
Economic Advice Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"When prices are rising by 84%, you need your wages to be rising by 84% just to maintain your standard of living."
"The Glory Days Are Over as the FED basically is telling us. The fed's saying look, The Glory Days Are Over, stop spending money, tighten your belt, and if you're a bad company, the market's just going to eat you up."
"Focus on what you can control, not basically what's happening in the total macro global economy."
"Liquidity is going to be more important than before."
"We can't accumulate a debt and then hope to pay it off at some later point in time."
"You gotta start growing the pie, you gotta start earning more money."
"Produce where mr equals MC get a tattoo in your arm produce mr equals MC that tells you exactly how much to produce whether your monopoly knocks competition urban competition you always produce wherever R equals MC."
"Your money doesn't have to work in the same city as you do."
"There's always the thought of, 'Oh if you don't buy Starbucks, that's how you're gonna make it.'"
"Neglect farming if you have a poor country and spend all of your money on buying weapons."
"All these people telling poor people to pick themselves up by their bootstraps are full of it."
"The US dollar for liquidity, nothing better. For preservation, gold, nothing better."
"If you want better products and better services, you need more investment in the products and services."
"Can you make money on it? Yeah, you can make money on it."
"If you get a lump sum, you're more likely to struggle through the rest of the year."
"There's so many things that are like that where it does pay so much to get the more expensive item than the well here's the thing."
"Investing a lot of money in a CPU, okay? The fastest and best CPU is not a good investment."
"If you're having to pay later for the meal you're consuming today... it's probably not a good sign."
"Be careful of financial losses; watch your spending and investments."
"Patience is going to be one of the best strategies to help out the investor in this world."
"He's essentially saying, 'Have you guys just tried not being poor yet?'"
"Stick with your savings rate and continue, if anything try to increase it."
"Gold is the best in a deflation, silver has mixed results but inflation there's nothing better than silver market right."
"If you stay bankrupt long enough, it's gonna blow up."
"Success through deleveraging, no matter what type."
"Money always goes from the financially illiterate to the financially literate."
"The market can remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent."
"You need to act fast because otherwise everybody's going to bail out."
"I think those are all sensible... your financial priorities."
"Dollar cost averaging: a strategy for investing during times like this."
"The market is always changing, and you can always be changing."
"People should start setting up industry in red states."
"Reassess your spending and financial habits."
"If inflation is high, you need wages to be higher to match that."
"The solution for inflation is not more money, it is more stuff."
"If you can't afford to buy it twice, don't buy it once."
"There are better examples to follow which will likely yield much better results for the dozens of countries around the world now going through their own periods of Rapid development."
"Have several sources of income... socialist are very good at destroying job opportunities... if you have one source of income... find other ways."
"Not the top line number, it's what you actually want to fund."
"I just want to tell the youngsters, man, stay money motivated."
"Don't sell the mats directly... turn them into something and then the return is so much bigger."
"Enjoy the highly inefficient Market while you can. This is the Once in a Lifetime Market. Don't take it for granted."
"Bet against the debt, become your own central bank."
"Build your product in America, bring your factories back to Pennsylvania where you want to be anyway."
"Borrow instead of buy for items you don't frequently need."
"Don't buy dominaria booster packs to crack for singles, just buy singles."
"The best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them."
"Now is a great time on the used market, especially."
"Popular financial advice might contain important insights that academics have been overlooking."
"If you want to make more money, give more value. If you want to achieve more respect, help more people."
"Wealth starts with knowledge." - Louis Farrakhan
"Economists actually say that spending stimulus now... is a much better use of money than not spending."
"It would be a mistake to start hiking prices on top of everything else going on."
"But I don't think this time around it's going to be that bad because homeowners have equity now."
"Recognize that probably the greatest waste of food money goes to wasted food."
"Why would you want to keep excess dollars when the US is spending like a drunken sailor?"
"Why U.S. businesses should get out of China now."
"You can vote with your wallet, so don't buy it. Don't buy the Genie Plus, don't buy the Lightning Lane."
"Cash is worthless right now, and cash is being devalued. So let's buy stocks."
"If you're not stacking cash right now, what on Earth are you doing?"
"If you aren't making as much as a UPS driver, it's simply because you aren't maximizing one or more of these three variables."
"It's like, that's the minimum wage, I like that. Yeah, that's like, that's like eight and a half dollars an hour. You can do better, man. So up your prices."
"You are going to need every penny you can get your hands on in this period to come."
"It's just like the stock market, it goes up and down, you gotta ride the waves."
"The basis though Kim doesn't have to be expensive your produce and your carbs can be simple and not expensive especially the beans and rice if you're willing to like soak them yourself incredibly cheap."
"You have to begin counting your wealth in ounces and not in dollars."
"The economy seems to be imploding, put your money somewhere that makes sense because the US dollar ain't it."
"It would make financial sense for everyone to use this new type of currency."
