pick up the garbage of others that have been left at the campsite."
"By giving it some love, we can literally bring it to life, and that's what we intend to do."
"Caring for our common home is crucial."
"Let us recover it, caring for the way we treat ourselves, our neighbors will be the way we treat the environment."
"What contribution can we all be to the Earth right now that would allow it to thrive?"
"We want people to reuse them because we care about the Earth."
"I care a lot about the environment."
"If you really care about the environment, you should try and lift people out of poverty."
"They clean up waste and everything so you don't have to keep the soil clean, which is awesome."
"The state of Arizona voted to legalize grass, not the kind you smoke, but the kind you can grow in your yard."
"Please don't litter, dispose of properly."
"We've got to take a little better care of everything we have."
"If we all cared for the environment, it would make a difference."
"Volvo's Clean Zone technology filters out particles and harmful gases to ensure the air coming into the car is consistently clean, even if you're driving through polluted areas."
"Everyone's a winner when you join the Australian Tidy Towns team."
"It's greener here. I think we compost and take care of our gardens, we take care of the earth."
"We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"Honeybee health is what we all want to achieve."
"I hope that you're inspired to take actionable steps to nurture yourself and the planet and go gently for yourself, your family, your friends, your loved ones, your colleagues, and your community."
"It's going to cleanse the atmosphere out."
"Please take your antifreeze to a recycling center; don't dump it down the drain, it's toxic to the environment."
"If you want these resources to be here tomorrow, you have to take care of them today."
"It's so important that children are educated where their food comes from and how we care for their environment."
"We do everything we can to keep the environment healthy."
"The unicorn was a big part of keeping the forest clean after all."
"This is a brand that cares about the environment, they care about making quality beautiful premium pieces at a good price for everybody."
"If we want to have a world that's going to be sustainable, we need to teach children sustainability."
"We care a lot about recycling and making sure it goes to the right place."
"So, for everything bad that we've created that we now have to take care of, we've got some really neat tools to help us work this stuff out."
"We're gonna clean up this pile of rubbish and place it by the road."
"Every now and then we organize beach cleaning, we try to keep our small square, where we work, very clean we never leave anything on the beach."
"It's going to collect any brake fluid that might come out, save the environment, and of course, my paint."
"Leave it even nicer than it was when you go."
"Take care of the water and the air that we breathe."
"We need to care for mother earth."
"Cleanliness, nothing to incinerate anyone and hurt anything and cause any damage."
"Soils are incredibly important but in many areas of the world, people are forgetting to take good care of them."
"Keep our natural landmarks clean, dispose of your rubbish properly."
"Sustainable agriculture is the use of techniques that are designed to mitigate agricultural environmental damage."
"I donate clothes to churches, I shop secondhand when I can."
"If we care enough for one another, we'll separate the trash that's thrown away."
"It's interesting to watch as a crawler machine equipped with the right equipment gently embraces a tree together with its roots and moves it to a new location."
"If we didn't take care of the environment, we would not survive."
"How much care should I put into other people in the environment? That's very much an ethical question."
"We care passionately about the environment."
"Dear Earth, hey, we want to thank you in a great big way, hey, thank you, for all you do, we'll take care of you."
"They're an incredible company that cares so much for the environment, they're ethically made, they're sustainably sourced."
"The best thing you can do is let it do its thing in the best possible environment you can provide."
"You don't leave garbage out in Canada."
"Take good care of this world that you've been given."
"Live your life, find joy in the ordinary, live gently upon this Earth because life is good."
"...we really need to take care of that because it's taking care of us."
"I always save my trash until I find a trash can."
"We need to take care of the planet properly."
"All trees need loving too, please hug me."
"Adjust your thermostat by one degree... It's good for your wallet, good for the earth, and doesn't require time or energy from you."
"As we understand that we are all the environment, and how we treat each other is really how we treat the environment."
"Recycle means putting a product into a new use."
"Malama e ka moana, care for our ocean."
"I think technology, if used well and used intelligently, we can go so many ways and so many paths in order to help out the environment."
"Animals know how to take care of the land because they don't stick around for very long; they will graze as they move on."
"Mechanical removal of aquatic weeds does not involve the use of harmful chemicals or biological agents that can negatively impact the aquatic ecosystem."
"We need new ideas that how can we take care of environment and at the same time fulfilling our profit requirements."
"Together we are the seven continents; please make sure you take care of us and the Earth you represent."
"It is our moral obligation not just to take care of ourselves, but as well as our environment."
"Great once again to see the kids here in Scarlino cleaning up the beach."
"If we looked after our environment... we wouldn't have these problems."
"He genuinely cares about nature, about the planet, about what we leave to future generations."