
Personal Mantra Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"I will not quit because quitting is not in my nature."
"You're always enough; keep that as your mantra this month."
"The mantra is the most important thing; it's starting, it's not quitting. You need to start a new life while you still can."
"The only person that you have to impress is yourself." - Stylish Wishes
"Every single time I was going... I never give up."
"If you're not going to be there at my worst, you do not deserve me at my best."
"Works out, it always works out." - resonated with me so much.
"A good thing is never good enough, constant upgrades, that's what I always say." - Toy Man
"I don't get ready, I stay ready. I don't get gorgeous, I stay gorgeous."
"This exercise of telling myself that I shall prevail, and this single-handedly, this statement has changed my life."
"Encourage the positive, silence the negative."
"We stay calm, we stay cool, we stay collected."
"Never letting fear win is something that will stay with me forever."
"Live your truth." - Doctor mentioned in the video
"My mantra has just to be like be in the heart."
"The last thing, make sure you do you. Stay hard."
"I'm determined I'm going to live the [__] out of this life."
"It's long been a mantra of mine to just keep making stuff and I get bored if I'm sitting still."
"Failure was just not an option, there was no no for me."
"My favorite quote that I ever heard was, 'I actually have it on that board right there: Don't tell people your plans, show them your results.'"
"Avoidance, shielding, editing, and a mantra: 'I put down the phone, I turned down the radio, and I looked at the speedometer.'"
"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."
"When you remind yourself you don't have to be desperate because desperation leads to fear, fear leads to suffering."
"Just let it go, like the cold never bothered you anyway."
"You are a tenner all [expletive] times, bro. All times. This is your mantra, my darlings."
"I'm gonna live my life as if it's the only one I'm gonna have."
"I am free from all negativity, I am free from all negative energy."
"Set your expectations so low that you will never ever ever be disappointed."
"Just give us something please... what I do is I just tell myself how much I love life and then I'm like god I love life."
"Not by might nor by power but by my spirit. Let God be you."
"Always say believe you're the best before anybody else does yeah I like that."
"What is a kind thing you're going to start the next 72 hours off saying as a mantra to yourself?"
"The more you learn the more you earn here Capricorn... I think this should be your mantra for the rest of your life until you're dead."
"Do what works for you. Be you. Stay true. Be Shameless."
"Fear is false evidence appearing real, but it doesn't mean it is real."
"Never Say Never: the mantra that propelled Bieber to success."
"My favorite inspirational quote by me: 'The worst thing you can do is focus on negativity.'"
"If you can't love yourself how the hell you're gonna love somebody else"
"I do not fear, I do not worry, affirm yourself when you do it."
"Be unstoppable. Cannot be stopped, be unstoppable."
"My health is my wealth, so can't nobody cancel that."
"Remember folks, no matter what you do, tell liv, thrive, and survive."
"And remember, no matter what you do, tell liv, thrive, and survive."
"Be flexible, remind yourself 'this or something better manifests for me now.'"
"Forgiveness and gratitude, forgiveness and gratitude, it's all I need."
"No obstacles will stop you now, go ahead and write that down no obstacles will stop me now."
"The only advice every time it doesn't matter what your problem is, I need a button with Kelly Clarkson's voice just saying 'Forget it, Kelly, you are.'"
"I just keep telling myself it's just a fight, man."
"I'm vengeance. I'm gonna be saying that every day to everything."
"If they can't handle me at my worst they don't deserve me at my best."
"Find your way tattooed on me because i think that is my favorite quote of the week."
"Girl, come on, you better celebrate your baby."
"Finish every project you start, that's been my mantra all month. Finish what you start."
"Remember: 'I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.' These four statements said repetitively will change your energetic field."
"Beauty reinforcement is self-care. Repeat after me, it's self-care."
"Yes I can, yes I can, come on, say it! Yes you can!"
"Say that you're no longer going to accept the life that's less than magical and miraculous."
"Love that's right, I repeat that to myself. The word 'loved'."
"In Heaven and Earth, across the seas, into the Wilderness, only I am unbeatable."
"Blood, sweat, respect - that's the OG right there."
"Pain, problems, and pressure. The three key words you should have them tattooed on your forehead so that you don't forget them."
"Expect the unexpected. Expect benevolent outcome because that's who I am."
"Recognize when someone disqualifies themselves."
"I can do this. I just need to chill out."
"Keep sweet was Rulon Jeffs' favorite phrase."
"Be unapologetically you and don't ever stop doing what you're doing."
"Keep going, no matter what. Everything always works out for me."