"Enjoy the highly inefficient Market while you can. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't take it for granted."
"Everybody act broke all 2022 and invest your money, especially into real estate."
"Money is not there just for you to exchange it for things but money should be there for you to build wealth."
"Put your money where your mouth is, you can't just continue to consume free content."
"Change if you don't like change, don't purchase a machine."
"Run with it. Don't be afraid to make money. That's when the economy is boosting, that's when we know that we're investing long term."
"This is a good deal. It's for making money, not just luxury."
"Better to stay supportive right now until at least we figure out if this inflation is indeed temporary or not..."
"If you have money you have options... make more money, make more money."
"There's gonna be volatility and peaks and valleys."
"This seems like a great deal for homeowners and a way to wean Americans off their obsession with investing in crumbling piles of wood and appliances."
"Only gold is money, everything else is credit. This is a credit crisis, people. Credit is debt. Debt or bonds, a hundred percent vulnerable, a hundred percent at risk. Never seen that before, have you?"
"The best place to be when coming into a recession is in a stable financial position."
"Your wealth is built through your financial education, not just your school education."
"Fiat currencies are not a good store of value, especially in this current environment."
"Everybody buckle up, your house might fall substantially in price."
"Don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Stick to the trend and you're gonna be okay."
"If you're going to actually place a bet on a non-sovereign store of value, the dollar is not it, the euro is not it, Bitcoin is."
"It's hard out there, but you've got to stay frugal sometimes."
"None of these charity tokens are legit. If you want to make money, develop something that people want to use. Don't try to hide behind the message."
"So you're going to get over eight percent for holding an I bond for the next year."
"Stick with the game plan. Buy low, buy the dips."
"Recurring revenue, you're untouchable." - Build recurring revenue and secure your financial future.
"Make sure you buy playmaking boost. It's gonna make your dribbling better, you're not gonna get ripped as much."
"You can make easy 100,000 coins a day by using this method."
"At a macro level, if there was just one indicator that I could know regarding the consumer, it would be real disposable household income." - Chief Economic Advisor at Goldman Sachs
"If it doesn't cost much money, it's not worth much money."
"You won't be broke if you were team vanilla, that's all I'm saying."
"Hurry, buy silver now, get out of the dollar."
"Every person in this audience under 45 years old, you better start to look for another store of value than the US dollar."
"Fortunes are made by buying low and selling too soon."
"Decoupling is possible but profoundly unadvisable."
"Cash is king right now, and even if you lose money on a real basis, cash will lose you nothing on a nominal basis."
"Never turn down a new trade route, no matter what it costs."
"Stick with the science. Keep the investment in the science."
"Remember how I said that we need to think of labor as a commodity?" - "If we want to help those who are economically vulnerable right now, then one of the best things we can do is equip them with skills to make them competitive in the job market."
"Every family in America should be buying their real estate."
"You don't need to spend a fortune to have a great gaming setup."
"Don't listen to what central Bankers say watch their hands."
"We want people to make more money over time."
"When the political order gets crazy, you know what you want to do? You're going to want to have some tangible assets." - Michael Knowles
"Why workers should contra what you might be hearing from leading politicians - why they should ask for a pay rise."
"Cash is king right now, take advantage of opportunities."
"The market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent."
"Enjoy each other's company, lose yourself in the arms of a romantic partner."
"Invest some money and get some significant return on investment."
"You can't fight the Fed, and when they're printing this much money, what you need to be doing is buying some kind of scarce asset."
"You have to restrain spending, you have to have adequate revenues, and you have to have growth."
"We need to cut spending and start living off of money instead of just credit."
"the best option right now is to raise your core X so that a GPU not only costs 250 pounds but it's also upgradable"
"You will have cash, you will have assets, you are going to have opportunity to flourish."
"No matter what, don't get caught up in panic buying. People can't just buy cards forever; there's gonna be dips."
"Just showing an attainable way to consistently make coins long-term."
"We should all be able to economize on car ownership or get rid of it all together."
"Thank you, Model 3 LFP, as the one to buy, because the $10,000 more you're going to spend for a performance, you're going to get bigger wheels which, some people are into, the styling-wise, but for 99% of people, the aero is the most efficient."
"You can get the look for Less without spending a fortune."
"The only way out of this mess is really financial education."
"We have to become the lenders not the borrowers."
"If you in at least in your household make the stock market participation rate equal to the voter participation rate..."
"Stock market participation, even if you do it poorly, is far better than just spending."
"All you guys are doing is getting minimum wage jobs. Today is not about minimum wage, it's about wealth building vehicles."
"You're not gonna make money selling their products."
"Remember these monies pay forward, they don't just pay back."
"Economic empowerment is one of the key things here that we want them to understand."
"I'm not saying go snatch up the good ones while they're cheap, but go snatch up the good ones while they're cheap."
"There's just a lot of what if's going on and this is why I believe you should be your own central bank."