"Haters gonna hate, fact of life. You do you, my friend."
"I always tell myself, 'I'm the coolest person they'll ever meet.' They just didn't know yet."
"Always set my default position as to be kind."
"Love yours love yourz like that's a great ending love yours."
"You are more than enough and you need to claim that for the whole world to know. This is your relationship with yourself."
"That quitter mentality is just really not my thing. You know, I have this slogan that I follow in my stream, it's 'Never surrender, never give up'."
"Outlast the capitalist death cult... that's my thing so I liked it."
"Come up with either a mantra or come up with a word that you're going to use in order to bring you back to the kind of thinking that you want to do."
"Manifestation is key. I'm gonna beat this, man, like my boy Shawn Raider."
"Positivity is always going to outweigh the negativity."
"Follow your bliss, keep it clean tank, and I'll see you next week. Bye bye."
"Follow your heart because that is where it's at."
"Honesty, honesty, honesty, honesty, honesty."
"If you tell yourself that, yes, if you believe that, then that's how it's going to go."
"That's honestly like what I've always told myself, if something happens just keep moving forward."
"Always remember at the end of the day to stay true to who you are."
"I think peace might be my word for this season."
"Self-respect is everything." - "Self-respect is everything."
"Be you, do you, and life will shape itself around you."
"I'm not trying to fight with everybody all the time."
"Eyes open, no fear is basically mine... Once you wake up, you're up. You're keeping your eyes on everything."
"I say when something bad happens to me, I say 'I don't know how but this is gonna work out for me.'"
"But since you told me, when we talked, the seven-word mantra, 'but it didn't want to hurt me,' I say that out loud. Even I say it in my mind, and I say it out loud, that helps a lot."
"Believing in yourself and never giving up on yourself at all."
"Be happy, be free, be kind, and be safe."
"People say to me, 'Craig, why do you always say that?' Because it's true."
"Love myself and love those around me."
"You need to know that you're enough. A mantra that has now ingrained itself so deeply within me that not a day goes by without hearing it chime in my head."
"Strong body, strong mind is strong."
"Love yourself more than anything, that's what really matters."
"I don't want to be here just for a good time, I want to be here for a long time."
"It's a comment that still is with me to this day and is kind of like an unofficial mantra for me."
"It's the rhythm of a life here in the moment, so let's own it."
"Work is the best antidote for worry," she thought.
"Whatever makes you happy, that's what I say."
"Love is my reality, faith is my reality, hope is my reality."
"Live your life, and I absolutely 100% agree with that mantra."
"I'm living a life, I'm not just surviving."
"One thing that I did want to talk about is my word of the year... and it is peace."
"I'm all about positive vibes, that's my thing."
"Find the good everyday, Spence, that's what we try to do, don't we?"
"It's much easier to forgive the self by far, and what do I always say? Everything begins with the self."
"Life is such a [__] roller coaster then it drops, but what should I scream for? This is my theme park."
"I always say you have to be nice to people."
"Love yourself, because you're the only person you're stuck with for the rest of your life."
"You got to love yourself before you can love anyone else."
"I'm able to relax, relate, and release."
"I gotta go back to my 3 C's: cool, calm, and collective."
"The three F's: Faith, Family, Football, in that order."
"The key is really relaxation for me."
"I personally call my budget my plan to greatness."
"You can never have too much color in your life."
"My philosophy is what you give is what you get. Give your life to the sport."
"You know what this is right here? Family first, you hear me?"
"Love Yourself, so LYS stands for Love Yourself."
"Fear no evil, she whispered just for me, feel no pain."
"Joy is kind of my word of the year."
"I always try to be as positive as possible."
"Love don't love nobody; you got to love yourself."
"Laughter is something that I go for."
"Creativity rules everything around my heart."
"Love yourself first because if you don't love yourself, nobody else will."
"It's all about self-love, and I love myself."
"Trust your heart. That's what I always say."
"My mantra is if you don't need it, don't buy it."
"We're just trying to live our best life."
"I'm trying to stay in positive vibes, bro."
"That's my mantra. I'm here to help people."
"Understand that, commit that to memory, and find your cup of tea."
"Follow your bliss, that's what it is."
"I've always said to myself, if I could just provide as much value as possible, amazing things are going to happen."
"They have to believe in themselves, that is how things have to be."
"Love yourself. There's no other way. You can't love anyone else until you fully love yourself."
"I just wrote my word of the year which is 'free'."
"Remember, be vintage or tacky, just your own kind of beautiful."
"You gotta live for you, okay, live for you boo."