"Saving $20,000 on vehicle expenses over a three-year span turned into almost $50,000."
"You don't want to be standing in the way while the market makes up its mind."
"Don't go out spending money when you know for a fact that you're not gonna make it back as fast."
"Don't chase the yield... if you see something paying a 20% dividend, be very careful... it's a falling knife... not sustainable... company is likely headed to bankruptcy."
"There's never been a better time for a young man or woman who has no skills to go and earn a living wage."
"Maximize the amount of bang you got for your buck."
"You can't tax into prosperity and you can never borrow your way out of debt."
"The more, the merrier. Start stocking up, folks, and have that silver aside because people say cash is only going to go so far when everything falls."
"The best way to bring rents down is to build more homes and make it easier for people to get on the housing ladder."
"Here's the concept I want to introduce you guys to: income shifting."
"Don't wait for somebody to come save you... create your own economy."
"Tools cost money. However, jump onto Facebook, you are more than likely going to find a bundle of tools like this for not much money to just get started."
"It's better always in terms of economic empowerment to be a big fish in a small pond than to be a little fish in a big pond."
"This is the time to make some really good money."
"Poverty exists among latter-day saints and always will exist until we obey the law of tithing." - Lorenzo Snow
"One of these opportunities, I promise you'll be making some nice gold."
"They're not building any more land, so get some."
"Chances are most of us are consumers so if you're a consumer you have a considerable amount of power to change the system you just have to change your relationship with the system so instead of being a consumer you should be a producer."
"Use that money for preparation, this is not going away."
"You can save yourself a ton of money if you start your own starts."
"Aquarius, you've got a big decision about your job but look at here, money never looked better for you."
"It's cheaper to stay home and read a book to a kid than it is to keep throwing your money away."
"Practical ways to live: you can live at your means, you can live below your means. If you try to live above your means this is how you end up."
"So, if you're simply looking for low cost of operation, definitely look at the Ioniq."
"If you're not an entrepreneur, you have an opportunity right now to get into these Investments at very, very low prices."
"Start preparing now for next time, and you will find yourself positioned to survive even the worst of economic downturns."
"A higher number on this chart is good... it means more people think that now is a good time to buy."
"If you're not making enough money and your debt costs are skyrocketing, you're going to have to make changes."
"It's hard to look at the cold hard facts that if you want to make more money, you need to increase your value."
"If you cannot afford to tip, don't order the food."
"Write books people want to pay to read, create products people want to pay to acquire."
"Money is coming with knowledge, money is in tech now."
"Focus on the blue chips or build something yourself."
"Gold on the other hand is good money and holds its value."
"You cannot fix a too much debt problem with more debt."
"Money is not crashing overnight, don't let anyone scare you."
"Live below your means until you really can afford to go out and buy something right."
"When she says buy an electric car, it's very much like when Marie Antoinette said let them eat cake."
"Bitcoin is a good store of value, especially in emerging countries." - "Even if bitcoin goes down 50 percent in one day, it's better than holding onto fiat."
"It's not about the money you make, it's about the money you save."
"Take advantage, stack a little bit where you can."
"If you do not put the money on the ground where the people are... you need to stop listening to those white media consultants."
"If you can get a hundred dollars, you can get a thousand dollars."
"If you want to make money, you give people good deals."
"Plan ahead for economic shifting or struggle towards the end of the year."
"It's not your patriotic duty to go broke and spend your stimulus check."
"At the end of the day, we gotta support local businesses."
"Short-term gain actually leads to long-term pain."
"You've got to have low levels of private debt... to rebuild the manufacturing sector."
"Raising interest rates and restricting liquidity into a slowing economy has never been a good idea historically."
"For heaven's sake, keep your economy as domestic as possible." - John Maynard Keynes on economic globalization.
"To stop inflation, you have to have the government spend less and print less. That's the one and only cure."
"If everyone just spent all of their savings we would be fine."
"If you're rich, yes. If you're normal, this is the worst idea. Do not buy one."
"The key to the next five to seven years... is to manage risks in a very attentive way."
"Being in debt is really not a bad thing if you're using your debt for leverage to make yourself richer."
"Whatever you buy today is always going to be cheaper than tomorrow."
"It's affecting your investments as well just having that broader awareness is really useful."
"Follow the developers, follow the money, two most important things."
"Assets are good like salt like gold or silver metals are gonna be good to hold on to right even if there is manipulation going on the market."
"Don't let anything stop you from engaging in covenant practice; it's the only way out of harsh economic climate."
"If market structure says market go up, then don't try and fight it."
"The variable rates have to go down in order to stimulate the economy."
"For the private sector to grow, it needs low costs of production."
"Always follow the money, and it'll tell you whether the transaction counts as a positive or negative towards a country's trade balance."
"I mean, you could double your money, you know, like about 50 and a buck 50 investment, which is not bad."